Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

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COJWS Annual #3 Notes

-Welcome to one of my favorite shows of the year as we have reached our COJWS Annual edition #3 and this year we take a look at CWF Battle of the Belts.
-Championship Wrestling from Florida (CWF) was the corporate and brand name of the Tampa, Florida wrestling office existing from 1961, when Eddie Graham first bought into the promotion, until 1987, when it closed down.
-CWF Battle of the Belts took place on September 2, 1985 from The Sundome in Tampa, Florida. There were 7,600 in attendance and the show was shown live in syndication.
-Gordon Solie welcomes us to Battle of the Belts. He and Mike Graham will call the action. They threw it to Coach John Heath. He says he will be doing interviews tonight. Buddy Colt then does the same from his dressing room.
-Gordon & Mike discuss Hurricane Elena, which has sort of wreaked havoc on the card. 500,000 people in the Tampa area were evacuated from their homes a few days earlier and were only granted clearance to return to the city of Tampa this morning. Also, air traffic coming into the city is a nightmare, so Rick Martel will not be wrestling on tonight’s card as scheduled.
-Hurricane Elena was a tropical cyclone that affected eastern and central portions of the United States Gulf Coast in late August and early September 1985. Threatening popular tourist destinations during Labor Day weekend, Elena repeatedly deviated from its forecast path, triggering evacuations of unprecedented extent. The hurricane wrought havoc to property and the environment between southwestern Florida and eastern Louisiana, though lesser effects were felt well beyond those areas. Elena developed on August 28 near Cuba, and after traveling lengthwise across the island with little impact, it entered the Gulf of Mexico and continued to strengthen. Initially projected to strike the central Gulf Coast, the hurricane unexpectedly veered toward the east on August 30, then stalled just 50 mi (80 km) west of Cedar Key, Florida. Despite predictions that Elena would continue eastward across Florida, the cyclone remained nearly stationary for about 48 hours, causing damage all along the eastern gulf with high wind and waves, before slowly moving northwest and ultimately making landfall near Biloxi, Mississippi, on September 2 as a Category 3 major hurricane. The storm quickly weakened upon moving ashore and dissipated on September 4.
The hurricane's unpredictable shifts in direction created what was considered the largest peacetime evacuation in the nation's history. Evacuations occurred in sequence to follow the storm's forecast positions, and many residents and tourists along portions of the Gulf Coast were forced to leave twice in a matter of days. Preparations were generally timely and efficient, though accommodation and resources at storm shelters were stretched thin, and many refugees tried to return home against officials' orders. About 1.25 million people fled the storm in Florida alone, contributing to a region-wide total of nearly 2 million evacuees. Tropical cyclone warnings and watches were continuously issued and adjusted, and forecasters stressed the storm's destructive potential for days.
-The Grappler and The Crippler Rip Oliver vs. The Guerrero Brothers Chavo and Hector: They have the lights go out just as they start as Solie says they are still being battered by bad weather. The CWF was snake bitten in 1985. Hector and the Grappler start. Grappler battering Hector in the corner. Hector with some dropkick and headscissors to the Grappler. Chavo also in and headscissors Grappler out. Back in, Oliver and Chavo tagged in. They battle back and forth and I'm thinking as much as I love wrestling, I don't think I would go out after a hurricane to watch wrestling. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. Chavo with a tilt a whirl crucifix and that's one of the most unique moves that I have ever seen. That was spectacular by Chavo. Hector tagged in and splashes Oliver's arm. Fast paced match by the Guerrero's so far and the crowd appreciates it. Fast tags and moves by the Guerrero's on Oliver. The Guerrero's with a bunch of quick tags to keep Oliver off his feet and down. Chavo with an arm bar to Oliver in the middle of the ring. Back and forth and Hector tagged back in. He picks the wrist lock on Oliver up and Oliver down on the mat in pain. The Grappler tagged in as Solie apologizes again for the lighting. The crowd is very subdued here, which is understandable since I suspect many came just so they could come in out of the rain. Hector in with an arm bar on the Grappler. The Grappler with an eye rake to Hector and now all four men in the ring. The heels with a double corner whip and the Guerrero's meet, fall to their backs, and kick the heels away simultaneously. They then corner whip the heels together and then run the heels heads together in a variation of the Bushwhackers old Battering Ram move. The Guerrero's do the row boat action on the heels' legs and the crowd is loving this. The heels roll to the outside to regroup and I don't blame them. The Grappler back in with Chavo. Chavo with a side headlock. Hector tagged in and immediately picks the side headlock up. The Grappler pushes off and Oliver takes the opportunity to hit Hector in the back with his knee. Grappler gets Hector in the corner and slams him off the top rope. Grappler drops a knee and gets a one count. Oliver in and hits an elbow drop from the second rope. Heels have effectively cut the ring in half. Oliver with a backdrop to get a two count. Oliver gets Hector into a bear hug. Hector breaks the bear hug, but Oliver cuts him off from making the tag. Grappler tagged in and atomic drops Hector. Chavo breaks up the pin attempt. The referee gets Chavo out, allowing the heels to double team Hector. That brings Chavo back in, so wash, rinse, repeat with the heels double teaming hector. The power is then cut and the logo for the Battle of the Belts comes on. This promotion can't catch a break. They reestablish the link, but Hector is still getting punished. Oliver knocks Hector to the mat with a throat thrust. Hector thrown to the outside and Chavo came over to check on his brother. Hector up and the Grappler kicks at him as he tries to get back in. Oliver attacking Hector as he is up on the apron. Chavo comes in to get Oliver away, but gets grabbed by the referee and at this point, a blind man could see what was going to happen next as the Grappler attacks Hector while the referee is tied up with Chavo. The Grappler runs Hector into a Ringside Table. The heels get Hector back into the ring and Oliver Irish whips Hector. Hector with a flip to avoid a clothesline and comes back with a crossbody to Oliver. He gets a near fall and Oliver comes up with a front face lock and tags the Grappler in. Hector with a sunset flip for a two count. Grappler misses a falling headbutt when Hector moves out of the way. Grappler again cuts Hector off as he was going to tag. Oliver tagged in and comes off the second rope with a punch to Hector. Hector blocks a suplex attempt and hits one of his own to Oliver and I say suplex instead of the way Gordon Solie says it, which is soo play. Grappler tagged in and goes over to hit Chavo before Hector can get over and make the tag. Chavo goes after the Grappler, so he is not there when Hector comes over to tag. The heels playing the faces like fiddles so hard, Charlie Daniels would be jealous. Grappler with a headlock to a seated Hector. Hector gets to his feet and the crowd yelling and getting behind Hector. Hector knocks the Grappler down, but gets cut off before he can make the tag. Oliver tagged in and he gets a small package for a two count. Hector blocks an atomic drop and hits one of his own to Oliver, but Hector is out on his feet and unsure of where to go. He finally falls backwards towards his Corner and Chavo tagged in. The Grappler also tagged in and Chavo taking turns hitting both heels. Grappler reverses a corner whip, Chavo comes back with a moonsault attempt, but the Grappler moves out of the way and Chavo lands on his feet. Chavo with a victory roll on the Grappler as Hector comes off with a crossbody to Oliver and it is breaking loose here. Chavo runs Oliver into an abdominal stretch from Hector as the Grappler runs Chavo into the referee and then throws Hector over the top rope to the outside. Oliver holds Chavo as the Grappler loads his boot and goes to hit Chavo, who moves and Oliver gets hit instead. Chavo and the Grappler battle to the outside of the ring as Hector covers Oliver to get the pin.
