Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 246 Notes

Today we look at SuperBrawl IV from WCW.
-SuperBrawl IV was shown on PPV on February 20, 1994 from the Albany Civic Center in Albany, GA.
-Ric Flair is shown preparing for Vader. This is a well done video.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to SuperBrawl. He and Bobby Heenan talk about the Main Event. They then talk about the Michael Hayes vs. Johnny B Badd match that has been added. Badd then comes out. The crowd is into Badd. Michael Hayes is then brought out in a wheelchair by Jimmy Garvin. They are met on the ramp by Mean Gene Okerlund and WCW Commishioner Nick Bockwinkel. Hayes sucks up to Bockwinkel and says he is injured. He pulls out a note from a doctor. Bockwinkel says that Garvin will then wrestle for Hayes. The Freebirds protest and then leave. That match is coming up later.
-Harlem Heat Kane and Kole vs. Thunder and Lightning: Kole and Lightning start. Kole with a wrist lock. Lightning reverses. Kole reverses back. A series of reversals. Kole gets to the ropes. Kole with a waist lock. Lightning with a takedown into a hammerlock. Back and forth. Lightning with an arm drag and a dropkick. Thunder tagged in and gets the arm bar on. Into a hammerlock. Kole comes back. Kane tagged in. Thunder hits a shoulder tackle. Thunder comes back with a wrist lock and Lightning tagged in and hits a top rope double ax handle on the arm. They trade moves. Kane with some forearms and Kole tagged back in. Lightning goes back to the arm bar. He gets a knee lift for a two count. Lightning with a slam. Kole clotheslines him out and Kane attacks him on the floor. He throws lightning back in. Kane tags in and kicks Thunder. Harlem Heat double team Thunder. Harlem Heat quick tagging. Kole stomping Thunder down. Kole with a headlock and Thunder coming back. Lighting tagged in. He cleans house. He hits Kane with a belly to belly suplex and all four men in now. Lightning rolls Kole up, but referee Randy Anderson is busy getting Thunder out, so Kane kicks Lightning in the head. Kole gets the pin.
-Mean Gene is shown outside Ric Flair's door. He then shows Vader's door and both are guarded by heavy security.
-The Equalizer vs. Jungle Jim Steele: Equalizer goes to attack Steele right away and Steele hits a pair of arm drags. They circle each other. Equalizer with a series of forearms. Back and forth. Steele with a wrist lock. Steele gets a two count. Steele with an arm bar. Equalizer reverses. Steele with a monkey flip and a dropkick. Steele tries for a monkey flip in the corner and Equalizer throws him down to the mat. Equalizer kicking Steele. He hits a leg drop on Steele. He throws Steele outside. Equalizer comes out after Steele. He runs him into the apron and throws Steele back in. They trade shots. Equalizer with a backbreaker. He gets a two count. Equalizer with a bear hug. Steele tries to get out. Equalizer with an Irish whip and Steele comes back with a crucifix for a two count. They trade blows. Heenan talks about seeing Hulk Hogan at Disney. First mention to my knowledge of Hulk Hogan on WCW television. And so it begins. Equalizer hits a big boot and gets a two count. Equalizer with a chin lock. Equalizer throws Steele out. He keeps kicking Steele to prevent Steele from getting in. Heenan says Equalizer looks like someone he's seen before and they are just planting all the future seeds in this match. Steele finally gets in and hits a dropkick. Steele hits his version of the Thesz Press called the Steele Trap to get the pin.
-Mean Gene talks about the hotline and brings out Nick Bockwinkel and Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat says he wants to wrestle the winner of the WCW title match and says he has been granted his title shot. Steamboat then talks about the atmosphere in the back.
