Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 212 Notes

-Today we look at the January 25, 1993 episode of Monday Night Raw.
-WWF Raw was shown on the USA network on January 25, 1993. It was recorded January 18, 1993 from the Manhattan Center in New York City.
-Sean Mooney is outside. The Repo Man comes up and Mooney tells him he is a little late. Repo Man has Randy Savage's hat he took the previous week. He says he's going to repo Randy Savage's career.
-Opening credits.
-Vince McMahon, Rob Bartlett, and Bobby Heenan run down what we are going to see tonight, including the Loser must leave the WWF match.
-The Repo Man vs. Randy Savage: Savage waits for Repo Man to get in the ring before he attacks him. He brings Repo Man to the outside and gets him down before throwing him back in. He drops a knee on Repo Man from the second rope. Repo Man throws Savage out, but he comes back in and hits a knee to Repo Man to knock Repo Man out of the ring. Repo Man goes to leave, but Savage grabs him and brings him back into the ring. He chokes Repo Man and it goes back outside. Repo Man throws Savage into the ring steps and the corner post. He throws Savage back in the ring. Repo Man with a guillotine rear chin lock. Savage trying to get out of the hold. He does and it goes back and forth. Repo Man with a snap mare and a leg drop for a two count. Repo Man with a leg vice. He follows it up with a clothesline. He then chokes Savage on the top rope and hits a side suplex. He gets another two count. Repo Man with a backbreaker. Savage comes back. He hits the flying elbow to get the pin.
-WrestleMania ad.
-Kamala with the Reverend Slick vs. The Brooklyn Brawler: Brawler attacks Kamala right away, but can't get Kamala down. Kamala with a chop and a slam to Brawler. Another chop, an Irish whip, and a kick to Brawler by Kamala. He chokes Brawler on the top rope for a four count. Another kick by Kamala. This match is all Kamala. Kamala with a corner whip and a splash to get the pin.
-Vince McMahon interviews Slick and Kamala.
-Royal Rumble report. Mean Gene Okerlund recaps what happened at the Rumble.
-Loser leaves the WWF. Ric Flair vs. Mr. Perfect: Bobby Heenan greets Flair when he comes to the ring. Perfect gets a great reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and they circle each other. They are being cautious. They slap each other. They lock up. Flair with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off. Flair with a shoulder block. Perfect with a drop toe hold. Back and forth. Perfect slaps Flair down. Flair rolls outside and confers with Heenan. Flair gets back in the ring. He gets a hammerlock. Perfect reverses it. Flair chopping Perfect in the corner. They chop each other and Flair does the Flair flop, so TASIYDAH. Bartlett says what was that and I laughed. They are being cautious. They circle each other again. Flair goes back to chopping Perfect in the corner. Perfect coming back with shots. Flair with a thumb to the eye. He throws Perfect out and goes to hit him with a chair, but the referee stops him before he can use it. They come back from a commercial break and Perfect is trying to get Flair down in the ring and Flair is fighting it. Flair with a corner whip and Perfect falls to the outside. The referee comes out to check on Perfect. He gets Perfect back in and Perfect is busted open. Flair going after Perfect. They trade shots in the center of the ring. Perfect gets a two count. They each go for backslides. Perfect wins and gets a two count. Flair begging off. Perfect with corner mounted punches. Flair with a roll up for a two count. Flair goes back outside. Perfect suplexes Flair in from the apron and gets a two count. Flair gets a sleeper on Perfect. The hand doesn't fall a third time though. Perfect runs Flair into the corner. Perfect gets a two count. Flair kicking out. Perfect with a sleeper. Flair with a suplex to Perfect to break the hold. Flair gets the figure four on. Flair using the ropes for leverage. Perfect trying not to get pinned or submit. Flair caught using the rope and breaks. Flair goes after Perfect's knee. Flair goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off, so TASIYDAH. Both men spent. Flair pulls something out of his knee pad and hits Perfect. He covers Perfect, but the foot is on the ropes. Flair punching Perfect. Flair chopping Perfect in the corner. Perfect coming back. He gets a corner whip and a backdrop. Perfect knocks Flair down. Flair goes up top, but Perfect hits him as Flair comes off. Flair covers Perfect with his feet on the ropes, but gets caught. Flair with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Perfect gets the Perfectplex on to get the pin. So long, Ric. The crowd goes crazy and Heenan loses it. He throws his headset down. Flair and Heenan walk to the back.
-WWF Mania Ad. Then they preview next week's show before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: A great show. Flair is bound for WCW.