Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 248 Notes

-Afa, Dennis Brent, and Sid.
-Today we look at WrestleMania X from the WWF.
-WrestleMania X was shown on PPV on March 20, 1994 from Madison Square Garden in New York City. There were 18,065 in attendance and it had a North American Buy Rate of 420,000.
-The Heavenly Bodies Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray with Jim Cornette defeated The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch in a dark match.
-Intro looking back at WrestleMania and saying 10 years in the making because Vince McMahon doesn't know how to count.
-Speaking of, Vince McMahon welcomes us to WrestleMania and brings out Little Richard to sing America the Beautiful. He does a good job. McMahon then brings in the returning Jerry Lawler to be the color commentator for the event.
-Flashback to what led up to the Bret and Owen Hart Match. The rumor that was going around about this match when I was a teen.
-Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart: Owen out first. Bret gets a tremendous ovation when he comes out. Bret does his sunglasses presentation. A lets go Bret chant goes out as the bell rings. Owen with the early advantage. Bret reverses into a headlock. Owen escapes. Even paced match to begin. Owen with a waist lock. Bret gets to the ropes and ducks down. Owen falls outside. Owen slaps Bret. They trade hammerlocks. Back and forth. Owen with a wrist lock. They do a series of reversals. Fast paced match. Bret with an arm lock. The let's go Bret chant goes out again. Owen up and Bret with a clothesline to knock Owen out. Bret throws Owen back in. They shove each other. Bret with a crucifix for a two count. Bret with an arm bar. Owen with a spinning heel kick. Owen kicks Bret to the outside. Owen runs Bret back first into the barricade. Back in the ring, Owen focuses on injuring Bret's back. Owen with a camel clutch. Bret breaks out. Owen with a power slam for a two count. Bret reverses a crossbody for a two count. Owen goes back to working on the body. A failed scoop slam by Owen and Bret gets a two count. Owen with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Bret with a small package for a two count. Owen with a piledriver and he goes to his knees for this one. That's strange if you know the SummerSlam 1997 Steve Austin story. Owen misses a diving headbutt when Bret moves. Both men down. Bret with a flurry of offense for a two count. He goes into the five moves of doom. He gets a series of two counts. Owen is begging off. He suckers Bret and goes for the Sharpshooter. Bret reverses and goes for the Sharpshooter. Owen gets out and gets a roll up for a two count. They roll out and Bret looks like he's hurt his knee. Back in, Owen goes after the injured knee. He slams the knee into the ring post. he continues to work on the injured knee. Owen gets a leg lock on. Owen gets the figure four on. Bret is fighting to get out. He gets to the ropes. Owen attacks the leg again. Bret coming back. Bret with a corner whip for a two count. Bret with a bulldog for another two count. Bret with a piledriver for a two count. Bret with a superplex for a close two count. Back and forth. Owen with a mule kick. Owen with a Sharpshooter. Bret taps, but that wasn't a thing yet. Bret reverses, but Owen gets to the ropes. Owen reverses a corner whip. Bret gets his foot up on the charge and goes for a victory roll, but Owen drops down to get the clean pin. The crowd can't believe it, but Owen does get some cheers. Owen celebrates. Todd Pettengill interviews Owen. He says he's the best there is, was, or ever will be. He says this is a great moment for him. He says he doesn't think Bret can win the title after this.
-WrestleMania 2 moment is the battle royal.
-Bill Dunn introduces Sy Sperling for the Hair Club for Men. He brings out the new Howard Finkel, who has hair.
-Mixed Tag Team Match. Bam Bam Bigelow and Luna Vachon vs. Doink and Dink: Doink and Dink get a great reaction. They spray Sy with their flower. Bigelow attacks Doink in the ring. All Bigelow to begin, but he misses a leg drop. Doink comes back with an arm bar. They trade blows. Dink and Luna tagged in. Dink avoiding Luna. Luna attacking Dink. She misses a splash, and Dink gets a two count. Luna takes Dink down with a kick. Dink misses a splash. Dink slammed down. She misses a splash. Doink and Bigelow tagged in. Doink clotheslined to the outside. Luna and Bigelow go after Dink. Doink goes for a sunset flip, but Bigelow slams down on Doink. Back and forth. Doink gets Bigelow down and goes up top. He misses a leg drop. Bigelow knocks Dink off the apron and gets a side suplex for a two count. Bigelow attacks Doink. He hits a top rope headbutt to get the pin. Bigelow and Luna attack Dink after the match.
-They show a Bill Clinton impersonator in the crowd.
-WrestleMania III moment is Hulk Hogan facing Andre the Giant.