-Diamond Dallas Page vs. Terry Taylor: Taylor with a barrage of offense to begin. He gets a wrist lock on. He gets an arm bar on DDP. Page rolls out to regroup. He gets in and Taylor gets the wrist lock on again. Back and forth. They trade two counts. Taylor goes back to the arm bar. Taylor with a hip lock. Taylor with a clothesline for a two count. Page stomps Taylor. He runs Taylor into a turnbuckle. He kicks Taylor. They trade shots in the corner. Page with a slam for a two count. Page with an inverted backbreaker and an elbow for a two count. Page with a belly to back suplex. Page with a cobra clutch on. Taylor with a takeover to break the hold. Back and forth. Page with a side headlock takedown. Taylor back to his feet. Taylor with a suplex and a dropkick. Page slams Taylor face first into the mat for a two count. Page with a headlock. Taylor with a crossbody for a two count. Page with a right hook to Taylor for a two count. Page with a corner charge. Taylor moves on a second charge attempt and rolls Page up to get the pin.
-Mean Gene brings out Oli Muffler, a WCW International Announcer. He says he is happy to be here.
-Spring Stampede ad.
-Johnny B. Badd vs. Jimmy Garvin with Michael Hayes: Here we go again. Garvin struts in the ring. I love it. Pilot Jimmy Garvin has still got it. The bell rings, and they circle each other. They vie for position. Drive to the ropes and break. Back and forth. Garvin rolls out to regroup with Hayes. Badd with a side headlock. Into a takeover. They counter each other. Badd with a hammerlock. Into an arm bar. Garvin gets to the corner. They break. Badd gets the arm bar on again. Garvin out. Badd with a wrist lock. Garvin with an arm bar, and Badd gets to the ropes. Garvin goes out to confer with Hayes again. Badd with a front face lock. Into a hammerlock. Garvin comes back. He catches Badd with a foot to the head and gets a two count. Garvin with a sleeper. Badd gets out, but Garvin with a knee to the stomach. Badd backdrops out of a DDT attempt. Badd with a headscissors and a backdrop. Badd with an uppercut and a sunset flip to get the pin. Badd then goes after Hayes on the ramp, only to get hit from behind by Garvin. Garvin throws Badd in so that history can be made. He hits a jaw breaker; he calls the 911 that Steve Austin would take and call the Stunner.
-Mean Gene tries to see Vader, but Vader throws a chair at the door.
-WCW World Television Championship Match. Lord Steven Regal with Sir William vs. Arn Anderson: Regal and Sir William are so good in their roles. Michael Buffer makes the introductions. The bell rings, and they circle each other. They lock up as a USA chant goes out. They break, and Anderson slaps Regal on the side of the head. Anderson with a side headlock. Another break. Anderson goes back to the side headlock. Regal pushes off, and Anderson comes back with a shoulder block. Regal with a wrist lock. Anderson with a takedown. A lock up. Anderson with the advantage. Anderson with an arm lock. Regal comes back with European uppercuts. Into a crossface chicken wing. The USA chant goes out again. Anderson with a hammerlock slam. Anderson forces Regal to the mat. Regal is trying to get out and not be pinned. Anderson slams Regal's arm into the ring post. Regal confers with Sir William. Regal comes into the ring and hits Anderson. They trade holds. Regal with a cravat. Anderson comes back with an arm lock. Anderson is working on the arm. Anderson throws Regal across the ring by the arm. Regal goes back to the cravat. Anderson comes back with a backdrop. Anderson with an arm bar. Regal with European uppercuts. Anderson reverses a corner whip. Regal Rolls back outside. Anderson has dominated most of the match. Anderson back on offense as soon as Regal gets back in the ring. Anderson goes out to the apron, and Sir William attacks him with the umbrella. Regal takes over on offense. 10 minutes left. Regal with a leg lock, but he used the ropes and got caught. He then gets the STF on. Anderson is trying to get out as Regal punches his face. Anderson gets out and puts the figure four on, but Regal kicks away. They go to the outside. Anderson slams Regal's leg on the apron. He brings Regal in and slams Regal's leg on the apron. He then brings Regal in and slams his leg down. They trade moves. Five minutes left. Regal with a corner whip. He keeps trying to pin Anderson. Four minutes left. Back and forth. They trade shots. Anderson with a series of two counts. Two minutes left. Anderson with a leg scissors. Regal goes for the Boston crab. Anderson with a sleeper into a roll up for a two count. Another roll up. One minute left. Anderson with a spinebuster. William grabs Anderson. Anderson goes over for the sunset flip. William holds out the umbrella; Regal grabs it and drops down to pin Anderson with 6 seconds left.
