Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 202 Notes

-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXI from WCW.
-Clash of the Champions XXI was shown on TBS on November 18, 1992 from the Macon Coliseum in Macon, GA.
-Clash Intro.
-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Clash. They show the Paul E. Dangerously/Madusa weigh in from earlier in the day and then throw it to Tony Schiavone who is with Bill Watts.
-Watts welcomes everyone to the clash. They then throw it to Teddy Long who is with Michael Hayes. They run down some of the matches we are about to see before Hayes says they are about to go collect the bounty on Erik Watts. Long says he has just heard that Brian Pillman is on crutches and injured. Long throws it to Jesse who is with Pillman at ringside.
-Pillman says now he is injured and can't face Brad Armstrong. He says he finally realizes what Armstrong was going through when he was injured. Armstrong comes out in what appears to be his Candyman jacket. You later see it's a jacket with the US flag on the back. Pillman suckers Armstrong in and attacks him with the crutch. He beats Armstrong senseless with the crutch at ringside. Referee Randy Anderson tells him he is disqualified. Pillman says the match hasn't started yet. Pillman then jumps into the ring. Armstrong struggles to get in the ring as the crowd cheer him.
-Brian Pillman vs. Brad Armstrong: The bell rings and Pillman attacks Armstrong as soon as he gets in the ring. Armstrong attacks Pillman. Pillman clips Armstrong's leg in response and pins Armstrong. That was quick.
-Jim and Jesse talk about what has happened between Paul E and Madusa and then flashback to all that has happened between the two. Michael Hayes then talks to Paul E. Paul E says it is going to be easy to take Madusa out.
-Bounty Match. Erik Watts and Kensuke Sasaki vs. Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton with Michael Hayes: Eaton and Watts start. Eaton with the early advantage. Watts comes back with reversals and a big slap to Eaton. Back and forth and you can tell that Watts is a rookie. Anderson and Sasaki both tagged in. They mix it up in the corner and Eaton tagged back in. Eaton with a monkey flip. Sasaki comes back with a dropkick. Eaton backs up to his corner. Sasaki gets Eaton into a corner. Anderson comes down the apron and pulls Eaton out of the corner just before Sasaki splashes him. Eaton throws Saski out, and Hayes kicks Sasaki. Hayes takes another shot as Sasaki after he gets back in the ring and Watts comes after Hayes and has to be restrained by the referee. The heels double team Sasaki. Eaton goes for a clothesline, but Sasaki catches him with a power slam. Watts tagged in. He gets a monkey flip and punches Eaton. Anderson comes in and Watts hits him as well. All four men in now. The referee trying to get Anderson and Sasaki out as Eaton comes off the top rope and Watts catches him with a shot as he comes down. Watters catches him with a shot as he comes down. Watts gets the STF on Eaton and Eaton quickly gives up.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Johnny B. Badd and Teddy Long. They say that Badd is ready to box Scotty Flamingo. After the break. Schiavone talks to Scotty Flamingo, who has Vinnie Vegas and DDP with him. He also has someone who from the back looks like Don King. That's all you see him from. Vegas struggles through an interview. It boils down to they are ready.
-Three round boxing match. Johnny B. Badd with Teddy Long vs. Scotty Flamingo with DDP and Vinnie Vegas: Round One-They talk about Badd's boxing record, but it is a boxing match, so take a half shot. Badd knocks Flamingo out of the ring with some jabs. All Badd as he knocks Flamingo down to the mat. Flamingo with an eye rake and a clothesline as Vegas distracts the referee. Flamingo taking over with right hand punches. They trade blows. Flamingo bouncing off the ropes as he gets hit repeatedly. Flamingo knocked to the mat as the end of Round one comes and get gets dragged back to his corner by DDP and Vegas. During the break, DDP fills Flamingo's glove with water.
Round Two-Flamingo has trouble getting off the stool. He comes out of the corner wobbly and Badd continues to pummel him with jabs. DDP comes up on the apron to distract Badd. The referee gets him down, allowing Flamingo to hit Badd with a shot from the loaded glove. Badd struggles to get back to his feet, but doesn't beat the count. Flamingo wins by TKO.
-Starrcade '92 ad. They take a look at the previous Battlebowl.
-Jesse and Missy Hyatt are in the ring to pull the first two teams for Battlebowl. They are Cactus Jack and Johnny B Badd vs. Dan Spivey and Van Hammer.
-Slam Jam album ad.