-Falls count anywhere match. Randy Savage vs. Crush with Mr. Fuji: This is Savage's swan song. He attacks Crush in the aisle. Crush with a backbreaker. Crush drops Savage on the barricade and pins him. Savage has 60 seconds to get back in the ring. Fuji attacks Savage, but he gets in the ring with two seconds left. Crush continues to attack. He puts Savage in the tree of woe. Fuji gives Crush some salt, but Savage hits Crush, and it goes into Crush's eyes. Savage with a scoop slam and an elbow drop. He brings Crush outside and pins him. Fuji comes over and slaps Crush and pours water on him. Crush gets back in with two seconds left. They fight to the outside. Crush attacks Savage. They trade blows. Savage runs Crush into the ring steps. They fight down an aisle. Savage backdrops Crush on the aisle. They fight to the back. Savage gets a pin. He ties Crush's foot up in a pulley and ties Crush up to win the match. Fuji goes to attack Savage, but gets pushed down.
-Todd Pettengill interviews "Bill Clinton." He says he's having a good time. IRS is also in the box and says the president is doing a good job. Pettengill then goes over the fan fest that took place. They then show Randy Savage celebrating with the fans at the Paramount.
-WrestleMania IV moment of Randy Savage winning the tournament.
-WWF Women's Championship Match. Alundra Blayze vs. Lelani Kai: Kai with an early flurry of offense. Blayze with a sunset flip for a two count. Blayze with a headscissors for a two count. Kai slams Blayze down by her hair. Blayze with a clothesline. Blayze with a high knee. Blayze gets a series of two counts. Blayze with a northern lights suplex to get the pin.
-WrestleMania V moment is Roddy Piper's confrontation with Brother Love and Morton Downey Jr.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match. The Quebecers Jacques and Pierre with Johnny Polo vs. Men on a Mission Mo and Mabel with Oscar: MOM out first with Oscar Rapping. Todd Pettengill interviews Rhonda Shear from Up All Night. Shawn Michaels and then Burt Reynolds interrupt. The Quebecers try to double team Mabel, who comes back with a double clothesline. Mo and Pierre start. Mo with a crossbody for a two count. Double team on Pierre. Mo gets another two count. Quebecers double team Mo. Pierre gets a two count on Mo. Mo goes outside and Pierre back dropped onto Mo. Pierre gets another two count. Jacques tagged in and gets a two count. Mo comes back with a cannonball. Jacques lures Mabel in so the Quebecers can double team Mo. Pierre tagged in and misses a top rope leg drop. Mabel tagged in. He cleans house and sidewalk slams Jacques, but misses a corner splash. Double team to Mabel. They double suplex Mabel and actually get some cheers. Cannonball to Mabel for a two count. Mabel starts to come back. Mabel clotheslines Jacques. Mo tagged in and they do the inverted suplex slam and Mo covers Jacques, but the referee is distracted by Polo. Mo clears the ring. MOM won via count out, but the titles don't change hands. MOM grabs the titles anyway.
-WrestleMania VI moment is Warrior vs. Hogan.
-Rhonda Shear and Donnie Wahlberg are introduced. Special Guest Referee Mr. Perfect is introduced.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. Lex Luger: Luger gets an amazing reaction when he comes out. Rhonda rings the bell, but it takes a while to get started. They trade clotheslines, and Yokozuna knocks Luger down. Luger responds by knocking Yokozuna to the outside. Luger follows and slams Yokozuna into the ring steps. Luger gets Yoko back in and crossbody's Yoko. He gets a two count. Luger with a series of two counts, but can't get the pin. Yokozuna comes back. He clotheslines Luger on the second rope. Yoko falls on Luger after a missed slam attempt to get a two count. Yokozuna on offense. Yoko takes off a turnbuckle cover. They trade shots. Luger chopped to the mat. Yoko with a nerve hold. A USA chant goes out. Luger trying to get out of the hold. Luger gets to his feet. He breaks the hold, but can't knock Yoko down. Yoko with a series of chops before going back to the nerve hold. Fuji waves the Japanese flag. Luger gets out of the hold, only to get thrown outside of the ring by Yoko. Luger gets back in, and Yokozuna goes back to the nerve hold as it has worked for him so far. Fuji waves the flag as the USA chant goes out again. Luger fighting out again. He avoids two clothesline attempts, but runs into a belly to belly suplex from Yoko. Yoko goes to run Luger into the exposed buckle, but Luger reverses and Yoko goes in instead. Luger with three clotheslines, and Yoko goes down. Luger slams Yoko and hits the forearm. Cornette and Fuji come in and he hits them too. Luger covers, but Perfect is checking on Cornette and Fuji. Luger shoves Perfect, asking him what he is doing, and Perfect disqualifies Luger and leaves. The crowd chants bullshit.

-Todd Pettengill interviews Mr. Perfect. He says he called it down the middle. Luger comes back and confronts Perfect. Officials separate the two.
-Vince and Lawler discuss what happened as the bullshit chant continues.
-WrestleMania VII moment is the blindfold match between Jake Roberts and Rick Martel.
-Harvey Wippleman yells at Howard Finkel and puts Finkel down. Finkel then pushes Wippleman down. Adam Bomb comes down and grabs Finkel. Earthquake comes in and attacks Bomb from behind. He hits a belly to belly suplex as the bell for the match begins. Earthquake with a power slam and the sit down splash to get the pin.
-Todd Pettengill interviews Jim Cornette. Cornette says they got past Lex Luger. He then tells Bret Hart he won't get past Yokozuna and his career will be over.
