Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 245 Notes

-Today we look at Clash of the Champions XXVI from WCW.
-Clash XXVI was shown on TBS on January 27, 1994 from the Riverside Centroplex in Baton Rouge, LA.
-Mean Gene Okerlund welcomes us to the Clash. He runs down what we are going to see before bringing out WCW's newest commentator, Bobby Heenan. The Brain is in WCW!
-Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma with The Assassin vs. 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell with Teddy Long: Orndorff and Scorpio start. Orndorff with a side headlock. Scorpio comes back with a wrist lock. They trade moves. Scorpio working on the arm. Orndorff gets his knee up on a corner charge. Orndorff with a drop toe hold. Roma tagged in. When they come back from a commercial break, Roma has Bagwell down. He hits Bagwell with a guillotine. Bagwell gets a two count from a roll up. Scorpio tagged in. He gets Roma down and works on the arm. He goes to superplex Roma, but the heels double team to get Scorpio down. Roma with a forearm from the top rope. Orndorff tagged in and got a camel clutch on. Roma tagged in and drops an elbow on Scorpio. Orndorff with a front face lock. Scorpio is trying to get to the corner. Double backdrop to Scorpio. Roma tagged in. He gets a two count. Orndorff tagged in and goes up top, but Scorpio gets a foot up. Roma and Bagwell both tagged in. Bagwell cleaning house on the heels. He hits Roma with a crossbody for a two count. He hits a missile dropkick, but Orndorff comes in before referee Nick Patrick can count and distracts Patrick in the corner. Bagwell only gets a two count. All four men in. Roma goes to run Bagwell into Orndorff's foot, but Bagwell reverses and Roma goes instead and Bagwell gets the pin.
-Tony and Bobby talk about what just happened and set up the next match.
-Ron Simmons vs. Ice Train: Train comes out hot with a power slam for a two count. They fight to the outside. Train ran into the ring post. Back in, Simmons with a snap mare. Simmons with a diving headbutt and a clothesline. Simmons runs Train into a ring post. Train with a sunset flip. Train with a power slam. Train misses a corner charge, and Simmons gets the pin with a roll up and a handful of tights.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and brings out Steve Austin and Col. Parker. They are dressed like each other because Parker will be taking on Brian Pillman. Gene then brings out the new WCW commissioner, Nick Bockwinkel. He is thankful for the opportunity. No reaction from the crowd.
-Gordon Solie joins Bobby for the next match. WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Dustin Rhodes: The bell rings, and they circle each other. Regal backs off. Rhodes gets Regal in the corner. They get out and drive to the corner again. They trade blows and Rhodes with a dropkick that drives Regal outside. He regroups with Sir William. They lock up again. Another drive to the corner. Rhodes with a corner whip. Test of strength. Rhodes Breaks. Slow paced match. Regal with an arm bar. Into a full nelson. They reverse each other. Rhodes with a shoulder block. Regal rolls outside again. He gets back in and Rhodes with a side headlock takeover. Regal gets up. Rhodes with a scoop slam for a two count. They trade moves. Rhodes with a side headlock. Back to the takeover. Regal up and to the corner. Regal with a series of forearms. He follows it up with a snap mare. He ties Rhodes' arm up. Rhodes is trying to get out. He does and Regal gets a gut wrench suplex. Regal goes back to a headlock. Rhodes comes back with elbows. Regal with a crossface. Five minutes left. Rhodes up. Regal with a headbutt. He gets Rhodes back down. Rhodes throws Regal off. He covers, but Regal's foot is on the ropes. Three minutes left. Rhodes gets Regal down and punches him. Regal staggers. Rhodes with a lariat for a two count. Regal with a suplex attempt. Rhodes comes back with a dropkick for a two count. Regal with a single leg pick up and cover, but they are in the ropes. Regal is trying to avoid Rhodes. One minute left. Rhodes gets a two count. Rhodes attacked Regal and Sir William. He throws Regal in. He hits a forearm. He hits the bulldog, but time expires before the pin attempt. It is a draw.
-Mean Gene talks to Aaron Neville. He talks about his love for wrestling.
