Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 7 Notes

-Today we look at WrestleMania IV from the WWF.
-WrestleMania IV was shown on PPV on March 27, 1988 from the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey. There were 19,199 in attendance.
-As we previously mentioned, this is round 3 of the WWF/JCP fight.
-This is the old comfortable shoe of wrestling shows for me.
-Opening Credits.
-We open up on a live shot of the plaza. Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring to welcome us to WrestleMania then he introduces Gladys Knight to sing America the Beautiful. Gladys does a good job. We go up top to Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, and returning celebrity guest Bob Uecker as the trophy comes down for the invitational battle royal. Your participants are Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Bad News Brown, Sam Houston, Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Ken Patera, Ron Bass, Nikolai Volkoff, Boris Zhukov, Jim Powers Paul Roma, The Junk Yard Dog, B. Brian Blair, Jumping Jim Brunzell, Sika, Danny Davis, Hillbilly Jim, Harley Race, and George Steele who never gets in. Forearm city to begin. George Steele is a waste here, if you can’t get in for whatever reason then you shouldn’t be out there. He pulls Jim Neidhart out. Guys start to slowly get thrown out. It gets down to JYD, Bad News Brown, and Bret Hart. JYD shows some of the old spark, but gets double teamed and eliminated. Bad News and Bret Hart seem to have struck a deal, but Bad News double crosses Hart and eliminates him. Bad News Brown is your winner, but Hart comes back in, attacks Bad News, and destroys the trophy.
-Bob Uecker bails out to go find Vanna White.
-Howard Finkel explains the rules to everyone over the house mic, but you can't hear him. He then brings out Robin Leach to read a proclamation.
-lst Round of the tournament: Jesse and Gorilla go over the rules.
-Jim Duggan VS. Ted DiBiase with Virgil and Andre the Giant: DiBiase stalls. Duggan is at his goofiest here. Duggan controls early. DiBiase regains the advantage. Then they go back and forth. Duggan goes for the three-point stance, but Andre interferes and hits Duggan. DiBiase gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Brutus Beefcake. He says that The Honky Tonk Man won't forget him and he is going to be the new intercontinental champion and if Jimmy Hart interferes, he'll get a snip.
-Dino Bravo with Frenchie Martin VS. Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham: Bravo comes out hot but Muraco comes back. Bravo wants to finish it early. Bravo hits a piledriver, but can't get the pin. Muraco comes back. The referee gets bumped because Bravo pulls him into Muraco. Bravo gets disqualified.
-Bob Uecker interviews The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart. They say they’re going to take care of Brutus Beefcake and not get their hair cut.
-Greg Valentine VS. Ricky Steamboat who comes down with his son who is an infant. As usual with Valentine matches, Gorilla works in that it takes Valentine 15 minutes to get warmed up IYDAH. Steamboat goes for a quick win. Valentine takes over. Gorilla gives Jesse an anatomy lesson here about the bump in the back of the head. They show Donald Trump in the crowd. They slug it out. Back and Forth. The Chop House opens. Valentine goes for the figure four. Steamboat blocks. Steamboat goes up top, hits a crossbody, Valentine counters it and gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews Koko B. Ware and The British Bulldogs with Matilda. They say she’s been in training and is now a certified weasel dog.
-Butch Reed with Slick VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage is easily the 2nd most over person there. Outfit #1 for the duo is blue. Jesse reminds everyone that he’s been on the Macho bandwagon longer than anyone. Reed attacks early and hard. Savage gets pummeled outside. Savage comes back. Reed gets distracted by Liz. Savage slams him and hits the elbow for the pin.
-Bob Uecker interviews The Islanders and Bobby Heenan. This is a classic exchange here as The Brain is so quick with his quips. Heenan says he has a surprise for his match.
-The One Man Gang with Slick VS. Bam Bam Bigelow with Oliver Humperdink: Gang hits early. Bigelow comes back. Slick pulls the rope down as Bigelow goes for it and he falls out of the ring and gets counted out.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. This is a classic Hogan interview:
Mean Gene Okerlund: "All right, over the last couple of months, it has been very difficult for me to introduce this man without using “World Wrestling Federation Champion “HULK HOGAN! Here at WrestleMania IV this afternoon, you’ve got the opportunity to change that."

