Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 93 Notes

-As many of you know, Shannon Spruill, better known as Daffney, passed away this past week. It is a hard time in the wrestling community. If you’re hurting and thinking of doing harm to yourself, please know that help is available. Call 800-273-8255 or reach out to someone.

-Today we look at the Smackdown from September 13, 2001 from the WWF.
-WWF Smackdown was shown live on September 13,2001 from the Compaq center in Houston, TX. It was the first large public gathering in the United States since September 11.
-WWF logo.
-We start out with a live shot of the crowd. Jim Ross welcomes us to Houston for a special live edition of Smackdown.
-A USA chant goes out. Vince McMahon is shown in the ring. He addresses the crowd. He sends out condolences to the friends and families of the terrorist attack victims. He says the government has encouraged us to get back to living our lives. McMahon is very good at this kind of thing as he talks about not being afraid. He says the USA is a beacon of freedom that will never be extinguished. He thanks everyone for the honor and privilege of performing before them.
-Smackdown intro: The Beautiful People.
-Jim Ross and Paul Heyman welcome us to a special edition of Smackdown as the WWF Superstars are shown coming down the aisle. Many of them are emotional as they stand there. Howard Finkel asks that people rise for the singing of the National Anthem. Lilian Garcia sings the anthem and it gives you chills. Huge Ovation when she finishes then a USA chant. Lilian is crying.
-Superstars Speaking out: Edge goes first. He says this will never be forgotten, but if they can do their jobs and entertain for a few hours then this show was the right thing to do. Ricky Santana sends his condolences out. He says he’s mad and the USA is the home of the free and he’s not going to hide his head and live in fear. He commends the WWF for stepping up. He sends out a message to his family that everything is going to be okay and dad is coming home.
-The Hardy Boyz Matt and Jeff with Lita VS. The Hurricane and Lance Storm with Ivory: Matt and Hurricane start. They lock up and Hurricane with a fireman's carry takeover. Matt with an Irish whip. Hurricane with a shoulder block. Matt comes back with a hip toss. Matt with some rights. Now all four men are in. The Hardy’s go to run Hurricane and Storm into each other. They stop before colliding, but Jeff dropkicks Storm into Hurricane, who gets rolled up by Matt for a two count. Jeff throws Storm outside. They double clothesline Hurricane and deliver an elbow drop and a splash to him. Matt goes to shoot off the ropes and gets tripped up by Storm. Storm then tagged in. Double back elbows by the heels. Storm with an Irish whip and a dropkick. Hurricane tagged back in. Storm slams Matt while Hurricane puts his cape on. Hurricane hits a crossbody for a two count. Matt hits a side Russian leg sweep. Jeff tags in and cleans house. He hits a jawbreaker on Storm. Jeff hits Poetry in Motion to Hurricane. Then goes to hit it on Storm, who moves out of the way. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate on Storm, who pushes Matt into a superkick by Hurricane. Storm covers for a two count. Hurricane launches himself onto Jeff on the outside of the ring. Lita hits a hurricanrana to Hurricane from the ring steps. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Storm. Jeff then hits the Swanton Bomb on Storm and pins him.
-Superstars speaking out: Terri says that as a mother, she thought of all the children that lost a loved one and it breaks her heart. The Rock says he can’t fathom the pain or suffering the families are going through. It’s difficult to talk about. He offers his condolences and says everyone is in his heart and in his prayers and to everyone out there, just stay strong. Jim McIngvale “Mattress Mack” is then shown. He says everyone in Houston tells those affected that their prayers are with them. He says they are also there to celebrate the freedom they enjoy as Americans.
-Rob Van Dam VS. Spike Dudley with Molly Holly: RVD is the Hardcore Champion at this time, but this is a non-title match. RVD starts with kicks and forearms to Spike. A flurry of kicks knocks Spike down as an RVD chant goes out. RVD puts Spike’s head between his legs, but pauses to do his pointing to himself and saying Rob Van Dam gimmick, allowing Spike time to knock RVD down.
-My RVD Story.
-Spike with a dropkick and a headscissors that throws RVD out of the ring. Spike launches himself onto RVD from the apron to the floor, but RVD catches him. RVD sets Spike on the barricade and delivers a leg drop to him from the apron. He gets a two count. RVD throws Spike into the ring and grabs a steel chair. Back and forth. RVD picks Spike up and Spike reverses it into a victory roll for a two count. RVD reverses an Irish whip, Spike with a go behind. RVD misses a clothesline and Rolling Thunder. He picks up the chair and dropkicks it into Spike. RVD goes up top and hits the 5-star frog splash. He gets the pin.