-Challenge match. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs with Missy Hyatt vs. Maxx Payne and Cactus Jack: Payne and Jack don't come out when announced. They wait through a commercial break. They come to the ring through the crowd and attack both Nasty Boys. All four brawling. Knobbs and Payne fight inside, and Jack and Sags fight outside. They throw the Nasty Boys to each other. Jack and Knobbs fight inside. Payne runs Sags into a ring post. Payne tagged in. Double slam to Knobbs. Sags tagged in. Sags runs Payne into a turnbuckle, and Sags goes up top. He comes off, and Payne rolls through. Knobbs tagged in. They trade shots. Payne with a corner whip, and Knobbs gets his foot up on the charge. Payne gets the Payne Killer on. Sags breaks it up and all four men in the ring. Double team to Payne. They get Payne outside, and Sags hits him with a chair while referee Randy Anderson is tied up talking to Cactus Jack. Sags tagged in. Double clothesline to Payne. Payne with a kick to Knobbs. He double clotheslines the Nasty Boys. Cactus Jack tagged in. Jack cleans house. Payne with a double clothesline and Cactus clotheslines the Nasty Boys to the outside. Cactus Jack throws Knobbs out of the ring. Jack with a double arm DDT. Sags makes the save. Payne drops the elbow, and Jack gets the pin. First sign of excitement from the crowd. Payne and Jack kissed Missy after the match.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and flashes back to the fall out between Brian Pillman, Steve Austin, and the involvement of Col. Parker.
-Loser wears the chicken suit on WCW Saturday Night. Col. Robert Parker with Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman: Pillman comes out throwing chicken to the fans. Who throws chicken? The bell rings and Parker trying to stay away from Pillman. Pillman with a flurry of offense to Parker. He gets a two count. Pillman then goes out and attacks Austin. Parker runs Pillman into the apron. Parker beats Pillman in the corner. Back and forth. Pillman with a two count. Parker rolls out to regroup with Austin. They go to leave. Pillman goes after them. He backdrops Austin. The Boss comes out and blocks Parker from leaving. Pillman throws Austin off the ramp and throws Parker back into the ring. Parker runs away. The Boss grabs him. Meanwhile, Austin comes in and hits a Stun Gun on Pillman. Parker in and chokes Pillman on the ropes. He goes off the second rope, but Parker hits him with a shot as Heenan calls Ray Traylor Boss Man. Hey, it happens. Pillman unloads on Parker. Pillman knocks Austin off the apron. Pillman goes up top, but is thrown off by Austin as referee Nick Patrick was tied up with the Boss, who had gotten on the apron. Parker gets a two count. The Boss chases Austin to the back. Pillman rolls Parker up to get the pin.
-Main Event Elimination Tag. WCW International World Champion Rick Rude and Vader with Harley Race vs. Sting and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair: Nick Bockwinkel joins Tony and Bobby on commentary. The heels are out first. Bobby managed Bockwinkel, Flair, Race, and Rude. Only Tony, Sting, and Flair are alive as I write this. Michael Buffer announces the participants. Sting starts against Rude. They lock up and drive to the corner. They break. Another tie up and drive to the corner and another break. They tie up again, and Sting forces Rude down. Rude with forearms. Sting continues to work on the arm. Sting with an arm bar. Vader tagged in. He knocks Sting down. He slams Sting and drops him throat first on the ropes. All four men are in now. Vader beating Sting with shots. Sting falls to the mat. Sting comes back with a belly to back suplex and Flair tags in. He chops Vader in the corner. He corner whips Vader and thumbs him in the eye. He beats Vader down. Sting and Rude in. Rude with a bear hug. Sting breaks and slams Rude down. Flair tagged in and hits a top rope double ax handle, so TASIYDAH. Flair with an inverted atomic drop. Rude gets Flair down. Vader tagged in. He slams Flair down. Vader hits a Vader bomb. Vader puts Flair on the top rope and superplexes Flair. Vader then puts Flair on the opposite corner. He gets on the top rope with Flair and superplexes Flair off. Vader goes to splash Flair from the top rope, but Sting pulls Flair out of the way, and now all four men in the ring. Rude and Vader double team Sting. Vader grabs a chair, but Bockwinkel gets in his face and tells him to put the chair down. Race trying to calm Vader down. GMC announces that Flair and Vader have been counted out. Flair being helped to the back as Sting clotheslines Rude to the outside. Sting throws Rude back into the ring. Rude goes out to the ramp and Sting follows. He throws Rude back in, and Sting hits a top rope clothesline. He follows it up with a backdrop. Rude gets Sting down. Rude with a top rope forearm. Back and forth. Rude hits a fist drop for a two count. He follows it up with a camel clutch. He slams himself down on Sting. He goes back to the clutch. He keeps slamming down on Sting. Sting picks Rude up and falls back. Both men down. Double clothesline. Rude goes for the Rude Awakening, but Sting holds on to the ropes. Sting hits the Rude Awakening, but Rude gets his foot on the ropes. Sting with an inverted atomic drop. Rude goes for a Stinger Splash, but Sting rolls out of the way. Back and forth. Sting reverses a piledriver, hits a top rope splash, and gets the pin.
-Tony and Bobby recap the night and sign off from Baton Rouge.
-Final Thoughts: A really good show setting up SuperBrawl IV.