Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 94 Notes

-Today we are looking at Clash of the Champions XIV from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XIV: Dixie Dynamite took place on January 30, 1991 from the Georgia Mountain Center in Gainesville, Georgia. There were 2,200 in attendance and the show did a 3.9 rating on TBS.
-Opening Credits with a JR voiceover of some of the matches coming up.
-This is a nice opening package graphics and video.
-Gary Michael Cappetta announces the playing of the National Anthem. Jim Ross and returning booker/commentator Dusty Rhodes welcome us to the Clash. Rhodes is pumped up and I’m sure that being back was like a breath of fresh air. They preview some of what we are going to see.
-Sting and Lex Luger VS. Doom Butch Reed and Ron Simmons: Teddy Long is not there but they don’t know where he is. Reed and Sting start. A Go Sting Go chant goes out. Faces dominate as Luger tags in. Simmons is also in. Power VS. Power here. Luger hits a big suplex on Simmons. Simmons hits a stun gun on Luger. Heels are dominating Luger. Luger finally slams Simmons down, but Reed hits a shoulder block on Luger, knocking him towards Sting allowing Luger to tag. While Sting cleans house, Dan Spivey comes out to attack Luger. Spivey then leaves. Doom misses Sting and hits the referee. Reed then throws Sting over the top rope for the DQ. They continue to fight after the bell.
-Missy Hyatt reads the results of the sexiest wrestler contest. The Z-Man is the winner.
-WCW Television Championship Match: The Z-Man VS. Bobby Eaton: Z-Man had actually lost the WCW TV championship on January 7, 1991, but the match had not yet aired, so Zenk was recognized as champion. Shoving match to start. Even paced match. Eaton works an arm bar. Both are working a slow styled match. Eaton hits a back elbow, but Z-Man slams him off the top rope. Eaton gets another back elbow and hits a knee from the top rope. Back and forth. Z-Man wins with a quick backslide.
-Alexandra York says later tonight, we will see the newest member of the York Foundation.
-Tommy Rich and Allen Iron Eagle VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin: All faces to begin. Freebirds come back with quick tags. Hayes with a headlock on Iron Eagle. It goes outside. Back in, Garvin continues to batter Iron Eagle, but misses a corner charge, and Iron Eagle takes over. Freebirds try to come back, Iron Eagle does get the pin, but the referee doesn’t see it. Freebirds hit the double DDT and pin Iron Eagle.
-WrestleWar ’91 ad.
-Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes throw it to Tony Schiavone and Paul E. Dangerously. Paul E. talks about his arm wrestling contest coming up. Rhodes needles him about it. This is of the time as they talk about Paul E. going to lose to “a girl”, but it does not age well.
-Joey Maggs VS. Sid Vicious: Crowd pops huge for Sid when he comes out. Vicious just brutalizes Maggs. He hits a brutal powerbomb on him. The EMT’s put Maggs on the stretcher, Sid throws him off.
-Wrestling Hotline ad.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Sid Vicious. Vicious says he smells the fear of everyone that they will be stretchered out via the powerbomb.
-Ricky Morton VS. Terry Tayler: They start out with scientific moves. JR talks about the two being friends for a long time. Morton gets a headlock on. Taylor gets out of it, Morton hits a clothesline and Taylor rolls out of the ring to regroup. Back and forth. Alexandra York comes to ringside. Taylor hits a forearm to the back and an inset promo from York says that Taylor is the newest member of the York Foundation. Morton pulls his knees up from a Taylor splash. Morton fighting back. Taylor drops down and Morton hits the ropes and gets pinned.
-Feature on the Japanese women who are going to be at WrestleWar.
-Bill Apter presents Sting with the 1990 Inspirational Wrestler of the Year Award.
-Feature on Sting.
-Dusty Rhodes says that the country is thankful for the men and women fighting in the Persian Gulf.
-Ranger Ross VS. El Cubano: Ranger Ross is here because we are at war with Iraq. Cubano is David Canal, BKA The Cuban Assassin Fidel Sierra. Inset promo of Ranger Ross sending his best to those serving. Cubano gets a little offense in, but Ranger Ross comes back with an arm bar. Back and forth. Ross goes outside after Cubano. Ranger Ross wins with a sunset flip.
-Another WrestleWar ad.
The Renegade Warriors Mark and Chris Youngblood VS. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham: Renegade Warriors attack at the start. Both Windham and Anderson are bumping for both of the Warriors. Chris gets a two count on Anderson. Windham tagged in. He gets battered and Anderson comes back in. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Chris and then Windham back in. Windham hits a big DDT. Anderson back in with a headlock. Chris comes up with a knee from an Anderson splash. Mark comes in and cleans house. All four then in. Windham hits Mark with a lariat and hits a superplex. Anderson gets the pin on Mark.
-Another WrestleWar 91 ad.
-Tony Schiavone presents the footage of Stan Hansen/Big Van Vader from Japan and then talks to Stan Hansen. Hansen says in the US, fans aren’t prepared and used to that type of match, but they will get it at WrestleWar 91.
-Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker VS. Brian Pillman: Pillman in firm control as Rhodes and Ross put him over on commentary. Pillman hits a flying head scissors and Parker goes to the outside. Back in, Pillman hits Parker on the outside with a crossbody from the top rope. Pillman then wins with another crossbody.
-WCW official fan club ad.
-Arm Wrestling Match: Paul E. Dangerously VS. Missy Hyatt: Rhubarb Jones is the special ring announcer for this match. Hyatt extremely over with the crowd. Her outfit is all the way live and Paul E. is distracted by her cleavage and loses immediately.
-The Horsemen and some other heels are shown partying and eating dinner with Lawrence Taylor.
-Wrestling Wrap Up Magazine ad.
-WCW World Championship Match: Ric Flair VS. Scott Steiner with Rick Steiner: Flair comes out with a group of women. Hiro Matsuda is shown as a representative of NJPW. El Gigante is then introduced and he comes in and offers to shake Flair’s hand. Flair refuses. Nick Patrick shows the title to the crowd as JR reminds everyone how Ric Flair won the title earlier in the month in the Meadowlands Arena. Dusty calls Flair the greatest champion ever and puts Scott Steiner over as the future. Slow to start. They feel each other out. Scott has the power, but Flair is the wily veteran. Scott gets a two count with a side slam. Flair slows it down. Flair selling for Scott hard. Scott gets several holds, but Flair keeps getting to the ropes. Scott gets a Steiner line, and Flair again crawls outside. Scott suplexes him back in. Flair gets an atomic drop in, then a second one. Flair tosses Scott out, he lands on his feet and gets a sunset flip on Flair coming back in. Flair goes to pin Scott with his feet on the ropes and Rick Steiner pushes them off. Scott gets Flair in the figure four. Flair gets out and goes to crossbody Scott and the spot was for them to both go over, but Scott mistimes it so he just pushes himself over the rope. Awkward spot. Flair breaks the count and goes to work on Scott’s leg. Flair gets the figure four on, but is using the ropes. Scott reverses it, but Flair gets out of it. Scott hits a neckbreaker. Flair tossed outside. Scott hits a Steiner line on the outside. Back in, Flair goes for a figure four, but Scott rolls him up for a two count. Scott gets a sleeper on Flair. Steiner line drives Flair over the ropes. Back in, Flair keeps trying to pin Scott. Several two counts. Scott bridges up and suplexes Flair, who rolls out. Rick Steiner puts him back in. Steiner line! Flair gets caught coming off the top rope. Belly to belly, but the pin comes after the bell has rang. Really intense match.
-Time is running out, so JR and Dusty quickly say goodnight before signing off from Gainesville.