Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 81 Notes

-Don’t buy chicken from a pouch.
-I had some friends over for my birthday and we rented this tape and it was leading me towards being a fan.
-Today we look at Survivor Series 1990 from the WWF.
-Survivor Series 1990 took place on November 22, 1990 from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. There were 16,000 in attendance.
-Classic Vince McMahon introduction of the teams facing each other. Gorilla Monsoon and Roddy Piper welcome us. They talk about the match of survival and the hatching of the egg. They also talk about the PPV being broadcast to the armed services as Operation Desert Shield is going on.
-The Perfect Team Mr. Perfect, Demolition Ax, Smash, and Crush with Mr. Fuji and Bobby Heenan VS. The Warriors The Ultimate Warrior, The Texas Tornado, and The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal: Ax’s last stand and he doesn’t even bother to slick the hair back. Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Warriors. They are all intense. They keep the Texas Tornado short and to the point. Warrior babbles on about skeletons and such and Animal calls the LOD fans Little Doomers.
-Gorilla Monsoon says the place has gone bananas when the Texas Tornado’s music hits and literally no one is standing up. Faces all get separate entrances and music. Smash is pummeled to begin. Perfect comes in and sells for everyone. Warrior comes in and hits the shoulder tackle and splash and pins Ax. It’s been real, Eadie. Crush gets a two count on Warrior. Hawk misses a corner charge on Perfect and hits his shoulder hard. Hawk comes back and hits Smash with a top rope clothesline. That brings in Crush which brings in Animal. All four brawl and both teams get disqualified. Perfect bounces and sells for Tornado. Bobby Heenan is bumping for Warrior. Perfect comes back. He gets Tornado with the Perfectplex. He then gets Warrior in it, but Warrior kicks out. Warrior keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Perfect punishes Warrior. Warrior comes back and hits the shoulder/splash combo and pins Perfect.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Million Dollar Team. Ted DiBiase says his mystery man will debut and his team will prevail over Dusty Rhodes’ team because only the strong survive.
-The Dream Team Dusty Rhodes, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, and Koko B. Ware VS. The Million Dollar Team Ted DiBiase, The Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, and a mystery opponent with Jimmy Hart and Virgil: Rhodes comes to the ring looking like the NWA Dusty Rhodes. I always loved the Jim Neidhart pink hat. Roddy says that Bret Hart is dedicating this match to his brother Dean who passed away the day before. Gorilla calls Valentine Boxcar. Ted DiBiase then announces his mystery man, The Undertaker with manager Brother Love. The Phenom debuts and the WWE would never be the same. Undertaker starts with Bret. Then Neidhart and Koko come in against Undertaker. Koko pinned after a tombstone. Rhodes and Valentine tagged in. The faces are making quick tags. HTM in. He gets pinned by Neidhart. Rhodes and DiBiase tagged in and the crowd comes alive. Virgil grabs Neidhart’s leg and DiBiase pins him. Rhodes unloads on DiBiase. Undertaker and Bret go at it. Then DiBiase and Rhodes are back at it. Undertaker hits Rhodes from the top and eliminates him. Rhodes goes after Brother Love which draws the Undertaker, who had already tagged out to Valentine, but they say Undertaker has been counted out. Way to protect Undertaker, but they made a mistake. Valentine is pinned by Bret with a small package. DiBiase and Bret go at it. Hart almost wins with a backslide. Then, Bret blows out his knee tripping over DiBiase, but it turns out he was faking and gets another close count. Virgil grabs Bret for DiBiase to hit, but Bret ducks and Virgil gets taken out by DiBiase’s hit. DiBiase rolls through a high crossbody to get the pin. Bret audibly yells Fuck in frustration.
-They hype the Main Event the next night.
-Mean Gene interviews The Vipers team in the shower. Jake Roberts goes over the battles the team has had and the teams going against each other.
-The Visionaries Rick Martel, The Warlord, and Power & Glory with Slick VS. The Vipers Jake Roberts with Damien, The Rockers, and Jimmy Snuka: As Snuka is coming out, Roddy cracks at his appearance by saying you think a coconut hadn’t hit him in the head? I laughed. Warlord and Jannetty start. Speed vs power. Michaels tagged in but even double teaming, they can’t get the Warlord down. Martel tagged in. Roberts then tags in and Martel quickly tags out. Snuka then tagged in as well as Hercules. Then Warlord quickly tags in. Jannetty then in. Warlord pins him after a power slam. Roberts is in and a DDT chant goes out. Gorilla breaks out an anatomy lesson about the back of the head IYDAH. Heels take turns beating down Shawn Michaels. Martel misses a charge in the corner. Snuka is in and he does a crossbody, but Martel rolls through and pins Snuka with a handful of tights. Roberts then in, so Martel goes out. Hercules is in, but he bails when Roberts goes for the DDT. Roberts is selling his eye “Injury”. Michaels is in against Roma. Hercules then in and he hits Michaels hard. Quick tags by the heels. Michaels is pinned by the Powerplex. Roberts is punished by the Warlord. Roberts hits the DDT on Warlord, but the referee is distracted. Martel goes to spray him with the atomizer, but Roberts rolls away and brings out Damien. He chases Martel to the back with him and gets counted out. The entire Visionary team survives.
-Royal Rumble ad.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Hulkamaniacs Team. Since Operation Desert Shield is happening, Jim Duggan has yellow ribbons on his 2X4. The team talks about being survivors and dedicating the match to those serving overseas.
