Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 61 Notes

-Today we look at WrestleMania 6 from the WWF, WrestleMania 6: The Ultimate Challenge was shown on PPV on April 1st, 1990 from the Skydome in Toronto, Canada. There were 67,678 fans in attendance.
-Opening credits of Vince McMahon narrating an animation of constellations and talking about Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior being the two most powerful forces, its title for title champion Versus Champion.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to what would be their final WrestleMania together. Jesse says he's fired up for WrestleMania. Robert Goulet sings Oh Canada. He does a good job.
-Koko B Ware with Frankie VS. Rick Martel: We find out early that Gorilla doesn’t know who Axl Rose is. Martel sprays arrogance as he comes out. Koko has a short haircut for this one. Koko on fire early. Martel comes back. Martel gets the Boston Crab on, but Koko breaks it. Martel and Koko botch a spot. Koko misses a crossbody and Martel puts the crab on again to win.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Colossal Connection and Bobby Heenan. Gene calls them the Colostomy Connection and Heenan goes off on him. They say they’re going to eliminate Demolition.
-Sean Mooney interviews Demolition. They say they’re going to cut The Colossal Connection down and then smash them.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: The Colossal Connection Andre the Giant and Haku with Bobby Heenan VS. Demolition Ax and Smash: Final WrestleMania appearance for the classic combination of Demolition. They’re really over with this crowd. The Colossal Connection strikes right away. Then Demolition comes back as a Weasel Chant breaks out. Andre breaks up some trouble for Haku. Heenan slaps Ax. Haku then has a nerve hold on Ax. The Colossal Connection is cheating well. Ax comes back. Smash tagged in and the crowd goes crazy for it. Andre holds Smash for Haku. Smash ducks and Haku’s kick hits Andre who then does his ropes tied up spot. Demolition decapitation on Haku for the pin. New Tag Team Champions! Heenan is beside himself. He’s going off on Andre and slaps him. Andre then grabs Heenan and roughs him up and throws him out. Haku then attacks Andre and he also gets it. Andre then clears the WrestleMania Cart and he leaves. He gets a tremendous ovation on the way out.
-Mean Gene interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They say that Hercules will tremble from the tremors of the Earthquake.
-Hercules VS. Earthquake with Jimmy Hart: Hercules does some stick and move to begin. Back and forth. Earthquake won’t go down. Hercules goes for the backbreaker, but can’t get Earthquake up. Hercules goes down and Earthquake wins after a splash. He then hits the aftershock.
-Rona Barrett interviews Miss Elizabeth. She asks Liz where she has been Liz says she feels like she hasn’t help enough when she’s been at ringside in the past. She then says she’s been thinking about coming to ringside again.
-Sean Mooney then interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says Mr. Perfect’s perfect record is going to be severed.
-Mr. Perfect with The Genius VS. Brutus Beefcake: Jesse says he has Paul Newman’s eyes, Kirk Douglas’s chin and Robert Duvall’s haircut. Gorilla asked what does he have of his own and Jesse has no response to that. Beefcake gets a good response from the crowd. Jesse sends out his usual greeting to his family in Minnesota. Perfect gets knocked all around the ring and he’s bumping like crazy. Beefcake is working on Perfect, but Perfect grabs Genius’s scroll and nails Beefcake with it. Gorilla and Jesse talk about the pendulum swinging and Gorilla isn’t good at math as Jesse has to explain 360 degrees to him. Perfect in control. Beefcake hits a slingshot and Perfect hits the corner post. Beefcake pins him. This is Perfect’s first televised loss. The Genius goes to take the clippers, but gets caught. Perfect then leaves The Genius behind. Genius put to sleep and gets some of his hair cut.
-Flashback to the bad blood that has come between Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown.
-Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper. I can’t sugarcoat this at all. He’s painted half of his body black. It’s not right now and it wasn’t right then. I’m a Roddy Piper fan, but I can’t defend him or his actions here. It’s an idea that should have been vetoed. He talks about Bad News Brown and says that he has a big mouth and that Roddy is going to shut it.