Hulk Hogan: "Oh, yeah it’s been hard to live with, man! FEE, FI, FO FUM, Andre. One long year, and your time has come, man. No marks! No scars! No blemishes on the Hulkster, brother! But inside, man, I’ve been scarred for one long year. Everywhere I go, man, all the little Hulksters ask me, “Is there any truth to the fact that there was a controversial count? Hulkster, did you really get him over your head? Did you really beat The Giant?”

Well today, man, in WrestleMania IV, we’re gonna wipe all that controversy out. Andre the Giant, in the second round, when you’re fresh as a daisy, with the whole world watching, I’m gonna prove, brother, that I can beatcha anywhere, anytime! And all my Hulkamaniacs, they’re gonna feel it tooooo…."

Mean Gene Okerlund: "Speaking of the Hulkamaniacs, Hulk Hogan, we have seen them here in Atlantic City, and I know millions others are watching very intently all around the world."

Hulk Hogan: "YES! But if you look in their eyes, man, have you seen the fear in all those little Hulksters? They realize that when I get Andre the Giant cinched up in the launch position, when I SLAM him through the Trump Plaza, brother, from New York, down to Tampa, Florida, the fault line is gonna break off! And as Andre the Giant falls into the ocean, as my next two opponents fall to the ocean floor and I pin ‘em, so will DONALD TRUMP and ALL THE HULKAMANIACS!

But as Donald Trump hangs on to the top of the Trump Plaza, with his family under his other arm, as they SINK, to the BOTTOM OF THE SEATHANK GOD Donald Trump’s a Hulkamaniac! He’ll know enough to let go of his materialistic possessions, hang on to the wife and kids, DOG PADDLE with his life all the way to safety! But Donald, if somethin’ happens, if you run outta gas, and all those little Hulkamaniacs, just hang on to the LARGEST BACK in the world, and I’ll dog paddle us, backstroke all of us to safety!"
-Donald Trump is shown signing an autograph.
-Rick Rude with Bobby Heenan VS. Jake Roberts: Jesse mentions Rude winning the Jesse The Body award so take a drink for all of you counting at home. Rude does some mic work. Jake come to the ring looking focused. This is right before their feud begins. This is a clunky match to me. Lots of rest holds. The match finally ends in a time limit draw. Jake brings out Damien.
-Shoot the ******** snake. I’m with you Ivana! I hate snakes.
-Mean Gene and Vanna White update the tournament bracket. Vanna doesn't know who Bob Uecker is.
-Hercules with Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warrior: They talk about the Warrior snapping the chain of Hercules. Pure power match. Hercules finally gets the Warrior down after three clotheslines. They both go outside. They just potato each other. Hercules gets the Full Nelson on and they both go down but Warrior gets his shoulder up before the three count to win. Hercules attacks with the chain but Warrior gets it and swings it around.
-They recap the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant feud
-2nd Round of the tournament.
-Andre the Giant with Ted DiBiase and Virgil VS. Hulk Hogan: Hogan is by far the most popular wrestler there. Andre attacks before the bell. Hogan fights back and gets Andre and DiBiase. He finally is able to knock Andre down. Andre gets Hogan down and punishes him. He keeps choking Hogan for 4 counts. Hogan chant goes out as he Hulks up! He hits Andre and goes to slam him. DiBiase comes in with a chair, Hogan gets rid of him. Hogan and Andre then both use the chair against each other and both get disqualified. Hogan chases DiBiase and Virgil. Virgil gets suplexed outside. Hogan comes back in and slams Andre and Hogan must pose! Jesse is irate that Hogan is posing. He won't let it go. He says he can pose just like Hogan.
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Elizabeth. Savage says Hogan was cheated. He then says nothing's going to stop him now.
-Don Muraco with Superstar Billy Graham VS. Ted DiBiase who is alone as a result of the last match:
Muraco attacks before the bell and looks really good early, but can't seal the deal. DiBiase bails but Superstar Graham goes after him. Muraco tries to pull DiBiase from the corner, but gets sling shot into the corner. DiBiase takes over. He punishes Muraco. He misses the backwards elbow from the second rope though. He eventually gets a stun gun maneuver for the pin. He goes straight into the finals.
-Bob Uecker is still looking for Vanna but gets Mr. Fuji and Demolition. They say Strike Force is going down through Brutal Contact.
-The One Man Gang receives his bye.
-Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth VS. Greg Valentine with Jimmy Hart: Outfit combo #2 for the duo is pink. Savage comes out hot as Valentine does a Ric Flair like sell job. Valentine comes back. Hits a shoulder breaker for a 2 count. Throws Savage out. Follows him and they brawl outside. Valentine is dictating the match and Savage also sells well. Valentine goes for the figure four, but Savage gets to the ropes. Savage comes back and goes for a pin, but Jimmy Hart distracts. Savage gets a suplex, goes for a double ax handle, but Valentine gets up and they nail each other. Valentine goes for the figure four, but Savage gets a small package for the win.
-Vanna and Mean Gene update the tournament board.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart and Peggy Sue VS. Brutus Beefcake: They start out slow. Jesse gives his WrestleMania family greeting. Beefcake hits an atomic drop. He messes up HTM's hair. Beefcake dominating early. HTM takes a breather. Back and forth. Peggy Sue is enthusiastic. HTM takes over. Softening Beefcake up for the Shake, Rattle, and Roll, but Beefcake grabs the ropes. He then gets the sleeper on. Hart gets on the apron and knocks out the referee with the megaphone. Hart then grabs the bag with the clippers in it. He climbs under the ring. Beefcake gets the scissors and cuts Hart's hair. Peggy Sue gets a water pitcher and wakes up HTM. Beefcake wins by disqualification.