-The Natural Disasters: Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Haku, and The Barbarian with Jimmy Hart and Bobby Heenan VS. The Hulkamaniacs: Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Jim Duggan, and The Big Boss Man: Faces get separate entrances. Hogan is still crazy over when he comes out. Piper very fair saying he doesn’t like everyone in there, but he admires them all, he will say what he thinks though. Duggan gets the crowd to chant USA. Duggan and Haku going at it just slugging it out. Bravo in to hit Duggan, then Barbarian in. Boss Man and Haku in. Haku pinned after a Boss Man Slam. Barbarian in and Heenan comes up on the apron. Boss Man goes after him and runs him against the post, allowing Barbarian to come back. Duggan in and he goes after Earthquake. Jimmy Hart pulls the rope down and Duggan goes out and then goes after Hart with the 2X4. He hits Earthquake with the 2X4 and gets disqualified. Hogan in and he takes on all three heels. He cleans house, but Earthquake comes back. Bravo in, but Hogan sneaks a small package to pin him. Boss Man in against Earthquake. Barbarian nails Boss Man in the back and Earthquake pins him after an elbow. Hogan in against Earthquake. He tries to slam Earthquake, but Earthquake falls on him, then tries to splash him. Hogan crawls and tags in Tugboat. Hogan pulls Earthquake out and Tugboat follows as they brawl and both men get counted out. Barbarian goes after Hogan. Barbarian gets kind of a piledriver on Hogan but doesn’t get all of it, then a double clothesline. Barbarian goes up top and clotheslines Hogan. Hulk up time! Big Boot, Leg Drop, and pin. Bobby Heenan gets tossed hard by Hogan and sells it. Hogan must pose!
-Another Royal Rumble ad.
-Mean Gene brings out Randy Savage to interview. Savage gets carried out. He wants a title shot against the Ultimate Warrior. He says Queen Sherri slapped Warrior three times on the Brother Love Show. He says he is scoping out the Warrior and if the Warrior can’t find him, he’s looking in the wrong places. He says his title is coming back to him.
-The Alliance Nikolai Volkoff, Tito Santana, and The Bushwhackers VS. The Mercenaries Sgt. Slaughter, Boris Zhukov, and the Orient Express with General Adnan and Mr. Fuji: Mean Gene interviews Slaughter on the way to the ring. Slaughter is full Iraqi Heel here. He pours it on heavy against the service people stationed overseas. Piper wants to go after Slaughter and crew after his comments. Santana pins Zhukov after a flying forearm. Bushwhacker battering ram pins Sato. Santana forearm pins Tanaka. Volkoff in against Slaughter. Slaughter dominating. He pins Volkoff. Butch comes in. The Bushwhackers double team but can’t pin Slaughter. Slaughter pins Luke. He then pins Butch after a clothesline. Santana goes after Slaughter hard. Slaughter takes over, but can’t get the pin. Santana fights back. Slaughter still can’t get the pin. The referee gets hit by Santana as Slaughter gives him an Irish whip. Santana hits the forearm on Slaughter. General Adnan comes in and hits Santana with the flag. Slaughter gets the camel clutch on and the ref taps him and Slaughter things he’s won, but he’s been disqualified. Crowd goes crazy.
-Sean Mooney interviews Ted DiBiase and The Visionaries. They say they have unity and teamwork. DiBiase says he’s given a lot of incentive money. DiBiase says the egos of Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior won’t allow them to survive and Tito Santana is in the right place at the wrong time.
-Promo for The Main Event the next night.
-Mean Gene is at the egg as it is cracking open. The world famous Gobbledy Gooker comes out. The crowd immediately boos. They try to get it over, but no one cares. Mean Gene “interviews” him, then gets dragged to the ring. They dance to Turkey in the Straw. It goes on way too long.
-Sean Mooney interviews The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, and Tito Santana. Hogan says the odds are against them, but they’re not worried. Santana says the grand finale is what it’s all about. Warrior then runs down each member of the heel side and talks about Hulkamania, Warrior Wildness, and arribaderci and I am so embarrassed for him.
-Grand Finale Match of Survival: Ted DiBiase, Rick Martel, Hercules, Paul Roma, and The Warlord with Virgil and Slick VS. Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, and Tito Santana: Roddy asks Gorilla if he wants to bet on the Finale, but Gorilla declines which surprises me knowing how much Gorilla liked to gamble. Hogan comes out first for the faces, then Santana, then Warrior comes out last. Santana hits Warlord with a forearm to pin him right away. Heels then take over on Santana. He fights back on DiBiase. DiBiase hits the stun gun on Santana then pins him. Hogan in. DiBiase comes back and tags in Hercules. He gets Hogan down and Roma tagged in. He batters Hogan and tags Martel. He hits Hogan a few times and tags Hercules in. Heels double teaming Hogan. DiBiase and Hercules working him over. Hogan chant goes out and Hogan kicks out of the powerplex and pins Roma. Martel in and Warrior also tagged in. Warrior hitting everything moving. Hogan back in. Big boot and clothesline to Martel, who falls out and leaves and gets counted out. DiBiase and Hercules are livid. DiBiase clotheslined by Hulk Hogan. Big boot, Leg drop and DiBiase is pinned. Warrior in and Shoulder Block and splash to pin Hercules.
-Sole Survivors: The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. They raise each other’s hands in victory. Hogan holds the ropes for Warrior who says no and holds it open for Hogan. They pose on the ropes as they push the Royal Rumble once more and sign off from Hartford.