-Cocoa Samoa with Lady Maxine vs. Rip Rogers with Miss Brenda: The graphic spells it Koko like Koko B. Ware, but the internet says Cocoa like the beverage. Your mileage may vary. They lock up and Samoa with an arm drag. Rogers complains that his trunks were pulled. Back and forth. Samoa with a leg scissors, but Rogers gets to the ropes. They circle each other again. Rogers with a side headlock. Samoa reverses into an overhead wrist lock that forces Rogers to the mat. Samoa transitions to an arm bar. Rogers gets back to his feet, only to be taken back down by an arm drag. Rogers back to his feet again and gets to the ropes, so Samoa is going to have to stop the arm bar that he had on. They circle each other again and the crowd is booing Rogers. Rogers comes back with a wrist lock to Samoa. Into an arm bar, but Samoa twists around to kick Rogers in the face to break the hold. Rogers complains to the referee that his hair was pulled. They lock up again and drive to a corner. Samoa reverses a corner whip, but Rogers moves on the charge. Rogers with a scoop slam. Samoa back to his feet and gets a single leg on Rogers. A roll up gets a one count for Samoa. They circle each other again. Another lock up and drive to the ropes. Samoa breaks clean, but Rogers with a cheap shot to Samoa. Rogers throws Samoa to the outside and Miss Brenda loved that move. Lady Maxine helps Samoa back to the apron. Rogers grabs Samoa on the apron and runs Samoa into a turnbuckle and then punches Samoa. Rogers then snap mares Samoa back into the ring. Another snap mare by Rogers to get a two count. Rogers follows it up with a rear chin lock. Samoa fighting to get back to his feet and out of the move. Rogers lets go of the move and starts to attack Samoa with forearms. Rogers with a face rake to knock Samoa back down. Rogers choking Samoa on the mat, but breaks on the three count. Rogers with a back rake and another snap mare. Rogers goes up top, but gets caught and thrown off. Samoa tries to follow up with a splash, but Rogers moves out of the way. Miss Brenda encouraging Rogers. Samoa blocks a suplex attempt and hits a suplex of his own. Back and forth. Samoa with a headbutt and Rogers driven back and tied up in the ropes. Samoa attacking Rogers with shots as Rogers is tied up in the ropes. Samoa then runs to splash Rogers, who gets loose and moves out of the way and Samoa hits the ropes and bounces off. Rogers gets a two count. Rogers with an Irish whip and Samoa comes back with a sunset flip and Rogers fighting not to go over. He does go over and Samoa gets a two count. Samoa reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Rogers kicks him in the face. Rogers gets a two count. Rogers argues with the referee about the count and gets a shot in the stomach from Samoa. Samoa runs Rogers into a turnbuckle. Samoa hits Rogers with some headbutts and Rogers is selling his ass off. Samoa gets a two count as Rogers gets his leg on the ropes. Rogers tries to fight back, but gets knocked down again. Rogers backed away and called for a time out. Samoa hip tosses Rogers out of a corner and then hits him with a dropkick. Rogers again gets his foot on the ropes to avoid being pinned. Rogers comes back with an elbow to the head and then chokes Samoa on the top rope for a three count. Back and forth by the ropes. Rogers with a snap mare to Samoa, but misses an elbow drop when Samoa moves. Samoa with some chops to Rogers and an Irish whip and abdominal stretch. The referee's attention gets averted, allowing Miss Brenda to come in and hit Samoa with her purse. The referee goes to get Miss Brenda out and Rogers picks Samoa up and as he does, Lady Maxxine comes in and pushes Samoa down on Rogers and Samoa gets the win. Rogers and Miss Brenda complain to the referee after the match.