-Ghetto Odds match. Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Cactus Jack, The Barbarian, and Tony Atlas: First appearance for Scorpio. They don't even know his name as he and Simmons come in and clear the ring as the heels bail out. They confer on the outside and Scorpio jumps on them over the top rope. Simmons in against Barbarian. Back and forth. Simmons knocks Barbarian down and hits a spinebuster on Cactus Jack when he comes in. Cactus Jack and Scorpio both tagged in and Jim and Jesse don't have a name for him yet, so they just call him Ron Simmons' partner. They go back and forth and Scorpio hits a glancing blow to Jack from a moonsault. He gets a two count. Simmons tagged in. Cactus Jack reverses an Irish whip, but Simmons gets a back elbow and drives Cactus face first into the mat. Simmons goes for a dropkick, but Cactus had Atlas hook him after an Irish whip, so nobody home. Barbarian tagged in. He drops an elbow and gets a two count. Atlas tagged in. Heels triple team Simmons in the corner. Cactus Jack tagged in. Back and forth. They goad Scorpio in to triple team on Simmons. Atlas tagged in. He batters Simmons and runs Simmons into Barbarian's knee. Barbarian tagged in and gets a two count. Simmons snap mared over and Cactus Jack tagged in. He goes for a move from the second rope, but Simmons gets a boot up. Scorpio and Atlas both tagged in. Scorpio cleans house and now all 5 men in. Atlas throws Scorpio out and the heels triple team Simmons. Atlas holds Simmons for Barbarian to kick in the face, but Atlas gets kicked when Simmons moves. Scorpio hits a 450 splash to get the pin and the crowd loved that move. Jesse interviews the winners and wants to know the name of Simmons' partner. Simmons doesn't tell him right away, but finally gets around to it.
-Video for Z-Man and Johnny Gunn. They are trying on clothes at a store and being waited on by a bunch of women. You can tell this was 1992 from the clothes.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Rick Rude. He says he will take Sting out to become the King of Cable.
-A feature on the Jesse Ventura strongest arm invitational.
-Michael Hayes talks to Paul E. Dangerously. He says he's ready for Madusa.
-5-minute Clash of the Sexes match. Paul E. Dangerously with Michael Hayes vs. Madusa: Paul E. attacks Madusa with the phone as soon as she gets in the ring. She is flat down on the canvas and Hayes says Paul E. has won. Paul E says he wants a kiss from Madusa. He bends down and the hair comes off as a wig and it's Mike Thor, an enhancement talent who had been doing training videos with Paul E in preparation for the match with Madusa. Madusa then comes in and kicks Paul E. in the face. She batters Paul E. repeatedly and he falls out of the ring. Hayes gets up on the apron and he gets kicked off by Madusa and Paul E goes to the back. Madusa takes off after Paul E. They go through the curtain and then Madusa comes back through with Paul E. on her shoulders and throws him in the ring. Hayes trips Madusa as she tries to get in. Paul E. climbs up top and hits Madusa with a double ax handle across the back. Color me impressed. Madusa comes back with a clothesline. Madusa driving knees into Paul E. Madusa hits a dropkick from the second rope. Madusa tries to strip Paul E. and he runs to the back. The 5 minute time limit expires and the match is a draw.
-Feature on the King of Cable tournament.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Harley Race and Vader. Vader says he is going to be the King of Cable.
-King of Cable semi-final. Sting vs. Rick Rude: Ole Anderson, Hiro Matsuda, and Larry Zbyszko are the ringside judges for the match. Rude does his pre match spiel. Sting gets a great ovation when he comes out. The crowd is excited for the match. They circle each other and Rude attacks Sting. He gets Sting down with some elbows to the neck. Sting reverses an Irish whip and slams Rude down to the mat. He follows that up with a gut buster and the crowd loves it. He kicks the ribs a couple of times. He then mocks Rude by gyrating. He then slams Rude down face first on the mat again. Sting keeping up the attack on Rude. He gets a one count. Sting with a reverse chin lock. He then works on the back and gets a camel clutch on. He then tries to get the abdominal stretch on. All Sting so far in the match. He comes back with an eye rake. He runs Sting into the top turnbuckle and Rude working on the lower back. Sting comes back and drops Rude stomach first onto the top rope. He then does it again. He flips Rude out to the apron and kicks him in the midsection. Sting goes to Stinger Splash Rude into the barricade, but Rude moves and Sting hits the barricade instead. Rude takes advantage and throws Sting back in the ring. He hits a forearm to Sting off the top rope and goes for a pin, but Sting was too close to the ropes. Rude keeps the attack up. He gets the camel clutch on. He then slams Sting and drops the knee on Sting for a two count. Sting tries to get up, but Rude slams him back down. Rude hits a suplex and then slams Sting again and goes back to the camel clutch. The crowd getting behind Sting and he moves as Rude tries to slam down on him again. Sting tries to slam Rude, but can't hold him and Rude falls on Sting for a two count. Another two count and Sting tries to avoid being pinned. 5 minutes left. Rude gets a modified bear hug on Sting. Less than 5 minutes remaining. Rude throws Sting back in the corner. He goes back to the waist lock. Three minutes left. Back and forth. Sting with a sleeper on Rude and Rude fighting it, but counters with a jaw breaker. Rude slams Sting down face first on the mat. Rude goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off by Sting. 90 seconds left. Sting with an inverted atomic drop and no one sells like Rick Rude. Another atomic drop. He gets a two count. Sting with a crossbody for another two count. 45 seconds left. Rude catches Sting coming off a second time. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening. Sting breaks the attempt and hits the Stinger Splash on Rude. He goes for the Scorpion Death Lock as time expires. Sting lets go. The referee collects the score sheets. Anderson and Matsuda score the match for Sting and Zbyszko scores it for Rude. Sting advances to the finals. Rude tries to attack Sting, but Sting hits an atomic drop on Rude.
