Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 80 Notes

-A trip to the dentist with my shirt on backwards.
-Today we look at Clash of the Champions 13 from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions 13: Thanksgiving Thunder took place on November 20, 1990 from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Florida. There were 5,000 people in attendance and the show did a 4.2 rating on TBS. This Clash set up Starrcade ’90: Collision Course.
-Clash Intro.
-Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously run down the card and push the hotline.
-The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes with Bobby Eaton and Little Richard Marley VS. The Southern Boys Scott Armstrong and Tracy Smothers: This is supposed to be a six man tag. El Gigante was not there so the Freebirds say they “beat him up” at the airport. The referee then makes it a straight tag match so he sends Eaton to the back. Stan Lane and Jim Cornette had left WCW a couple of days after Halloween Havoc. Armstrong hits a high crossbody on the Freebirds to a big pop. Freebirds suck chant goes out. JR works in Smother’s College Football career so all is right in the world. Freebirds keep it interesting. Armstrong hits a double clothesline on the Birds. Hayes DDT’s Smothers after Little Richard Marley trips him while Armstrong and Garvin are brawling on the walkway.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Sting. He’s ready for The Black Scorpion face to face on The Danger Zone. They are about to go to a commercial when the Black Scorpion’s voice comes over the PA and taunts Sting.
-Buddy Landell VS. Brian Pillman: Crowd solidly behind Pillman. Pillman trying for some quick pins. Landell keeps kicking out. Pillman hits a flying clothesline to Landell on the outside. They battle on the outside as Pillman opens up his own chophouse. Back in, they trade blows, but Landell has the advantage. Pillman pushes Landell off as he tries for a superplex, then hits a high crossbody to pin Landell.
-Starrcade’ 90 promo.
-Big Cat VS. Brad Armstrong: WCW’s first look at Curtis Hughes. This is during Armstrong’s time as the Candy man. Slow start, but Big Cat is dominating. He gets Armstrong up in the torture rack to taunt Lex Luger. The referee stops the match. Paul E. and Jim Ross argue over whether Armstrong gave up.
-Dick the Bruiser says he’s the toughest man and the toughest referee and there will be a winner at Starrcade. I’m assuming he means the main event but you wouldn’t know it by this promo.
-Brian Lee VS. Tom Zenk: Girls love The Z-Man. Lee making his debut here and it isn’t going to go well. Z-Man goes for a high crossbody and Lee isn’t there as he had gone towards the wrong corner. It’s a famous GIF. The ring is strangely wired for sound. You can hear the ropes rattle when someone hits them. Clunky match. Z-Man gets the win after a top rope dropkick.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Michael Wall Street and Alexandria York. Wall Street corrects Tony after Tony refers to him as Mike Rotunda. Tony begs off. Alexandria York says she has the info on Star Blazer and Wall Street will be victorious.
-The Star Blazer VS. Michael Wall Street with Alexandria York: York is looking good here. JR is obliged to bring up Wall Street’s athletic background IYDAH. Star Blazer is Tim Horner. He gets some offense in. Wall Street comes back. He gets an abdominal stretch. Star Blazer gets a cradle for a two count after the stretch is broken. Back and forth. JR keeps saying Rotunda and after being corrected he says fraudulent slip rather than Freudian slip. Wall Street gets the pin after the stock market crash.
Gordon Solie brings us the Top 10 rankings: Tag Teams

  1. Norman and The Juicer
  2. Big Cat and The Motor City Madman
  3. Tim Horner and The Candyman
  4. Master Blasters
  5. Southern Boys
  6. Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich
  7. Fabulous Freebirds
  8. Nasty Boys
  9. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson
  10. The Steiner Brothers World Tag Team Champions: Doom Singles
  11. Bobby Eaton
  12. Z-Man
  13. Michael Wall Street
  14. Brian Pillman
  15. Terry Taylor
  16. Arn Anderson
  17. Ric Flair
  18. Lex Luger
  19. Sid Vicious.
  20. Stan Hansen World Heavyweight Champion: Sting

