Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 205 Notes

-Richard Moll and Matthew Perry.
-Memories of when I moved to Maine.
-Today we look at Clash of Champions 2016 from the WWE.
-Clash of Champions 2016 was a RAW Premium Live Event that was shown on the WWE Network and PPV on September 25, 2016 from the Bankers Life FieldHouse in Indianapolis, Indiana. There were 13, 467 in attendance.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Clash of Champions. He, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton welcome us and set up the first match.
-Raw Tag Team Championship Match. The New Day Kofi Kingston and Big E with Xavier Woods vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson: New Day out first to do their whole New Day rocks routine. It goes on too long for my taste, but the crowd digs it. The Spanish and German Announce Teams are introduced. Kingston and Anderson start. Gallows takes out Big E on the outside with a clothesline while Anderson hits one to Kingston on the inside. Anderson with a running Liger Bomb for a two count. Gallows takes out Woods on the outside. Anderson punishing Kingston in the corner and Gallows tagged in. He headbutts Kingston down. Kingston trying to fight out to tag Big E in, but Gallows and Anderson are keeping him far from his corner. Kingston with a dropkick to Gallows, but it gets him even farther away from Big E. Eventually, Anderson and Big E tagged in. Big E with a series of belly to belly suplexes to Anderson. He hits a big splash to Anderson and Big E throws Anderson out to the apron and looks like he is going to suicide dive onto Anderson, but Anderson gets a knee up and Big E runs straight into it. Anderson rushes Big E, who gets a sidewalk slam. That gets a two count. Back and forth. Gallows tagged in and hits Big E with a boot. Gallows and Anderson hit the Boot of Doom, but Kingston breaks up the pin attempt. Kingston thrown out by Gallows, but Big E throws Anderson out. Kingston tagged in and gets hit with a spinebuster by Anderson. Anderson gets a two count. Gallows tagged back in. He hits Kingston with a chokeslam. Anderson tagged back in. He and Gallows go for the Magic Killer, but Kingston able to fight them off before they can hit it. Big E tagged in and Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise. Big E hits the Big Ending and covers Anderson, but Gallows pulls Big E off before the three count. Big E runs Gallows into the ring steps and Kingston launches himself onto Gallows in the corner. Woods hits Anderson with Francesca when the referee isn't looking. Kingston and Big E hit the Midnight Hour to pin Anderson.
-WWE Network ad.
-Feature on TJ Perkins and the Cruiserweight Championship. Tom Phillips talks to Perkins about Brian Kendrick. Perkins says confidence got him here, it will help him keep the championship.
-Cruiserweight championship match. TJ Perkins vs. Brian Kendrick: Perkins gets a modest reception when he comes out. Kendrick refuses to shake Perkins' hand. The bell rings and they go back and forth. Perkins gets Kendrick down with a headscissors. He gets a two count. Kendrick gets Perkins in a corner and then brings him back to the center of the ring in a side headlock. Perkins pushes off. Kendrick stops and Perkins hits him with a shoulder block. Perkins goes for the knee bar, but Kendrick quickly gets to the ropes. Kendrick goes outside. Perkins tries to jump on Kendrick and Kendrick ties him up in the apron. Kendrick throws Perkins in and gets a two count. Perkins with a Muta Lock. Kendrick gets to the ropes. Kendrick drops Perkins' throat first on the top rope. He gets Perkins back in the ring and gets a two count. Kendrick with a submission on Perkins, but Perkins won't give up. Perkins thrown into the ropes, but moves when Kendrick charges him. Another charge by Kendrick into the corner and Perkins kicks Kendrick in the side of the head. Kendrick with a submission. Perkins won't give up. He comes back with a series of moves to get Kendrick down. Kendrick back to his feet and Perkins goes for a neck breaker. He doesn't get all of it, but Kendrick does go down. Perkins gets a two count. Kendrick catches Perkins going up top. Kendrick goes for a superplex, but Kendrick pushes off. Perkins hurricanranas Kendrick from the ring to the outside from the top rope. Both men beat the count back in the ring. Perkins with a 450 splash from the top rope, but Kendrick moves and goes for the Captain's Hook. Perkins counters into the Knee Bar. Kendrick reverses into a waist lock. Kendrick hits Sliced Bread for a two count. Back and forth again. Perkins gets the Knee Bar on, and Kendrick finally taps.