-Tony and Bobby talk about what's led up to the World Tag Team Championship Match.
-WCW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags vs. Maxx Payne and Cactus Jack: Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Payne and Knobbs start. Payne with a belly to back suplex. Knobbs thrown to the ramp. Sags tagged in. He gets suplexed. Sags rolls out to the ramp. Payne is an accomplished wrestler. Knobbs tagged back in. Knobbs with a series of forearms. Payne with a series of forearms. Payne has been magnificent in this match. He slams Sags down, and the crowd cheers. Jack tagged in. He drops an elbow on Knobbs. All four men in. Payne with a back elbow to Knobbs. The crowd cheers as the Nasty Boys bail out. Jack with a leg drop to Knobbs on the apron. Payne slams Knobbs face first on the mat. Sags clips Payne to get him down. Sags tagged in. He got a leg lock on. Knobbs tagged in. Payne with a scoop slam. He misses a second rope leg drop. Jack and Sags tagged in. Jack with a knee lift. Then the over the top rope clothesline to Knobbs. Knobbs pulls the mat back, and Sags knocks Jack to the floor from the apron, and you hear a splat. Ugh. Knobbs then throws Jack into the barricade. Jack is coughing up blood. They throw Jack back in and slam him down. Knobbs with a Boston crab. Sags tagged in. His face and mouth are a bloody mess. Knobbs back in without tagging. Jack is trying to fight out. All four in and out. Double team to Jack. Jack with a double DDT to the Nasty Boys. Payne tagged in. He slams both Nasty Boys. Payne Killer to Knobbs. Sags hits Payne with a guitar and gets disqualified. The participants are laid out all over the ring.
-Mean Gene is in Ric Flair's dressing room. He talks about Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne and then talks to Ric Flair, who has Ricky Steamboat with him. Gene says Hulk Hogan is watching at home on PPV. Second mention of Hogan tonight. Flair says he is only concentrating on Vader. Steamboat says he will be watching closely and will take on the winner. Arn Anderson comes in and tells Flair that he knows what needs to be done.
-The Thundercage is lowered. 6-man Tag Team Match. Rick Rude, Paul Orndorff, and Steve Austin with Colonel Rob Parker vs. Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and Brian Pillman: The cage is locked. A Paula chant goes out. Sting and Orndorff in at first, but Rude wants in, so he starts with Sting. Rude with a series of forearms. Sting with a backdrop and a series of clotheslines. The crowd comes to for that one. Rude backs off. Orndorff tagged in. He works on Sting's arm. Austin tagged in. He and Sting trade moves. Austin grabs his knee and begs off, but Sting gets the Scorpion Death Lock on. Orndorff comes in to break it up, and Sting ducks a clothesline attempt. Austin gets a roll up for a two count. Sting with a right hand. Austin rolls out and Sting follows. He whips Austin into the cage. Pillman comes out and attacks Austin. Sting throws Austin back in, and Pillman tagged in. Pillman with a side headlock. Austin pushes off, and Pillman comes back with a shoulder block. Austin throws Pillman out, follows Pillman, and they start chopping each other on the outside. Austin takes off around the ring. Pillman follows and Austin drops Pillman face first into the cage. All 6 men brawl in and out of the ring. Pillman is bleeding. Rude gets Pillman down in the ring and attacks him. Pillman is trying to fight back. Orndorff tagged in and went for a corner charge, but Pillman got his knee up. Orndorff with a belly to back suplex. Rude tagged in and hits a top rope knee drop for a two count. Austin tagged in and attacked Pillman. He slams Pillman down and hits a second rope elbow drop. Pillman fighting back. Austin goes back to the second rope, and Pillman catches him with a dropkick as he comes off. Orndorff and Sting both tagged in. Sting with a clothesline to Orndorff and Rude when he comes in. He kicks Austin to the outside. Another clothesline to Orndorff. All the heels are out on the floor. Sting goes out after Orndorff. He runs Orndorff into the cage. He throws Orndorff back into the ring, and Rhodes tagged in. Rhodes hits the flip, flop, and fly. He cleans house on the heels. He drops an elbow on Orndorff and attacks him with punches. Orndorff runs Rhodes into the corner. Rude tagged in, and Rhodes rushes him into the corner. Rhodes goes for the bulldog, but Rude shoves off, and Rhodes hits the corner post. Rude hits a belly to back suplex from the second rope. Rude with a bear hug. Rhodes gets out, but Rude beats him down. Austin tagged in. Rhodes dropkicks him into the cage. Austin comes in and runs Rhodes into the turnbuckle. Both wrestlers down. Pillman tagged in. He hits a backdrop to Austin. All 6 men in now. Faces get Rude and Orndorff out. Sting and Pillman with a double backdrop to Austin. Sting throws Pillman on Austin to get the pin. Sting and Rude continue to brawl after the match. Rude slams the door in Sting's face and delivers the Rude Awakening to Sting on the floor. Officials checking on Sting.