-JR and Paul E talk about the tag team tournament coming up at Starrcade. They do a feature on the tournament. They show the trophy in the Arena.
-African Qualifying Match: Sgt. Kruger and Colonel DeKlerk VS. Kalua and The Botswana Beast: Paul E. complains about WCW flying these guys in, but not picking him up, is funny if you know Paul’s history. Slow paced match. Match has no chemistry. The crowd is not really into it. Future Rocco Rock gets tossed around by the Beast. Beast catches him in a big powerslam. Double teaming by Kruger and DeKlerk allows them to get the pin.
-Sam Muchnick asks fans to meet him in St. Louis for the Tag Team Tournament.
-Tony Schiavone introduces a video package of the Lex Luger/Stan Hansen rivalry.
-Tony then interviews Luger. Luger talks about Stan Hansen and the Motor City Madman when the Big Cat interrupts him and tells him to worry about him. Luger attacks him and the Big Cat says Luger just made a big mistake.
-The Motor City Madman VS. Lex Luger: Luger extremely over with the fans. Big Cat comes out behind Luger and they start to go at it until they are pulled apart. Madman attacks Luger. Crowd cheers every Luger move. Luger dead weight suplexes Madman inside and the crowd loves it. Luger hits a clothesline and pins Madman.
-Another Starrcade ad.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Nick Patrick about the heat between the Nasty Boys and the Steiner Brothers.
-The Renegade Warriors VS. The Nasty Boys: Nasty Boys had apparently given their notice at this point, so they are subtly being buried by JR on commentary. He says he’ll quit announcing if they beat the Steiners and they are scared to face the Steiners. The Steiners come in and start brawling and the Nasty Boys bail.
-A video showing Big Van Vader is on his way back to WCW.
-Sid Vicious VS. The Nightstalker: Sid in a red singlet for this match. Vicious says he wants Sting again because he rules the world. Test of strength. Power moves. Nightstalker going after Vicious’ ribs for that punctured lung. The Big Cat comes down and Vicious nails him. Not a good night for Curtis Hughes. Nightstalker goes to hit Vicious with his Battle Axe, but Vicious gets it and hits Nightstalker with it and pins him. Very clunky match throughout. Nightstalker and Big Cat double team Vicious. He powers out and gets a chair.
-Tony Schiavone interviews the Freebirds. They crow about getting rid of El Gigante. The Southern Boys come out and the Freebirds goof on them until El Gigante comes out and the Freebirds scram.
-Missy Hyatt tells us to watch The Main Event on Sundays.
-They replay the Nasty Boys/Steiner Brothers confrontation.
-Magnum Force VS. The Steiner Brothers: Total squash. Scott wins after a Frankensteiner. The Nasty Boys attack after the match. The Steiners make them retreat.
-Tony interviews Ric Flair and Arn Anderson about the match coming up and all of the stipulations. If the Horsemen win, Flair and Anderson earn a title rematch against Doom at Starrcade and Teddy Long has to be Flair’s chauffer for a day. If Doom wins Teddy Long gets Flair’s Yacht and Limousine and there would be no rematch at Starrcade. Typical Horsemen interview. Flair and Anderson are so good here.
-JR shows a video package recapping the Sting/Black Scorpion drama.
-The Danger Zone with Paul E. Dangerously: Sting is the guest. There is a huge ovation for Sting as Paul E. brings him out. Sting wants The Black Scorpion to come out and he appears and does more magic tricks in another part of the arena. He rotates a guy’s head around then throws the guy in a cage, covers the cage, and then a leopard appears in the cage. Sting comes over but The Black Scorpion comes in to a curtained off platform and disappears.
-Tony Schiavone shows a recap video of the Horsemen/Doom feud.
-Ric Flair VS. Butch Reed: Flairs Yacht and Limo VS. Teddy Long as chauffer and a rematch at Starrcade. They do a coin toss to determine the participants and its Flair and Reed. Reed with the early advantage. JR works in Athletic Background so you can drink safely. They go in and out of the ring and do some mat wrestling. Flair comes back with some hard chops. Simmons comes up to argue a call allowing Flair to dump Reed over the top rope where Anderson attacks him. Horsemen are playing dirty and the fans love it. Reed comes back and Flair begs off. Flair falls outside where Simmons attacks him. Back in, Flair takes back over. Reed gets the figure four on Flair and the crowd loses it. Flair is fighting it though. He gets to the ropes and Nick Patrick has to pull Reed off to break the hold. Reed with the advantage, but can’t get the pin. Long puts Reed’s foot on the rope to save him from a Flair pin. Reed goes up top and hits the shoulder block. Patrick is distracted by Long. Reed charges Flair who dumps him on Patrick and Long. Simmons comes in and nails Flair for Reed but Anderson also comes in with a chair and hits Reed. Flair rolls over and pins Reed. Crowd loves it. They push Starrcade once more as the credits roll.