Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 82 Notes

-Today we look at SummerSlam 2005 from the WWE.
-In the summer of 2005, I had just gotten my first job in the industry I still work in. I had to transport a student to the hospital one night, she was from Russia, so she brought her friend to help translate, and the trouble started from there.
-SummerSlam 2005 was broadcast on PPV on August 21, 2005 from the MCI Center in Washington, D.C. There were 18,176 in attendance and the show had 640,000 PPV buys.
-The colors of the United States are presented and Lillian Garcia sings the National Anthem as we begin. She does an outstanding job. A USA chant goes out.
-Introduction with highlights of some of what has led up to some of the matches tonight.
-Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Jonathan Coachman welcome us to SummerSlam before introducing the Spanish Announce Team. They then introduce Tazz and Michael Cole from Smackdown.
-United States Championship Match. Orlando Jordan VS. Chris Benoit: They tie up in the corner and Jordan hits a cheap shot to Benoit. Benoit hits a German suplex into a crossface. Jordan taps and Benoit is the new US champion.
-Vickie Guerrero comes up to Eddie as he is putting his boots on and says they need to talk. He says he is done talking. Vickie says this isn’t about Dominick, it’s about Eddie beating Rey Mysterio and being better than him. Vickie says it’s all about Eddie trying to be better. She says she loves Eddie and begs him not to go through with this. He says he’s going to prove to everyone that he can beat Rey Mysterio.
-Some injured soldiers from Walter Reed are shown.
-Highlights of what led up to the match between Matt Hardy and Edge.
-Edge with Lita VS. Matt Hardy: JR says it’s going to be a Slobberknocker IYDAH. Hardy gets a really good reaction coming out. He and Edge start fighting on the outside. Hardy is possessed. He gets Edge inside the ring and applies the rear naked choke. Edge gets to the ropes. Hardy beats him down in the corner. Edge responds with a headbutt. A She’s a crack whore chant goes out directed towards Lita. Edge spears Hardy through the ropes and they both land on the outside. Back in the ring, Hardy hitting Edge with big right hands. Beating Edge in the corner. Edge lifts him up in the corner and Hardy’s face hits the corner ring post. A Hardy chant goes out. Edge hitting some big shots to Hardy’s face. He kicks and punches Hardy’s head. Hardy busted open. He struggles to his feet for several minutes. Referee Chad Patton stops the match because Hardy can’t defend himself. Hardy looks genuinely out of it.
-Highlights of what led up to the Eddie Guerrero/Rey Mysterio match.
-Ladder Match for custody of Dominick Mysterio. I can’t believe this is actually a thing. Eddie Guerrero VS. Rey Mysterio: Guerrero comes down first and goes to Dominick who is sitting at ringside with the social worker. Dominick won’t let Guerrero touch him. Mysterio comes out determined. He comes over and talks to Dominick. They stare at each other across the ring for a long time. An Eddie sucks chant goes out. Guerrero hits a knee to the gut and some forearms. Runs Mysterio into the corner. Back suplex to Mysterio. Back and forth. Mysterio hits a big monkey flip and Guerrero rolls out. Mysterio comes out and Guerrero runs him into the ring steps. He then runs Mysterio into a ladder. Guerrero getting up the ladder as Mysterio struggles to get in. Mysterio springboards from the ropes and knocks Guerrero off. Guerrero tries to bring another ladder in and he and Mysterio play tug of war with it. Guerrero in and hitting forearms to Mysterio again. Mysterio throws Guerrero out. They fight over a ladder until Mysterio baseball slides and kicks the ladder into Guerrero. A Holy Shit chant rings out. Mysterio with a standing senton on Guerrero holding the ladder on the outside. Mysterio trying to get up the ladder. Guerrero gets to the other side. They race to the top. They exchange right hands at the top of the ladder. Guerrero grabs the briefcase and tries to unlatch it. Mysterio with some right hands to Guerrero’s gut. Guerrero ramming Mysterio’s head into the ladder. Guerrero sunset flips Mysterio off the ladder. He loses his grip halfway through, but they still both fall. Guerrero grabs the ladder and runs it