-Bad News Brown VS. Roddy Piper: Piper does get a great response from the crowd. Jesse says he has to pull for Piper because they did the Tag Team Pilot together. A Roddy chant goes out. The crowd is crazy for Piper. They just start brawling. Referee Danny Davis tries to separate them and screams for them to separate. Brown with the advantage. The Roddy chant continues to go out. Piper does his classic eye poke. Brown goes for Piper’s eye and removes the corner turnbuckle pad. He goes to ram Piper into it. Piper reverses it and Brown gets shoved into the corner. Piper brings out a Michael Jackson glove and puts it on. He keeps hitting Brown with it and knocks him outside. They brawl outside and get counted out. They then brawl to the back.
-Steve Allen is in the shower area with a piano so he can do the Soviet national Anthem with the Bolsheviks. Totally a comedy spot.
-The Hart Foundation Jim Neidhart and Bret Hart VS. The Bolsheviks Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov: Volkoff and Zhukov try to sing the Soviet National Anthem. The Hart Foundation attack them. They hit the Hart Attack on Zhukov and pin him.
-WrestleMania 7 promo.
-Gorilla and Jesse then talk about WrestleMania 7. But a lot of things are going to change in a year.
-The Barbarian with Bobby Heenan VS. Tito Santana: Other podcasts have talked about this and what is the meaning behind it? And it's sort of become an Internet sensation. But Gorilla says spend a lot of money twice in a row here.
-Mean Gene interviews Tito Santana. He says he will keep his eye on the Barbarian and Bobby Heenan. Jesse makes his usual stereotypical remarks about Santana's culture. Santana has early advantage. Heenan puts Barbarian’s leg on the ropes to avoid getting pinned at one point. Barbarian hits a top rope clothesline for the win.
-Flashback to what’s led up to the big mixed tag match.
-Sean Mooney interviews Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire. They say they have the crown jewel for the upcoming match.
-Randy Savage and Queen Sherri VS. Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire: Jesse says they said with the combined weight of 465, you’re telling me that Rhodes only weighs 200 pounds? When Rhodes gets to the ring, he announces the crown jewel is Miss Elizabeth. The crowd goes wild with the announcement. The faces control early. Sapphire is clearly not a wrestler, but Sherri takes good care of her. This is a comedy spot match, but the crowd loves it. Gorilla and Jesse get into it over Sherri cheating and Jesse has some very valid points. Heels try for some pins, but can’t get the three count. Sherri goes out, but Liz throws her back in and the crowd just eats it up. Sherri comes back over to Liz, and Liz pushes her back into Sapphire, who school boys her for the pin. Rhodes, Sapphire, and Liz dance afterwards.
-Another WrestleMania 7 promo.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan. He goes off on Andre the Giant. He then states that he is starting a new family.
-Gorilla and Jesse are with Rona Barrett. She says she has a piece of film on Jesse of the X rated kind, not realizing that this is a family show. Jesse then throws it to Sean Mooney, who is with Randy Savage and Sherri. They say that they will never be embarrassed again and that it’s not over with Rhodes and Sapphire.
-Mean Gene brings in new tag team champions, Demolition. They say that this win is so sweet. Then they say they will take on The Hart Foundation who have challenged them.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. All right, now I have got to do the next two interviews verbatim here.
-Hulk Hogan’s Interview.
-The Ultimate Warrior’s interview with Sean Mooney.
-I have no idea what he is talking about.
-The Orient Express Sato and Tanaka with Mr. Fuji VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Mary Jannetty: A nice quick paced match. Jannetty goes flying out of the ring after Sato pulls the rope down. Back and forth match. Orient Express can’t get the pin. Gorilla says that The Rockers were lethargic at the beginning of the match. That means they partied too hard the previous night. Fuji goes after Jannetty who follows him with the cane. Sato hits him with salt to the face. He walks into the railing and falls over into the crowd. The Orient Express wins by count out.
-Steve Allen goes to interview Rhythm & Blues. Honky Tonk Man says their new song is going to be hot.
-Dino Bravo with Jimmy Hart and Earthquake VS. Jim Duggan. Duggan brings an American flag ringside in Canada. They bring up Bravo’s bench press record IYDAH. Duggan with the upper hand until Bravo comes back. Back and Forth match. Earthquake grabs Duggan by the leg while Hart throws Bravo the two by four. Duggan gets it back while the ref is distracted. He hits Bravo with it and gets the pin. Earthquake jumps him after the match and does the sit down splash on Duggan.
-Flashback to the issues between Jake Roberts and Ted DiBiase.
