Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 60 Notes

-Today we look at WrestleWar ’90: Wild Thing from the NWA and WCW.
-WrestleWar ’90: Wild Thing was broadcast on PPV on February 25, 1990 from the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. There were 7,894 in attendance.
-My God, they start with the rap. They must have pre-paid for it.
-Jim Ross and Terry Funk welcome us to WrestleWar’90. They say that Dan Spivey is injured and will not wrestle. This is a cover up as Spivey had actually quit the NWA shortly before. They quickly run down the championship matches before throwing it to Gordon Solie.
-Solie talks to Teddy Long. He says he has a replacement for Dan Spivey that he will unveil tonight.
-Kevin Sullivan and Buzz Sawyer VS. The Dynamic Dudes Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace. Last time ever tagging for the Dudes. Ross talks about Buzz Sawyer’s High School Athletic career If You’re Drinking At Home. Douglas is chopped hard by Sullivan. Sullivan and Sawyer have a slight disagreement and slap each other. Sawyer hits the corner post hard. Ross then talks about Roos being a sponsor If You’re Drinking At Home. Douglas taken outside and injured. Sawyer hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Douglas thrown over the top rope. Sawyer wins after a top rope splash.
-Missy Hyatt talks to Norman. He cons her out of a kiss and a hug.
-Cactus Jack Manson VS. Norman the Lunatic: Norman gets a good reaction coming out. Funk says he has the head of a buffalo and the body of Roseanne. Ouch. Cactus Jack attacks right away. Cactus Jack takes a big bump for Norman. He bumps again over the corner post. It goes outside and Cactus Jack bumps over the guardrail. Both Ross and Funk put over Cactus Jack hard. Norman wins after falling straight down after Cactus Jack tries a sunset flip.
-Gordon Solie talks to Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express. He says that some things never change. Tonight, The Midnight Express will prevail over The Rock & Roll Express.
-The Rock & Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Funk starts singing rock lyrics early. These two teams have wrestled each other hundreds of times. RNR with the early advantage. Cornette gets into it with referee Nick Patrick. Slow to start. Morton goes after Cornette after he cheats. RNR dominating the match. Morton and Eaton take a big over the top rope bump. MX take over. MX double team to perfection. Morton plays the face in peril like no one else. Gibson finally tagged in. Cornette whacks him with the racket but it only gets a two count. Gibson wins with a cradle.
-Gordon Solie talks to The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. They say they don’t underestimate anyone.
-Chicago Street fight: The Skyscrapers: Masked Skyscraper and Mark Callous with Teddy Long VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering: Masked Skyscraper is actually Mike Enos, who is ½ of the AWA Tag Team Champions at the time with Wayne Bloom. WCW hired two guys to drive The Road Warriors 10 feet on their Harleys. SMH. Ellering challenges Long, who accepts and gets pushed out of the ring. Just a big brawl. Doom come down dressed in tuxedos and stand beside Long. Hawk hits a big clothesline off the apron on Callous. They then hit the Doomsday Device on Masked Skyscraper to win. They pull Long into the ring and then thrown him on Doom who catch him. Doom climbs in and go at it with The Road Warriors.
-Jim Ross and Terry Funk reset at the halfway point. Every match from here on is a title match.
-United States Tag Team Championship Match: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: Faces with the early advantage. Ross has to bring up Pillman’s football background If You’re Drinking At Home. Freebirds bumping hard for both faces. Hayes gets Pillman in a sleeper. Pillman almost gets a pin off of a roll through. Garvin hits Zenk with a shot as Zenk had Hayes in a sleeper. Freebirds in control. Faces come back. Hayes wears down Zenk with a sleeper. Lots of sleepers in this match. Zenk hits a DDT and tags Pillman in. Garvin holds Zenk for Hayes to hit with a belt, but Hayes gets caught by the ref so Garvin shoves Zenk into a cameraman. Pillman hits Garvin with a crossbody to win.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Ole and Arn Anderson: All four brawl to start. The Steiners stick to wrestling after things settle down. The Andersons are frustrated. Ross Brings up Rick Steiner’s college credentials as you enter Alcohol Blackout Status. The Andersons finally get the advantage. Scott gets Arn in a figure four. He then hits a big suplex on Ole. They fight outside. The Anderson’s are going after the injured arm of Scott. Scott does manage to get the Frankensteiner on Arn, but is injured bad. Ole and Rick both finally tagged in. Rick hits Steinerlines on both Andersons. He pins Ole with a small package. The Andersons attack Scott Steiner after the bell.
-Gordon Solie talks to Lex Luger. He’s ready for Ric Flair and ready to be champion.
-Jim Ross and Terry Funk talk about the Main Event.
-Gordon Solie talks to Ric Flair and Woman. He says he’s been the King of the Sport for 10 years and fears no man.
-Gary Michael Cappetta introduces Sting, who comes out on crutches to be the official observer to the match.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with Woman VS. Lex Luger: Ross and Funk set the pace for how important this match is. It’s Ric Flair’s birthday. Lugar Chant goes out to begin. They do some wrestling and power holds to start. Ross brings up Luger’s football career If You’re Drinking At Home. Flair gets hit and takes a powder, but Luger follows him and brings him back. Luger can’t get a pinning predicament. Flair’s plane crash is then brought up If You’re Drinking At Home. Flair works in the Flair Flop. Luger misses a clothesline. Flair takes over and opens up the chop house. Then Luger fights back. Flair uses the ropes for leverage. The announcers talk about Flair getting desperate. Woman interferes for Flair. Luger gets a second wind. Crowd really gets into it. Luger gets a sleeper on. Flair gets to the ropes. Luger hits a big powerslam and was close to a three count. Flair rolls out. Back in, Luger gets a backslide for two. Flair hits a move from the top rope. He does it again. Flair gets a sleeper on. Luger powers out. He will not stay down. Flair works on Luger’s leg. Flair gets the figure four on. Sting makes his way to ringside on crutches. Luger gets to the ropes. Sting tries to motivate Luger. Flair retreats from Luger. Luger is a man possessed. Big powerslam. Woman interferes. Flair attacks. The referee gets knocked down. Flair gets caught coming off. Luger hits a superplex. The Andersons hit the ring. Luger takes them out. Luger puts Flair into the torture rack. The Andersons grab Sting. Luger comes to Sting’s aid. The referee counts him out. The Andersons and Flair attack Luger. The Steiners come to the rescue.
-Ross and Funk talk about the match. The credits then roll as they sign off from Greensboro.