Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 204 Notes

-Today we look at the 1992 Survivor Series from the WWF.
-The 1992 Survivor Series was shown on PPV on November 25, 1992 from the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio. There were 18,000 in attendance.
-My Survivor Series story.
-Crush defeated Repo Man in a dark match.
-Survivor Series intro.
-Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the Survivor Series and talk about some of the matches we are going to see. Heenan gets upset as McMahon brings up Mr. Perfect.
-High Energy Koko B Ware and Owen Hart vs. The Headshrinkers Fatu and Samu with Afa: Hart and Samu start. Samu pushes Hart away. Another push off. The crowd trying to get behind High Energy. Hart with some high flying moves to avoid Samu and gets a crossbody for a two count. He gets Samu in a wrist lock and Ware tagged in. Ware gets in the Headshrinkers corner, but ducks a shot from Samu and Fatu gets hit instead. Fatu in now and the Headshrinkers come and try to double team Ware, but he uses speed to get away from them. Afa hits Ware with his stick when the referee is distracted. Fatu with a scoop slam. Samu tagged in. He goads Hart in and the Headshrinkers double team Ware as the referee is caught up with Hart. Fatu in and keeps Ware down. Samu tagged in. He gets a nerve hold on Ware. He hits a big clothesline on Ware. Fatu back in and gets an Irish whip. Ware comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Fatu with a thrust kick. Back and forth. Samu tagged in, but the Headshrinkers cut off Ware's tag attempt. Samu battering Ware. Samu misses a corner splash when Ware moves. Ware trying to make it to his corner to tag and he does. Hart comes in and cleans house on the Headshrinkers. Hart hits Samu with a backdrop and goes up top. He gets a crossbody, but Fatu breaks up the pin. Hart hits Fatu with a spinning heel kick to knock him out of the ring. He goes to crossbody Samu, who catches Hart and power slams him. Fatu tagged in and splashes Hart from the top rope to get the pin.
-Sean Mooney interviews Nailz about the night stick match. Nailz says he's ready for his revenge on the Big Boss Man.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to the Big Boss Man. Boss Man says Nailz is not an innocent man and he is going to make sure Nailz serves hard time. He then sees that Nailz is in the ring and runs to the ring.
-Night stick on a pole match. The Big Boss Man vs. Nailz: Boss Man attacks Nailz as soon as he gets in the ring. Back and forth. Nailz punching Boss Man down. Nailz goes for the stick, but Boss Man stops him. They take turns both striking each other and dodging strikes. Boss Man hits a right hand to Nailz and goes for the stick. He almost has it, but Nailz grabs him and slams him off before he can get the stick. Nailz with a backbreaker and he starts choking Boss Man for a four count. Then Nailz with a rear chin lock on Boss Man. Back and forth. Nailz gets Boss Man down and goes for the stick. Boss Man grabs his leg and yanks Nailz down. Double clothesline and both men down. Boss Man goes for the stick. He gets it and uses it on Nailz. Nailz recovers and gets the stick from Boss Man. He attacks Boss Man with the stick. Boss Man ducks a blow and kicks Nailz, who drops the stick. Boss Man then delivers the Boss Man Slam and gets the pin. He goes to use the stick again, but Nailz takes off.
-Mean Gene talks to Ric Flair and Razon Ramon. They show a flashback of Randy Savage picking Mr. Perfect to be his tag partner and the fallout. Flair says this is an attempt to rub Ric Flair's face in it. He says Perfect will answer to Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. Ramon says they will prove no one is perfect and he is the only one oozing machismo. Flair says this is the Survivor Series and they have to survive.
-Rick Martel vs. Tatanka: Martel is in the ring and has Tatanka's sacred eagle feathers on. They lock up and drive to a corner. Back and forth and then Tatanka with a flurry of offense. Martel rolls to the outside to regroup. He gets back in and Tatanka grabs his leg and gives Martel an atomic drop. He clotheslines Martel to the outside again. McMahon accidentally refers to Martel as a former Intercontinental Champion. Martel gets back in and attacks Tatanka with strikes. Tatanka comes back and runs Martel head first into a turnbuckle. Martel comes back with a hot shot to Tatanka on the top rope. He then chokes Tatanka for a two count. Martel with a front face lock. Tatanka comes back with a suplex to get out of the move. Martel goes back to the front face lock as the recently arrived Doink is shown in the aisle making balloon animals and then popping them. They just call him the clown. Tatanka lifts Martel up and puts him on the apron to get out of the move and then slingshots Martel back in the ring. Martel comes back with a shot to the throat of Tatanka and a neck breaker to get a two count. Martell goes back to the front face lock. Tatanka comes back with a clothesline. Martel reverses a corner whip, but Tatanka moves on the charge and Martel hits the corner post with his shoulder. Tatanka with a wrist lock. Martel with a round house attempt that Tatanka ducks and gets a backslide for a two count. Then an arm drag and an arm bar by Tatanka. Martel throws Tatanka out of the ring. Martel goes out after Tatanka and runs him back first into the apron. Martel throws Tatanka back in and kicks Tatanka's back. He kicks and drops knees on Tatanka's back. He goes to the second rope for a double ax handle, but Tatanka catches him with a shot as he was coming off. Tatanka comes back with a chop from the top rope and the fall away slam to get the pin and get his feathers back.
-Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect. Perfect says it's got to be killing Ric Flair to see him standing there with Randy Savage. He says Flair wanted to be like Mr. Perfect. He says what Razor Ramon is oozing stinks and Bobby Heenan didn't want Perfect to face Flair or Ramon. Savage says he knows all about surviving. He says no one knows Ric Flair or Razor Ramon like Mr. Perfect and they can be the Perfect Tag Team.
-Ric Flair and Razor Ramon vs. Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect: Heels out first and they don't get all boos. Flair has his share of fans. There is a loud cheer when Savage comes out. He is introduced and then introduces Mr. Perfect. He comes out and gets a good reaction. They take their time getting to the ring. Perfect and Ramon start. They circle each other and Perfect swipes at Ramon. Ramon responds by throwing his toothpick at Perfect. They go back and forth, but largely duck each other. Perfect with a side headlock, but Ramon with a push off and a shoulder block to get Perfect down. Perfect comes back with a drop toe hold. Flair is livid on the apron. Ramon gets Perfect into the heels corner and Perfect fights out by chopping both Ramon and Flair. Flair tagged in. He's selling hard for all of Perfect's offense. Perfect chopping Flair in the corner. Perfect with a corner whip. Flair up and over in the corner, but gets attacked by Savage on the apron and they spill to the floor. Savage throws Flair back in the ring. Savage tagged in and Perfect holds Flair in a front face lock for Savage to hit a double ax handle from the top rope. Flair trying to get away from Savage. Savage cleans house on Flair and Ramon when he tries to come in to help, but Flair finally gets a shot in. Savage with a clothesline. Flair gets Savage in the heels corner. Ramon tagged in. Back and forth. Ramon gets Savage down and stomps Savage. He gets Savage in a front face lock and tags Flair in. Flair sends Savage into the corner and chops him. He then runs Savage into Ramon's knee. Ramon tagged in. He continues to punish Savage's back. He puts Savage in an abdominal stretch and Flair grabs Ramon's arm to increase the leverage when the referee isn't looking. Savage comes back with a hip lock. Ramon comes back with a front face lock and Flair tagged in. He throws Savage to the outside. Ramon throws Savage back in and Flair gets a two count. Flair drops a knee on Savage. The heels goad Perfect in so they can double team Savage. Ramon in without tagging. Perfect starts to leave. He stops halfway down. He comes back to the ring. He gets goaded in again. Flair gets a two count. Savage gets a backslide for a two count. All four men in again. Ramon in and kicking Savage. He gets a two count. He chokeslams Savage, but Perfect breaks up the pin attempt. Savage gets a small package for a two count and Flair tagged in. Flair attacking Savage in the corner. He corner whips and clotheslines Savage. Flair climbs up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Both Ramon and Perfect tagged in. Perfect with a hip toss and a rolling snap mare to Ramon. Perfect cleaning house on both heels. Savage and Flair fight on the outside. Flair grabs a chair and hits Savage with it. The heels double team Perfect on the inside. Perfect throws Flair out. He goes to clothesline Ramon, but Ramon ducks and the referee gets taken out. Ramon goes for the Razor's Edge as another referee comes down. Perfect counters the Razor's Edge into a backdrop. Perfect gets the Perfectplex on Ramon, but it takes the official a minute to get in and Flair breaks up the pin attempt. Ramon arguing with the second referee while Perfect puts Flair into the Perfectplex. The first referee starts the count, but Ramon breaks it up. Both referees argue with the heels, who shove them away. The bell rings as Flair puts Perfect in the figure four. Savage comes in with the chair. He gives it to Perfect, who breaks the figure four. Perfect hits the heels with the chair to clear the ring. The faces win by disqualification. Officials out to make the heels go back to the locker room. The faces high five in the ring and Savage holds the ropes open for Perfect.
-Mean Gene talks to Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. They are pissed. Ramon says he was double crossed before and now you can't find the guy. Flair says the Perfect Team is going to pay the price.
-Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji vs. Virgil: First look at Yokozuna for me. Yoko does his pre match ritual and the crowd is in awe. Virgil gets a good reaction. The bell rings and Yokozuna knocks Virgil down two times. Virgil with a series of dropkicks, but can't get Yokozuna down. Yokozuna with a back kick to Virgil. Yokozuna with a side slam and some chops to Virgil. Virgil comes back with a series of right hands, but Yokozuna comes back with a side slam and a leg drop. Virgil avoids a corner charge and goes to roll Yokozuna up, but Yokozuna just drops on Virgil. Yokozuna follows it up with a corner splash and a Banzai drop to get the pin.
-Sean Mooney talks to Randy Savage and Mr. Perfect. Perfect has two turkeys and a little chicken he says that reminds him of Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, and Bobby Heenan.
-The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with the Genius and Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon and The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags: Heels out first and IRS says pay your taxes. The Natural Disasters come out to a good reaction. The Nasty Boys come out to a great reaction. When a man is pinned, his partner is gone as well. Typhoon and Blake start. Blake making fun of Typhoon. Typhoon knocks Blake down and makes fun of him. Typhoon manhandling Blake. Earthquake tagged in and gets Blake in a bear hug. Earthquake gets both Beverly Brothers in the corner and Typhoon splashes them. Then both Natural Disasters do it again to the Beverly Brothers. Knobbs tagged in. He and Blake go back and forth. Knobbs slams Blake down and Sags tagged in. Beau also tagged in. Sags with a pump handle slam to Beau. Beau comes back with a butterfly suplex and DiBiase tagged in. Back and forth and Sags with a suplex. IRS tagged in and Money Inc with a double clothesline to Sags. Back and forth. Sags trying to fight both Money Inc. members off. Blake tagged in and power slams Sags. Beau tagged in, hits a leg drop, and gets a two count. Quick tags by the Beverly Brothers and a neck breaker gets a two count. Sags with a sleeper on Blake. Blake pushes off the ropes and both men down. Beau and Earthquake both tagged in. Earthquake with a corner whip and a back elbow. Now all 8 men in the ring. All of them thrown out as Typhoon gives Beau a fall away slam and Earthquake hits the sit down splash to get the pin and the Beverly Brothers are eliminated. DiBiase in against Earthquake. Earthquake with a shoulder block. The faces take turns tagging in and beating on DiBiase. Earthquake back in and hitting shoulder blocks to DiBiase, but misses the corner splash when DiBiase moves. IRS tagged in and he and DiBiase double belly to back suplex Earthquake. IRS gets a two count. IRS misses a charge and DiBiase tagged in. Money Inc beat Earthquake down in the corner. Heels overwhelming Earthquake. DiBiase chopping Earthquake. IRS in and gets Earthquake in a front face lock and DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase off the second rope, but Earthquake raises his foot and DiBiase hits that instead. IRS and Typhoon both tagged in. Typhoon comes in and hits both heels with clotheslines as they get in. Typhoon with a splash to IRS, but DiBiase breaks up the pin attempt. The Nasty Boys come in and clothesline DiBiase out. DiBiase trips Typhoon as he runs the ropes. Typhoon pinned by IRS, who had his foot on the ropes. The Natural Disasters are eliminated. Sags comes in and rolls IRS up to get a quick pin and the Nasty Boys are the Sole Survivors. The Nasty Boys clear the ring and celebrate. Jimmy Hart grabs the titles and Money Inc. leave.
-Flashback to what led up to the coffin match between the Undertaker and Kamala and shots of the Undertaker making the coffin.
-Coffin Match. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Kamala with Harvey Wippleman and Kim Chee: Kamala out first. Undertaker and Paul Bearer get a fantastic reaction when they come out rolling the coffin down the aisle. Kim Chee and Wippleman calm Kamala down. Undertaker takes his time taking his stuff off.
The bell rings and Kamala immediately gets out of the ring and Undertaker follows. Kamala raises his hand as if he was going to chop Undertaker, but Undertaker just keeps coming. Kamala gets back in the ring and attacks Undertaker with chops as soon as he steps back in the ring. Undertaker comes back with throat thrusts and does Old School. He runs Kamala into a turnbuckle and gives him a short arm clothesline. Undertaker with an Irish whip, but drops his head early and Kamala hits him with a throat thrust. Kamala with chops and kicks. He knocks Undertaker out of the ring. Undertaker lands on his feet and grabs Wippleman and Kim Chee by their throats. Kamala attacks Undertaker from behind. Kamala hits Undertaker with Kim Chee's helmet. Kamala attacking Undertaker on the outside with chops, but can't knock Undertaker down. He runs Undertaker into the ring steps and hits him on the back with a chair. Back in the ring, Kamala scoops slams Undertaker, but Undertaker gets back to his feet. He does it again to the same effect. Undertaker keeps getting up. Kamala gets Undertaker down and splashes him. He keeps splashing Undertaker. Kim Chee grabs Paul Bearer and the urn flies into the ring. Kamala kicks the urn to Kim Chee. Kim Chee throws it back to Kamala, who drops it. Undertaker picks it up and nails Kamala with the urn. Wippleman has referee Joey Marella tied up on the apron arguing while this is happening. Undertaker pins Kamala. Undertaker then rolls Kamala into the coffin. He places the top on the coffin and nails it shut.
