Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 203 Notes

-Suzanne Somers.
-My Weekend.
-Today we look at ECW Hardcore Heaven '94.
-ECW Hardcore Heaven 1994 took place August 13, 1994 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,000 in attendance.
-Presented in the most complete form available and with a TV-MA warning.
-Joey Styles welcomes us to Hardcore Heaven '94 as Hack Myers makes his way to the ring.
-Hack Myers vs. The Rockin' Rebel: A Hack Myers sucks chant goes out. Myers with the early advantage. He puts Rebel's throat on the bottom rope and delivers a leg drop on the apron. Myers, with an Irish whip, drops his head too soon and Rebel hits a swinging neck breaker. Rebel chops Myers in the corner. He then hits a side Russian leg sweep. Rebel throw Myers to the outside. He hits Myers with a chair before throwing him back in the ring. Back and forth and Rebel hits a clothesline. He gets a two count. Myers takes over on Rebel with kicks. He then punches Rebel in the corner and them some headbutts and a corner whip, but Rebel moves on the charge. Rebel comes back with more chops and a kick to the jaw. Back and forth. Rebel with a clothesline. Rebel gets Myers down, but chooses not to cover. Myers coming back. Rebel goes for a belly to back suplex, but Myers shifts his weight to cover and pin Rebel.
-Tommy Cairo vs. Chad Austin: An Austin sucks chant goes out as the match starts. They lock up and push off. Another lock up and push off. Cairo just pushing Austin off with ease. He follows it up with a corner clothesline and forearm. Cairo with a suplex. He gets a two count, but Austin gets his foot on the bottom rope. Cairo with a press slam for another two count. Austin comes back with an Irish whip and goes for a leapfrog, but gets caught and Cairo hits an inverted atomic drop. Cairo with a spinning heel kick and it has been all Cairo so far. He hits an Irish whip and a backdrop on Austin. Austin reverses a corner whip, but Cairo moves on the charge and Austin hits the corner post. Cairo kicks Austin to the floor. Austin gets back in the ring. Cairo hits a belly to back suplex and covers, but Austin's leg was on the ropes. Cairo with a power slam. Cairo goes up top, but Austin ducks as Cairo comes off. Austin gets a two count from a sunset flip. Austin rolls Cairo up again and gets the pin with his feet on the ropes.
-ECW Television Championship Match. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Jason: No disqualification match, but I don't understand why they felt the need to say that, this is ECW. A Mikey chant goes out as he comes to the ring. They lock up. Jason with a shoulder block. The Mikey chant goes out again. Jason with a side headlock. Whipwreck pushes off and Jason comes back with another shoulder block. Whipwreck gets a quick roll up for a two count. Jason with a clothesline. Whipwreck comes back with a flurry of moves to Jason and the crowd cheers wildly as Jason bails out to the floor. Whipwreck hits him with a baseball slide. He then comes out and runs Jason into the guard rail. Whipwreck goes for a double ax handle from the apron, but Jason hits him with a kick as he comes down. Jason slams Whipwreck down on the table at ringside. Jason then leg drops Whipwreck through the table. Jason suplexes Whipwreck back in the ring. He drops a knee on Whipwreck. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a back elbow. Jason with a snap mare and a headlock. Whipwreck gets out and ducks a clothesline, but Jason hits him with a back elbow. Jason with a snap mare. Mikey gets out and ducks a clothesline, only to run into a boot in the face. Jason with a headlock. Whipwreck comes back and gets a sunset flip, but Jason is too close to the ropes. Whipwreck gets a crucifix for a two count. Another two count from an inside cradle. Whipwreck getting a series of two counts. Whipwreck tries for a roll up, but Jason holds on to the ropes. Whipwreck gets on the mat pretending he is hurt. Jason goes for a suplex, but Whipwreck holds him up. They take turns reversing for two counts. Jason hits an enziguri. Jason with a gut wrench powerbomb and gets a two count. Jason dumps Whipwreck to the outside. Whipwreck reverses an Irish whip and runs Jason into the barricade and then attacks Jason with a chair. Whipwreck throws Jason back in the ring and goes for a crossbody, but Jason ducks. Jason brings a chair into the ring. Whipwreck gets the chair and swings at Jason, who ducks and the referee gets taken out. Whipwreck then hits Jason with the chair. Whipwreck covers, but there's no referee. The referee recovers enough to count the pin. The Pit Bulls come in and attack Whipwreck. They put Jason on Whipwreck and referee John Finnegan counts the pin again. Joey Styles says he's confused and so am I. Referee Pee Wee Moore comes down as the Pit Bulls lift Jason up and he's been busted open. They announce Jason as the new champion. Taz and Jimmy Snuka come in and attack the Pit Bulls.
