Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 66 Notes

-My wife’s tire.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XI.
-Clash of the Champions XI: Coastal Crush took place on June 13, 1990 from the McAlister Field House on the campus of The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. There were 4,100 fans in attendance and the show did a 4.1 rating on TBS.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Charleston. He runs down some of the matches we are going to see before throwing it to Jim Ross and Bob Caudle. They preview some of what we are going to see.
-The Wild Eyed Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes: The Freebirds attack early. Southern Boys come back. Armstrong hits a big crossbody. The crowd is riled up against the Freebirds. Freebirds regain the advantage. Garvin bumping for Smothers. Hayes hits a clothesline on Smothers. Consider this point, Hayes is a long time veteran here and he just turned 31. Armstrong hits a head butt on Garvin and puts Smothers on top to win.
-Tommy Rich VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Sir Oliver Humperdink: Speaking of wrestlers and their ages, Rich is 33 years old here. Unbelievable to me. Rich tries speed to take down Bigelow. Rich gets a two count with a schoolboy. Bigelow comes back. Bigelow is choking Rich, but doesn’t break on the 5 count and gets disqualified.
-A video on Big Van Vader, who will be debuting at The Great American Bash.
-Gary Michael Cappetta introduces El Gigante. They do a feel good interview in Spanish, then Cappetta interprets. He’s happy to be in WCW.
-The Samoan Swat Team Fatu and The Savage VS. Mike Rotunda and Tom Zenk: Faces with the early advantage. The SST come back with hard shots. Back and Forth and the crowd is getting into it. Z-man clears the ring. SST get Z-man down. When the referee isn’t looking Zenk and Rotunda trade places and Rotunda gets a rollup for the win.
-Video on Mean Mark.
-Mean Mark Callous with Paul E. Dangerously VS. Brian Pillman: Speed VS. Power: Pillman takes a big bump to the outside. His football career is brought up IYDAH. Callous in control. Pillman comes back. Crowd is solidly in Pillman’s corner. Pillman hits a top rope dropkick. He jumps off again but Mean Mark catches him and hits a stun gun and pins Pillman.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. He says he has Dudes with Attitudes with him.
-The Rock N Roll Express Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette NWA United States Tag Team Championship Match: These two teams can go on autopilot against each other. Rock N Roll chant goes out as they have the advantage. Back and forth. All four in the ring at one point. Double pin situation at one point but the Rock N Roll can’t get the win. Morton and Eaton both tumble over the top rope at one point. Gibson has Lane in a sleeper, Eaton hits him with a double ax handle, but only gets a two count. Rock N Roll hit a double dropkick. Lane pulls referee Nick Patrick away so Patrick disqualifies The Midnight Express.
-Doug Furnas VS. Barry Windham: Furnas is very tan here. JR of course talks about Furnas and his athletic career so take a shot. Windham with the early advantage, then he plays to Furnas strength which is power. Crowd is behind Furnas. Windham comes back. Furnas gets several two counts. Windham sneaks out a pin with his foot on the ropes.
-Sid Vicious with Ole Anderson VS. Lex Luger: Anderson and Vicious attack Luger who fights back. Luger hits a quick clothesline and pins Vicious.
-Jim Ross and Bob Caudle talk about the Bash PPV coming up.
-World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons with Teddy Long VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Scott hits a reverse slam on both members of Doom. Go ahead with who is wrestling here and take a shot so you can save your livers. Scott with the big moves, but he doesn’t go for a pin. Rick tagged in to a big ovation. Reed rolls out to slow the momentum. Rick follows and gets nailed by Simmons. Peanut Head chant goes out towards Long. Back and Forth match. Simmons lands an ax handle then collapses. Scott tagged in. All four then in the ring. Reed hits Scott with an object then there is a double pin. Doom are the winners since Scott and Simmons are the legal men.
-Tony Schiavone interviews JYD. He says tonight is his night.
-Paul Orndorff VS. Arn Anderson: Arn’s TV title is not on the line in this match. Orndorff’s athletic background is brought up so take a shot. Two great wrestlers here. Crowd goes crazy when Orndorff gets a sleeper on. They counter each other. Anderson gets put into the figure four, but he gets to the ropes. Anderson’s leg is hurt, but he comes back. Orndorff pulls the back of Anderson’s tights down and the crowd loves it. Anderson then puts Orndorff in a sleeper. Orndorff comes back. They knock into each other, but both get up at 8. Anderson catches Orndorff coming off and puts an inside cradle on him, but Orndorff reverses it to win.
-Tony Schiavone talks to The Horsemen. Ole Anderson says The Horsemen will not let anyone take Flair’s belt. Flair says victory is guaranteed.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Ric Flair VS. The Junk Yard Dog. Flair is accompanied by Ole Anderson. Flair making JYD look good. JYD’s best days might be behind him, but he’s working hard too. JYD no selling all of Flair’s offense, and the crowd loves it. Big JYD chant goes out. Flair begging off. He goes out and grabs Bob Caudle’s chair and hits JYD with it, who no sells it. Let me get my chair back says Bob. Flair gets caught going off the top rope, take a shot. Anderson climbs up to the apron and JYD pops him. Flair gets slammed off the tope rope. JYD goes after Flair, but Anderson comes in for the DQ, followed by the rest of the Horsemen. They beat down JYD but Sting, Lex Luger, and Paul Orndorff make the save.
-Jim Ross interviews Rocky King, who’s tired of The Horsemen, but says the “Boys with Attitude” are here. Sting says he’s got the game plan down and wants his title shot. He’s begging Flair. The Horsemen then come back. Flair and Sting going at it as the credits roll and they sign off from Charleston.
-Drinking tally:5 shots. Memorable Lines: Let me get my chair back. –Bob Caudle.