-Superstars speaking out: Chris Jericho says he’d rather be in NYC trying to help. He says to love your loved ones a little harder, be kind to a stranger on the street. Michael Hayes says Americans are not perfect people, but we are good people. He says it feels real and people will never stop fighting for their freedoms. He says we are more united than ever. Shawn Stasiak says his heart and prayers go out to all the relatives and friends and we will come out of this stronger. Lita says she has this numbness over her and she’s trying to discover these emotions over her. She says it’s become more of a reality for her. She says she hopes the entertainment they provide tonight can help people relax.
-Christian VS. Chris Jericho: Before Jericho comes out, Christian grabs the mic and says to the crowd that was the greatest entrance they’ve seen and soon he will be the Intercontinental Champion, but he gets interrupted by Jericho’s entrance. Jericho says the crowd is thinking, Junior, will you please shut the hell up! He then makes fun of Christian’s theme music and says Christian will receive a Y2J beating he will never forget. Match starts and Jericho hits a flying forearm. Jericho with reverse knife edges to Christian in the corner. Christian reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge in. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Christian fighting it. He gets out of it and goes to charge Jericho, who gets his boot up. Jericho misses a clothesline and Christian gets a boot up and then runs Jericho into the ring post by the shoulder. Christian with an arm bar takedown. Gets a two count. Christian works on Jericho’s shoulder with shots and Jericho comes back with a flapjack. Double count going. Both men back up as a Y2J chant goes out. Back and forth. Christian reverses an Irish whip, Jericho comes back with a shoulder block. Jericho goes for a bulldog, Christian ducks. Jericho with an enziguri. Jericho then with a takedown and goes for the Lionsault. Christian gets his knees up. Christian gets a death drop for a two count. Christian argues with referee Charles Robinson and gets rolled up by Jericho for the pin.
-Superstars speaking out: Kanyon says his cousins are NYC cops and part of the rescue effort and he’s very proud of them. He’s proud of the people of NYC. He’s proud of his country. Tazz says it’s scary to be in Houston and so far from his family. His family is in New York and he just wants to be there to protect them. The people who did this are going to pay. He says don’t bring them to justice, bring them down. Torrie Wilson gives her heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost loved ones. She says God bless you. The Hurricane sends out his respect to the families and those who have tried to help their fellow man. Bubba Ray Dudley says that that does not kill us makes us stronger. A lot of people died, but you can’t kill America or the American Spirit. Somebody is going to pay for this.
-The Rock comes to ringside. He is the reigning WCW Champion. He says finally The Rock has come back to Houston. He says since we are live The Rock is issuing a challenge to anyone in the back who wants to go one on one with the Great One. A Rocky chant goes out as Shawn Stasiak comes out with Stacy Kiebler. Stasiak runs in to attack Rock, who throws him over the ropes to the other side. Rock says anybody who wants a shot can come out. Stasiak tries to attack again and the same thing happens. Rock says again if anyone would like to challenge The Rock to come out. Stasiak tries again and The Rock says woah, what is the matter with you? He says Stasiak is always embarrassing himself and The Rock knows he doesn’t like it. He says let’s you and The Rock talk about pie. Stasiak says he hates pie. The Rock asks him if he likes strudel. Stasiak shakes his head no. The Rock then turns to Kiebler on the ramp and asks her if she likes the People’s Strudel and she nods her head yes. Stasiak interrupts and says he wants his WCW title shot now. The Rock says he’s going to get his shot because that title means everything to The Rock. A Rocky chant goes out again. He says before they begin, he wants Stasiak to shake his hand and then they will have their match. Stasiak does and Rock says let me introduce you to the Lone Star State and Rock Bottoms Stasiak and pins him.
-Superstars speaking out: Ivory says we send our prayers out to the victims and their loved ones, the survivors and the rescue teams. She says she doesn’t want the children to be afraid or judgemental and that there are far more good people in this world than there are bad. America is made up of people of all different beliefs. We will become a stronger and more united nation. Bradshaw says some maniac has now attacked Americans because of misguided belief, but you cannot bend the fiber of America and to the critics of running this show, go to Hell. He loves his country and we will find those responsible. This is very much of the time, but the crowd absolutely loved this promo.
