Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 9 Notes

-Corona Virus and where we go from here.
-Today we look at the Clash of the Champions from June of 1988.
-Clash of the Champions Il: Miami Mayhem took place on June 8, 1988 at the James L Knight Center in Miami, Florida. There were 2,400 people in attendance and the show drew a 4.8 rating on TBS.
-Opening Credits
-Jim Ross is outside as limos start to pull up. Lyle Alzado, Frances Crockett, General Bruce MacArthur of the Chicago Blackhawks all get out of limos for the event.
-Clash Opening Credits.
-Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone on the call. They run down the show to start.
-United States Championship Match: Barry Windham with JJ Dillon VS. Brad Armstrong. Barry has just turned heel and joined the horsemen. They feel each other out to start. Armstrong has some power moves. Two great competitors here. Windham takes a stroll then comes back in and dominates. He uses his pace for the match. Crowd is slow getting into the match. Armstrong hits some big moves, but can't seal the deaf. Windham puts on the figure four and uses leverage to cheat. Teddy Long catches him and makes him break. Windham rolls through a crossbody and gets the claw on to get the pin.
-Bob Caudle interviews the Rock & Roll Express, who have just come back to the NWA. Bob and Tony then talk about the contract signing that took place on the yacht The Blackhawk between Ric Flair and Lex Luger. Jim Crockett oversees the signing. Not a great segment.
-Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, and Arn Anderson arrive in a limo. Flair says it's the big time and he's not worried about Lex Luger or anyone else.
-United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Fantastics Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton VS. The Sheepherders Butch Miller and Luke Williams with Rip Morgan.
-Lex Luger arrives at the arena in a limo before the match officially begins and is attacked by The Horsemen.
-Even with that cutaway and the call of it and commercial breaks, etc. it still takes the match a long time to start. The Sheepherders start out with the advantage. Fantastics try to come back and eventually do take the advantage. Lots of stalling tactics in this match. Back and forth and some pin attempts. They do a multi pin attempts spot on the Sheepherders, but to no avail. Miller pulls down the rope, and Tommy Rogers takes a bump to the outside. Sheepherders then hit his back with the belts. They keep him from getting in. They then hit him with a chair. They continue to batter him back in the ring. They keep him from tagging. He finally tags in Fulton who gets a quick pin.
-Tony Schiavone interviews a dapper Dr. Death Steve Williams who rambles through the interview. I don't know what Williams is on here, but it is some strong stuff.
-Mike Rotunda and Rick Steiner with Kevin Sullivan VS. Ronnie and Jimmy Garvin with Precious. Jim Ross updates us on Lex Luger. He has been rushed to the hospital. They replay the attack on Luger. Sullivan is in a cage for this match. Steve Williams joins Tony for commentary on this match, Dear Lord, why? Back and forth slow paced match here with the heels having the advantage but can't get a pin. Sullivan keeps taunting Precious with a piece of paper or something during the match. More even paced as the match progresses. Precious is as Conrad Thompson would say, Roll Tide here. Precious comes over to the cage and Sullivan grabs the key. The camera focuses on this and misses the Garvin's getting the pin. Sullivan chokes out Precious until Williams makes the save. Precious pushes Jimmy Garvin away and leaves.
-Bob and Tony talk about the Great American Bash tour and PPV coming up. They then talk about the Tower of Doom that will be a part of the PPV.
-Al Perez with Gary Hart VS. Nikita Koloff: Koloff doesn't look right with hair. He has slimmed down some though. They do power moves and pull aparts to begin with. Some impressive moves by both men to be honest. It goes outside and Koloff gets punished. Perez keeps the pressure on. This is a good showing by both men. Koloff coming back. Perez gets thrown out. Hart gets on the ropes. Larry Zbyszko comes in and attacks Koloff for the disqualification. All three attack Koloff and leave him lying in the ring.
-NWA World Tag Team Championship Match: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard with JJ Dillon VS. Sting and Dusty Rhodes: Sting and Rhodes are over with the Miami crowd. They attack early. Blanchard and Anderson get some quick tags in. The crowd pops big when Rhodes comes in and he and Blanchard have some fantastic chemistry. JJ tries to interfere, but gets caught by referee Teddy Long. Every man involved in this match is a WWE Hall of Famer. Sting comes in and cleans house. He hits the splash on Blanchard. Anderson interferes. Sting gets hit on the outside. Anderson comes in strong. He is so good. Blanchard is back in. They double team. Anderson DDT's Sting on the concrete. JJ throws Sting into the ring. They can't get the pin on him though. Sting fights back. Sting hits a stun gun like maneuver on Blanchard. He tags in Rhodes, who cleans house. All four men in. Sting tosses the referee. Windham comes in followed by Flair. The Horsemen run roughshod. Rhodes is bleeding.
-Jim Ross says Lex Luger is being attended to. Then Tony, Jim, and Bob sign off from Miami.
-Closing Credits.