into Mysterio. He goes outside and grabs another ladder. Guerrero then dropkicks the ladder onto Mysterio. He then slams Mysterio onto the ladder. He sandwiches Mysterio between two ladders. He then does a hilo onto the ladders Mysterio in a corner and Guerrero comes over and slams the ladder onto Mysterio. He sets up the other ladder and begins to climb. Mysterio places the other ladder on the first and quickly climbs. He punches Guerrero and backdrops Guerrero off the ladder and they all fall down ladders and all. Mysterio sets up the ladder and starts climbing, but Guerrero dropkicks the ladder and Mysterio falls again. Guerrero sets the ladder up across the ropes in one corner. Mysterio with some kicks to Guerrero, then charges him and Guerrero launches him back ribs first into the ladder. Guerrero sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Dominick comes in and starts to shake the ladder. He isn’t strong enough to move it. Guerrero turns around and looks at Dominick. He yells at Dominick for shaking the ladder. He screams that Dominick is going to love him and that he’s going to learn the hard way what it is to be a Guerrero. Mysterio attacks Guerrero and they get Dominick out of the ring and Mysterio backdrops Guerrero. Mysterio sets a ladder up against the ropes. Guerrero goes to run Mysterio into the ropes. Mysterio blocks it. He runs Guerrero into the ladder and then hits the 619 on Guerrero against the ladder. Mysterio then springboards onto Guerrero who has the ladder on top of him. Mysterio setting the ladder up. He climbs up and Guerrero is behind him and goes for an electric chair, but Mysterio reverses it into a power bomb off the top of the ladder. They are both motionless on the mat. Mysterio up first. He goes back up the ladder. Mysterio grabs the briefcase. Guerrero kicks the ladder away and Mysterio is holding onto the briefcase. He lets go and Guerrero catches him and delivers a power bomb to Mysterio. An Eddie chant goes out. Guerrero sets up the ladder. He traps Mysterio underneath. He taunts Mysterio for a few minutes but struggles to unhook the briefcase. Mysterio trying to get out. Mysterio gets the ladder off and Guerrero is hanging from the briefcase. Mysterio pulls him down. Guerrero hits the three amigos on Mysterio ending with a suplex onto the ladder. Guerrero sets the ladder up again and climbs. His ankle appears to be hurt. Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring. She yells at Eddie and pushes him off the ladder. Vickie then pulls Eddie away. Mysterio gets the briefcase. Eddie yelling at Vickie. Dominick comes in and hugs Mysterio. Angie Mysterio comes down to celebrate with them. Eddie throwing things around. Mysterio hits him with the briefcase.
-Todd Grisham interviews Chris Jericho. He says that the time is now for Chris Jericho to become WWE champion. He says he’s a legendary figure and he’s going to take over.
-Eugene with Christy Hemme VS. Kurt Angle: Angle attacks Eugene right away. Hits some big forearms. Hits a short clothesline. Eugene counters with a spinebuster. He goes for a People’s Elbow emulating The Rock, but gets cut off by a vicious clothesline by Angle. He punches and chokes Eugene until stopped by the referee. A lets go Angle chant starts. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Eugene coming back with kicks and punches. Eugene misses a corner charge and Angle hits another Angle Suplex. That gets a two count. Angle bashing Eugene on the corner post, but Eugene fighting it. Eugene comes back with punches and hits a Rock Bottom. Gets a close two count. Eugene goes for a stunner, but Angle blocks it. He twists Eugene around Eugene hits a kick and gets the stunner. Another two count. Eugene puts the Ankle lock on Angle. Angle counters and runs Eugene into the second turnbuckle. Angle hits the Angle Slam. He puts the ankle lock on and Eugene taps quickly. Angle grabs a chair and Hemme comes in to protect Eugene. Angle kicks them both out of the ring and opens the chair. He stands on it and recreates his 1996 Olympic medal ceremony.
-The WWE Divas are shown washing a limo in their bikinis. It has the presidential seal on it. The back window comes down and it’s Vince McMahon. He says Hey, why not as Hail to the Chief plays. There’s a McMahon for President bumper sticker on the back.
