Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 247 Notes

-Kevin Sullivan & Beauregarde.
-Today we look at the March to WrestleMania X special from the WWF.
-The March to WrestleMania X was shown on USA on March 13, 1994. It was recorded February 21&23, 1994 from Poughkeepsie and Loch Sheldrake, New York.
-Vince McMahon and Johnny Polo welcome us to the March to WrestleMania. They talk about Randy Savage being banned from the building and throw it to Gorilla Monsoon and Stan Lane, who run down some of what we are going to see.
-Jimmy Del Ray with Tom Prichard and Jim Cornette vs. Lex Luger: Luger gets a tremendous ovation when he comes out. Del Ray backs off. Del Ray with a side headlock. Luger with a shoulder block. They get it again. A USA chant goes out. Luger with a clothesline. Luger with a press slam. Luger goes for the forearm, but Del Ray ducks and Luger spills to the outside. Prichard attacks Luger on the floor. Luger thrown back in, and Del Ray drops some knees on Luger. The USA chant goes out again. Del Ray attacks Luger in the corner. Prichard attacks Luger in the corner while referee Earl Hebner admonishes Del Ray. Del Ray with a flurry of offense. Prichard and Del Ray do the same attack again. Del Ray attacks Luger again. Del Ray with a gut wrench powerbomb for a two count. Heavenly Bodies keep the double team going when the referee is distracted. Del Ray goes for a moonsault, but Luger moves. Luger with a back elbow. He hits a backdrop, knocks Prichard off the apron, and hits a clothesline. Luger hits a power slam and gets the Torture Rack to get the win. Cornette tries to attack Luger from behind, but gets caught. Luger gets the racket and hits Cornette. Cornette goes and gets Yokozuna, who comes out with Mr. Fuji. Officials make Yoko and company leave.
-Bam Bam Bigelow with Luna Vachon vs. Ben Jordan: Bigelow kicks Jordan out. Jordan gets back in and Bigelow gets a nerve hold and a suplex. Bigelow puts his head down after an Irish whip, and Jordan kicks him. Jordan with a barrage of punches. Bigelow comes back with a sidewalk slam. Bigelow with a side headlock and a headbutt. Bigelow with a corner whip, but Jordan moves on the charge. Bigelow hits a Hot Shot to get the pin. A feature on Alundra Blayze.
-Vince and Johnny talk about WrestleMania and then talk to Tatanka taking on Yokozuna later. He says he is ready, and he comes with the pride of his ancestors.
-Razor Ramon vs. Tony Devito: They lock up and Ramon pushes off. Another lock up and push off. Ramon with a hammerlock. Ramon with a fireman's carry takedown into an arm lock. Devito with a dropkick. Ramon chops Devito in the corner. He tosses Devito out of the corner. Ramon with an abdominal stretch. He hits a second rope belly to back suplex. Ramon hits the Razor's Edge to get the pin.
-Johnny Polo is in the ring and brings out Owen Hart. The crowd boos Owen when he comes out. A giant we want Bret chant goes out. Owen says he is gunning for Bret because Bret held him down all his life. He says Crush can beat Bret, but not hurt Bret too badly.
-Earthquake vs. The Executioner: The Executioner tries to knock Earthquake down. Earthquake hits a clothesline. Executioner goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. Earthquake with a belly to belly suplex and a leg drop. Earthquake with a sit-down splash to get the pin.
-WrestleMania Report: Jim Cornette says Yokozuna will still be champion after WrestleMania. Johnny Polo interviews Bret about Owen. Bret says Owen is just another opponent, and Crush is all talk.
-Crush with Mr. Fuji vs. Bret Hart: Crush and Fuji out first. Bret with a great ovation as he comes out. He does his sunglasses presentation. Slow to start. They lock up and Crush pushes off. Bret with a waist lock. Crush breaks the hold. He wants a test of strength. Bret hesitates. Crush gets Bret down. A Bret chant goes out. Bret reverses, but Crush gets to the ropes. Crush rolls out to regroup. Bret with a series of moves to get a one count. Back and forth. Bret with a back elbow to knock Crush out of the ring. They trade shots. Crush gets Bret down and attacks Bret's back. Crush with a series of blows to the back and gets a two count. Crush keeps the attack up. Crush with an arm bar. Bret gets out. Crush with a bear hug. Crush throws Bret out. Fuji goes to attack Bret, but the referee stops it. This allows Crush to attack Bret to get a two count. They trade shots again. Crush with another two count. He argues with the referee, and Bret gets a roll up for a two count. Bret comes back with a bulldog for a two count. Bret with a side Russian leg sweep for another two count. He drops an elbow on Crush. Bret with corner mounted punches. Crush comes back with a backbreaker. Crush misses a diving knee. Bret goes for the Sharpshooter. Fuji gets up on the apron. Bret goes after Fuji, and Crush goes to hit Bret, who moves, and Fuji gets hit instead. Bret with an inside cradle. The referee is tied up with Fuji, allowing Owen Hart to come down and reverses Bret, and Crush gets the pin.
-The Quebecers Jacques and Pierre vs. PJ Walker and Mike Bell: Walker and Bell with the early advantage. Quebecers rollout to regroup. They take over on their opponents as Captain Lou Albano comes out and looks at the Quebecers. Quebecers totally dominating and get the pin on Walker.
-Vince McMahon talks to Randy Savage. He has been banned from the building. Savage says he had Yokozuna beat if it wasn't for Crush. He says he is going to get Crush and get his dignity back at WrestleMania X. He talks about his divorce and being stabbed in the back by friends. You didn't hear a lot of real life stuff like this in 1994.
-Tatanka vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette: This is a non-title match. Yokozuna knocks Tatanka down. Tatanka tries to come back. He hits a flying body press for a two count. Tatanka comes back, but Yokozuna gets a knee to knock Tatanka down. Yokozuna with a nerve hold as a USA chant goes out. Yokozuna slams Tatanka down and goes back to the nerve hold. He then throws Tatanka out. Yokozuna removes a turnbuckle pad. He then throws Tatanka down and again goes back to the nerve hold. Tatanka comes back. Yokozuna with a clothesline. Tatanka runs Yokozuna into a turnbuckle. Both men down. Tatanka covers Yokozuna for a two count. Tatanka starts the war dance. A chop knocks Yokozuna down for a two count. Yoko hits a belly to belly suplex. Yokozuna hits the Banzai drop to get the pin.
-MOM do a WrestleMania Rap.
-They wrap up by plugging WrestleMania.
-Final Thoughts: Not a bad show to set up WrestleMania.