-Sean Mooney talks to Shawn Michaels. Michaels said he defeated the man who defeated Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Title. He has nothing to lose because his title is not on the line and Bret Hart's title is.
-WWF Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels: Michaels is the IC champion, but his title is not on the line. Mean Gene talks to Bret Hart. Gene talks about Bret taking on all challengers since winning the title. Hart says no one knows about giving thanks like he does. He says he has been surviving for 8.5 years. He has worked his way to the top and now he's there. He says tonight, they're going to find out who's going to survive as the WWF Champion. Hart gets a great reaction when he comes out. Hart kisses the belt and gives it to referee Earl Hebner. He then goes outside and gives his glasses away. Hart, Michaels, and Hebner will all be involved at Survivor Series again one day. Don't worry, we will get there. They lock up and battle for position. They get to the corner and Hebner has to separate them. They lock up again and do a series of reversals and get to the ropes again. Another lock up and they go back and forth. Hart gets an arm bar on. Michaels gets to his feet again and grabs Hart by the hair. More back and forth and these two are doing a lot of quick moves to each other. Hart with a hammerlock. Michaels on the mat trying to fight through the pain. He gets to his feet and reverses the move. Hart drops down and Michaels goes through the ropes to the floor. Michaels gets back on the apron and Hart slingshots him in. Hart goes back to the arm bar. Michaels gets out, only to hit a crossbody for a two count. A sunset flip gets another two count. Hart then goes back to the arm bar. Michaels with a right hand to break the move. Back and forth. Hart finally gets Michaels down with a clothesline for another two count. Back to the arm bar for Hart. Michaels reaching for the ropes. Michaels pushes off and Hart comes back with a shoulder block. They run the ropes and Michaels catches Hart with a stun gun. Hart then reverses a corner whip, but Michaels moves on the charge and Hart hits the corner post with his shoulder. Michaels starts working on the shoulder. Corner whip and Hart hits the corner with his chest and bounces back. Michaels gets a two count and then puts Hart in a side headlock. Hart gets back to his feet, only for Michaels to pull his hair and get Hart back to the ground. Michaels still has the headlock on. Hart gets to his feet and breaks free, but he runs right into a dropkick for a two count. Michaels with a backbreaker for another two count. Michaels with a side headlock. Hart back to his feet and gets a swinging neck breaker. Michaels with a punch to the throat and a front face lock. Hart gets to his feet and forces Michaels back into a corner. He runs his shoulder into Michaels midsection several times. Michaels reverses a corner whip, but Hart gets his boot up on the charge. Hart then bulldogs Michaels out of the corner, but misses the elbow from the second rope when Michaels moves. Michaels gets a two count. A back elbow gets another two count. Michaels goes back to the front face lock. The crowd getting behind Hart. Hart gets up and gets a small package for a two count. Michaels with a corner whip. Hart leapfrogs the charge and hits a belly to back suplex. Both men down. They both get up and Hart catches Michaels trying to leapfrog and slingshots him into the buckle. Double count going again. Hart back to his feet. He corner whips Michaels into the buckle and Michaels ends up on the ropes. Hart slings him off and hits a headbutt and a backdrop for a two count. Hart with a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Hart with a backbreaker and a elbow drop from the second rope for another two count. Hart with a superplex. Another two count. Hart ducks a roundhouse shot and gets a sleeper on Michaels. Michaels backs Hart into a corner and in the process, takes Hebner out. Back and forth with holds and reversals. Michaels drops down and Hart goes flying outside. Michaels out and runs Hart into the ring post. Michaels breaks the count and slams Hart on the outside. He then throws Hart back in the ring. He corner whips Hart into the corner and gets a two count. Michaels with a backdrop for another two count. Michaels with a superkick, but doesn't have the energy to cover Hart. Michaels goes for a move, but Hart thumbs him in the eye. Michaels with a belly to back suplex for a close two count. Michaels with an Irish whip. Hart comes back with a forearm. Michaels ties up in the ropes. Hart charges Michaels, who moves and Hart caught in the ropes and falls back in the ring. Hebner tells Michaels to stay away while he checks on Hart. Michaels up to the second rope and jumps, but Hart was to his feet and catches Michaels by the legs and puts him in the Sharpshooter and Michaels gives up. Hart gets his title and holds it up high. Suddenly, Santa Claus comes down and celebrates with Hart. They have snow falling in the ring. They celebrate with the fans as they sign off from Richfield.

-Final Thoughts: This was a solid show considering all the WWF was going through at the time.