-Florida Heavyweight Championship Match. Jack Hart with Percy Pringle vs. Kendall Windham: Hart is of course Barry Horowitz. Kendall is of course Barry Windham's brother and Black Jack Mulligan's son. They go off the air again briefly before the match starts. Hart jumps Windham as soon as the bell rings. The referee sees this and shoves Pringle out of the ring as Hart gets an Irish whip. He hits Windham with a back kick. Hart all over Windham, hitting and Kicking Windham as he struggles to get back to his feet. Hart with a snap Mare and a leg lock and he has looked spectacular in this match so far, I will give him that. He gets a two count. Windham comes back with a double thrust to the midsection of Hart. More shots to the midsection and Hart backs off. He then comes back with a forearm and a snap mare to Windham. Hart then transitions to a rear chin lock. Windham gets back to his feet and then gets to the ropes. Hart breaks and hits Windham in the midsection again. Hart with an Irish whip, Windham ducks an elbow smash, and comes back with a flying shoulder tackle. Windham with another shot to the midsection and Hart responds with an eye poke like he's prime Roddy Piper. Hart follows it up with a knee lift to Windham. Then a bear hug to Windham and Hart's and Pringle's plan has worked to perfection so far. Hart hitting Windham with knees and forearms in the corner as Pringle gloats to the crowd, asking them what they think about what is going on. Hart with a corner whip, but Windham ducks the charge. Hart goes for a snap mare, but Windham hooks the arms and gets a backslide for a one count. Hart comes back with a forearm to Windham. Then a side headlock and punch followed by an eye rake to Windham. Back and forth in the center of the ring. He follows it up with another eye rake and Hart definitely showing a more killer spirit than I have ever seen from him. Pringle yelling encouragement to Hart from ringside. Windham on his knees after being choked on the second rope and he is coming back with shots to the stomach of Hart. Windham rushes Hart, who gets his knee up to drop Windham back to the mat. Hart follows it up with an elbow smash to Windham from the second turnbuckle. Hart gets to grab Windham, who fights back with shots to the stomach again and they have been just about the most effective things Windham has done in this match. Windham goes for a shot, but Hart buries his shoulder into Windham's midsection first. Hart then knocks Windham down with a shot. Hart goes back to choking Windham on the top rope for a three count. Hart with a forearm shot. Windham again trying to come back with shots to the stomach as Hart yells at him to get up. Hart with an Irish whip and Windham comes back with a sunset flip. He struggles to get Hart over, but Hart just falls down on Windham's chest instead. Hart with another Irish whip and a back elbow. Hart gets a couple of two counts, but he did impress me by trying for the cover again instead of giving up after one kick out. Hart puts an abdominal stretch on. Windham gets to the ropes, so Hart knocks him back to the mat with a shot. He follows it up with a snap mare, which seems to be one of his favorite moves and it is unbelievable to me that this was 10 years before Hart as Horowitz would upset Chris Candido on WWF Superstars for his most high profile thing done in the wrestling business. Hart goes for a leg drop, but Windham rolls out of the way. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hart with a bear hug. Hart brings Windham over to the corner and puts him on the turnbuckle. Windham blocks a shot and comes back with a sunset flip and the crowd loved that move. That's probably the loudest that they have been all night. Windham gets a two count. Back and forth again with both wrestlers hitting each other with shots to the midsection. Hart with a forearm shot to Windham in the corner. He follows that up with a thrust kick to Windham. Hart backs up for a moment for the referee to check Windham and Windham catches Hart with a punch to the midsection when Hart comes back in. Hart responds by choking Windham in the corner for a three count. The referee admonishes Hart, allowing Pringle to slap Windham in the face. Hart goes back to the snap mare, so you should at this point take a shot I believe. He follows that up with a rear chin lock and a knee to the back of Windham. Windham fighting not to give up or pass out. Hart takes one hand and grabs Windham's nose like Hart is trying to rip it off. Hart transitions into a camel clutch. Pringle yelling encouragement to Hart and then yells at the fans when they get on him. Windham beating on the mat trying to avoid passing out as of course this was well before tapping out was a thing. Hart gets Windham up and puts him in a corner and buries his knee in Windham's midsection. Windham reverses a corner whip. Hart comes back with a reverse crossbody attempt, but Windham ducks it. Windham coming back and Hart begging off. Windham jumps on Hart with punches to the head and the crowd is absolutely loving it. Windham with an Irish whip and a back elbow that looked really good. Windham with another Irish whip and a flying clothesline to Hart. Windham with a knee drop to Hart. He gets a two count. Windham goes for the bulldog, but Hart with another thumb to the eye. Hart then goes to the corner and slips something in his glove. Hart with an Irish whip, Windham ducks a shot with the gloved hand, and comes back with a crossbody to get the pin and become the new Florida Heavyweight Champion. Pringle was trying to get into the ring to cause a disqualification, but he was too late. Windham grabs the belt and goes around the ring with it held up high celebrating with the fans. Pringle and Hart crying and upset in the ring over the result.
-Coach John Heath talks to Harley Race. He calls the Road Warriors the Road Hogs and says that he and Larry Hennig were the AWA Tag Champions before the Road Warriors ever existed. He says he and Stan Hansen can have another title switch here tonight. His mic keeps cutting off because of course it does. He said what is utmost in his mind right now is the outcome of Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel. He says he doesn't like either man so he doesn't care who wins it. It all boils back to Harley Race and his opportunity to win title #8. He says he proved that he could dominate wrestling. He says there could be another title switch and then he says he's going to have a ringside seat for Flair-Wahoo. Well, there are plenty available, Harley! He says that 85 is going to bring #8 back home.