-The match between the two teams has started. Taz hits a nice belly to belly suplex on Pit Bull 2. Taz then hits a t-bone suplex on Pit Bull 1 while Snuka hits the Superfly splash on Pit Bull 2. They get double pins to win the match and the crowd goes wild.
-Mr. Hughes with Shane Douglas and Angel vs. 911 with Paul E. Dangerously: Hughes out first. The crowd cheers wildly when 911 comes out. 911 and Paul E circle the ring and Douglas tells them to get in. Hughes tells 911 to bring it. They circle each other as a 911 chant goes out. It takes a long time for them to lock up. They get nose to nose and then do double shoulder blocks and neither man moves. They exchange blows. Neither man gets the advantage. Hughes grabs 911 and delivers a chokeslam. He gets a two count. 911 gets to his feet and Hughes hits him with his right hands to no effect. 911 knocks Hughes down to his knees and Hughes responds with a low blow. Hughes takes over with punches and headbutts trying to get 911 off his feet as the crowd chants something derogatory towards Angel. Hughes goes for the sidewalk slam, but 911 blocks it and hits the chokeslam to get the pin. Douglas and Angel come in. Douglas knocks out Paul E. 911 goes after Douglas, who bails and leaves Angel with 911. She's already wearing a neck brace from the first chokeslam she took. She slaps and pushes 911. 911 chokeslams her again.
-Singapore cane match. The Sandman with Woman vs. Tommy Dreamer: Sandman and Woman out first. They interact with the crowd before getting in the ring and the crowd loves it. The Sandman lights a cigarette and stands on a turnbuckle. Dreamer comes out from under the ring and attacks Sandman from behind with the cane. He knocks Sandman down and then goes after Woman. He gets her cane away from her. He then grabs Woman and Kisses her. He goes back to caning Sandman and Woman attacks Dreamer from behind. Dreamer goes to cane Woman and the referee tells him no and gets between Dreamer and Woman. Dreamer then canes the referee and goes after Sandman again. The referee has disqualified Dreamer. Dreamer then canes Bob Artese for making the announcement. Dreamer then continues to cane Sandman. Sandman is prone in the center of the ring. Dreamer leaves the ring and Woman lights a cigarette for Sandman to revive him.
-ECW Tag Team Championship match. The Public Enemy Rocco Roc and Johnny Grunge vs. The Bad Breed Axl and Ian Rotten: This is a Baseball brawl match that says if your opponent is knocked out for 10 seconds, you can use a baseball bat on them. The crowd is really into Public Enemy. Roc goes out and grabs Hat Guy's hat and throws it in the ring. Grunge tears the hat up. Roc says if a fan calls him jailbird, he isn't wrestling. The fans chant it, so Public Enemy goes to leave. Pee Wee Moore starts counting Public Enemy out. They come back. Ian and Roc start the match. Back and forth. Roc hits a springboard moonsault for a two count. Another moonsault on Ian. Roc antagonizing the crowd. Ian hits a dropkick as Roc was coming off the top rope a second time. Rock rushes Ian, who dumps Roc over the top rope to the outside. Grunge comes over to check on Roc and Axl backdrops Ian onto the Public Enemy. All four men were brawling on the outside. They exchange shots at ringside. Axl hitting Roc with chair shots that make me wince. Chair shots are flying. Grunge throws Ian back in as Roc hits Axl with a frying pan. Axl fighting back and Ian coming back out to help. Back in the ring, Ian hits Roc with a chair and then a clothesline. Roc comes back with a clothesline that knocks both himself and Ian to the outside. Roc gets Ian back in the ring and continues to batter Ian as the Jail Bird chant goes out again. Axl tagged in. Axl reverses a corner whip and hits Roc with a splash. Grunge tagged in and attacks Axl. Grunge with a clothesline and then Grunge runs Axl into a turnbuckle. He follows it up with a rolling neck snap and Roc tagged in. He hits a spinning heel kick on Axl and gets a two count. Axl reverses an Irish whip and Roc comes back with a sunset flip attempt. Axl blocks it and Ian tagged in. He dropkicks Roc in a corner. Back and forth. Grunge tagged in and Public Enemy hit a modified version of the Demolition