Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 63 Notes

-Today we look at the 2011 Elimination Chamber from the WWE.
-Elimination Chamber 2011 was held on February 20, 2011 from the Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA. There were 11,500 people in attendance and the show did 212,000 PPV buys.
-Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. Michael Cole mentions that ADR is already in the main event for WrestleMania.
-Josh Matthews, Michael Cole, and Booker T welcome us to the broadcast.
-ADR does some mic work and gets a little reaction. He talks about those men in the elimination chamber just get to fight to wrestle him because it’s his destiny. He gets cut off by Kofi Kingston’s music.
-Alberto Del Rio VS. Kofi Kingston: Kingston attacks early. ADR keeps getting to the ropes. Back and forth. Kingston with a big dropkick. ADR goes to the outside. Kingston goes out and gets him. They go back and forth some more and both end up outside. ADR sends Kingston into the steps this gets a two count. He gets Kingston into a body vice. He keeps going for covers, but Kingston kicks out. Don’t take a shot every time they say Road to WrestleMania or you won’t make it to the end of the show. Back to the body vice for ADR. Kingston hits a big top rope flying forearm. They trade blows. Kingston coming back. ADR counters a flying attack with a gut buster. For a two count. A Kingston top rope dropkick gets a two count. A shot to the ribs gets ADR a two count. A big Kingston DDT and he covers ADR, but the referee is distracted by Rodriguez. Kingston counters the arm breaker for a close two count. Kingston misses a corner charge and ADR hits the top rope neckbreaker. He gets the arm breaker on and Kingston fights it hard before tapping.
-Randy Orton looking pissed off backstage.
-The commentators talk about the Elimination Chamber.
-Todd Grisham talks to Edge. He knows the odds are against him, but he’s prepared. He gets interrupted by Drew McIntyre. He says Edge was the reason Kelly Kelly was fired so tonight, he’s going to take the title from Edge. Edge says the title and Kelly have something in common, they’ll never been seen with McIntyre.
-Elimination Chamber Hype Video.
-Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match: Kane, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett are announced. After Barrett comes out, Teddy Long comes out and announces a replacement for the fired Dolph Ziggler. It’s The Big Show. Rey Mysterio and Edge are the final participants: Mysterio and Edge start. Edge strikes hard first. He hits a flapjack. Mysterio gets his boot up from an Edge corner charge. Edge back flips Mysterio to the structure floor on the outside where he hits hard. They fight up top and Mysterio hits a top rope hurricanrana on Edge. It gets a two count. It goes outside and Edge punishes Mysterio against the cage. Both men down as Barrett is released from his pod. He attacks Mysterio. Edge throws Mysterio into Barrett taking him out before throwing Mysterio into the chain link. Barrett slams Edge for a two count. A pump handle slam by Barrett on Mysterio gets a two count. He then throws Mysterio into the corner and slams Edge into the steel for a two count. Barrett misses a charge and crashes outside. Mysterio dropkicks Edge. Barrett goes to slam Mysterio outside, but he grabs the structure and starts to climb. Barrett pulls him off, but Mysterio hurricanranas him back in. Mysterio sets Barrett up for the 619, but Edge cuts him off with a big boot. He gets a two count. Kane is released from his pod. He knocks everyone down and gets a two count on Barrett. Corner charges to everyone. Kane hits Barrett with a side slam and gets kicked in the head by Mysterio. Everyone tries to pin Kane but no one can. Barrett runs Kane into the chamber. Mysterio climbs the ropes and hits Kane with some hard shots, but Kane responds with a right hand that leaves Mysterio hanging upside down in the corner. Edge hits Mysterio with a dropkick. This gets a two count. Kane hits Edge with a back elbow. Drew McIntyre released from his pod and immediately grabs and throws Mysterio into a pod. He and Barrett team up to try and eliminate Kane. Then McIntyre turns on Barrett and throws him through a pod. He then takes on Edge. He gets a two count. Edge counters a DDT attempt by McIntyre. Edge goes for a spear only to get caught by Kane who goes to choke slam Edge who counters and throws Kane to Mysterio who goes for the 619 but Kane ducks. Kane then