-The X-Factor X-Pac and Albert VS. The APA Farooq and Bradshaw: Farooq and X-Pac start. Farooq with a big kick and shots to the back of X-Pac. Farooq with a corner whip and a backbreaker to X-Pac. Farooq with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline and X-Pac hits a spinning heel kick. He then takes a shot at Bradshaw to lure him in and the referee stops Bradshaw, but Farooq tags him in. Albert also tagged in. Albert reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head and Bradshaw pounds on his back. Albert asks if that’s all he has and Bradshaw hits him with a running boot. Bradshaw knocks X-Pac off the apron. Albert reverses a corner whip and hits a corner splash. Scoop slam to Bradshaw, but Albert misses a second rope splash when Bradshaw moves. Farooq tagged in. Double shoulder block by the APA. Gets a two count. Irish whip by Albert. He misses a clothesline, but hits a bicycle kick. X-Pac tagged in and he’s kicking Farooq in the corner. X-Pac goes for a bronco buster, but Farooq hits him with a spinebuster. Bradshaw tagged back in. He knocks down X-Pac and delivers another shoulder block to Albert. He hits a DDT on Albert. X-Pac tries a running attack on Bradshaw who catches him. Bradshaw hits a fallaway slam on X-Pac. Albert comes to splash Bradshaw who moves and splashes X-Pac instead. Farooq knocks Albert to the outside and Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hell to get the pin.
-Superstars speaking out: Kurt Angle says his heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to the victims and their families. He says he always wanted to be an American hero. He says the real heroes are the helpers that helped those in need.
-A replay of Vince McMahon saying we will not live our lives in fear.
-Booker T VS. The Big Show: Big Show attacks Booker right away, getting him in a corner and hitting a big right hand. Then an Irish whip and a big boot to Booker. It goes outside and Big Show slams Booker on the barricade. Back in, Big Show is raining blows down on Booker. Booker stops an Irish whip attempt and hits Big Show with a back kick. Big Show hits a clothesline. Then another clothesline. He throws Booker into a corner and follows it up with a clothesline charge to Booker. Big Show goes for a chokeslam and Booker hits him with knees to stop it. Big Show throws Booker into another corner. Booker tries to get Big Show into a sunset flip, but Big Show just sits down on Booker. He picks Booker up with both hands on the throat and slams him down. Big Show goes for a big boot by the ropes, but Booker moves and Big Show’s leg goes over the top rope. Booker hits a dropkick from the second rope. Big Show goes for a clothesline, but Booker ducks it and comes back with a clip to Big Show's knee. Booker hits a scissor kick. Gets a close two count. Booker hits another scissor kick. Gets another two count. Booker with a rolling leg drop to Big Show to get the pin.
-Superstars speaking out: Lance Storm says this isn’t an attack on the USA, it’s an attack on the world. He says it affects us all and it’s a very sad day. D-Von Dudley says it hits close to home when you realize that this stuff is real and this should bring us all together. Retired Naval Lt. Commander and Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Michael Thorton says he would like to thank the WWF for stepping up and having the show. It’s his honor to be here tonight.
-Lita VS. Ivory: Lock up and Ivory slams Lita down. She then stomps on her. A Lita chant goes out. Lita reverses a corner whip and then backdrops Ivory. Lita with an arm drag. Ivory with a wrist lock. Lita with a clothesline to get out of it. Gets a two count. Ivory with a headbutt. Ivory with an Irish whip to Lita, then takes her down by her hair. Ivory gets a two count. Ivory with an Irish whip, drops her head early, Lita with a sunset flip. Ivory doesn’t go down and grabs Lita by her hair. Ivory drives a knee into the back of Lita’s head. Gets another two count. Ivory with snap mare into a headlock. Lita with a corner whip and a rollup for a two count. Ivory with a clothesline. Ivory goes back to a headlock. Lita won’t give up. Lita comes back with elbows to the ribs and a back suplex. Back and forth. Ivory reverses an Irish whip into a headscissors takedown. Lita with a Twist of Fate and a moonsault to get the pin.
-Superstars speaking out. Stacy Kiebler says this is something her generation has only read about. She says we are getting a reality check right now. She says she has a new respect for the word freedom. She says we need to stick together. Steve Austin says the people who did this are complete cowards and his heart goes out to anyone who lost loved ones. He says it feels strange coming back to work but it’s the right thing to do. Booker T gives his condolences. He is very somber. He says we will always remember the heroes and that this will make us better people. Stephanie McMahon chimes in with the stupidest take in the world. Imagine the most tone deaf response and magnify it 10,000 times. She equates the 9/11 tragedy with the steroid trial of her father. Rant time.
-Robert Horry of the Los Angeles Lakers is shown in the crowd.
