Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 64 Notes

-Adventures in Joey land: CT Edition. Poorly worded status update. Drinking the contrast. Dye injection spot exploding.
-Two date adventures: Car Buying excursion and Bagels.
-Saturday Night's Main Event V was shown on NBC on March l, 1986. It was taped February 15, 1986, from the Arizona Veteran's Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona. There were 12,000 people in attendance and the show did a 10.0 rating on NBC.
-This is the set up show for WrestleMania 2.
-Mr. T is shown hitting the heavy bag. He yells at Mean Gene who is trying to interview him.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura open the show. Jesse looks very colorful and you can tell that he’s more comfortable in his role.
-Flashback to Piper’s Pit and Hulk Hogan saying that Mr. T will accept the challenge to box Battling Bob Orton. Hogan does a Mr. T impression during this.
-Mean Gene Okerlund then interviews Bob Orton and Roddy Piper about the Boxing Match.
-Then a “Field Report” tape of Mean Gene with Mr. T after a sparring session.
-Mr. T. VS. Bob Orton with Roddy Piper in a boxing Match: The guy checking the gloves looks like the dad from Home Alone. This is a little action and a lot of preening and gaga. Orton doing a lot of showboating. Mr. T wins via count out in Round 2. T hits Piper and the crowd loves it. This sets up Roddy Piper VS. Mr. T at WrestleMania 2. Piper and Orton whip Mr. T with a belt and Jesse says it looks like Roots 2. Yikes!!! Mr. T has two different color pattern socks on. When I notice it, it’s all that I can think about.
-Mean Gene is with Mr. T, who wants Piper. They would go on to meet in a boxing match at WrestleMania 2.
-Bobby Heenan and King Kong Bundy are then shown with Mean Gene and they want Hogan.
-King Kong Bundy VS. Steve Gatorwolf: Total squash match. Gatorwolf is a piece of human slime in real life. It doesn’t last long thankfully. Bundy demands a 5 count.
-Mean Gene is with Magnificent Muraco. Muraco says Mr. Fuji has the flu, so Bobby Heenan will be in his corner.
-Mr. Fuji has some strange sounds coming from him.
-Mean Gene is then shown with Hulk Hogan. He's ready for Muraco.
-WWF title match: Hulk Hogan VS. Don Muraco: Hogan coming out to Real American and it is officially his song now. Nice little Back and Forth Match. Both Muraco and Heenan bumping for Hogan. Muraco is so underrated. Muraco is actually getting more offense than most Hogan opponents do. Hogan gets the edge. The crowd loves it when Hogan starts his comeback. He hits the leg drop, Heenan then comes in for the DQ. Nobody bumps like Heenan especially in the ring with his injured neck all these years. This is a set up for King Kong Bundy to come in. Triple team on Hogan. King Kong Bundy then hits three Avalanches and a splash on Hogan. Heenan is pushing Bundy into Hogan to give him an added boost. Then another splash. Fans throw trash into the ring. They are really driving Bundy as a threat headed into WrestleMania 2. Hogan stretchered out as Vince and Jesse recap what happened. They speculate about internal damage to Hogan. They go to commercial and it is a hushed and morose atmosphere as they come back. Gorilla Monsoon is shown clearing the way for the stretcher and climbing into the ambulance that’s on its way to the hospital.
-Pre tape interview with Mean Gene and The Dream Team. They say the Bulldogs are flukes and they will have no problem with them.
-They show the non-title win of the Bulldogs from January 1986.
-Tag Team Title Match British Bulldogs VS. The Dream Team: All Bulldogs to begin. They can’t get the pin though. Valentine then coming back. All four brawl outside at one point. Dream Team then in control, but Dynamite Kid breaks up a Valentine figure four on Davey Boy Smith. Valentine can’t get the pin. Bulldogs coming back. They can’t get the pin either. Back and forth. Fun match with a fluke finish. Greg Valentine and Davey Boy Smith both collapse, but Valentine's body part goes over him for the pin. Sets up their WM match.
-Mean Gene is at the hospital waiting on a report on Hulk Hogan's injuries.
-Vince McMahon introduces the Hulk Hogan Real American video. The Video includes shots of Hogan playing bass.
-JYD vs. Adorable Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart: Prerecorded comments. Adonis says he has always hated dogs. Jimmy Hart says he has a big surprise for JYD. All JYD to start and Adonis is bumping like crazy for JYD. JYD incredibly over with the crowd. Adonis does a crazy over the top rope bump and JYD has a headbutt through the ropes to Adonis and Hart. Big JYD chant goes out. JYD then throws Hart into Adonis and they both take a bump over the top rope. Hart wraps JYD’s ankle to the ropes while the referee is distracted. Adonis can’t get the pin and a JYD chant goes out again. The referee is knocked out. Hart sets the megaphone up for Adonis to run JYD into it, but JYD reverses it and gets the pin. He goes after Hart next but gets attacked by Adonis.
-Mean Gene is with the doctor. It is the WWF’s go to guy, Dr. Panovich. Hulk has injuries to the ribs, back, and neck.
-Vince and Jesse recap the evening and sign off from Phoenix.