-Bob Uecker interviews Andre the Giant. He said he was paid to get Hogan out of the tournament. He then wraps his hands around Uecker’s throat.
-The Islanders Haku and Tama and Bobby Heenan VS. The British Bulldogs Davey Boy Smith and The
Dynamite Kid and Koko B. Ware with Matilda and Frankie. This match came about because The Islanders had dognapped Matilda. Heenan comes in a Dog Handlers outfit. Dynamite starts out quick against Tama. Haku comes in and Jesse puts him and his thrust kick over as usual. Some chain wrestling. Power moves by Davey Boy. Koko comes in with some big moves. Jesse says Heenan looks like a Chinaman. Yikes, SMH! Bulldogs and Koko dominating for the most part. Islanders come back. I think Koko loses a tooth at one point and Gorilla agrees with me. The Islanders slam Koko and slam Heenan on top of him for the pin. Matilda half-heartedly chases Heenan after the match.

-Howard Finkel introduces Jesse to a big pop. He can pose too!
-Ted DiBiase gets his bye to the finals.
-3rd round of the tournament.
-The One Man Gang with Slick VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: This rounds color for the duo is Black. Back and forth to Start. Savage clotheslines OMG on the ropes. OMG comes back. OMG tries a pin but Savage gets his foot on the ropes and Savage does the stick and move. OMG goes out. Savage hits the double ax handle. Slick bothers Liz. Savage goes after him. OMG gets the cane and tries to use it but gets caught and disqualified. Savage comes off the top rope onto Slick and OMG.
-Mean Gene and Vanna update the board then Vanna leaves. Uecker comes in and they do the dumb Vance White joke.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Strike Force Tito Santana and Rick Martel VS. Demolition Ax and Smash with Mr. Fuji: Smash starts hot. Then back and forth. Martel comes in a house of fire and goes for the Boston Crab. Fuji throws the cane to Ax who hits Martel and Smash covers him for the win. New Champions!
-Howard Finkel announces Robin Leach, who comes out with the belt. Should have worn a tuxedo! Howard then introduces Bob Uecker and Vanna White. Uecker gets it, he’s having fun and doesn’t take himself too seriously. He announces the participants.
-WWF Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final: Ted DiBiase with Andre the Giant VS. Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Color choice for the duo this time is white. Back and forth. Andre grabs Savage’s leg at one point. A Hogan chant goes out and people start looking at the entrance. DiBiase takes over. Then a slow feeling out process. Andre keeps interfering. Savage with some quick moves. He says something to Liz and she leaves. DiBiase punishes as a Hogan Chant breaks out and wouldn’t you know who won the pony. Hogan comes out with Liz. Andre grabs Savage, Hogan comes over. DiBiase still dominating, but can’t get a three count. Savage goes for the elbow but misses. DiBiase gets the sleeper on. Andre distracts the referee. Hogan hits DiBiase with a chair. Savage hits the elbow, gets the pin and is the new champion! Hogan gives Savage the belt and keeps the heels away. Jesse complains that Hogan cheated. Liz is crying. Jesse threatens to come out of retirement. Liz parades on the shoulder of the Macho Man holding the belt. Gorilla wishes us a good night.