-Charly Caruso talks to Perkins. Before he can answer her question, Brian Kendrick comes in and shakes Perkins' hand and hugs him before attacking Perkins with a headbutt.
-Tom Phillips talks to Cesaro about coming back and tying the best of 7 series with Sheamus. He says he's shown he's tough by tying up the series and tonight he's going to win.
-Flashback to the first 6 matches of the best of 7 series.
-Final match in the best of 7 series. Sheamus vs. Cesaro: Sheamus out first to not much of a reaction. Cesaro getting a better reaction. The Portugese, Russian and Japanese announce teams are introduced. Sheamus attacks Cesaro as soon as the bell rings. Cesaro comes back with a clothesline to the outside. Sheamus comes back with forearms to the chest. Cesaro with an uppercut and they go back and forth on the outside. Cesaro goes up top, but Sheamus knocks him off and Cesaro hits the ropes hard. Sheamus works over the back of Cesaro. He hits the Irish Curse backbreaker on Cesaro. Cesaro comes back with an uppercut. Sheamus with a clothesline to Cesaro from the top rope. He gets a two count. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross, but Cesaro rolls through and gets a two count. Sheamus with a scoop slam for a two count. Sheamus working over Cesaro's shoulder in the corner. Back and forth again with uppercuts. Both men down. Cesaro with a series of corner whips and uppercuts to Sheamus. He then gets a tornado DDT for a two count. Cesaro sets Sheamus up and hits a 619. He goes up top and hits a crossbody for another two count. They trade blows again and Cesaro hits a springboard spinning uppercut to Sheamus for another two count. Cesaro signals for the Big Swing, but Sheamus catches him with a roll up for a two count. Another Irish Curse backbreaker gets a two count. Two more backbreakers for another two count and Cesaro will not stay down. Sheamus gets a cloverleaf on Cesaro. Sheamus drags Cesaro away from the ropes when he gets close. Cesaro turns and rolls Sheamus up for another two count. Another brutal backbreaker, but Cesaro kicks out again. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but Cesaro ducks it and rolls Sheamus up for a two count. Cesaro then transitions to do the Big Swing. He then puts Sheamus in a Sharpshooter. The crowd yells tap, but Sheamus gets to the ropes. Cesaro gets Sheamus on the apron and tries to do a version of the superplex, but can't get Sheamus up. Sheamus gets Cesaro up on his back, but Cesaro breaks free, kicks Sheamus off the apron, and then suicide dives onto Sheamus. Cesaro looks like he landed on his neck. They get back in the ring and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick to get another two count. Sheamus attacking Cesaro with a series of knees to Cesaro's neck. Cesaro gets a clothesline and the Neatrualizer for another two count. A this is awesome chant goes out. They exchange blows in the center of the ring. Sheamus goes up top, but Cesaro catches him with an uppercut and a jaw kick. Sheamus kicks Cesaro to the ground and comes off onto Cesaro, only to get met with an uppercut from Cesaro as Sheamus was coming down. Cesaro runs Sheamus into a ring post and then they both fall over the barricade into the crowd after a clothesline. Ringside doctors checking on both men. The bell rings. Cesaro saying he can still go on. Both wrestlers want to go and the crowd yells let them fight. Cesaro gets in the ring and yells come on to Sheamus. Sheamus helped to the back. The match is ruled a no contest.
-Bayley is shown in the back. Charlotte Flair comes in and says Bayley weaseled her way into the match. Bayley says she earned her title shot tonight.
-Flashback to Sami Zayn on Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel.
-Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho: Jericho full heel as he comes out. Zayn rushes Jericho as soon as the bell rings and gets him in a corner. They go back and forth and Jericho with a shot that knocks Zayn down. He gets Zayn up with a leapfrog off a springboard and hits Jericho with some arm drags. Jericho bails to the outside to regroup, but Zayn follows him and hits Jericho with a clothesline. Jericho Irish whips Zayn towards a barricade, but Zayn leaps up and moonsaults off the the barricade onto Jericho. Jericho comes back with a springboard dropkick to Zayn. He then runs Zayn into the ring steps and drops Zayn on the barricade. He gets Zayn in and hits a flying back elbow for a two count. Jericho runs Zayn into the corner. Zayn comes back with chops. Jericho drops Zayn on the top rope and clotheslines him to the outside. Jericho then suplexes Zayn on the outside. Zayn gets back in the ring, only to get attacked by Jericho again. Zayn pushes Jericho off as Jericho was going for a bulldog. Back and forth. Jericho spills to the outside and Zayn hits a running tope on Jericho. Back in, Zayn hits a crossbody for a two count. A Michinoku Driver by Zayn gets another two count. Zayn goes up top, but gets caught. Jericho goes for a superplex, but Zayn blocks it and slams Jericho down. Zayn jumps down when Jericho moves and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Zayn blocks it. Jericho hits an enziguri. Jericho attacks Zayn with kicks to the head. Zayn comes back with a slap to the face. Jericho responds with a back elbow and a lionsault, but Zayn gets his knees-up. Zayn gets a two count. Zayn struggles, but hits a tornado DDT. Zayn then goes for the Helluva Kick, but Jericho bails to the outside. Zayn comes outside and launches himself through the ropes and hits a tornado DDT on Jericho. Back in, Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick again, but Jericho moves. Jericho goes for a Code Breaker and Zayn counters into an exploder suplex. Jericho counters a Helluva Kick attempt into the Walls of Jericho. Zayn trying to reach for the ropes. Zayn twists around and gets a small package for a two count. Jericho goes up top. Zayn catches him as he comes off with a Blue Thunder Bomb for another close count. Zayn can't believe it. Jericho with a Code Breaker to get the pin.
-Kevin Owens is shown in the back with Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. They say they are proud of him and all that he has accomplished. Owens says he's going to show everyone that he is the Main Event and Seth Rolilns is no longer the man, he is now their mistake for choosing Rollins number one in the draft.
-Flashback to what led up to the Raw Women's Title Match.
-Raw Women's Championship Triple Threat Match. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley: Bayley out first to a good reaction. Banks out next to a great reaction. Flair comes out with Dana Brooke. The bell rings and Banks attacks Flair immediately. They fight outside. Bayley goes out and grabs Flair and brings her back in for a couple of one counts. Banks and Bayley start to argue over who is going after Flair. Banks shoves Bayley, who rolls Banks up for a one count. They go back and forth. Flair throws Banks out. All three go at it and a triple dropkick happens. Banks and Bayley with double chops to Flair. Banks then knocks Bayley down. Banks and Flair go back and forth until Flair hits a neck breaker. Flair goes for a moonsault, but Banks catches her and puts Flair into the tree of woe. Banks hits Flair with running knees before Bayley takes out both Banks and Flair. Bayley gets a two count on Flair. Flair thrown out of the ring and Bayley takes over on Banks. Bayley guillotines Banks on the second rope. Dana Brooke grabs Bayley and throws her into the barricade. Flair with a running knee that pushes Banks into the turnbuckle. Flair trying to get Banks down, but can't pin Banks. Flair tears the tape off Bank's injured back and starts attacking the back by wrapping Banks around a ring post and pulling back. Bayley blasted by Flair when she comes over. Banks comes back with a headscissors on Flair. Banks mounting an offense on Flair. Back and forth. They both get taken out by a crossbody from Bayley. Bayley hitting both Banks and Flair with knees and back elbows in opposite corners until Banks moves and Bayley hits the turnbuckle instead. Banks gets both Bayley and Flair in a corner horizontally on the ropes and Banks hits double knees on Bayley