Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 250 Notes

-Today we look at NXT Takeover: Fatal 4-way.
-NXT Takeover: Fatal 4-Way was shown on the WWE Network on September 11, 2014 from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. There were 400 in attendance.
-NXT and Takeover Intros.
-NXT Tag Team Championship Match. The Ascension Konnor and Viktor vs. The Lucha Dragons Kalisto and Sin Cara: Lucha Dragons out first as we see highlights of them winning the tournament to get the shot. Ascension have been champions for 344 days. Viktor and Sin Cara start. They lock up. Viktor with an early barrage, but Sin Cara comes back. Ascension overwhelms Sin Cara. Konnor tagged in. He runs Sin Cara into the ring apron on the outside. Konnor gets a one count. Viktor tagged in. He got a wear down hold on Sin Cara. Viktor goes for a powerbomb, but Sin Cara turns it into a headscissors. Konnor tagged in and knocks Kalisto off the apron. Sin Cara prevented from tagging. Konnor gets a two count. Sin Cara with an Enziguri. Kalisto tagged in and cleans house on the Ascension. Viktor breaks up a pin attempt. Kalisto with a hurricanrana. Kalisto goes for a suicide dive, and the Ascension grab him and dump him on the ramp, only to get hit by a suicide dive from Sin Cara. Konnor hits a big clothesline on Kalisto. Sin Cara grabs Viktor as he and Konnor go for the Fall of Man. Kalisto hits Salita Del Sol to get the pin and we have new NXT Tag Team Champions.
-Renee Young interviews the Lucha Dragons. They say the win feels amazing, and the future starts now.
-Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton acknowledge the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
-A feature on Neville.
-CJ Parker vs. Baron Corbin: Corbin's NXT debut. They lock up. Corbin chops Parker. He hits End of Days and gets the pin. That was quick.
-A feature on Tyson Kidd.
-Hair vs. Hair match. Sylvester Lefort with Marcus Louis vs. Enzo Amore with Big Cass: Flashback to what led up to the match. Lefort and Louis out first. Enzo and Cass come out and do their routine. The crowd is into Enzo and Cass. Enzo and Lefort lock up. Lefort with a side headlock into a cover and kick out by Enzo. Enzo with a side headlock. Lefort tries to get out. He gets a roll up for a two count. Lefort comes back with forearms. Enzo comes back with a dropkick. Enzo hip tosses Lefort. Lefort guillotines Enzo and stomps him. He gets a one count. They trade shots. Lefort with a running knee. He hits a forearm to Enzo. Enzo coming back. Lefort with a clothesline for a two count. Enzo rolls Lefort up to win. Lefort is shocked and begging Enzo not to get his hair cut. He tries to run, but Big Cass clotheslines him. The fans yell get the bucket for the hair removal cream that Enzo and Cass have. Louis attacks Enzo and Cass. Lefort runs away. They pour the bucket on Louis and he runs away.
-Feature on Tyler Breeze.
-Monday Night War Ad.
-NXT General Manager William Regal comes out. He announces the signing of Kenta. He comes out and addresses the crowd. He says he is grateful and says he will be known as Hideo Itami. He gets interrupted by the Ascension. They throw Itami out of the ring and say they want a rematch for the Tag Titles. Itami gets back in and takes out both members of the Ascension. He then gets a chair, sets it up, and tells them to bring it. They back off.
-Flashback to what led up to the next match. Bull Dempsey vs. Mojo Rawley: Dempsey attacks Rawley right away. He beats Rawley down in the corner. Rawley comes back with shoulder tackles. Dempsey with a top rope headbutt to get the pin. He then hits another headbutt.
-Enzo Amore and Big Cass come across Lefort and Louis again. Lefort runs away. Louis has a towel on. They take him out to the ring and take the towel off, and it's not pretty.
