Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 59 Notes

-WWE Network on Peacock News.
-Today we look at The Main Event III from the WWF from February 1990.
-The Main Event III was shown live on NBC on February 23, 1990 from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan.
-Randy Savage says he has a powerful right hand for Hulk Hogan and new boxing champion and special guest referee Buster Douglas better stay in line.
-Jack Tunney is with Buster Douglas, who’s going to be the outside ref. One of his entourage says like Tokyo, Douglas is ready and to call it down the middle.
-Hulk Hogan says with the combination of Randy Savage, Buster Douglas, and Hulk Hogan, somethings going to explode!
-Opening Credits
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Detroit. They run down the card and talk up Buster Douglas after Mike Tyson pulls out of being the referee.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Randy Savage and Queen Sherri. Savage is glad Douglas is the referee because he found out that Mike Tyson’s grandmother is a Hulkamaniac. They say Douglas better call it down the middle.
-Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan. He says that he heard that he and Buster Douglas are a lot alike, but he better call it down the middle.
-Mean Gene then interviews Buster Douglas. He throws shade at Mike Tyson for backing out. He’s going to call it down the middle.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Hulk Hogan VS. Randy Savage with Queen Sherri. Buster Douglas is the special outside referee. Savage controls the match early. Sherri accidently knocked out by Savage. Hogan takes control. Sherri recovers and interferes frequently in the match. Sherri chokes Hogan, so Douglas throws her out. Savage working overtime, but can’t get the pin. Hogan kicks out of the flying elbow. Hogan Hulks Up! Hogan hits the leg drop, but the referee was knocked out, so Douglas comes in and counts the pin on Savage. Savage is irate. He gets into Douglas’s face. Savage taunts Douglas. He then slaps Douglas. Hogan pushes Savage into Douglas who punches him twice and Savage goes down. Douglas and Hogan smile and shake hands and play up to the crowd. Jesse is irate and Jesse is right.
-The Ultimate Warrior rambles about the Solar System.
-Back in the ring, Hogan Must Pose!
-Jesse interviews Dino Bravo, Jimmy Hart, and Earthquake. The bench press record is brought up IYDAH. Bravo says it takes brains to win the Intercontinental Title.
-Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He talks about not needing insurance of any kind. It makes sense if you watch it.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake. Warrior batters Bravo from the start. Earthquake interferes and Bravo takes over. Warrior regains control Warrior goes under the ring. Hart is pulled under the ring as well. He comes out pants less and Warrior throws him on Earthquake. Back and forth. Warrior kicks out of Bravo’s side suplex. Warrior then wins after a shoulder tackle and splash. Earthquake attacks after the bell. He and Bravo batter Warrior. Warrior fights back. Hogan comes to the rescue. The heels then retreat. Hogan and Warrior argue. They push officials away who try to break it up.
-Vince McMahon narrates the flashback of the history between Hogan and Warrior.
-Vince McMahon then interviews Hulk Hogan. He talks about feeling the powerful force of The Ultimate Warrior. He said he was not trying to steal the spotlight from Warrior.
-Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He said that this has all been foretold. He stands by himself. He questions if Hulk Hogan has what it takes to take him on.
-Jesse says Hogan is jealous of Warrior.
-Mean Gene talks to Buster Douglas. He says he and Hulk Hogan are going out to drink. Drink Milk that is.
-Vince and Jesse talk about WrestleMania and the next SNME before signing off from Detroit.