-Southern Heavyweight Championship Match. Rick Rude with Percy Pringle vs. Billy Jack Haynes: Haynes is one half of the CWF US Tag Team Champions with Wahoo McDaniel. They are face to face in the center of the ring. Pringle gets on the crowd for booing Rude before helping Rude take his robe off. It takes them a minute to get started. The bell rings and they circle each other and the crowd is clearly on Haynes' side. Rude tells Haynes to back up so that Rude can pose to the crowd. The crowd hates it. Haynes then poses and the crowd loves it. He then tells Rude to bring it and Rude wants a test of strength. They do the test of strength and neither man can gain the advantage. Rude goes to kick Haynes in the stomach, but Haynes catches his leg and hits an atomic drop and a dropkick on Rude. It was impressive to see Haynes get up that high. Rude rolls out to confer with Pringle before getting back in the ring. They are standing across from each other in the ring just looking at each other. Pringle screaming at the crowd to be quiet and Pringle was so good at what he did. Haynes with a side headlock into a takeover. Rude briefly turns Haynes over to get a one count before Haynes comes back with a side headlock again. Rude turns Haynes over again and gets a two count this time before Haynes can get back to a base with the side headlock. Rude gets back to his feet and pushes off. Haynes comes back with a shoulder block, but neither man moves. Another shoulder block and again neither man moves. Rude with a shoulder block with the same outcome. Rude goes for another shoulder block, only for Haynes to leapfrog Rude and get a backdrop on him. Haynes goes for the full nelson and the crowd pops loudly when he gets it on only for Rude to get to the ropes almost immediately. Rude falls to the outside and Pringle screaming at both Haynes and referee Bill Alphonso. They show a woman at ringside who is drawing a picture of the action and I have never seen anything like that before. It was interesting to me. Rude back in the ring and they circle each other again. Another lock up and Haynes goes back to the side headlock. Rude backs Haynes into the corner to force a break. Haynes does and Rude takes the opportunity to put some knees into Haynes' midsection. Rude with a corner whip, misses the charge, and Haynes gets the side headlock on again. Into a snap mare and then back to the headlock again. Haynes cranks the hold on and Rude struggling to get out of the hold and back to his feet. Rude gets to his knees and Haynes quickly switches to a front face lock. Rude gets to his feet and hits Haynes in the midsection, so Haynes goes back to the side headlock. There may not be a lot of variety to Haynes' offense, but I guess you can say for him that what he does, he does very well. Rude pushes off and then does some drop downs and leapfrogs to avoid Haynes. He then hit Haynes with a wicked looking clothesline. Rude gets a two count. Rude follows that up with an elbow to the back of Haynes' head as Haynes gets back to his feet. Rude with a series of punches and forearms to the back of Haynes' head again. Rude beats and kicks Haynes through the ropes to the outside. Rude comes out after Haynes and Pringle gets up on the apron to distract referee Bill Alphonso, allowing Rude to run Haynes into the barricade. Haynes hits the barricade back first and falls to the ground and he is holding his head. Rude gets back in the ring and Pringle gets back on the apron and is screaming at Haynes and the crowd is booing Pringle. Haynes gets back to his feet, so Rude goes out after him again and hits Haynes with a forearm to the back. Rude then gets back in the ring and Alphonso is out trying to get Haynes back in. Haynes leaning on the barricade and holding his head. Haynes gets back on the apron and Rude grabs him and suplexes Haynes back in the ring. He gets a two count, but it was a lazy cover because you have to hook a leg, you can't just lazily hold a man like Billy Jack Haynes down without it. Rude goes up on the bottom turnbuckle and delivers a fist drop to Haynes. Then another one and Rude puts on a camel clutch that Solie keeps calling the Russian Sickle for some reason. Haynes trying to get out of the move. Rude is in tremendous shape here. Haynes slips out from under Rude. Rude maintains the chin lock on Haynes. Rude with a punch, an Irish whip, and a backdrop to Haynes. Back and forth. Rude concentrating on the lower back of Haynes and hitting him with forearm shots. Rude with a corner whip and Haynes hits the post back first and falls to the mat. Rude picks Haynes up and continues the assault on Haynes. Haynes trying to fight out of the corner with a series of right hand shots to Rude. Rude cuts Haynes off with a rake of the eyes. Haynes blocks a suplex from Rude and hits Rude with a suplex of his own. Rude goes for a top rope fist drop, but Haynes moves out of the way. Rude begging off and presents his hand for Haynes to shake, but instead, Haynes kicks Rude in the stomach. Haynes then runs Rude's head into Haynes' knee. Haynes then hits an Irish whip and a clothesline to Rude. Haynes follows that up with a backbreaker to Rude. Then a gut wrench suplex to Rude. He gets a two count on Rude. Rude back to his feet, but Haynes rocking Rude with punches and kicks. Haynes with a press slam to Rude and that's impressive getting Rude up like that. Pringle appears to have tripped Haynes because Rude falls on Haynes. Pringle then gets up on the apron and Alphonso goes to get Pringle down. Haynes also starts to go after Pringle and Rude nails Haynes from behind with the cane and gets the pin. There was a reason that Rude's music during this time was Smooth Operator, folks. The crowd boos and starts chanting bullshit. Solie and Graham say that the NWA Board will probably take a look at the footage and may hold the Southern title up.
-John Heath interviews Kendall Windham. Heath says that Windham is the youngest Florida Champion ever. Windham thanks Heath, his father and brothers, and all the Florida fans. They show the end of the match.
-Solie and Graham talk about Windham and his win and say the future looks bright for Kendall.
-Buddy Colt interviews The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering. As Colt is introducing them and running down their match, Hawk is twitching. That's the best way that I know to describe it. He's standing in place, but moving so much that the spiked collar that he has around his neck comes off. Ellering says that their opponents have very impressive records, but if you want to talk about records, talk about their records. Two time tag team of the year and he has been manager of the year. He said he heard Harley Race. He was talking about Ric Flair, he wasn't thinking about this match 100% like he should be. Hawk says it's about time to play, Harley Race. That old line about this guy making coffee nervous certainly applies to Hawk. He says it's not time to talk about Ric Flair. It's time for Race and Hansen to quit talking. He says get in the ring and do your talking there. That's where they do their talking and that's why they wear the championships. Animal says Hansen is a big man, over 300 pounds. He says he and Hawk are big men too. Animal then says Race and Hansen are good wrestlers, but they aren't bad, they don't know what it's like to get their butt kicked by 10,12, or 15 guys in Chicago when they were a kid. I would like to point out that both guys being from Minnesota means that they don't know what that's like either, but Animal is on a roll here, so it's best not to interrupt him. He says that Race and Hansen are going down.