-Flashback to what led up to the NXT Women's Championship Match. Charlotte vs. Bayley: Bayley out first. The crowd loves her. Charlotte comes out, and she looks all business. Slow to start. Bayley drives her shoulder into Charlotte in the corner. Charlotte comes back with chops. Bayley with a crossbody for a two count. They trade moves. Charlotte with a neck breaker. Charlotte with a figure four headlock. Bayley fighting to get out. Bayley gets out and Charlotte stomps her in the corner. Charlotte drives her knee into Bayley's head. She chops Bayley. Charlotte goes back to the figure four headlock. Bayley fighting it again. Bayley gets out and they trade roll ups for two counts. Bayley gets an inside cradle for a two count. Back and forth. Charlotte drives Bayley down to the mat. Charlotte goes for a moonsault, but Bayley catches her in a hurricanrana. Both wrestlers down. Bayley covers for a two count. Charlotte goes to roll Bayley up, and Bayley's head smacks off the bottom turnbuckle. Charlotte stomps Bayley and hits a moonsault, but Bayley kicks out at two. Charlotte hits Natural Selection to get the pin. Charlotte gets her title and leaves the ring. Sasha Banks comes down and berates Bayley, who's still down in the ring. She attacks Bayley until Charlotte pulls her off and throws Banks into a corner.
-A feature on Sami Zayn.
-Night of Champions ad.
-Main Event Fatal 4-Way for the NXT Championship. Adrian Neville vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sami Zayn: Breeze out first. Zayn out next, and he is over with the crowd. Kidd out next. Neville came out last as champion. The belt is presented. The bell rings, and they just stare at each other. They finally pair off. Breeze and Zayn fight to the outside. Neville and Kidd also fight out. Zayn and Neville get their opponents down and get in to face each other. They get taken out by Kidd and Breeze before they can lock up. They all go out again. Kidd attacks Zayn. Zayn gets the koji clutch on, but Breeze breaks it up. They all fight up to the ramp. Kidd and Breeze double suplex Neville at the top of the ramp. They double suplex Zayn on the ramp. Kidd throws Zayn in the ring. Breeze holds Zayn for Kidd to kick. They run Zayn into Neville, who had gotten on the apron. Double team to Zayn. Breeze keeps Neville out of the ring while Kidd hits Zayn. Double back elbow to Zayn. Kidd then takes out Breeze and gets a two count on Zayn. Kidd with a headlock to Zayn. Zayn with a jaw breaker to get out of the hold. They trade moves. Kidd with a snap mare. Kidd is attacking Zayn furiously. He does a top rope leg drop for a two count. Kidd puts Zayn in the tree of woe. He attacks Zayn and gets another two count. Zayn and Kidd trade chops in the corner. Kidd with another chin lock. Zayn trying to get up. Neville gets in briefly before getting thrown out again by Kidd. All four back in the ring. Zayn goes for a suicide dive to Breeze and Kidd, only to get blocked by Neville, who hits a moonsault to them. Neville and Zayn face to face. They trade moves. Zayn gets a cover that's broken up by Kidd. Kidd puts Neville up for a superplex. Neville knocks Kidd off, so Kidd throws Zayn into Neville to knock him from the turnbuckle to the floor. Kidd with a spinning face buster for a two count. Kidd goes for the Sharpshooter, but Zayn keeps blocking. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick, but Breeze takes him out. It is fast and furious to try to write everything down. Breeze can't get a pin. Breeze puts Neville on the top rope. Kidd comes over for the double superplex, only for them all to get powerbombed off by Zayn. Zayn covers Kidd for a two count. Zayn and Kidd up and trading shots. Zayn goes for the Helluva Kick again, only to run into a kick by Neville. Neville hits the Red Arrow on Zayn, only to get thrown out by Breeze, who covers Zayn. He gets an extremely close two count. Breeze goes for the Beauty Shot, only for Zayn to duck and Kidd puts the Sharpshooter on Breeze. Breeze almost taps, but Neville blocks the hand. Zayn breaks it up, and he and Neville trade blows. Neville thrown outside and Zayn hits Kidd with the exploder suplex. Zayn hits Neville with a suicide dive. He hits the DDT on Breeze. He hits Kidd with the Helluva Kick, but Neville pulls the referee out of the ring before he can make the count. Zayn comes out, and Neville hits him with a super kick. Neville gets in and hits the Red Arrow on Kidd to get the pin. The crowd appears not to like the result. They replayed the highlights of the match before signing off from Full Sail.
-Final Thoughts: This was a good show. The final two matches were excellent and highlighted a lot of the up and coming talent.