Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 8 Notes

-Today we look at the Saturday Night's Main Event from April of 1988.
-SNME XVI was shown on NBC on April 30, 1988. It was taped April 22, 1988 from the Springfield Civic Center in Springfield, Massachusetts.
-Jim Duggan says its spring cleaning time and he's got the broom.
-Bobby Heenan is with Andre the Giant and Hercules and he says Duggan is a cross eyed sicko. He's got to take on the whole Family.
-The One Man Gang with Slick. Slick says call the police because they were robbed at WrestleMania. Tonight, they right the wrong.
-Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth. His first televised title defense so everyone is going to feel the madness.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the show. They run down the night's matches. Jesse is feisty tonight. They review Jim Duggan's attack on Andre the Giant.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Bobby Heenan, Hercules, and Andre the Giant. The Family is unified against Jim Duggan. They head to the ring.
-Mean Gene then interviews Jim Duggan. He's ready for Hercules, Heenan, and Andre. He's got his 2X4 loaded.
-Hercules with Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant VS. Jim Duggan: Duggan is popular, but a goof.
Jesse calls Vince Ed McMahon's illegitimate son. This is a brawl. They bash each other. Duggan gets Hercules down and stares down Andre. Back and forth. A weasel chant goes out. Even paced match.
Duggan gets thrown outside. Heenan hits Duggan when the ref isn't looking, and Duggan grabs his 2X4. The referee gets rid of it and Hercules pounces. He gets Duggan down and punishes him. Duggan comes back. He hits the three-point stance but Heenan and Andre come in for the disqualification. They punish Duggan, who gets saved by The Ultimate Warrior.
-They flashback to WrestleMania and the haircutting that Brutus Beefcake gave to Jimmy Hart.
-Mean Gene interviews Danny Davis and Jimmy Hart. Lots of hair cutting remarks. They also have hair cutting utensils. They then head to the ring with Jimmy Hart having big clipping shears.
-Mean Gene then interviews Brutus Beefcake, who says it's 2 for 1 night and that both Jimmy Hart and Danny Davis are going to get cut. -Brutus Beefcake VS. Danny Davis with Jimmy Hart: Davis wants none of Beefcake. He gets an advantage though and Beefcake is distracted by Jimmy Hart. Beefcake hits a High Knee. Davis rolls out. Beefcake hits the sleeper. Hart is going crazy. Davis gets put to sleep. Beefcake goes for the scissors and cuts Davis' hair. He then sprays some stripes on Davis.
-Flashback to the WrestleMania semifinal between Randy Savage and One Man Gang.
-Mean Gene interviews One Man Gang and Slick, who says OMG was just defending Slick. They will get their chance for greatness tonight. They beat Savage once; they'll do it again. They then head to the ring. Slick gets down!
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Savage says Liz is the inspiration for him. He's prepared for OMG and Slick.
-WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. The One Man Gang with Slick: Vince goes gaga over Liz as usual. Slick gets too close to Liz, so Savage chases 111m to the back. Feeling out process to start. Savage uses speed, Gang uses power. Slick chokes Savage with his cane. OMG takes over. Can't seal the deal though. OMG gets knocked out of the ring and Savage hits the double ax handle on him. Tries it again and gets caught. OMG misses the big splash. Slick hits OMG accidently with the cane so Savage gets the elbow for the win.
-Mean Gene interviews The British Bulldogs and Matilda. They are loyal to Matilda and ready for Demolition.
-Jesse interviews Demolition and Mr. Fuji. They are about the Face of Pain and are going to dip Matilda in chrome for a hood ornament.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid with Matilda. Smash takes over. The British Bulldogs double team. Both teams have quick tags. Demolition is so powerful The Bulldogs use speed to try to get the pin. Dynamite Kid tossed out. Fuji attacks him, so Davey Boy and Matilda chase Fuji to the back. Demolition try to follow them but get cut off by a group of referees. The Bulldogs break Fuji's cane and attack everyone and get disqualified.
-Mean Gene interviews Don Muraco and Superstar Billy Graham. They say tonight, it's going to be the Million Dollar Man VS. The Million Dollar Body!
-Don Muraco and Superstar Graham head to the ring.
-Mean Gene interviews Ted DiBiase and Virgil. DiBiase says he was robbed of the title twice. If he has to beat Muraco to get to Savage, so be it.
-Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil: DiBiase comes out hot, but Muraco takes over. Back and Forth. Virgil interfering to keep DiBiase in it. DiBiase comes back. Muraco hits a Russian Leg Sweep and a power slam. DiBiase gets a body slam in, Muraco gets his feet on the ropes, but the referee doesn't see it and counts the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. He is not afraid of the multi-million-dollar man (his words) and if DiBiase comes after him, he'll end up bankrupt.
-Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Koko B. Ware with Frankie: Rude does his usual mic work. He then attacks Koko before the bell. Koko comes back and hits a nice looking standing dropkick. Rude hits Koko and then poses. Rude hits the fist drop from the top rope. Rude then hits a dropkick. It's Vince who brings up that Rude has won the Jesse the Body award if you're drinking at home. Koko clotheslines himself accidently on the ropes and Rude hits the Rude Awakening for the win.
-Vince and Jesse recap the night and sign off for this season of Saturday Night's Main Event.