throws Mysterio hard into the corner. Kane counters a McIntyre DDT attempt and sends him crashing into Barrett. Kane and Edge hit each other with boots and both are down. Everyone down as the countdown begins and The Big Show enters. He starts throwing people out of the ring. He stalks Barrett and has him up against a pod. He throws Barrett through a pod. He then slaps Barrett’s chest repeatedly. He batters him all around and pins him after a knockout punch. Kane hits him with a big clothesline from the top rope. Edge then drops an elbow on Big Show for a two count. McIntyre hits the future shock DDT for a two count. Mysterio hits a senton bomb on Big Show from the top of a pod for a two count. Big Show keeps kicking out with authority. Mysterio hits the 619 on Big Show. Edge then spears Big Show. Kane then takes out Mysterio and Edge. Kane then choke slams and pins Big Show. He then choke slams and pins McIntyre. He then double clotheslines Edge and Mysterio. He throws Edge outside and gets a DDT from Mysterio for a two count. A Mysterio top rope leg drop on Kane gets a two count. Kane goes for a choke slam, but Mysterio counters with a hurricanrana to set Kane up for the 619. He hits it and then goes up tope and comes off but gets stopped by Kane and both get speared by Edge. Kane is then pinned by Edge. Kane attacks Edge and Mysterio. Both men down. Then Mysterio counters a spear for a two count. Edge rolls through a Mysterio crossbody and gets a two count. Mysterio gets a couple of two counts of his own. He gets caught up top by Edge. Edge catches Mysterio coming off the top rope and hits a powerbomb for a two count. Mysterio counters another powerbomb to set up for the 619. Edge catches his legs and puts Mysterio into a modified sharpshooter. Mysterio reverses it for a two count. Mysterio ducks a spear, but Edge hits it on the rebound for a two count. Mysterio hits a 619 and a splash for a two count. He then hits a 619 again, but he goes up top and Edge spears him out of the air for the pin.
-After a recap of what we just saw, Alberto Del Rio attacks Edge. He tries to break Edge’s arm. Officials trying to pull him off. Christian returns and attacks Del Rio. He hits the unprettier and leaves Del Rio laying. Edge then hits Del Rio with a spear.
-Don’t try this at home promo.
-Josh Matthews, Michael Cole, and Booker T preview the upcoming WWE championship match between The Miz and Jerry Lawler.
-Matt Striker interviews Jerry Lawler about his upcoming match. Lawler is very somber, mentioning that his mother passed away 1 week ago. So that is understandable. That’s what’s been on his mind. He’s wanted to be WWE Champion and compete at WrestleMania and he doesn’t want to let anyone down.
-Booker T announces Trish Stratus as a Tough Enough trainer. She also announces that she’s here to watch Jerry Lawler win the title.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov with Tamina VS. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel with Ezekiel Jackson: Marella gets Slater in a headlock which Slater counters into a head scissors. Gabriel tagged in. Marella with a back heel trip. Kozlov tagged in. He throws Gabriel into the corner and just brutalizes his midsection. Gabriel rolls outside. Gabriel comes back with a big kick to Kozlov’s head and Slater with an over the top rope splash for a two count. Marella tagged in. He hits the cobra on Gabriel. He gets a two count on Slater. Gabriel and Kozlov tagged in. Slater blind tags and hits a death drop on Kozlov. Gabriel tagged back in and hits a 450 splash to win. New tag champions.
-Todd Grisham interviews The Miz, who has Alex Riley with him. He says this is the year of The Miz and he will crush Jerry Lawler’s dream and the winner of the Elimination Chamber will suffer the same fate at WrestleMania.
-Vickie Guerrero comes to ringside. She wants Dolph Ziggler to get his job back. The fans boo her hard. She is good at her job. She tries to explain away Ziggler’s actions. She’s asking the fans to contact Teddy Long to get Ziggler his job back. Long comes out and says he has hired someone back, but it’s Kelly Kelly. Guerrero tries to get away, but gets beat down by Kelly. Lay Cool come out and attack Kelly. They beat her down hard. Trish Stratus comes down. Lay Cool back off, then attack Stratus, who tries to fight back. Stratus hits her signature moves with a little help/cooperation from Lay Cool. Stratus and Kelly then take some bows.
-Flashback to what’s happened between The Miz and Jerry Lawler.
-WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. Jerry Lawler: Michael Cole playing up his heel announcer character big time as The Miz comes out. Lawler gets a good reaction as he comes out. It starts out quick as Lawler gets a roll up for a two count. A Lawler backslide then gets a two count. Then an inside cradle gets another two count. Miz blocks a hip toss but gets clotheslined for a two count. Lawler then hitting some corner punches to Miz. It goes outside. Riley distracts Lawler while Miz pushes him into the corner post. Miz continues to punish Lawler while he is out. Miz gets a two count. Riley with a cheap shot while Miz was arguing with the referee. Miz gets a two count. Miz hits a corner clothesline. He goes up top but gets caught. They trade blows up top. Lawler hits a superplex for a two and a half count. Lawler hits a dropkick. Another two count. Riley trips Lawler. Referee Mike Chioda throws Riley out. Miz misses a corner charge and Lawler gets a two count. Lawler goes for a piledriver, but Miz counters. They trade close two counts. Miz charges and Lawler pulls the rope down and Miz goes crashing outside. Michael Cole stands up and screams at Lawler who comes over but gets jumped from behind by Miz. Miz runs Lawler into the ring and into the announce position. Lawler knocks Miz into the announce table, then throws him on Michael Cole. Lawler throws Miz in and delivers a top rope fist drop for a two count. Lawler counters a Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Lawler hits a DDT. Lawler climbs the ropes and drops the strap. He drops the fist again, but Miz gets his foot on the ropes. Lawler goes for the piledriver. Miz counters. Lawler goes for a sunset flip, but Miz goes down and grabs a leg for a two count. Lawler kicks out and gets Miz down for a two count. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale and pins Lawler. Michael Cole celebrates. He goes into the ring to celebrate with Miz. A Jerry chant goes out as Lawler gets up to leave the ring.
-John Cena is shown eating Fruity Pebbles. He tells Todd Grisham that his thoughts are on the Elimination Chamber.
-Matt Striker interviews CM Punk. He says he has defeated John Cena three times and he is going to win the Elimination Chamber.
-Raw Elimination Chamber: R-Truth, Sheamus, John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, and John Morrison are your participants. They replay highlights of what happened during the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. Morrison and Sheamus start. Back and Forth. Sheamus with a headlock and then a slap to Morrison. Morrison takes down Sheamus. They fight on the outside. They try to push each other into the structure. Morrison goes to springboard onto Sheamus who moves, but Morrison hangs onto the structure and delivers a kick to Sheamus’ head. Sheamus hits a clothesline and then hits another. Morrison with another head kick. He goes for Starship Pain, but gets pushed into R-Truth’s pod by Sheamus. Sheamus throws Morrison into the structure as the countdown starts. Orton is released. He hits a big powerslam on Sheamus and Morrison. He tosses Sheamus out and tosses Morrison into Sheamus. Orton sends Morrison crashing through the pod Orton came out of. He then keeps throwing Sheamus into the chain link fence. Orton then does his rope DDT on the structure to Morrison. He then delivers stomps to both Sheamus and Morrison and gets a two count on Morrison. Superplex on Morrison for a two count. Superplex to Sheamus for a two count. Countdown begins again and it’s CM Punk. The pod won’t open and Punk is stuck. Orton attacks him and beats him down. Orton hits the RKO and pins Punk. The RAW GM chimes in and reinstates Punk due to the malfunctioning pod. A CM Punk chant goes out. Sheamus attacking Orton and Morrison. Orton goes for an RKO and Sheamus pushes off. He goes for the Brogue Kick. Orton ducks but Morrison hits a big kick to the head. He is attacked by Sheamus and run into the structure. Countdown and Cena is released. Sheamus attacks Cena as soon as the pod opens. Back and forth. Morrison takes out Sheamus and Orton with a crossbody and leaves them laying. R-Truth comes out and Sheamus tries to attack him the same way he did for Cena, but it doesn't work. Sheamus kicks R-Truth. R-Truth is eliminated. Orton throws Morrison through the glass, again. Punk is released next, and Orton waits for him. Cena goes for the AA but Orton RKOs him on the steel instead. Sheamus then nails Orton with a kick and Punk goes for a cover, and gets a two count. Punk does Orton's taunt and hits the GTS, then eliminates Orton. Morrison climbs up on top of a pod and Sheamus knocks him on his back. He sets Morrison up for the High Cross from the pod, but Morrison knocks him down. Morrison stands back up and starts climbing towards the center of the dome. He jumps down onto Sheamus and eliminates him. Scott Armstrong counts very lightly on the outside and even Booker points out that he didn't want to hurt his hand. Morrison goes for his knee to the face, but misses and hits the pod instead and acts like he's hurt. Cena picks Punk up for an electric chair and Morrison hits a clothesline from the top rope onto him. Punk slingshots Cena into the glass (which doesn't break). He then slingshots Morrison, but John catches onto the pod, jumps off onto the chains, and hits the Flying Chuck. He then misses Starship Pain. Punk follows it up with a GTS and eliminates Morrison. Very quickly afterward, Cena pops up and hits the AA on Punk, and eliminates him to win the match.