Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 74 Notes

-Gastric Bypass Surgery and a liquid diet.
-Today, we are looking at Clash of the Champions XII from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XII: Mountain Madness/Fall Brawl '90 took place on September 5, 1990 from the Asheville Civic Center in Asheville, North Carolina. There were 4,000 fans in attendance and the show did a 5.0 rating on TBS.
-Intro and Opening Credits.
-Jim Ross and Bob Caudle welcome us and run down the card.
-The Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin with Buddy Roberts VS. The Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong with Bob Armstrong: Way too many confederate flags showing. This started over the stupid Southern Tag Team Trophy program that they had for a while. The Southern Boys win after a pair of Sunset Flips and a bunch of GAGA before that. Freebirds then attack Bob Armstrong afterwards.
-Tony Schiavone interviews The Steiner Brothers who are the new US Tag Champions. Steiners do not give a great interview here. They muddle through.
-Buddy Landell VS. Mike Rotunda: Cindy Anderson, the winner of the Burger King Poetry contest, escorts Rotunda to the ring. Caudle said he talked to Landell about the Skid Row Tattoo that Budro is wearing. I bet Bob was lost in the weeds on that one. These two have a nice little match that Rotunda wins with a back slide.
-Tony Schiavone talks to The Freebirds. They are naturally upset at the result of their match. They then roll the video of The Freebirds in Hollywood.
-Tim Horner and Brad Armstrong VS. The Master Blasters Iron and Steel: Steel is of course Kevin Nash and Iron is listed on web sites as Cory Pendarvis. I cannot find any other info about him. He is replaced after one week by Blade who was Al Greene. Nash has his debut in WCW. The announcers put him over as impressive. Horner is pinned by Steel after a double shoulder block.
-Tony talks to Brian Pillman. They touch on the main event of the night before talking about Pillman Running the Gauntlet. This was confusing and trying to explain it doesn’t help matters.
-Missy Hyatt interviews Ric Flair. Typical Ric Flair interviews. He looks good and will be the new US champ so that he can get the world title.
-The Nasty Boys VS. Jackie Fulton and Terry Taylor: Nasty Boys are in for a few weeks in WCW, but not under contract so they will be in the WWF by the end of the year. Ross and Caudle try to rehab Taylor’s image post Red Rooster years. Nasty Boys win it when Jerry Sags pins Fulton after an elbow drop.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Sid Vicious. He’s angry and wants Sting’s belt. He doesn’t care about anyone but Sig and the belt being around his waist.
-Wild Bill Irwin VS. Tommy Rich: Rich looks in shape here. He wins after a Thesz Press.
-WCW Top 10: Sting Champion. 10. Buddy Landell 9. Tommy Rich 8. Junk Yard Dog 7. Brian Pillman 6. Stan Hansen 5. Sid Vicious 4. Barry Windham 3. Arn Anderson 2. Ric Flair 1. Lex Luger
Tag Teams: Doom Champions 10. Mike Rotunda and Tim Horner 9. Junk Yard Dog and El Gigante 8. Flyin’ Brian and The Z-Man 7. SST 6. Freebirds 5. Southern Boys 4. The Midnight Express 3. The Horsemen 2. The Rock & Roll Express 1. The Steiner Brothers
-Tony Schiavone talks to Stan Hansen. He says he’s motivated because he needs money and he’s mad that he is ranked so low in the rankings.
-LPWA Championship Match: Bambi VS. Susan Sexton This is the popcorn match of the night. They try to put this over on commentary, but no one cares. They move on to talk about the rest of the card. Sexton wins after reversing a cradle.
-Steiner Brothers VS. Maximum Overdrive: Steiners extremely over with the crowd. They cheer all the Steiners moves. Rick gets the pin after they do a top rope DDT.
-Missy Hyatt reminds us to watch The Main Event on Sundays.
-Stan Hansen VS. The Z Man: Z Man gets a good pop. Hansen attacks him and beats him at ringside before throwing him in. They show Lex Luger watching the match. Hansen wins with the lariat.
-They review the Ric Flair/Lex Luger rivalry. Luger is ready for Flair.
-US Title Match: Lex Luger VS. Ric Flair: Flair opens the chop house. Flair then stalls. Luger’s academic credentials and Flair’s plane crash are both brought up IYDAH. All Bases covered. The fans are really into this match. They battle in and out of the ring. Now Flair’s athletic background is brought up. Flair concentrates on the leg. They trade blows. Crowd solidly behind Luger. Luger goes for and hits the superplex. Flair gets his leg on the ropes. Stan Hansen comes in and attacks Luger so Flair loses by disqualification. Hansen ties the cowbell and rope around Luger’s neck.
-The Black Scorpion says if Sting beats him, he will tell Sting who he is. Sting says he plans to do just that.
-NWA Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. The Black Scorpion: This Scorpion is Al Perez under the mask. Sting comes out hard on the Scorpion and the crowd is solidly behind him. Much speculation over the identity of the Black Scorpion during the match. It goes out to the ramp at one point. Sting keeps going after the mask instead of winning the match. Sting wins with the splash. He takes one mask off, but there’s another one on underneath. Another Black Scorpion comes down the aisle. The announcers say Sting is “Stunned”.
-JR interviews Sting. He is confused by all of the Black Scorpion drama, but as they are getting into that, Sid comes down to ringside. He says Sting should worry about him. Sting says he has enough on his mind. Sid then attacks Sting. He then says he’s going to be the next champion because he rules the world.
-They sign off from Asheville.