-Million Dollar Championship Match: Ted DiBiase with Virgil VS. Jake Roberts with Damien: Mean Gene interviews Jake Roberts. He says all DiBiase has to do is go through him and Damien. They go at it hard and heavy from the beginning. DiBiase keeps avoiding the DDT and Damien. Gorilla starts his anatomy routine and Jesse basically tells him he’s full of it. DiBiase comes back. Roberts takes a big bump against the corner. They start the wave at the Skydome. DiBiase hits a big piledriver. Roberts sneaks out the back and almost gets the pin. DiBiase gets the million dollar dream on. Roberts gets to the ropes. Roberts starts to come back. A DDT chant goes out. Virgil pulls Roberts out. DiBiase puts the million dollar dream on again outside the ring. DiBiase beats the count back in and wins the match. Roberts attacks DiBiase and Virgil after and hits the DDT on DiBiase. Roberts starts giving DiBiase’s money away. Even Mary Tyler Moore at ringside gets some. Damien comes out. Virgil comes back and rolls DiBiase out of the ring. Roberts chases Virgil to the back with Damien.
-Sean Mooney interviews Akeem and Slick. Slick says it’s all about the money and Ted DiBiase has given him and Akeem a lot of money to take the Big Boss Man out.
-Mean Gene interviews the Big Boss Man. He calls Ted DiBiase scum and says he doesn't take bribes, he's his own man.
-Akeem with Slick VS. The Big Boss Man: Ted DiBiase comes out from under the ring and attacks the Big Boss Man. He beats him up and throws him inside the ring. Akeem dominates early. Boss Man comes back. He hits the Boss Man Slam and pins Akeem. He decks Slick afterwards.
-Sean Mooney is on the floor of the Skydome. Fans tell him they don’t want to listen to Rhythm & Blues new song. He also interviews Mary Tyler Moore, who is having fun but has no idea what is going on. He says she’ll always be Mary Richards to him. I echo those sentiments, Sean.
-They then introduce Rhythm & Blues. They’re driven to the ring in a pink Cadillac by Diamond Dallas Page. Gorilla calls the girls with them the Honkettes which cracks Jesse up.
-They sing their new song Hunka Hunka Hunka Hunka Honky Love. After the song, they show some popcorn vendors who turn out to be The Bushwhackers who chase them off, then smash the guitars at the end.
-Gorilla and Jesse talk about the new Skydome record established: 67,678.
-Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jimmy Snuka: Steve Allen joins commentary. Jesse brings up the Jesse the Body award IYDAH. Snuka batters Rude to begin with and makes fun of his gyrations. Rude is bumping like crazy. Steve Allen tells some outdated jokes. Snuka goes up for the splash, but Rude gets up first. He misses the splash when he tries it again. Rude hits the Rude Awakening for the pin.
-Flashback to what led up to the Main Event.
-Main Event Title VS. Title, Champion VS. Champion. WWF Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan VS. WWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior: Big ovation for The Ultimate Warrior when he comes down. It sounds like a bigger ovation for Hulk Hogan as he comes out. They get face to face to begin. They shove each other. Strength moves after that. Hogan goes down to begin with. He comes back then the Warrior goes down. Hogan gets a scoop slam Warrior gets a slam in. Hogan clotheslined out. Hogan’s left knee appears injured. Warrior kicks Hogan. He puts Hogan back in. It gets dirty. Hogan comes back. Hogan in control. Jesse brings up the Richard Belzer incident when Hogan gets a face lock on. Hogan gets a two count. Hogan still in control. Double clothesline and both men down. Warrior up at 7. They both struggle to get up. Warrior coming back. Warrior then in control. He has Hogan in a big bear hug. Hogan then comes back. Hogan drops down and Warrior accidently hits the referee. Warrior misses the shoulder tackle. Hogan and then Warrior both get pins, but we still don’t have a referee. Hogan sneaks out of a two count after the ref recovers. Then Warrior kicks out of a two count as well. They battle outside at one point. Warrior gorilla presses Hogan and then hits the splash. Hogan kicks out at two. The crowd goes crazy. Hogan hulks up. Hogan hits the big boot and goes for the leg drop, but Warrior moves. Warrior hits a splash and gets the pin. Warrior celebrates. Hogan looks dejected. Hogan takes the world title and gets back into the ring. He presents the belt and raises Warriors hand. They then embrace.
-Gorilla and Jesse then have our memorable lines for the evening.
-Hogan takes the ride back in the cart as Warrior celebrates in the ring. Fireworks go off as they sign off from Toronto.