Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 249 Notes

-Sonny King.
-Today we look at Judgment Day 2001 from the WWF.
-Judgment Day 2001 took place on PPV on May 20, 2001 from the Arco Arena in Sacramento, CA. There were 13,623 in attendance and the show did 405,000 buys.
-WWF and Judgment Day Intros.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to Sacramento. He and Paul Heyman will be the announcers for the PPV.
-William Regal vs. Rikishi: Regal out first. He grabs a mic and says if Rikishi tries a Stinkface, the consequences will be severe and permanent. Rikishi comes out and he is extremely over with the crowd. Rikishi with a flurry of offense and goes for the Stinkface, but Regal low blows Rikishi. Regal with a series of right hands to Rikishi. Regal goes for a sunset flip. Rikishi goes to sit straight down, but Regal moves. Regal with European uppercuts to Rikishi in the corner. Regal gets a two count. Rikishi with a corner whip, clothesline, and leg drop. Rikishi with the Stinkface. Regal looks revolted and rolls outside dry heaving. Rikishi runs Regal into the ring steps. Rikishi misses a corner charge. Regal gets the pin.
-Edge and Christian talk about tag team turmoil when Kurt Angle asks for advice about a ladder match if his match with Chris Benoit goes to a third fall.
-HHH and Stephanie McMahon are shown arriving and are greeted by Vince McMahon. McMahon asks HHH why they got the Undertaker's wife Sara involved. HHH tells him not to worry about it.
-2/3 Falls Match for Kurt Angle's Gold Medals. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit: Flashback to what led up to the match. First fall: Pin falls only match. Angle out first. He says he's excited because his medals are coming back home. Benoit gets into the ring, and Angle attacks him as soon as he gets in. Angle beats Benoit down. Angle with a series of German suplexes. Angle goes up top. He misses a splash attempt. Benoit with an Angle slam to get the pin. That was quick. Second Fall: Submissions only. Benoit immediately goes for the Crossface, but Angle rolls to the outside. They fight on the outside. Angle rammed into the ring steps and the ring post. Angle crotches Benoit into the ring post. Angle stomps Benoit and runs him into the announce tables. Angle throws Benoit in the ring. Angle with a corner whip, but Benoit gets his foot up on the charge. They trade moves and it goes outside again. Back in, they trade shots. Angle with a snap suplex. He follows it up with a belly to belly suplex. Benoit with a Crossface and the Cross Arm Breaker. Back and forth. They get tied up in the corner. Benoit with a Boston crab. Angle gets out. Benoit with a figure four. Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit is working on Angle's knee. Angle gets back to the ropes. It goes back outside and they trade chops. They continue back in the ring, and it is getting intense. Angle with an Angle slam. Angle with an ankle lock, and Benoit taps out. Third Fall: Ladder Match. They fight to the outside and chop each other again. Angle runs Benoit into the ring steps. Angle pulls a ladder from under the ring and throws it in. Angle climbs the ladder and Benoit knocks him over. That ladder isn't long enough. Benoit gets a bigger ladder. He sets it up and starts to climb. Angle knocks Benoit off. Angle with a suplex. Angle batters Benoit with the ladder. Benoit ducks a shot, and Angle and the ladder fall to the outside. Benoit hits Angle with the ladder. Benoit sets the ladder up. Angle low blows Benoit off the ladder. Angle sets the ladder in the corner and runs Benoit into it. Benoit then reverses Angle into the ladder. Benoit attacks Angle relentlessly. Benoit suplexes Angle. Benoit grabs the ladder. He sets it in the corner. Angle reverses Benoit into the ladder. Angle positions the ladder and snap suplexes Benoit into it. Benoit drives the ladder up into Angle's head. Benoit sets the ladder up over Angle and starts to climb. Angle turns the ladder over. Angle drives his shoulder into Benoit in the corner. Benoit gets the Crossface on. Angle taps to no avail. Edge and Christian come down and grab Benoit. While he fights them off, Angle sets the ladder up and climbs to get the medals and win the match.