-AWA World Tag Team Championship Match. The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering vs. Harley Race and Stan Hansen: Race and Hansen out first as the challengers. Hansen has his bull-rope and is swinging it wildly around himself as he comes to the ring. They play Iron Man as The Road Warriors and Ellering come to the ring. They kind of play their hand here as they start to make introductions of everyone before the Road Warriors even come out because as soon as the Road Warriors get to ringside, all four men start to brawl. Hansen takes Animal out into the crowd as Race starts to battle Hawk at ringside. Animal brings Hansen back towards the ring and all four men by each other and trading blows. I think I even saw Hawk and Animal hit each other a couple of times. Those two probably like that, well, more power to them. Hansen takes his vest off and gets Animal up against a ring post and goes to hit Animal, but Animal ducks and Hansen hits the post instead. Animal responds with some knees to the gut of Hansen and some forearms to the face. The Road Warriors get in the ring and Hawk reaches over to grab Hansen and bring him into the ring. But Race takes advantage of that and hits Hawk with Hansen's Cow Bell. Hansen drags Hawk out of the ring and slams his head on a ringside table. He goes to do it again, but Hansen blocks it and runs Hawk into the table instead. Hawk and Hansen going back and forth at ringside while Race battles Animal on the apron. Now all four get in the ring or up on the apron and it looks to be Race and Hawk starting out as Race grabbed Hawk in the middle of the ring. Race attacking Hawk with elbows and punches to the neck. Race with an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Hawk kicks Race in the face. Hawk follows that up with a knee to Race's face and a fist drop. He only gets a one count though. Race comes back with a headbutt and Animal tagged in. Animal comes in with a side headlock. Now all four men in the ring. Referee Bill Alphonso trying to get things back under control and get the extra men out of the ring. Hawk reverses an Irish whip and hits Hansen with a back elbow. Hansen and Hawk spill to the outside of the ring and continue to fight there as Animal hits Race with forearm shots in the corner of the ring. Hawk and Hansen battle out in the crowd. They go back and forth and hit each other with everything that they can get their hands on, including chairs. Animal and Race exchanging shots in the center of the ring. Animal hits Race with a scoop slam. Race back to his feet and Animal gets him in a front face lock as the fighting continues outside the ring. Hansen gets back on the apron as Race hits Animal with a knee to the face. Race gets to the ropes. Animal tries to get a side headlock on, but Alphonso won't allow it. Animal drags Race off the ropes and tags Hawk in. Hawk with a rabbit punch to Race and gets a front face lock on. Race goes down briefly to his knees, but then gets right back to his feet and gets Hawk down with a double leg pickup. Race then drops an elbow on Hawk and Hansen tagged in. Hansen drops a knee on Hawk. He follows that up with a scoop slam and Graham says that he had been wrestling a few years when Hansen started and I would not have guessed that. You learn something new everyday. Hansen gets a two count. Hawk back to his feet and he and Hansen battle to the corner and Animal tagged in. He starts to get in, but I guess Alphonso didn't see the tag because Animal gets right back out. Meanwhile, Hawk and Hansen keep battling in the ring. Hawk hits a scoop slam and a leg drop on Hansen. He gets a one count. Animal tagged in. Double Irish whip and back elbow to Hansen. Animal with a front face lock, but Hansen drives backwards to the corner. Alphonso calls for the break and gets it and Hansen with a corner whip. He misses the charge. Animal comes back with a modified hammerlock to Hansen. Hansen responds with an arm drag to get Animal off him. They go outside and Hansen grabs Animal in a side headlock to run Animal into the corner post, but Animal pushes off and Hansen gets run into the post instead. Hansen rolls back into the ring, where he is met by Hawk, who gets Hansen in a side headlock. Race and Animal battling on the outside and at this point, I don't even know who is legal anymore. I don't think that the referee knows either. Hansen with a side suplex to get out of the move. Race and Animal exchanging blows on the outside while Hansen runs Hawk's head into the mat. I assume the referee is just going to let that go as Hansen gets Hawk in a side headlock and Race tagged in. Race catches Hawk with a knee to the face and follows that up with a punch to the face. Hawk responds by grabbing Race by the throat and lifting him up and the crowd absolutely loves that move. He then throws Race down on the ground. Hawk follows that up with a snap mare and a rear chin lock on Race as Graham talks about how strong the Road Warriors are and how much they can military press and bench press. Hawk with a side headlock and Race responds with a belly to back suplex to get out of the move. Hansen tagged in and hits Hawk with a piledriver. He gets a two count from it. Hansen responds with knees and kicks to Hawk's head. Hansen then rams Hawk into Race's knee and tags Race back in. Hansen holds Hawk for Race to hit before getting out. Race with a suplex for a two count. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Hawk gets Race up for a military press slam. Animal tagged in and gets Race in a side headlock as Race gets back to his feet. Animal with an Irish whip and a back elbow. He gets a two count and as soon as Race kicks out, Animal gets him in a rear chin lock. Hawk tagged in and he picks the rear chin lock up. Hawk with a headbutt to Race. He follows that up with an eye rake and a scoop slam to Race as Solie says it wouldn't be a good idea to try to exchange punches with Harley Race. Hawk misses an elbow drop. Race rushes Hawk and both spill out to the floor over the top rope. Now all four men outside brawling and Hansen throws Alphonso out of the way as he was headed out. The bell rings and Solie says that both teams were counted out as they go to commercial. They are still fighting when they come back from the commercial. But we go to the locker room where Buddy Colt is interviewing Ric Flair.
-Colt says that his match against Wahoo McDaniel will be 2/3 falls with a one hour time limit. Colt opens the interview by saying that Flair is the three time NWA Champion. Flair says forget three times, he is the current World Champion, the only World's Heavyweight Champion and that's all that matters right now. Flair says tonight, McDaniel got the match that he wanted. 2/3 Falls. Flair also says McDaniels like so many others have and it's annoying, once you realize that there isn't an S at the end of his name. Flair says when McDaniel says that there isn't a wrestler alive that can beat him 2/3 falls, Flair says he's just going to have to prove McDaniel wrong. Flair says he's the greatest conditioned athlete alive today. He is Ric Flair. The World Champion. A living legend and right here in Tampa, Florida, he says he is going to take it to Wahoo McDaniel all night long.
