Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 73 Notes

-Residuals from getting the second vaccine shot.
-Today we are going to be looking at Saturday Night's Main Event from May, 1986.
-Saturday Night's Main Event #6 was shown on NBC on May 3, 1986. It was taped May 1, 1986 from the Providence Civic Center in Providence, Rhode Island.
-We start out with a shot of Damien on the floor. Mean Gene wonders if anyone can defeat the serpent, tonight Ricky Steamboat is going to try. Then, the Battle of the Big Men: King Kong Bundy VS. Uncle Elmer. The British Bulldogs will defend their title against Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik, Paul Orndorff VS. Adorable Adrian Adonis, and Hulk Hogan & The Junkyard Dog with The Haiti Kid take on the Funk Brothers.
-That brings us to the introduction.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us and promises us we will also see video of the WrestleMania 2 cage match. He then brings on Bobby Heenan to be his color commentator as Jesse Ventura was filming Predator.
-Terry and Hoss Funk with Jimmy Hart VS. Hulk Hogan and The Junkyard Dog with The Haiti Kid.
-Mean Gene interviews the Funks and Hart. They review the megaphone hit from WrestleMania 2. They bring on Jimmy Jack Funk to counter The Haiti Kid.
-Mean Gene then interviews Hulk Hogan, JYD, and The Haiti Kid. The Haiti Kid is not worried about Jimmy Hart.
-Brawling to start. The Haiti Kid Attacks Jimmy Hart. Back and forth. Terry Funk launches into the ring post. Hoss Funk and Jimmy Hart help him then he chases The Haiti Kid. JYD pulls Terry Funk inside. He manhandles Terry Funk and Hulk Hogan is tagged in.
-Hulk Hogan and Hoss Funk go at it and then Hulk Hogan takes both brothers on and gets a two count on Hoss Funk JYD tagged in. Terry Funk tagged in after a minute. Funk brothers start double teaming. Terry Funk hits some punches, JYD counters. Terry Funk sells hard here! Hoss Funk tagged in and JYD throws him into the corner, Hulk Hogan does the same to Terry Funk. Both Funks sell like crazy. Jimmy Hart hits the Haiti Kid with the branding iron. JYD then takes Haiti kid to the back. Hulk is left to take on the Funks on his own for a while, but JYD eventually returns. Hulk Hogan double-teamed on the floor, they all fight in the crowd. The Haiti Kid returns. Back in the ring, Hoss Funk takes over on The JYD and tags Terry Funk in. JYD chant goes up. Double Clothesline. Terry Funk goes up top. Misses the dive. Hulk Hogan tagged in and gets the leg drop and pin. Then a triple team on Haiti Kid. They go to brand him but Hulk Hogan and JYD clean house. Hogan poses and they both get down.
-King Kong Bundy VS. Uncle Elmer —Earlier that day the weigh in. Mean Gene is there. King Kong Bundy weighs in at 468 pounds. Uncle Elmer then comes in to the scale. They insert slurping noises as Uncle Elmer is eating from something that says Uncle Elmer's Fried Pig Parts. He weighs 430 pounds.
-Uncle Elmer dances in the ring. Test of strength. Vince and Bobby argue over whether Bobby should be at ringside.
-Elmer is bad in the ring. He does backside hits to King Kong Bundy in the corner. King Kong Bundy finally gets the pin after an elbow drop.
-Mean Gene interviews Adorable Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart in the dressing room. Adrian Adonis has a cutout of Paul Orndorff in there that he just adores.
-Adrian Adonis with Jimmy Hart VS. Paul Orndorff. Pre tape of Mean Gene in the sauna interviewing Paul Orndorff. Orndorff makes some un-PC comments about Adrian Adonis and even in 1986, Mean Gene moves right along and doesn't touch them.
-Paul Orndorff starts out quickly. Adrian Adonis slows it down. Adonis thrown out then Jimmy Hart pulled into the ring and thrown out. They both eventually go out and Jimmy Hart attacks Paul Orndorff who gives chase. Adrian Adonis takes the opportunity to use the megaphone. Then back and forth. Adrian Adonis gets tied in the ropes. The dress gets ripped off of Adonis. Paul Orndorff won't stop attacking Adonis and shoves the ref and gets disqualified.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan in the arena before the matches. They go over what happened at the last SNME and at WrestleMania 2.
-Ricky Steamboat VS. Jake Roberts. Mean Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. They talk about Jake Roberts and his deadliness. Then a pre tape of Jake Roberts with Damien. Great promo here by Jake. Jake Roberts attacks and clotheslines Ricky Steamboat before the bell. Another one to the concrete. Then the DDT on the outside and Ricky Steamboat takes a nasty bump. Jake Roberts puts Ricky Steamboat back in the ring, brings out Damien. He puts it all over Ricky Steamboat as Vince McMahon Overreacts here. Ricky Steamboat stretchered out as they show Steamboat's wife Bonnie in the crowd.
-Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldogs with Captain Lou Albano. They show the title change from WrestleMania 2.
-The British Bulldogs with Capt. Lou VS. Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik with Freddie Blassie. Volkoff does the Russian National Anthem gimmick. Vince McMahon makes a Chernobyl joke here? Pre tape Mean Gene interviews Blassie, Volkoff, and Sheik. 2/3 falls match.
-The British Bulldogs come out strong. Heels even up with fast tags. Camel clutch and a submission. Fast first fall. Second fall, heels continue to dominate. Back and Forth. Davey Boy Smith wrestles most of the match. They say that Dynamite Kid must be injured. Davey Boy Smith gets a rollup for a pin. Then it is confirmed that Dynamite Kid is injured. The Iron Sheik gets a Boston crab but DBS gets the rope. Nikolai Volkoff gets a backbreaker. Dynamite Kid tagged in. Iron Sheik gets the camel clutch. Interference by Davey Boy Smith, who rolls Iron Sheik up for the pin. It is controversial but stands. Vince and Bobby then wrap up the show.