-Tony and Bobby talk about the next main event and flashback to what led up to it.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Catch Match. Ric Flair vs. Vader with Harley Race: The Boss is the special guest referee. Vader and Race out first, and Vader looking all business. Flair out to a tremendous response. Vader has grabbed a chair and brought it into the ring. Boss takes out his night stick and tells Vader to drop the chair. Vader throws it into the cage. The Boss locks the cage door. The Boss puts the keys around his neck. Vader goes to rush Flair. Flair chops Vader. He beats Vader down in the corner. A back elbow knocks Vader to the outside. Flair follows and hits Vader with a chair. He hits Vader a few times and throws the busted chair away. Flair beating Vader down in the corner. Flair sends Vader up and over in the corner. A back elbow knocks Vader to the outside. Flair follows and hits Vader with a chair. He hits Vader a few times and throws the busted chair away. Flair sends Vader up and over in the corner. Drink a shot. Vader with a double clap to Flair's head. Vader drops an elbow on Flair. Vader slams Flair down. He splashes Flair. Flair backing off. Vader misses a moonsault when Flair moves. Vader throws Flair out. Boss gets in Vader's face while Race chokes Flair in the cage. Vader goes out and hits Flair. He hits Flair in the eyes. Boss out to admonish Vader. Race hits Flair in the eye again. Vader pummels Flair in the corner. Back and forth. Flair splashed down and out. Race headbutts Flair through the cage. Vader suplexes Flair in from the apron. Vader superplexes Flair. Flair rolls out to avoid Vader. The Boss comes out to prevent Race from interfering. He goes to handcuff Race, but Vader punches the Boss and handcuffs him instead. Vader grabs the night stick, and Race gets the key and comes in the cage. Race holds Flair for Vader. Boss is trying to get loose. Arn Anderson comes down, but he can't get in. Vader goes to splash Flair, who moves, and Race gets hit instead. Flair coming back. He beats both Vader and Race out of the ring as Ricky Steamboat comes out with a chair to try to beat the lock off. Flair beating Vader and Race with a chair. Vader and Race beat Flair down again as the Boss gets free. He beats Vader down with the night stick. Flair get the figure four on Vader and the Boss signals for the bell, but Heenan says Vader never gave up. Doug Dellinger gets bolt cutters and opens the door. Flair celebrates. Vader is pissed. He has the night stick and demands to see Nick Bockwinkel.
-Tony and Bobby recap what we just saw and sign off from Georgia.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was an okay show with a lousy main event. There was too much going on and you couldn't follow it.
-You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TheJoeyHarris.
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-Thank you for joining me this week. This is Joey saying so long from the Heart of Virginia.
-Edit: Duplicate. Make Stereo track. Noise Reduction: Get noise profile from 5 seconds of silence. Select all, leave presets.
-Compressor, Normalize, Filter Curve: Bass boost, Filter Curve: Treble boost, Normalize again, Limiter: Hard Limit: -4db, Amplify: Allow clipping