-They come back from the interview and The Road Warriors are still in the ring. I believe they want to live there now. They go to another commercial and when they come back, the Road Warriors are finally gone.
-Nick Bockwinkel vs. Frankie Lane: Bockwinkel is called the AWA Champion by the ring announcer, but that was Rick Martel at the time. The hurricane screwed all that up and Martel could not make it to the event. Solie corrects the record for the crowd as the referee goes over the instructions. They circle each other and lock up. They battle for position and Bockwinkel pushes off. Another lock up and push off by Bockwinkel. Another lock up and Bockwinkel with an arm drag. They lock up again and Graham says this is a tremendous opportunity for Lane. Bockwinkel with a hip toss to Lane. Bockwinkel with a scoop slam as the announcers make it clear that the weather was the reason Martel couldn't make it and he is not ducking Bockwinkel at all. They circle each other again and lock up and Lane with a couple of hip tosses of his own. He then hits a scoop slam and Bockwinkel backing away from Lane. Bockwinkel backs to a corner and regroups before coming out again. They lock up again and drive to a corner. Bockwinkel hits a series of head and body shots to Lane. Bockwinkel with a suplex. Lane ducks a clothesline attempt and comes back with a crossbody to Bockwinkel. He gets a one count. They lock up and drive to the ropes and Bockwinkel with a shot to Lane. Another shot and Bockwinkel follows up with an Irish whip and a knee to Lane's stomach. Bockwinkel then drives Lane into a corner buckle and Lane gets back to his feet, only for Bockwinkel to knock him back down again. He knocks Lane back down again and then runs Lane into another buckle. Lane reverses a corner whip and catches Bockwinkel with a hip lock out of the corner. Lane with a series of forearms to Bockwinkel. Lane with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Bockwinkel and then hits the fastest cover on Bockwinkel or any other wrestler that I have ever seen. Bockwinkel was covered almost before he finished hitting the ground. That was impressive by Lane. He only gets a two count. Bockwinkel then catches Lane with a shot and gets an Irish whip. Lane again ducks the clothesline attempt and tries to come back with a crossbody, only to get hit with a forearm from Bockwinkel and knocked down and Bockwinkel gets the pin.
-Coach John Heath interviews Wahoo McDaniel. McDaniel says he got what he wanted, a 2/3 falls match. He says the fans deserve to know who the best man is. He thinks the best way is 2/3 falls and doesn't think that there is a man out there that can beat him in two falls in one night. He knows Ric Flair is a great champion, but McDaniel thinks it's time for a change and there is no better place to have it happen than right here in Florida.
-Main Event 2/3 Falls for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair vs. Wahoo McDaniel: McDaniel is the other half of the US tag champs with Billy Jack Haynes at this time. The ring announcer says the NWA is the National World's Alliance and I am speechless. Flair takes his robe off and then Alphonso checks both wrestlers and they give out instructions. Alphonso presents the belt to the crowd.
-First Fall: Graham thinks Flair is going to make McDaniel chase him and Graham says that's to Flair's advantage since he is in better shape than McDaniel and McDaniel has to defeat Flair, Flair doesn't have to defeat McDaniel. Flair trying to psych out McDaniel as they circle each other by going into his styling and profiling routine. He taunts McDaniel by starting to lock up before backing up and circling McDaniel some more. They finally lock up and drive to a corner. Clean break and another lock up by Flair. McDaniel with a side headlock. Flair counters with an overhead wrist lock. McDaniel goes down to one knee. He gets back to both feet and starts to overpower Flair. McDaniel gets Flair down and gets a one count before Flair gets his shoulder up. McDaniel still has the wrist lock on. He transitions into an arm bar and Flair looks for ways to get out of the move. Flair cut on his forehead already for some reason and I don't know what that could be from. It could have been inadvertent or a hard way shot. Solie says it was an old laceration that has opened back up as Flair gets to his feet and McDaniel switches to a hammerlock and gets Flair into a corner. They break clean and Flair complains to Alphonso about the hold. He says McDaniel should have broken the hold sooner and Alphonso says that McDaniel has a 5 count to do it. Solie says that Flair is trying to intimidate the referee. They lock up again and Flair gets McDaniel into a corner and drives his shoulder into McDaniel's midsection and then chops McDaniel. McDaniel returns with chops that knock Flair down and Flair flips over from the force of the chop. Flair back away from the advancing McDaniel. They lock up again and Flair gets McDaniel back into a corner and unloading on McDaniel with shots and chops. McDaniel fights out of the corner with shots and chops of his own and these two are really going at each other here. Flair does the Flair flop, so TASIYDAH. Flair then backs into a corner and begs off as the crowd is encouraging McDaniel to hit Flair some more. Flair rolls out to the floor to try to regroup. They lock up back in the ring. They then exchange chops and Flair chops McDaniel to the ground. Flair picks McDaniel up and runs him head first into a corner buckle. They then exchange chops again and the crowd is really into this. McDaniel gets the better of the exchange and knocks Flair to the ground. Flair backing away from McDaniel while still in the seated position. He backs into a corner and McDaniel grabs Flair and brings him to his feet and starts to chop Flair again. Flair fights back and gets McDaniel to one knee and Flair starts dropping elbows to the back of McDaniel's head. Flair chops McDaniel down and