-A medical official is checking on William Regal when the Undertaker comes in and tells Regal that his match with Steve Austin will be a No Holds Barred match. Regal reluctantly agrees.
-JR and Paul talk to WWF Light-heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn at WWF New York. Lynn says he should be defending his title at Judgment Day. He mocks JR for not being on the PPV.
-WWF Hardcore Championship Triple Threat Match. Test vs. The Big Show vs. Rhyno: Test and TBS start brawling as soon as TBS gets to the ring. TBS throws Test out of the ring. Rhyno comes out and grabs the ring steps. He throws them in, but gets clotheslined out by TBS. They all brawl on the outside. Test and Rhyno knocked over the barricade to the outside. All three brawl out in the crowd. TBS Irish whips Test into a column. Test grabs a velvet rope and chokes TBS. Rhyno runs an ammo case into Test. All three brawl all over. Test and Rhyno knock TBS into a bunch of pallets. Test runs Rhyno into some cases. They make their way back to the ring. Test tossed down at ringside. Rhyno throwing weapons into the ring. He grabs a trashcan lid. Test punches Rhyno through the lid and hurts his hand. Rhyno with a DDT on the lid for a two count. Rhyno hits Test repeatedly with a trash can lid as TBS comes back. He choke slams Rhyno. Test with a big boot to TBS for a two count. Test with a two count to Rhyno. Test grabs a fire extinguisher. TBS goes to choke slam Test and gets sprayed. He gets a two count. Rhyno hits Test with a trash can. He throws the can at TBS and hits a Gore to get the pin.
-Shop Zone ad.
-William Regal is outside Steve Austin's locker room trying to get the nerve to go in.
-Lita is with the Hardy Boys, who are hyping her up. They get interrupted by Eddie Guerrero, who says no one knows Chyna like him. Lita says she doesn't need his help.
-Steve Austin is talking to Debra. William Regal comes in and says his match is No Holds Barred, and Austin says fine.
-Flashback to what led up to the Women's Championship Match.
-WWF Women's Championship Match. Chyna vs. Lita: Lita out first to an amazing ovation. Chyna also out to a great ovation. They hug before the match. The bell rings and they lock up. They trade moves. Lita with a side headlock. They trade counts. Chyna kicks Lita in the midsection. Chyna with a clothesline for a two count. Lita responds with a DDT. Lita attacks Chyna with her right hands. Lita with a second rope clothesline for a two count. Chyna's top becomes crooked, and they pixelate that area. Chyna with a forearm to Lita. Chyna with a neck breaker. Chyna with a power slam for a two count. Chyna with a press slam. Chyna lifts Lita up after a two count. Lita takes advantage and gets the Cross Arm Breaker on. A Lita chant goes out. Chyna counters into a headscissors. Eddie Guerrero comes out to the stage. Lita fights to get out. She gets to the ropes. Lita counters a powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana for a two count. Chyna hits the powerbomb on the second attempt to get the pin.
-King of the Ring ad.
-Michael Cole interviews Kurt Angle. He says it's good he got his medals back. He thanks Edge and Christian and then leaves. Edge says now he can shut up about those medals. Christian says they need to win tag team turmoil.
-Vince McMahon is with Steve Austin, HHH, Stephanie, and Debra talking about what they are up against tonight. Austin and HHH say they have no problems.