Decapitation on Ian. They only get a 6 count, so no baseball bat for them. Axl tagged in and throws Grunge out. Ian grabs a chair on the outside. Meanwhile, Axl has Roc in the ring and Irish whips Roc into the chair that Ian is holding. Bad Breed hit their version of the Doomsday Device they call the British Invasion. They get the 10 count, so they get a baseball bat. Grunge Irish whipped into a bat shot. Axl using the bat on both Public Enemy. Roc and Ian brawl to the ringside area while Axl continues to use the bat on Grunge on the outside. Roc dives onto Ian in the crowd as Grunge tries to come back on the inside. Grunge gets the bat and uses it on Axl. He comes off the top rope with the bat and connects. Meanwhile, Roc climbs some scaffolding in the crowd and hits a senton on Ian. The action spills out to ringside and since this is an ECW show, it's hard to keep up with the action since this is a one camera shoot. Ian and Roc battle with chairs out in the crowd. They climb up towards the broadcast booth and Styles bails. Roc hits Ian with a can of soda and some chair shots. He then wraps a rope around Ian's throat and gets him down. The action is crazy and hard to follow. Roc then goes back to ringside and hits Axl with the ring steps and a chair. Public Enemy get Axl down and hit the Drive By to get the pin.
-2 Cold Scorpio vs. Sabu with Paul E. and 911: Sabu runs and dives for Scorpio as soon as he comes out, but Scorpio dodges Sabu. He tries it again and grabs Scorpio's leg, but Scorpio quickly gets out. Back and forth with reversals. They lock up and vie for position. They get to a corner and break clean, but then slap each other. Scorpio with a snap mare and a headlock. He gets a pinning combination for a two count. Sabu with a scoop slam, but misses a slingshot leg drop. Scorpio with a side headlock. Sabu pushes off and Scorpio with a shoulder block. Scorpio with a standing dropkick. Sabu rolls to the outside and Scorpio hits a fist drop from the apron. They trade shots in the aisle before getting back in the ring. Sabu goes to sunset flip Scorpio from the apron to the floor, but Scorpio holds on to the ropes and Sabu goes crashing to the floor. Scorpio hits a running baseball slide and hits a plancha on Sabu. He then hits a splash from the apron for a two count. Scorpio gets a submission, but can't hold it. Scorpio with a piledriver. Scorpio with a spinning leg drop for a two count. He goes for a splash, but Sabu gets his knees-up. Sabu with a leg drop for a two count. Back and forth. Sabu with a reverse victory roll. Scorpio answers with a powerbomb. He gets a two count. Scorpio goes for a flying forearm, but Sabu ducks and Scorpio spills to the outside. Sabu sets up a chair and uses it to jump on Scorpio on the outside. Sabu grabs the timekeeper's table and sets it up against the barricade. He then shoulder blocks Scorpio off the apron and hits a suicide dive onto Scorpio and the table. They battle on the outside. Sabu sends Scorpio over the guard rail to the front row. He then hits Scorpio with a chair. Scorpio comes back with a superkick. Sabu sets Scorpio up on the table from before and goes for another suicide dive, but Scorpio moves. Scorpio hits Sabu with a chair. Scorpio slides a chair in the ring and goes to tombstone Sabu onto the chair, but Sabu reverses it and piledrives Scorpio instead. He goes to cover Scorpio, but Scorpio's leg is on the ropes. Sabu misses the moonsault when Scorpio moves. Scorpio with a belly to back suplex and hits a splash for a two count. Scorpio with a twisting leg drop from the top rope for another two count. Scorpio misses the moonsault when Sabu moves. Scorpio looks to be going for a superplex, but Sabu shoves Scorpio off and hits a shoulder block on Scorpio from the top rope. Sabu takes Scorpio to the outside and piledrives him on the floor. Scorpio put on a table. Sabu springboards off the table and hits a back splash onto Scorpio on the table. 911 rolls both men back in. Sabu gets a two count. Both men on their knees exchanging slaps. Scorpio hits a DDT for a two count. Sabu hits a dropkick. 911 distracts the referee so Paul E can put a chair on the prone Scorpio, and Sabu hits the face buster to get the pin.