starts stomping him on the ropes. Flair drops down and gets McDaniel in a front face lock. Flair gets some two counts on McDaniel while Flair's feet are on the ropes. Alphonso finally sees Flair's foot on the ropes and makes him get up. Alphonso and Flair get into a shoving match. McDaniel up and he and Flair lock up again. They get to the corner and McDaniel chopping Flair again. An overhead chop by McDaniel knocks Flair down and Flair is screaming and holding his face. Flair begs off and McDaniel chops Flair again, so Flair rolls back outside again. He steps over the barricade and walks towards the dressing room briefly before coming back into the ring with a determined look on his face. He locks up with McDaniel, who chops Flair down again and Flair once again begging off. Flair again rolls to the outside. Flair walks around the ring and yells at some fans who are yelling at him. Flair walks back up the ring steps and makes Alphonso keep McDaniel away so that Flair can get back into the ring. They lock up and Flair gets a side headlock and as soon as he does, McDaniel pushes off and Flair comes back with a shoulder block. Flair runs the ropes and McDaniel gets him down with a drop toe hold. McDaniel gets a leg lock on. Flair fighting to get out of the hold and not submit. McDaniel drives his knees into Flair's leg. Flair kicking with the other leg trying to get McDaniel off and McDaniel goes back to the leg lock. McDaniel pulls back and Flair grabs him by the neck. McDaniel clamps down on the leg lock and Flair lets go of it. Flair gets to the ropes to break the hold. McDaniel lets go of the hold and pulls Flair off the ropes and back in the center of the ring. McDaniel grabs Flair's legs and tries to force his shoulders down to get a three count. Flair kicks McDaniel down. Flair up, but he is limping. He chops McDaniel. He then gets McDaniel into the corner and starts punching him. He then chops McDaniel, who falls to the mat. Flair with a nice looking snap mare to McDaniel. Flair tries to drop an elbow, but McDaniel moves and the announcers say Flair is having trouble getting around on the injured leg. McDaniel up and grabs Flair by the leg. He puts the toe hold on Flair. Flair kicks McDaniel away. They then go back to chopping each other. McDaniel chops Flair down to his knees and Flair responds with a double leg to McDaniel. Flair slips his feet back on the ropes, but it still isn't enough to keep McDaniel down for a three count. McDaniel attacking Flair's head with shots to try and get Flair off him. Both wrestlers back to their feet and Flair is chopping McDaniel back. McDaniel responds with one chop that knocks Flair down. Flair back to his feet briefly before being knocked down by another chop. McDaniel gets Flair back to his feet and Flair kicks McDaniel and throws him out of the ring. Flair comes out after McDaniel and runs McDaniel into the corner post. They battle up on the barricade and Alphonso out and separates the two wrestlers. Both wrestlers then get back in the ring. Flair gets a wrist lock on McDaniel. Full arm drag and twist on McDaniel and Flair back to using the ropes as leverage. One of the cameramen is close and filming Flair and Flair yells at him to get out of Flair's face and that he is not going to tell the cameraman again. Flair can't get the three count though. Flair has the wrist secure and is now twisting around and applying tremendous pressure to it. McDaniel won't give up or have his shoulders go down for a three count though. Flair then kicks McDaniel in the side and away from him. Flair then grabs one of McDaniel's arms that is wrapped around the ropes and pulls back on it, but Alphonso is there telling him to break almost immediately. Flair breaks on the three count. Flair up and grabs the arm to bring McDaniel back towards the center of the ring. He then gets McDaniel down with a hammerlock. McDaniel trying to hold on and not pass out from the hold. Flair keeps the hammerlock on, but turns McDaniel over and gets a two count on him. McDaniel gets back to his feet, but Flair still has the wrist lock on and Graham says McDaniel should have at least gone for the double or the single leg to get Flair down and at least gone for a breather in order to give his body time to rest. He then says that it's easy for him to say because he's just sitting there in a nice air-conditioned gym and not actually competing and I thought that was a good, even tempered response from Graham. Flair has McDaniel back down with the arm bar and again using the ropes for leverage. Alphonso sees the ropes moving and questions Flair if he was using them and I will give you three guesses as to Flair's response. Insert eye roll here. McDaniel gets his leg over the rope to force the break. Flair forces McDaniel back into the corner. Flair hitting McDaniel with some stiff looking forearm shots. McDaniel grabs Flair by the hair and turns him into the same corner and headbutts Flair to the mat. The headbutt also seems to have taken its toll on McDaniel as well. Both men back on their feet and exchanging chops in the center of the ring. Flair picks up the wrist lock again and as he does, McDaniel goes back to chopping Flair with the other arm. He then Irish whips Flair and chops him again. Flair does the Flair flop again, so TASIYDAH. McDaniel covers Flair for a two count. McDaniel gets another two count. McDaniel gets the wrist lock on for another two count on Flair. The video I am watching has tracking problems here, but you can still see everything. McDaniel with a big chop to Flair in the corner. He follows that up with a corner whip to Flair, who then kicks McDaniel in the leg when he comes after Flair. They chop each other again. McDaniel reverses an Irish whip and gets Flair in a sleeper. The crowd cheers and jumps to its feet as Flair fights wildly to get out of the sleeper. Flair reaches for the ropes, but goes down to the mat. His shoulders go down and McDaniel wins the first fall.
