Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 58 Notes

-It’s our 1 year anniversary. Again in the middle of birthday week.
-My lifestyle change is moving right along. I was helped by the Burger King down the street going out of business.
-It’s 2021 and the world has gone crazy but that’s no reason for us to go crazy, so I’m starting to do more of the things that I enjoy.
I’m going back and reading old comic books that I enjoy from the beginning. I’m a Marvel guy.
I’m also enjoying TV shows and movies I loved as a kid. My wife says we are running out of space.
-Today we look at the Clash of the Champions from February 1990.
-Clash of the Champions X: Texas Shootout took place on February 6, 1990 from the Memorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi, Texas. There were 3,000 people in attendance and the show did a 4.5 rating on TBS.
-Opening Credits of a Wild West shooting gallery.
-Jim Ross and Jim Cornette welcome us to Texas. They run down some of what we are going to see tonight before throwing it to Terry Funk at ringside. He’s going to have the Horsemen on Funk’s Grill tonight. He then throws it to Gordon Solie. Gordon highlights some matches of note before bringing in the Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They talk about The Skyscrapers who they face tonight.
-The Samoan Savage with Sir Oliver Humperdink VS. Steve Williams: Williams comes charging out of an ambulance. They show him working on a wrestler. Dude, you aren’t a real doctor! That was hokey. Williams with an early advantage. Samoan Savage comes back. Woman comes to ringside and sits down. Williams fights back. He won’t go down. Cornette makes a lot of inappropriate immigrant comments. Samoan Savage misses a top rope splash. Williams wins with a back slide.
-Wrestlewar ’90 promo and rap. I’m so embarrassed watching this thing.
-Terry Funk brings out the Horsemen to interview. They kick Sting out because he signed the contract to wrestle Flair. They say Sting has two hours to pull out of the match or they will take him out. He says no so they rough him up.
-The MOD Squad VS. Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk: Cornette and Ross argue over the Sting situation. Girls are into Pillman and Zenk. Pillman does a nice double flying clothesline. MOD Squad comes back. Can’t get the pin though. Pillman and Zenk win after a crossbody.
-Cactus Jack Manson VS. Mil Mascaras: Welcome to the big time, Mick Foley! He’s making Mascaras look good and Cornette and Ross are putting over Cactus Jack big time! Cactus takes a huge bump from the apron to the floor. It’s the famous Nestea plunge bump that he talks about in his first book. Announcers sell it big time. Mascaras wins after a high crossbody, but the story of the match is Cactus Jack.
-Missy Hyatt announces that she’s Jim Ross’ new cohost on Main Event.
-Cactus Jack goes after the band that they have playing live and the drummer takes him down in a planned spot.
-Gordon Solie interviews Norman the Lunatic about his Falls Count Anywhere match with Kevin Sullivan. Norman is Norman here. He says he’s going to get the rat Sullivan tonight.
-Kevin Sullivan VS. Norman: Falls count anywhere. For some reason, they show a video of Norman at the Zoo. Jim Cornette says Norman is a child molester. WHAT?!?!?!?! This is a straight up brawl Sullivan hits a dropkick. Norman powers out of moves. Sullivan just batters Norman all match. They fight up the aisle. They fight to the back. Gordon Solie picks up the call as they fight into the Ladies bathroom. A woman comes running out. Then you hear thumping, but don’t see inside. Sullivan comes stumbling out. Norman comes out with a roll of toilet paper and a toilet lid. Referee Nick Patrick declares him the winner. Say what? Just dumb.
-Terry Funk brings out Lex Luger. He says he should be the number one contender to Flair’s title and Sting should be happy where he is. He says he respects Flair. Luger is effective as a heel here. He does say allocades here so one ding for that. Funk has to cut him off to go to a commercial.
-The New Skyscrapers Dan Spivey and Mark Callous with Teddy Long VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Welcome to the big time, Mark Calloway! You have quite a year coming up. They show a video of the Road Warriors beating up a defenseless car. Both teams do some no sell moves. Ross talks about Spivey’s football career If You’re Drinking At Home. Three of the four participants would be in the WWF by the end of the year. Hawk takes a big bump into the corner post. JR puts over Roos as a sponsor constantly. Callous walks the ropes. He gets caught by Hawk the second time that he does it. Animal cleans house. The Road Warriors hit the Doomsday Device on Spivey, but Callous hits Animal with a chair and rolls Spivey onto him. The referee gets knocked down. Ellering attacks Long. They piledrive Hawk. They bend the chair hitting both Animal and Hawk and then leave.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons: Masks VS. Titles: The graphic says Woman is with Doom, but she is not there. JR talks about the rumor that Doom’s identity is the worst secret of the year is the understatement of the year. The ring is wired for sound weirdly so the ropes crackle every time they are hit. Scott hits a big power slam. Back and forth. Rick hits a belly to belly. Doom comes back and takes it outside. Simmons beats on Scott. Scott hits a Frankensteiner on Reed. Rick is tagged in and he is hitting everything moving. He rips Reed’s mask off. Rick puts Reed’s mask on and rolls him up to win. They force Simmons to take his mask off.
-Ross and Cornette talk about the Sting situation. They flashback to earlier when Sting was kicked out of the Horsemen.
-Gordon Solie interviews the Horsemen. They say Sting has made a huge mistake not to drop out of the match coming up at Wrestlewar.
-Another silly Wrestlewar ’90 ad.
-Buzz Sawyer, The Great Muta, and The Dragon Master VS. Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Ole Anderson: Cage Match. Giant WE WANT STING chant goes out. Sawyer takes a big bump off of the cage. Horsemen are getting booed. Flair opens up the chop house. Horsemen making quick tags. Muta comes in and the crowd goes crazy. Sting comes to ringside and tries to get into the cage. Security and backstage personnel try to pull him off. They pull him to the back and the crowd is still yelling we want Sting. Sawyer continues to bump around the cage. Sting runs back and tries again to climb the cage and when they pull him off you can tell that he has hurt his leg. Sawyer climbs to the top of the cage, but misses a splash. All 6 men battle in the ring. Arn hits the DDT on the Dragon Master to win. Flair comes and jumps on Sting but you can see they try to tell Flair about the injury. They pull them apart as the credits roll and they sign off from Corpus Christi.