-Terry Funk vs. Cactus Jack: Funk out first. Cactus Jack comes out and the crowd is split between the two men. Jack gets on the mic and says they can agree there has been too much violence already and what the people in Philadelphia need is a good scientific match. The crowd boos. He tries to shake Funk's hand and Funk shakes it. Cactus Jack says they have teamed up before, but this is the first time they have ever faced each other and he has a lot of respect for Terry Funk. He says it's going to hurt him to kick Funk's ass all over the arena, but not as bad as it's going to hurt Funk. Funk says Cactus Jack has always been a dreamer. Funk swings at Jack as they circle each other. They lock up and drive to the ropes and Cactus chops Funk. They shake hands. Cactus chops Funk again against the ropes and Funk says he wants more. Funk starts slapping Cactus against the ropes and throws Cactus outside. Funk follows and hits Cactus with whatever is left of the table out there. He then runs Cactus Jack into and then over the barricade. He battles Cactus Jack in the crowd and of course you can't see much. Cactus Jack thrown back over the guard rail and Funk applies a sleeper to Cactus Jack, who comes back with a jaw breaker to Funk on the guard rail and that's one way to break the hold. Jack then runs and launches himself onto Funk. Cactus hits Funk with a chair. He gets Funk in the ring and hits a corner whip and a bulldog. Cactus runs at Funk, who ducks and Cactus goes over and gets tied up in the ropes the exact way he lost part of his ear just a few months before. I would never do that, but I have two ears and brains. I like Mick Foley, but his nickname should be 18 months, because he's got an ear and a half. Funk attacks Cactus while he is trapped. Back and forth at ringside. Funk runs Cactus into a ring post several times. Cactus thrown back in the ring and The Public Enemy come out and attack Funk. The crowd boos. Public Enemy throw Funk in and keep attacking him. They DDT Funk and grab Cactus Jack. They push Cactus and tell him to pin Funk. Cactus doesn't want it that way and Public Enemy come after Cactus Jack. They beat Jack down in the corner. They then place Cactus on Funk, but he doesn't stay on. They knock the referee out. They put Cactus Jack back on Funk and count the pin themselves. They then kick Cactus Jack out of the ring. A minor bullshit chant goes out. Funk climbs out of the ring and starts trying to take the busted table apart. He and Cactus grab pieces of the busted table and go after Public Enemy. Styles signs off from Philadelphia, but then Cactus Jack comes back out with Grunge and they keep rolling. Funk throws Roc out into the crowd and hits Roc with a frying pan. He then hits Grunge with the pan. They all battle out in the crowd. Funk then has two frying pans and hits Roc with them in the ring. Cactus Jack and Grunge also get in the ring and Cactus hits Grunge with a double arm DDT while Funk piledrives Roc on the frying pan. Funk covers both Public Enemy and Jack makes the three count. Then the iconic shot of chairs being thrown in the ring. LIke I said before, how did ECW stay in business for so long? Public Enemy are quickly covered and are now the most protected people in the building as they make the announcement not to throw things into the ring. They scream to stop throwing chairs, but they keep coming. Styles then signs off as Public Enemy gets up. They started to toss chairs around and I wouldn't do that. They yell that Terry Funk and Cactus Jack don't know what they started. They tell Funk and Cactus to get back in the ring. An ECW chant goes out as they fade to black.
-Final Thoughts: We finally get the iconic chair throwing scene. ECW got a lot of mileage out of that one. Not a bad show. Worth seeing at least once.