-The Undertaker VS. Randy Orton: Undertaker has the big fire and brimstone entrance. Of course this is the Orton entrance before he had voices in his head. Orton bails out right away. Trying to dictate the pace. Back in, Undertaker pushes Orton down and then slaps him. Orton with a side headlock. Undertaker pushes off and hits Orton with a shoulder block for a two count. Orton with an Irish whip. Undertaker with another shoulder block. Orton with a hip toss. Undertaker with a big boot. Gets a two count. Taker gets a key lock on. Works on Orton’s shoulder. Taker goes for Old School, but Orton arm drags him off the turnbuckle. That gets a two count. Orton with some forearm shots and punches in the corner. Undertaker comes back with big shots of his own. Orton goes for a charge, but Undertaker gets the big boot for a two count. Undertaker with a shot to Orton’s back. Orton counters an Irish whip, misses a clothesline and Undertaker hits a flying choke slam. Gets a two count. Undertaker with big shots in the corner and a big boot. He hits a big knee in the corner to Orton. Undertaker with some shots. Orton ducks another corner charge and Undertaker get caught on the top rope and Orton hits a knee to Undertaker’s hamstring. Undertaker hits an elbow. Orton with a DDT on Undertaker as he’s getting back in the ring. Two count but Undertaker gets his foot on the ropes. Orton targeting Undertaker’s leg. Driving it into the ring apron. He bangs it against the ring post. Undertaker trying to stand up. Orton laying kicks to the hamstring. Orton with a leg lock. Undertaker grabs Orton’s upper half for a submission hold. Undertaker with shots to Orton’s kidneys and Orton responds with an elbow to Undertaker’s face. Orton drops a knee on Undertaker for a two count. Undertaker gets an uppercut and Orton responds with a boot to the face for a two count. Undertaker with some shots. Orton reverses an Irish whip into a power slam for a close two count. Orton with a leg lock on Undertaker. Undertaker fighting it and reverses it. Undertaker slams Orton’s knee into the mat. Orton shot off into the ropes. He comes back with a shot to Undertaker’s bad knee. He drapes it on the bottom rope and comes down on it. Undertaker counters and pushes Orton to the outside. Undertaker follows and drives Orton into the steps. Drapes Orton in the ring with his head over the apron and hits a leg drop on the apron. Undertaker going for Old School again. He hits it, but his knee buckles as he hits the mat. Drives Orton face first into the mat. Gets a two count. He hits Orton with a corner whip, then snake eyes and goes for the flying choke slam again, but Orton counters with a dropkick. Orton goes for the RKO, but Undertaker pushes him off. Undertaker goes for the tombstone, Orton reverses it, Undertaker reverses that, and then Orton reverses that into a neck breaker/backbreaker combo. That gets a 2.5 count. Orton raining down blows to Undertaker’s neck and chest. Orton goes up top, but Undertaker catches him and choke slams him. Orton down, but a fan is in the ring all of a sudden. Officials come in the ring to get him out. After he is gone, Undertaker picks up Orton’s limp body who comes to life and RKO’s Undertaker. He gets the pin. Orton goes out and hugs the fan and removes the wig and prosthesis to reveal it is Randy’s dad Bob Orton Jr. Undertaker staring daggers at them. Undertaker limps off after them.
-Ken Mehlman the chairman of the RNC is shown. Then Ed Gillespie, the former RNC chairman is shown.
-Highlights of what led to the John Cena/Chris Jericho WWE Championship Match.
-Eric Bischoff is shown wishing Chris Jericho good luck in the upcoming match.
-WWE Championship Match. John Cena VS. Chris Jericho: Cena gets a great pop coming out. They’re face to face to begin. Jericho with a headlock. Cena pushes off. Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. Cena back up with some big shots. They start chopping each other. Jericho hits a clothesline and a suplex. He misses another clothesline, but hits a spinning heel kick. Jericho goes to springboard onto Cena, but Cena ducks and Jericho lands outside. Cena tackles Jericho on the outside and punches him. Back in, Cena corner whips Jericho and follows it up with a charge and a back elbow. He runs Jericho into the turnbuckle and hits some shots. Cena tries for another corner charge, but Jericho hits a dropkick. Jericho punching and choking Cena. He hits some chops and kicks to Cena. Jericho hits a suplex. Gets a two count. Back and forth. Jericho reverses a Cena Irish whip and Cena thrown outside. Jericho dropkicks Cena from the apron. Jericho choking Cena with a mic cord. Back in, Jericho puts Cena on the top rope and superplexes him off. Both down and Jericho rolls over for two different two counts. Jericho with some big shots. Cena gets his foot up on a Jericho corner charge. Cena with a backdrop and a clothesline. He misses a shoulder block when Jericho ducks. Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho misses a lionsault and Cena goes for the attitude adjustment, but Jericho hits a victory roll and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Cena pushes him off to the outside. Jericho trying to get back in and Cena leg drops him from the top rope. He gets a two count, but Jericho has his foot on the ropes. Cena goes for the FU, but Jericho counters it into a DDT. He gets a two count. He does a backbreaker to Cena. Competing Let’s Go chants. Jericho stepping on Cena’s back while his throat is draped on the ropes. Jericho goes for a charge, but Cena hits a clothesline. Cena with some big hands to Jericho and another clothesline. Hits a hip toss. He does U Can’t See Me. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho. Cena fighting it. Cena fights and gets to the ropes. Jericho with some boots to the head. They go up top and hit some shots on each other. Cena goes for the FU from the second rope and Jericho turns it into a suplex for a close two count. Jericho goes for a tilt a whirl that Cena turns into the FU for the three count.
