Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 62 Notes

-Valentine’s Day
-Today we look at the SNME from April 1990 from the WWF.
-SNME XXVI was shown on NBC on April 28, 1990. It was tapes April 23, 1990 from the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.
-The Ultimate Warrior says he will walk where no man has ever been as he fulfills the Ultimate Destiny.
-Bobby Heenan and Haku say Haku will make history in Texas when he becomes the next champion.
-Mr. Perfect and The Genius Say Hulk Hogan is not perfect, but Mr. Perfect is.
-Hulk Hogan says he’s the professor and tonight, he is going to knock some sense into The Genius and Mr. Perfect. I have to issue a mea culpa here. I thought the tandem of Perfect and The Genius was done at WrestleMania, but they were together a little while longer.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to Texas. They are on horses at ringside. They run down that week’s matches.
-Sean Mooney interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Perfect says he’s the perfect athlete, Hulk Hogan is the perfect loser.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. He says his ambition is high and Perfect and The Genius are the losers.
-Hulk Hogan VS. Mr. Perfect with The Genius: Hogan has a nice ovation coming out. Perfect does his regular bumping job to start. They go outside and brawl for a bit. Perfect getting just pummeled by Hogan. They go back outside and Hogan goes after Genius when he tries to interfere. Perfect hits Hogan with The Genius’s scroll. Perfect takes over. Hogan comes back. Hogan kicks out of the Perfectplex. Big boot, leg drop, and pin. The Genius attacks after the bell, but Hogan must pose!
-Rick Martel on horseback does an ad for arrogance.
-Jesse interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They say Hillbilly Jim will feel the Quake and the aftershocks.
-Mean Gene interviews Hillbilly Jim. He says Quake reminds him of the pigs he used to slop.
-Earthquake with Jimmy Hart VS. Hillbilly Jim: Jim gets some offense in early. Hart takes Jim’s horseshoe. Quake takes advantage and gets the pin after the splash. Quake then hits the aftershocks. Jim then taken out on a stretcher.
-Another Arrogance ad.
-Jesse interviews The Hart Foundation. They act a bit heelish when talking about The Rockers.
-Mean Gene talks to The Rockers They say The Hart Foundation shouldn’t overlook them.
-The Hart Foundation Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart VS. The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Fast paced match here. Jannetty using his speed to counter Neidhart’s power. Hart makes it even. Hart Foundation with the advantage. Demolition comes to ringside. Jesse doesn’t like it. Jannetty in and the tide has turned. Michaels and Neidhart then in. Michaels gets thrown out. Demolition goes to help him back in, Jannetty thinks they are jumping him. He attacks, then all 6 men start brawling inside. The bell rings. Both teams are disqualified.
-Sean Mooney interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. Quake warns Hogan not to get in his way.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says he’s a survivor who can overcome Quake.
-Flashback to the Main Event of WrestleMania.
-Jesse interviews Haku and Bobby Heenan. Classic Heenan here: Remember the Alamo, forget about The Ultimate Warrior.
-Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he has been chosen to lead all Warriors and the WWF.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Ultimate Warrior VS. Haku with Bobby Heenan: They start going after each other before Warrior can get his belt off. Clunky match, but the fans love Warrior. Haku getting some offense in. Can’t keep Warrior down, though. Jesse complains about Joey Marella reffing. Warrior coming back. Shoulder block, splash, and pin.
-Yet another arrogance ad.
-Flashback to the Big Boss Man/Akeem WrestleMania Match and Ted DiBiase interfering.
-Sean Mooney interviews Akeem and Slick: They say DiBiase has increased the amount on Boss Man’s Head.
-Mean Gene interviews The Big Boss Man. He says DiBiase can’t buy him off.
-The Big Boss Man VS. Akeem with Slick: Boss Man just attacking hard. Akeem gets the Boss Man down and Slick holds him in the corner so Akeem can punish him. Boss Man Fights back. Boss Man hits the Boss Man Slam. Ted DiBiase and Virgil come in and attack Boss Man for the DQ. They then handcuff him to the ropes. They go to beat him with the night stick, but he uncuffs himself and goes after them.
-Another Arrogance ad IYDAH.
-Sean Mooney interviews Bobby Heenan. He says he noticed a flaw in Warrior and that Rick Rude is in training to take the belt from him.
-Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior. He says he can’t be controlled by Rude or anyone else.
-Vince and Jesse review the night before signing off from Texas.