while Flair moves out of the way and breaks up the pin attempt on Bayley. Banks with double knees to Bayley on the floor. Banks throws Flair in and Flair with a backbreaker into a slam. Flair goes for the Figure 8, but Banks kicks her off into a Bayley to Belly from Bayley. Banks breaks up the pin to cover Bayley and Flair breaks up that pin. All three take turns hitting each other. Flair runs Bayley into the turnbuckle. Banks with a series of strikes to Flair. Banks goes for a superplex on Flair, but Flair throws her off. Bayley goes for the Bayley to Belly from the top rope, but Flair guillotines her. Flair with a double moonsault onto her opponents, but Banks kicks out at two. She covers Bayley for a two count. Flair hits Natural Selection on Bayley. Banks breaks up the pin attempt and put the Bank Statement on Flair. Brooke comes in and pulls Flair out. Bayley and Banks trade two counts. Flair knocks Bayley to the outside and gets a two count on Banks. Banks hits the Backstabber into the Bank Statement. Brooke comes over and Banks kicks her off the apron. Bayley breaks it up. Banks hits the Backstabber into the Bank Statement on Bayley. Flair breaks it up. Flair throws Banks into the barricade. Bayley catches Flair with an inside cradle for a two count. Banks up on the apron and Flair runs Bayley into Banks to knock her off the apron. Flair hits a kick to pin Bayley.
-Renee Young talks to the PPV panel about what we have seen so far and shows Nia Jax defeating Alicia Fox on the kickoff show.
-Flashback to what led to the US Title Match between Rusev and Roman Reigns.
-United States Championship Match. Rusev with Lana vs. Roman Reigns: They lock up and vie for position. Reigns dumps Rusev outside and then goes for a Samoan Drop, but Rusev fights him off. A right hand from Reigns forces Rusev back to the outside. Back in, they trade shots in the center of the ring. Rusev hits a spin kick for a two count. Rusev beats Reigns down to the mat for another two count. Back and forth in the corner. Rusev with a corner whip and then another one. As Reigns falls to the mat, the crowd has been doing dueling let's go Roman/Roman Sucks chants. When Reigns gets up, Rusev hits a right hand to knock him back down again. He does it a second time and Reigns looks like he is struggling. Rusev with knees to Reign's midsection and Reigns comes back with a clothesline. Reigns coming back. Rusev throws Reigns to the outside. Rusev throws Reigns into the ring post and then into the barricade. Rusev breaks the count to continue to punish Reigns. Reigns gets back in the ring and Rusev rolls out. Reigns follows and runs Rusev into the barricade. Rusev retaliates by running Reigns into the ring steps. Rusev gets Reigns in the ring and gets a two count. Rusev with a version of a chin lock and leaning down on Reigns, but Reigns makes it back to his feet. Rusev knocks Reigns down again. Reigns gets his boot up on a Rusev corner charge, but Rusev responds with a dropkick. Rusev goes for a flying headbutt, but Reigns moves out of the way. A Samoan Drop from Reigns gets a two count. Reigns with punches and a clothesline that sends Rusev to the outside. Reigns throws Rusev into a barricade and then into the ring steps. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but Rusev hits Reigns in the ribs as he goes for it. Back and forth and Rusev hits a Stun Gun on Reigns for a two count. A big kick to Reigns' head gets another two count. Rusev gears up for the Accolade, only to get hit with the Superman Punch from Reigns. He gets a two count. Reigns sets up for another Superman Punch, but Lana gets up on the apron to distract Reigns so Rusev can hit Reigns with a big kick. Rusev gets a two count. Rusev kicks Reigns' spine and goes for the Accolade. Reigns slips out and hits Rusev with a Spear. The referee starts counting, but Lana pulls the referee out before he can finish. She acts like she didn't do anything, but the referee throws her out. Reigns gets a roll up for a two count. Rusev pushes Reigns away as he was going for a Superman Punch and Reigns responds by throwing Rusev out of the ring. Reigns hits Rusev with the Drive By. Rusev avoids a second Drive By. Reigns throws Rusev back in the ring. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch again, but runs into a kick from Rusev instead. He gets a two count. Rusev gets the Accolade on. Reigns fighting it. Reigns powers out and Rusev rakes the eyes. Reigns hits the Spear and gets the pin to become the new US Champion.