-Flashback to what led to the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. No Holds Barred. Batista VS. JBL: JBL arrives in his Long Horn Limo. JBL $100 bills fall from the ceiling. Batista gets a great reaction coming out. They start brawling in the aisle and by the equipment boxes. Batista throws JBL into some equipment and hits him with a fire extinguisher. JBL reverses another attempt and drives Batista into the equipment. JBL then runs Batista into a barricade. JBL grabs a chair to hit Batista, but Batista spears JBL through the barricade. It goes in the ring. JBL hits a clothesline. Vicious shots to Batista. JBL beating Batista down in the corner. JBL gets a belt and whips Batista’s back with it. Screaming come on Animal to Batista. JBL chokes Batista with the belt and Batista is going down. Batista hits a side suplex to get out of the belt. He starts whipping JBL with the belt. Batista running his shoulder into JBL in the corner. JBL gets his boot up on a Batista corner charge and hits the Clothesline from Hell. That gets a close two count. JBL gets the ringside steps and puts them in the ring. He brings Batista onto the steps, but Batista backdrops JBL off. JBL goes for another clothesline, but Batista catches him in a spinebuster. He then hits the Batista Bomb. He hesitates to cover him. He looks at the steps still in the ring, picks JBL up and Batista Bombs him on the steps to get the pin. He picks up and rips a JBL bill afterwards.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-Hulk Hogan VS. Shawn Michaels. Legend VS. Icon: Michaels comes out and gets a better ovation than I thought he would. A Hogan chant goes out before he comes out. He gets a crazy reaction when he comes out. A giant American flag unrolls behind him. Hogan poses before the match. He wants Michaels who rolls out of the ring. Hogan chant goes out. Michaels stalling a lot. The bell finally rings. They stare at each other. Lock up and Hogan pushes Michaels off. It happens two more times. Michaels looking visibly frustrated. Michaels with a side headlock on. Hogan reverses it. Michaels pushes off. Hogan hits a shoulder block that knocks Michaels out of the ring. Hogan wants Michaels back in, but he’s taking his time. They lock back up and Michaels with a knee to the stomach and a blow to the back. He chops Hogan in the corner. Hogan reverses a corner whip and Michaels draped over the corner ropes. He gets kicked by Hogan and this is when the overselling by Michaels really begins. He comes down on the ropes and crotches himself. Hogan with some right hands. He rams Michaels head into the turnbuckle and Michaels goes flying off. Hogan with another shot and Michaels responds with a finger to the eye. He chops Hogan. Hogan responds with a backdrop and a clothesline to the outside. Back in, Hogan with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Hogan with a right hand and an Irish whip but drops his head too early and Michaels hits him with a kick to the head. Michaels with a chop to Hogan in the corner. Hogan blocks being run into the corner so Michaels slaps him. Michaels ducks a punch and slaps Hogan again. Hogan reverses a corner whip. Michaels up and over to the apron and slaps Hogan again. Hogan hits him with a right hand and Michaels falls to the floor. It goes outside and Hogan runs Michaels into the barricade. Michaels slammed onto the Spanish Announce Table. Hogan punching Michaels. Michaels run into the ring post. He goes to do it again but Michaels pushes Hogan into the ring post. Michaels then does it again. Back in, Michaels hitting some corner punches to Hogan, who pushes him off. Michaels keeps going after Hogan who keeps pushing him away. Referee Mike Chioda pulls Michaels off of Hogan and Hogan is busted open. Michaels goes back to the punches and Hogan’s face is a bloody mess. Michaels knocks Hogan down again and then applies the sleeper. Hogan bleeding all over Michaels. Hogan fighting going down. Hogan chant going out. The arm doesn’t drop and Hogan hits a back suplex to break the hold. Double count going on. Hogan with an Irish whip to Michaels, who comes back with a flying forearm to Hogan. Michaels kips up. Michaels goes up top, but misses an elbow drop and Hogan coming back. He does the YOU point, hits some right hands, Irish whips Michaels who comes back with the flying forearm again and the referee is accidently taken out as well. A we want Bret chant goes out. Michaels kips up again. He gets Hogan in the sharpshooter. New referee Chad Patton comes in. Hogan fighting it. Michaels pulls Hogan to the center of the ring. Hogan pulling towards the ropes. Hogan gets to the ropes. Michaels goes for the sharpshooter again and Hogan kicks off knocking Michaels into Chad Patton knocking him out. Hogan pulls himself up. Michaels hits a low blow. Michaels goes outside and gets a chair. He is waiting to hit Hogan with it as he gets up. He hits Hogan and Hogan down again. Michaels goes back up and hits the flying elbow. He tries to revive Chad Patton and sets up sweet chin music. He hits it but Hogan powers out at the two count. Hogan hulking up. You point and right hands. Big boot and Michaels oversells it to the max. Leg drop and pin. Hogan wins. The crowd loves it. Hogan must pose. Michaels back up. He faces Hogan. He says I needed to know and I found out. Extends a hand to Hogan. Hogan shakes his hand. Hogan applauds Michaels. Hogan must pose. The announcers put over Hogan as he poses and sign off from Washington D.C.