-Test and The Dudley Boyz D-Von and Bubba Ray VS. Scotty 2 Hotty, Tajiri, and William Regal with Torrie Wilson: Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top is shown in the crowd and Paul Heyman says it’s the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant. I laughed. Regal and D-Von start. They lock up and they exchange wrist locks. Regal escapes and does a takedown into a front face lock. D-Von blocks an Irish whip into a headlock. Regal with a push off, but lowers his head and D-Von goes for a sunset flip. Regal doesn’t go down and plants a knee into D-Von’s back. Scotty 2 Hotty looks to tag in and bounces off the apron. Tajiri tagged in. A stiff kick to D-Von’s midsection. D-Von with an Irish whip and Tajiri ducks a clothesline and hits a devastating superkick. Tajiri with chops to D-Von in the corner. He kicks Bubba Ray off the apron when he tries to interfere. Test then clotheslines Tajiri from the apron. Test tags in and nails Tajiri with a right hand to the ribs while D-Von holds him. Test beating down Tajiri in the corner. Test with a corner whip and a brutal clothesline to Tajiri. Bubba Ray tagged in. He hits some right hands and forearms. He puts Tajiri in the corner and slaps his chest hard. Then another slap. Scoop slam to Tajiri. Bubba Ray goes to the second rope for a back splash, but Tajiri moves and Bubba Ray lands hard on his tailbone. Scotty 2 Hotty and Test both tagged in. Scotty 2 Hotty with some shots, ducks a Test right hand and hits a superkick. He backdrops D-Von and ducks a shot from Bubba Ray when they come in. Bubba Ray reverses a corner whip. Scotty 2 Hotty with a boot up on the charge. Scotty 2 Hotty goes for the Worm, but Test grabs his feet and drags him outside. Regal in and Bubba Ray reverses an Irish whip and Slams Regal down. He gets Regal in position for the Whassup, but Tajiri comes in and sprays mist in D-Von’s face. D-Von falls down. Tajiri with a spinning heel kick to Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray with an Irish whip. Tajiri comes back with a back elbow. Test pulls Tajiri out of the ring. Scotty 2 Hotty slams Bubba Ray’s head down and does the Worm. Test comes in and hits the big boot on Scotty 2 Hotty to get the pin.
-Superstars speaking out: Lilian Garcia says this has been a roller coaster of a week. She lives in NYC and prays for everyone that they are okay. Ron Simmons says there’s no way you can describe such an act of terrorism and cowardice of what has happened and his heart, his best wishes, and his sympathies go out to the families that have lost loved ones in this terrible act and he knows the American people will prevail in this and it’s time that we showed these cowards that we mean business. William Regal says you can’t explain his feelings of anger and it’s great to see that people are rallying around and doing their best to help out so that life can continue. Albert says waking up to turn the TV on to see what was happening left a feeling of disgust in his stomach. He hopes that America can pull together to overcome this tragedy. We pray for the victims and the families who lost their loved ones, for the people who are helping and that swift justice is brought to the cowards who did this.
-Rhyno VS. Kurt Angle: Angle is a total babyface here. A USA chant goes out as they lock up. Angle pushes off. Rhyno comes back with a shoulder block. Angle with a drop toe hold. Angle with right hands. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip. Angle ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody. Gets a one count. Rhyno lands a knee to the stomach of Angle. Angle reverses an Irish whip and throws Rhyno out of the ring. Angle follows. Rhyno outside and runs him into the barricade. He then throws Rhyno back inside the ring and chops him hard in the corner. Rhyno reverses a corner whip and drives his shoulder into Angle’s injured ribs. Rhyno drops his knee on Angle’s back. He does it again. Angle coming back with right hands. Rhyno gets Angle up in a fireman’s carry and does an airplane spin and a takedown. He gets a two count. Rhyno with a headlock. Angle fighting to get out of it as a USA chant goes out again. Angle with elbows to get out of it and right hands to Rhyno. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip and buries a knee into Angle’s midsection. Angle grabs the knee and rolls Rhyno up for a two count. Rhyno with a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno sets up for the Gore. Angle sidesteps it and runs Rhyno into a turnbuckle. Angle goes for the Angle slam, but Rhyno side steps that and then a double clothesline and both are down. Double count going. The USA chant goes out again. Both up and exchanging blows. Rhyno reverses an Irish whip and Angle comes back with a flying forearm. Rhyno goes for another suplex, but it’s countered by Angle into a series of German suplexes. Rhyno trying to fight his way out with a series of elbows to Angle’s head. Angle ducks one and belly to belly suplexes Rhyno. Gets a two count. Rhyno counters an Irish whip attempt into a spinebuster. Rhyno sets up for the Gore again. He hits it. Angle kicks out at 2.5 to a massive cheer. Rhyno with big right hands to Angle’s head. Angle comes back with right hands and Rhyno counters with a boot to the gut. Angle counters into an Angle Slam and gets the three count to a massive pop. He gets up on the turnbuckle to celebrate as the crowd cheers and they sign off from Houston as Angle starts a USA chant on the mic.