-WrestleMania VIII moment is the Undertaker's entrance.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match. Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels with Diesel: Michaels and Diesel out first. Michaels is milking his entrance. Ramon gets a great reaction when he comes out. He goes under the ladder to head to the ring. The bell rings. They slowly circle each other. Michaels with a hammerlock. Ramon with a choke slam. Michaels with a neck breaker. Michaels on offense. Ramon with a shoulder block. He goes to rush Michaels, who drops down, and Ramon falls out of the ring. Diesel attacks Ramon on the outside. Referee Earl Hebner throws Diesel out. Diesel screams at Hebner, but he does leave. Ramon attacks Michaels. Michaels overselling as he gets clotheslined out. I will give you a minute to recover from your amazement. Ramon follows and takes up a ringside mat. Michaels thumbs Ramon in the eye and throws him back in. Ramon with a right hand and goes for the Razor's Edge, but Michaels backdrops Ramon out of the ring and onto the concrete. Michaels goes after the ladder. Ramon hits Michaels before he can bring the ladder in. Michaels baseball slides the ladder into Ramon. Michaels runs Ramon into the ring steps. Michaels throws the ladder into the ring and runs it into Ramon again. He slams the ladder into Ramon several times. He then throws it at Ramon. Michaels sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Ramon grabs Michaels by the tights, and there is a fully moon at MSG. Michaels then drops an elbow on Ramon from the ladder. Michaels sets the ladder in the corner and splashed Ramon from the ladder. Michaels sets the ladder up and starts to climb, but Ramon pushes the ladder over and Michaels guillotines himself on the top rope. Both men down. They collide in the ring again, and both men are down. Michaels up and grabs the ladder. He sets it in the corner. Ramon reverses a corner whip into the ladder, and Michaels goes up and over to the outside. Ramon takes the ladder out of the ring and hits Michaels with it several times. Ramon sets the ladder up and catapults Michaels into it. They get back in, and Ramon uses the ladder as a battering ram to knock Michaels out of the ring again. Ramon sets the ladder up and starts to climb. Michaels climbs to the top rope and hits Ramon with a double ax handle to knock Ramon off, but the ladder falls on Michaels. The ladder is set up again, and both start to climb. Ramon suplexes Michaels off the ladder. The ladder is twisted. Ramon starts to climb, but Michaels dropkicks the ladder and Ramon falls off. Michaels tips the ladder over on Ramon. Michaels hits a superkick on Ramon. Michaels moves Ramon and hits a piledriver on Ramon. Michaels takes the ladder and drives it down on Ramon from the corner. Michaels sets the ladder up over the fallen Ramon and starts to climb. Ramon pushes the ladder over, and Michaels gets caught in the ropes. Ramon climbs the ladder and retrieves both belts to win. Ramon then holds the belts high on the ladder to celebrate. They say the 10-man tag is cancelled because the heel group can't decide who's captain to cover that the ladder match went long.
-Todd Pettengill talks to "Bill Clinton" again and Ted DiBiase tells him everybody's got a price.
-WrestleMania IX moment is Randy Savage's entrance and Bret Hart losing the title. This is followed by a flashback to what led to the final match with a feature on Bret Hart and Yokozuna. Burt Reynolds and Jennie Garth are introduced as the guest ring announcer and timekeeper.
-WWF Championship Match. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette vs. Bret Hart: Reynolds introduces Roddy Piper as the special guest referee. Yoko and company out first. Hart gets a tremendous reaction when he comes out. Hart comes out limping, and Yoko attacks him as soon as he gets in. Yoko is on the offensive as Hart struggles to get away. Hart out on his feet. Hart does get a dropkick and some punches. Yokozuna chokes Hart on the second rope. Piper stops Yoko and they go face to face. Cornette gets on the apron and Piper gets him off. Yoko misses a splash when Hart moves. Hart with a series of right hands and a headbutt. Both men down. I've been distracted by a guy on the front row who looks like the dad from Just the 10 of us. Yokozuna rakes the eye. They trade blows. Hart gets Yokozuna down. Hart covers Yoko, but Cornette pulls Piper out before he can count. Piper decks Cornette. Yoko with a diving headbutt to Hart. Yoko chokes and drops a leg on Hart. Yoko throws Hart out of the ring. Hart gets in on the 9 count. Yoko attacks Hart in the corner. Yoko misses a corner splash when Hart moves. Hart with a bulldog for a two count. Hart with a second rope elbow drop for a two count. Hart with a clothesline for another two count. Hart comes off the second rope and Yoko catches him with a belly to belly suplex. Yoko drags Hart over for the Banzai drop. Hart moves, and Yoko loses his balance. Hart covers to get the pin. The crowd cheers as we have a new champion. Yoko goes after Piper. Lex Luger comes to the ring. He congratulates Bret. The ring fills up with wrestlers and celebrities to celebrate. Vince McMahon comes in as well. They show Owen in the aisle staring at Bret as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: This was a tremendous show that signaled the start of the New Generation of the WWF to me.