-No Mercy and Ride Along ad.
-Seth Rollins is shown in the back and he is approached by Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. They wish Rollins well and he tells Stephanie to save it. He says Stephanie and HHH bet against the wrong guy when HHH helped Kevin Owens win the Universal Championship.
-Hell in a Cell ad.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-WWE Universal Championship Match. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins: The reactions for each are mixed. The bell rings and Owens immediately rolls to the outside. Rollins rolls out and Owens rolls back in. Owens comes back out and attacks Rollins. Rollins reverses and runs Owens into the barricade. Back in, Rollins attacks Owens. Owens goes back outside to regroup. Rollins with a running knee from the apron to Owens. Rollins throws Owens back in the ring. He gets a one count. Rollins with a snap mare and another running knee to Owens. He gets a two count. Back and forth. Rollins with a blockbuster on Owens for another two count. Owens comes back with a Stun Gun on Rollins. They do several counters to each other. Owens answers a Rollins kick with a DDT. He gets a two count. Rollins rolls out and Owens follows. Rollins ran into the barricade. Owens throws him back in the ring. Owens continues the assault on Rollins. Back and forth. Owens hits Rollins with an elbow. He gets a two count. Owens attacking Rollins' leg. Rollins coming back. Owens backdrops Rollins out of the ring. He lands hard on the injured knee. Owens with a flying elbow to Rollins from the apron. Rollins back into the ring on the 8 count. Owens hits a snap mare and a senton for a two count. Owens with a rear chin lock. Owens runs Rollins into a turnbuckle. Owens with a corner whip. He does another one, but Rollins comes back with a clothesline to Owens. Back and forth. Owens with an Irish whip and Rollins comes back with a Sling blade. Rollins with a clothesline and forearm to Owens before running Owens face first into a turnbuckle. Rollins with a backbreaker for a two count. Rollins gets Owens out of the ring and throws Owens into a barricade. Then he runs Owens into the opposite turnbuckle and starts to take apart the SAT. Owens gets back in the ring. They go back and forth again. Rollins with a superkick for a two count. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Owens backdrops Rollins. Rollins lands on his feet. Owens attacks the knee again and hits a cannonball for a two count. Back and forth. Rollins with an enziguri. They trade corner clotheslines. Rollins moves out of the way of a cannonball attempt. Rollins goes for the running knee, but Owens catches him and hits a shoulder breaker for a two count. Owens goes up top, but Rollins catches him with another enziguri. Owens responds with a headbutt to Rollins. Rollins jumps back to the top and Owens hits him with a gut buster from the top rope. Owens hits a frog splash. He gets a two count. Rollins rolls outside. Owens follows and puts Rollins on the SAT. Owens gets on the GAT, does the suck it gesture, and goes for the senton. Rollins moves out of the way and Owens crashes through the SAT. Rollins gets Owens back in the ring and hits the knee from the top rope. Rollins hits a frog splash for a two count. Rollins back to his feet and Chris Jericho comes to ringside to distract Rollins. Owens hits a powerbomb for a two count. Jericho on the apron and the referee trying to get him off. Rollins pushes Owens into Jericho and rolls Owens up for a two count. Rollins with a running knee and a Pedrigree to Owens, but Jericho puts Owens' leg on the rope. Rollins goes out after Jericho. Owens grabs Rollins and goes for the pop up powerbomb, but Rollins keeps going and takes out the referee. Owens with a kick and goes for the pop up powerbomb again. Rollins reverses it into the Pedigree. He covers, but there is no ref. Jericho comes in and Rollins backdrops him out of the ring. Rollins with a suicide dive on Jericho and then one on Owens. Rollins throws Owens into the ring. Stephanie McMahon sends another official down to the ring. Owens hits a pop up powerbomb to get the pin.
-They recap what just happened and sign off from Indianapolis.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. The main event was okay. Worth seeing at least once.