Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 65 Notes

-The Peacock info.
-Buddy Colt.
-Jim Crockett Jr.
-My date with my wife: The server chooses our meal.
-Today we look at Capital Combat ‘90: The return of Robocop.
-Capital Combat was shown on PPV on May 19, 1990 from the DC Armory in Washington, D.C. There were 7,500 in attendance.
-Opening credits
-Welcome back to WCW, Tony Schiavone! He welcomes us to Capital Combat. Its armed forces day and we see the flag being presented as the national anthem is played.
– Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us and talk about some of the matches coming up.
-Kevin Sullivan, Cactus Jack and Bam Bam Bigelow with Sir Oliver Humperdinck VS. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal and Norman: Cactus Jack for mayor sign in the crowd. Animal slams Jack. The heels are doing some brisk tagging. Bigelow and Animal go at it eventually tumbling over the ropes and Bigelow stays on his feet. That wakes the crowd up. Cactus Jack takes some crazy bumps too. Heels in control. JR brings up Kevin Sullivan’s athletic backgrounds IYDAH. Hawk hits Sullivan with a top rope clothesline to get the pin.
-Johnny Ace VS. Mark Callous with Theodore R. Long: JR brings up Callous’ college credentials IYDAH. He then talks about the big Capital Combat watching party in Connecticut. Ace with the early advantage. Callous comes back. Callous dominating. Ace misses a top rope clothesline. Callous hits the heart punch then walks the ropes and hits a flying elbow and gets the pin. The Slamometer gimmick they have says 8.2.
-Gordon Solie goes to Sting and Robocop’s dressing room. They can’t go in and I feel sorry for Gordon.
-Tony Schiavone interviews The Rock N Roll Express. They talk about the country whipping match coming up.

  • Mike Rotunda and Tommy Rich VS. The Samoan Swat Team the Samoan Savage and Fatu: Rotunda’s college background is brought up IYDAH. They talk about Lex Luger’s real life staph infection and hospital stay. Tremendous amount of stalling. They finally get to it. Then more stalling tactics. Faces with an advantage. SST coming back. Rotunda thrown outside. SST continue to punish him. Rotunda has been in there way too long. Rich tagged in a couple of times, but the referee doesn’t see it. Rich finally tagged in. Rich gets the sleeper on, but gets hit by a Samoan from the top rope and pinned. -Tony Schiavone interviews The Steiners. They say that the line to wrestle them is short and if Doom is ready, they are. -They show the winners of the Capital Combat competition. -Hair VS. Hair Match: Teddy Long VS. Paul Ellering: Long comes out in Headgear and boxing gloves. Long has something in his glove. Ellering gets it and knocks Long out and pins him. They shave what little hair Long has left. -Tony Schiavone is joined by the Horsemen. They say there is no way they will allow Ric Flair to leave without the title. -NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: Jim Cornette has to be in a small cage at ringside. They finally get Cornette in the cage. The two teams work well together and the faces are dominating early. Pillman’s football career is brought up IYDAH. MX making the faces look good. MX coming back. Pillman won’t stay down for a three count. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam, but Pillman again kicks out. Zenk tagged in. He gets double teamed. Zenk kicks out of the Rocket Launcher. Lane hits Eaton with a savate kick and Eaton gets the pin with an inside cradle. New US champs! -Gordon Solie breaks in that Sting and Robocop are coming out and the signal breaks up. Poor Gordon Solie! -Gary Michael Cappetta announces Sting who comes out. He then announces Robocop, who as he is lumbering out, The Horsemen throw Sting in the mini cage. Robocop slowly saunters down and pulls the gimmicked cage door off its hinges. The Horsemen retreat. -Tony Schiavone interviews The Junk Yard Dog. He says he’s here to stay. Jim Cornette interrupts him and says it is supposed to be The Midnight Express’ interview time. JYD says he’s been at Cornette’s mother’s house and that he is Cornette’s dad. Cornette tries to attack him, but JYD stops him. -Corporal Punishment Match: Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes: It was mentioned on either Tony Shiavone’s or Jim Ross podcast that someone was in charge of going out and getting the leather straps, but they brought back cat of nine tails whips instead. That’s kinky but not what was called for. Typical WCW. That’s what all the confusion is about at the beginning of the match. A Freebirds suck chant goes out. Garvin grabs his strap at one point but loses it and Morton picks it up. He straps both Freebirds. The RNR put double figure fours on The Freebirds. Gibson and Hayes then have dueling straps at one point. Gibson straps both Birds and they retreat. Hayes hits Morton hard. Garvin only gets a two count though. Hayes in control. Morton playing the face in peril. Morton pushes off a Hayes bulldog attempt. Gibson tagged in. Hayes hits the DDT on Gibson, but doesn’t cover right away. Hayes goes for another one, but Morton sunset flips him for the win. They then strap The Freebirds a few more times. -Tony Schiavone interviews Doug Furnas. He talks about the courage of Lex Luger. Then Furnas leaves and Tony brings on Sting. He says that nothing is going to stop Luger from getting in the ring. -NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Rick and Scott Steiner VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Teddy Long: Take three shots because you know JR is going to talk about all the college careers. Rick Steiner pulls Long’s durag off. A peanut head chant goes out. Scott shoves referee Randy Anderson out of the way. He and Simmons go at it. Power moves to start. Scott hits a big belly to back suplex. Reed takes over. Scott hits Steinerlines on both Doom members. Slow paced match. It goes outside where Rick slams Reed on the floor. Rick hits a piledriver on Simmons. Steiners in control. Doom comes back. Doom prevents Scott from tagging. Scott is taking a lot of punishment. He takes way too much punishment. Scott finally hits the Frankensteiner on Simmons. Reed and Rick tagged in. Doom hit Rick with a double team maneuver from the second rope and get the pin. New Champions! -Tony Schiavone interviews Teddy Long and Doom. Long says he lost a little hair, but he gained the world. -NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair with Woman VS. Lex Luger: Cage Match. They lower the cage after both men are in the ring. The announcers are really pushing the Luger infection and hospital stay. Luger is eager to get the match started. The referee checks both wrestlers and Woman for weapons. He finds an “International Object” on Woman because Turner Executives won’t allow WCW to say the word Foreign. Flair retreats, Luger follows. Luger with the early advantage. Luger’s sports and education background brought up IYDAH. Both Flair and Luger working hard in this match. Luger impervious to pain. Flair starts to climb the cage, then comes down and opens the chophouse. Luger won’t stay down. Flair hit with a clothesline as he comes off the top. They both climb the cage. Flair is sliced open. Crowd comes to life as a Luger chant goes out. Flair bleeds profusely, but Luger can’t get the pin. Flair opens up the chophouse again. Luger hits the superplex, but hurts his already injured knee. Flair concentrates on the knee. Flair gets the figure four on. He gets caught cheating and has to break the hold. The Horsemen come to ringside. Luger gets a two count. Sting comes to ringside to fight the horsemen off. El Gigante comes down and man is he big. The Horsemen back away and Ole gets the switch for the cage and lifts it a little. Barry Windham sneaks under the bottom. Windham attacks Luger for the DQ. JR yells for them to get the damn cage down. The Horsemen attack Luger. Sting tries to get in. They finally let it up. Luger is beat down. -Tony Schiavone tries to interview The Horsemen. Flair rants that he’s still the champion. Sting attacks Flair from behind. The Horsemen retreat from Sting and El Gigante as they sign off from Washington D.C.