-Flashback to what led up to the Intercontinental Championship Match.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Chain Match. HHH with Stephanie McMahon vs. Kane: HHH and Stephanie out first. Kane comes out carrying a chain. HHH bails out of the ring. Referee Tim White yells at Kane to drop his chain. HHH takes advantage and grabs the official chain and hits Kane with it. HHH attacks Kane's bad arm. He slams it on the ring post and the ring steps. He then hits Kane with a chair several times. He throws Kane back in. HHH attaches the chain to the bad arm. They are both strapped together. They both take turns with the chain on the other person. HHH with a chair shot to Kane from the top rope. HHH drags Kane outside. He drives Kane into the ring steps. HHH then beats the bad arm with the chain. HHH throws Kane back in and grabs a chair, but Kane jerks HHH down with the chain. HHH ran into the chair. HHH is busted open. Kane slams HHH's head on the steps. Kane wraps the chain around HHH's face. He knocks HHH down with the chain. Kane choking HHH with the chain. HHH collapses at ringside. Kane whips HHH with the chain. HHH thrown back in and Kane goes up top, but HHH jerks him to the mat with the chain. They go back out and Kane runs HHH into the barricade. Kane slams HHH onto the ground. Back and forth in the ring. Both men down. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Kane powers out of it. Kane hits HHH with the chain. Kane goes up top and clotheslines HHH with the chain. Kane hits a choke slam. Steve Austin comes out. Kane throws him out of the ring. Austin grabs a chair. Kane ducks and HHH gets hit with the chair. Kane covers and gets the pin. New IC champion. Kane raises the belt high.
-WWF The Music Vol 5 ad.
-Coach interviews Chris Jericho, who still won't reveal who his partner is. He says his partner and he will take Edge and Christian out.
-HHH shown yelling at Vince McMahon.
-Tag Team Turmoil to determine the #1 contenders to the Tag Team Championship: APA Farooq and Bradshow come out. They take on Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn with Teri. They brawl immediately. Malenko covers Farooq for a two count. Double clothesline. All four brawling. Farooq hits Saturn with a spinebuster to get the pin. The Dudley Boys D-Von and Bubba Ray with Spike are next. They start brawling immediately. D-Von rushes Farooq, who power slams him. Bubba in against Farooq. Back and forth. Bradshaw tagged in. Bubba with a sidewalk slam. D-Von tagged back in. D-Von with a clothesline, and he gets a two count. The crowd chants we want tables. Bradshaw hits a fall away slam. Bubba breaks up a cover. They get Farooq down and hit the What's Up. The Hollys come out and slam D-Von through the table while Bradshaw pins Bubba after a Clothesline from Hell. The next team is X-Factor, X-Pac, and Justin Credible with Albert. X-Pac attacks Farooq, who comes back with a backbreaker for a two count. Bradshaw tagged in. He gets X-Pac down, but X-Pac has his foot on the ropes. It goes outside and Albert attacks Bradshaw. Farooq tagged in. He gets a two count. X-Factor quick tagging. Farooq with a near fall on X-Pac. Bradshaw tagged in. X-Pac gets Bradshawn down and Albert holds his foot and X-Factor wins. The next team is the Hardy Boys Matt and Jeff. They start brawling immediately. The Hardy's double teaming Credible. X-Factor gets Jeff outside and attacks him. X-Pac with a Bronco Buster to Jeff. Jeff comes back with a dropkick. Matt with a second rope leg drop. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb, but Albert interferes and X-Pac gets the pin. The next team is Chris Jericho and his partner, Chris Benoit. All four start to brawl. Jericho takes out Albert. Albert drops Jericho on the barricade. Credible runs Benoit into a turnbuckle and kicks him down. Credible gets Benoit down with a headlock. X-Pac tagged in. He strikes Benoit down. He missed a Bronco Buster. Jericho tagged in. He hit a missile dropkick. He goes for a shoulder block, but X-Pac ducks, and the referee gets hit. Double thrust kick to Jericho. Another referee comes down, and X-Pac gets a two count. Jericho and Benoit take out X-Pac and Albert. Walls of Jericho and the Crossface on X-Factor and both tap. Edge and Christian are the last team. All four fighting. Jericho suplexes Edge. Back and forth. Christian in against Jericho. He and Edge quick tagging to keep Jericho down. Edge with a headlock. They trade shots. Christian in, and Jericho hits a back elbow. Jericho goes for the Lionsault, but Edge gets his knees-up. Benoit breaks up the pin attempt. Benoit tagged in. He hits a German Suplex to get a two count. Benoit hits a top rope dropkick, and Jericho gets a two count. All four men are in and brawling. Edge goes out, and he and Christian grab chairs. Benoit and Jericho baseball slide into them. Jericho and Benoit go to do the conchairto on Christian, but Edge takes out Jericho. Benoit gets the Crossface on Christian, who taps, and Jericho and Benoit win.