-Second Fall: Flair is up and Alphonso is checking on him in the corner. The bell rings. They circle each other and Solie mentions that Flair is still staggering and feeling the effects of the first fall while Graham says you can see the confidence on McDaniel's face. They lock up and drive to a corner. Clean break and they lock up again. Another break and Flair hitting McDaniel with shots and chops and Flair is a man possessed. I mean he is really going after McDaniel hard. Flair with an Irish whip, McDaniel ducks a chop attempt and hits Flair with a chop that knocks Flair down and McDaniel covers Flair and gets a two count. They lock up again and McDaniel gets a side headlock on. He drives Flair down to his knees and gets Flair down on the mat. Flair turns and gets several two counts on McDaniel while still being in the side headlock. McDaniel twists back over so that he is now in a seated position. Flair gets to his knees and pushes back towards the turnbuckle to force a break. McDaniel breaks the hold and starts chopping Flair in the corner. He then hits a snap mare and gets Flair in a rear chin lock. He tries to get a sleeper on again, but Flair quickly gets to the rope. McDaniel breaks and chops Flair so hard he goes over the ropes and lands outside the ring. Alphonso admonishes McDaniel and then goes to count Flair. McDaniel comes over to the ropes and Flair grabs him by the leg and pulls McDaniel down and slams McDaniel's leg down on the apron. Flair then drags McDaniel over to the corner and slams his leg on the ring post. Flair then gets back in the ring and starts stomping on McDaniel until Alphonso gets him away. McDaniel gets back to his feet, only for Flair to get him down again with a single leg pick up to the injured left leg. He puts the leg on the bottom rope and then drops down on it. Alphonso gets Flair away as McDaniel gets back to his feet. Flair then starts chopping McDaniel in the corner. Flair then puts the injured leg over the ropes and starts attacking it until Alphonso pushes him away. Flair then punches McDaniel down to the mat. McDaniel then rolls to the outside to regroup and I would say that is a smart move on McDaniel's part. McDaniel gets back in the ring and Flair immediately gets him down and goes back to working on the injured leg to set up for the figure four. McDaniel's shoulders go down and Flair gets a couple of two counts. McDaniel fighting not to pass out or get pinned as the crowd shouts their encouragement to him. Flair reaches down and slaps McDaniel in the face. Flair gets the figure four on McDaniel. He gets a two count as Graham says that McDaniel might get his leg broken because he won't submit. McDaniel fighting the move and trying to avoid the pin and see how he can get out of the figure four. He's got all he can say grace over as the saying goes. Another couple of two counts as Graham says that McDaniel needs to get to the ropes in order to save the match and his leg. McDaniel manages to reverse the figure four and the crowd comes to life for that. Flair cries out in pain and breaks the hold. Both wrestlers struggle to get to their feet. Flair on the attack with chops and kicks to McDaniel. He then gets a snap mare to McDaniel. He gets him down and goes for the figure four again, but he is struggling with it and McDaniel grabs Flair's leg and stops him from applying it all the way. Flair stops trying to apply the move as McDaniel still has a hold of Flair's left leg. Flair up and punching McDaniel in the face as McDaniel is lying on the mat. Flair pounding on McDaniel's head, but stops at the three count. Flair with a snap mare to McDaniel. Flair then drops a knee on McDaniel. The announcers say that McDaniel's head has been split open and I can't see it yet, but I will take their word for it because I can't see that as being something that you would lie about. Flair is unsteady on his feet, but able to drop the elbow on McDaniel. He gets a couple of two counts on McDaniel. McDaniel keeps getting his shoulder up to avoid the three count. Flair up and drops another knee on McDaniel. He gets some more two counts. Flair with a suplex to McDaniel for another two count. He yells at Alphonso to count and gets yet another two count. Flair with an abdominal stretch on McDaniel. He struggles to get it on because as Graham says, McDaniel is a big man. McDaniel fighting the pain and Alphonso up and checking that McDaniel hasn't passed out from the pain. Flair pulls back to get McDaniel down for a pin and gets a two count before McDaniel can get his leg on the ropes for a break. Flair gets McDaniel in the corner and catches him with some forearm shots. McDdaniel comes back with some chops and the fans are absolutely digging that. They exchange chops and McDaniel gets Flair down. McDaniel with a side headlock and Flair pushes off. McDaniel comes back with a shoulder block that rocks Flair, but he doesn't go down. They exchange chops and Flair with a side headlock. McDaniel pushes off and Flair runs into Alphonso and knocks him down. Flair with an Irish whip and McDaniel comes back with a backslide to get Flair down, but there is no ref to count. Flair back to his feet and he throws McDaniel back to the floor. Flair comes out after McDaniel and he runs McDaniel into the ring post. Flair gets back in the ring as Alphonso gets to his feet again. Flair goes out again and grabs McDaniel by the head and smashes him against the ring post again. Flair throws him back in the ring and pins McDaniel with a handful of tights.
-Third Fall: The announcers say Alphonso has checked McDaniel's head from being run into the ring post and McDaniel is busted open pretty badly. Hello to Dave LaGreca and company. The bell rings and they circle each other again. They lock up and Flair with a knee to McDaniel and tries to suplex him. McDaniel blocks the attempt and suplexes Flair instead. He only gets a one count as Flair scrambles to his feet. They exchange chops and Flair goes down to his ass. McDaniel keeps chopping Flair. Flair responds by throwing McDaniel back outside again. Flair goes to run McDaniel into the corner post again, but McDaniel blocks it and runs Flair into the post instead. They exchange chops on the outside and McDaniel runs Flair into the post. Flair goes down to the floor. Both men get back in the ring and Flair busted open now as well. McDaniel chops Flair in the corner. McDaniel with a corner whip and Flair up and over the ropes and out to the floor so no shot for you. McDaniel gets Flair back on the apron and chops him again. Flair falls down on the apron and rolls back in the ring. McDaniel chops Flair again and goes into his war dance. He chops Flair down. McDaniel with an Irish whip and gets the sleeper on again. Flair fighting not to pass out. Flair reaches for the ropes, but he is starting to fade. Flair reaches the corner with his feet and pushes back and gets the pin on McDaniel. Solie says that McDaniel wasn't even aware that he was pinned. Ring Announcer Chet Tharp announces Flair as the winner, but the crowd doesn't care. They are upset that McDaniel lost and now would rather go back out into the remnants of a hurricane rather than listen to an announcement that Ric Flair won. Those left boo the result. Solie and Graham review the end of the match.
-Coach John Heath interviews Wahoo McDaniel. He says he is disappointed at the result, but promises Ric Flair that he will be back.
-Gordon Solie then sends out best wishes for the recovery of Mike Von Erich as this is when he had his unfortunate turn and then signs off from Tampa.

-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show with a few understandable under the circumstances hiccups. Too bad it was too little too late for CWF.