-Unified World Tag Team Championship Match. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham vs. Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas: Douglas and Rhodes start. They lock up and push off. Rhodes pushes off from a Douglas side headlock. Douglas comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Rhodes comes back with a backslide. Quick action to start. Douglas with a side headlock takeover. Rhodes comes back with a hammerlock. Douglas with a reversal and they are in the ropes. Break clean. They battle for position. They trade arm drags. Douglas with an arm bar. Rhodes reverses it. Back and forth. They both go for dropkicks simultaneously. Both Windham and Steamboat tagged in. They counter each others hip lock attempts and both spill to the outside. They start to shove each other and their partners come and hold them back. Jesse wants them to mix it up. Back in the ring, they exchange chops in the corner. Steamboat with an atomic drop and an arm bar. Douglas tagged in and he and Steamboat get a double Irish whip and back elbow. Douglas and Steamboat quick tagging to keep Windham off balance. Douglas counters a suplex attempt with one of his own. Douglas with an arm bar and Windham trying to get loose. Windham with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Douglas moves. Steamboat tagged in and kicks Windham in the ribs. Steamboat with an arm bar. He transitions to a rear chin lock and Windham gets back to his feet with Steamboat on his back. Douglas tagged in and he and Steamboat with a double Irish whip and Douglas with a backdrop. Douglas goes back to the arm bar. Back and forth. Douglas goes for a clothesline, but Windham ducks and Douglas guillotines himself on the ropes. Rhodes tagged in. Rhodes takes over and gets a two count. Windham tagged back in. Double dropkick to Douglas. Windham gets a two count. Windham tags Rhodes in, hits Douglas with a suplex, and Rhodes drops the elbow on Douglas. He gets a two count. Douglas comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Rhodes with a wrist lock and Windham tagged in. He gets a wrist lock and now the tag champs are quick tagging as Rhodes comes in. He hits an elbow from the second rope and gets Douglas into a hammerlock. Back to the arm bar and Windham back in and gets a two count. Rhodes tagged in. Double clothesline. Rhodes gets a two count. Reverse chin lock to Douglas. Douglas fights out of the move and hits a crossbody for a two count. Windham tagged in and hits a belly to back suplex on Douglas. He gets a two count. Windham with a lariat for a two count. Rhodes tagged in and the announcers talk about Steamboat having to come into the ring two times to try to break up pins. Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. He gets an arm bar on Douglas. Douglas comes back with a reverse crossbody on Rhodes. Douglas holds on to the ropes as Rhodes was going for a dropkick after an Irish whip. Steamboat tagged in and gets a shoulder block after a lateral press. Back and forth. Rhodes gets a two count after an inside cradle. Steamboat goes for a leapfrog, but doesn't get high enough and Rhodes catches Steamboat in the groin. Windham reaches out to tag, but Rhodes checks on Steamboat instead of tagging or trying to cover Steamboat. Windham screaming at Rhodes to pin Steamboat. Windham tagged in and gets a two count. Windham with an inverted atomic drop for another two count. Rhodes and Windham yelling at each other. Another inverted atomic drop and Rhodes breaks up the pin attempt. The announcers don't believe it. The tag champs slap each other. Meanwhile, Douglas tagged in. Douglas catches Windham with a belly to belly suplex to win the match and we have new tag champions. They get some cheers, but it's not as big as I thought it would be. Rhodes comes over to check on Steamboat while Windham looks on in disbelief. Douglas and the referee help Steamboat to the back. Windham and Rhodes left in the ring. Rhodes leaves the ring. Windham yells out after him. Rhodes comes back. They get face to face. Rhodes pleading his case. Windham attacks Rhodes and hits a DDT on him. Windham shoves the ref down and hits a superplex on Rhodes. When they come back from commercial break, Jesse interviews the new tag champs. Steamboat says they won the belts, but Rhodes is still his friend. Windham comes in and attacks Steamboat and Douglas with a chair. Officials come in to break things up.
-Jim Ross signs off from the clash. End credits.
-Final Thoughts: An interesting show to set up Starrcade. The Scorpio debut was good.