-Foley is Good ad.
-Flashback to what led up to the Main Event.
-Main Event No Holds Barred match for the WWF Championship. Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker: JR and Paul discuss the main event when Vince McMahon's music hits and he comes out. He joins commentary. Undertaker's music hits, and he comes out to a massive ovation. Austin's music hits, and Undertaker attacks him as soon as he comes out. He runs Austin into the barricade. They fight down the aisle, and Undertaker runs Austin into the ring steps. Undertaker chokes Austin with a mic cord. Undertaker throws his headband at McMahon. Undertaker beats Austin down on the floor. Undertaker does Old School on the barricade. Austin reverse Irish whipped into the barricade. Undertaker hits Austin with a Fire Extinguisher. Undertaker throws Austin into the ring. Back and forth. Austin hits a neck breaker. Austin beating Undertaker in the corner. Undertaker moves out of the way of a chair shot and hits a flying choke slam. Undertaker blocks a Stunner attempt and hits a big boot to get a two count. They go back outside, and Austin ran into a ring post. Undertaker goes after McMahon, and Austin attacks Undertaker from behind. Austin slams Undertaker's leg on a ring post several times. Undertaker ran into the ring steps. Austin clips Undertaker's leg. Austin throws Undertaker back in and attacks Undertaker relentlessly. Undertaker fighting to get out. Austin kicks Undertaker low several times. An Austin sucks chant goes out. Undertaker gets out. Austin thrown outside. Undertaker takes the announce desk apart. He choke slams Austin through the table. Undertaker goes after McMahon, who runs away. Undertaker throws Austin into the ring and gets a close two count. Austin thrown out again. Austin hits Undertaker with a monitor. Austin takes a turnbuckle cover off. Undertaker busted open on the outside. Austin beating on Undetaker. They trade shots in the ring. Austin hits a Thesz press. He gets a two count. Austin menaces the referee and hits Undertaker with a low blow for another two count. Austin chokes Undertaker on the second rope. Austin with a leapfrog body guillotine. Austin with a sleeper. Undertaker with a belly to back suplex to break the hold. Austin with a chair shot to Undertaker. Austin with a Stunner for a two count, and Austin and McMahon can't believe Undertaker kicked out. Austin with a variety of chair shots to Undertaker. Undertaker with a choke slam. Undertaker beats Austin with the chair. HHH comes out with a sledgehammer. Undertaker hits him and Austin with the chair and covers, but McMahon breaks up the count. Undertaker goes after McMahon. Austin goes to hit Undertaker with the chair, but gets McMahon when Undertaker ducks. Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, but HHH hits Undertaker with the sledgehammer. Austin gets the pin as Kane's music hits and he comes out, but it's too late. The heels celebrate as they sign off from Sacremento. By virtue of their victory in the tag team turmoil match, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho were given a match against The Power Trip (Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H) for the WWF Tag Team Championship on the next night's Raw. During the match, Triple H miss stepped while breaking a submission hold on Austin and tore one of his quadriceps. Late in the contest, Triple H tried to break up a pin by striking Jericho with his sledgehammer, but Jericho moved and Austin was hit in the chest instead. He was then pinned, which cost the Power Trip their tag team titles. Triple H went on to miss the rest of the year, while Austin began feuding with both Benoit and Jericho by himself
-Final Thoughts: A wild show. Things are about to change in wrestling in a big way.