Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 191 Notes

-Finally back on a semi-regular schedule.
-Mantaur Mike Halac.
-I was on vacation and since this is a long show, I'm going to sprinkle in some of what happened to me over the next several shows to catch you up.
-July 4th: I think I'm finally over fireworks.
-Stately Maine Manor and the haircut.
-Today we look at SummerSlam 92 from the WWF.
-SummerSlam 92 was shown on PPV on August 31, 1992. It was recorded August 29, 1992 from Wembley Stadium in London, England.
-Intro of fans at Wembley. Included in this is the girl who says the British Bulldog's going to win, whether he wants to or not.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to SummerSlam. He and Bobby Heenan are the announcers for the evening. Heenan puts on a crown and says he is Sir Bobby, the King of England and McMahon says Henry VIII would be rolling over in his grave if he could see this. They discuss whose corner Mr. Perfect is going to be in for the main event.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. The Legion of Doom Hawk and Animal with Paul Ellering and heaven help us Rocco: Last appearance for the LOD in the WWF for several years. They and Ellering and the doorstop that is Rocco drive motorcycles to the ring. The crowd loves LOD. DiBiase and Hawk start. Hawk gets the fans to chant LOD. They lock up and DiBiase with a knee to Hawk's stomach. Hawk reverses an Irish whip and DiBiase bails out to the floor. That's a sound strategy. He gets met by Animal, who throws him back in the ring. and the LOD can do no wrong in the crowd's eyes. DiBiase screaming at Animal, only to turn around and get clotheslined to the outside by Hawk and then clotheslined on the outside by Animal and DiBiase certainly has his bumping shoes on here. He is also in all white, which is unusual for him in the WWF. Animal throws DiBiase back in the ring as the LOD chants start again. DiBiase scrambles over and tags IRS in. Hawk tags Animal in. They circle each other and IRS on the offensive early with strikes to Animal in the corner. Animal reverses a corner whip and IRS hits the post back first and falls to the ground. Animal grabs IRS by his tie and then press slams him down to the mat. DiBiase starts to come in to break up the pin attempt, but Animal only gets a one count. Animal up and telling DiBiase to come in and he will get press slammed by Animal as well, so DiBiase rethinks it and stays on the apron. Animal with a wrist lock and Hawk tagged in and hits a forearm shot to IRS from the top rope. IRS comes back with a rake to the face and an Irish whip and a sleeper. Hawk fighting the sleeper and trying not to go out. The crowd chanting Hawk, encouraging him. Hawk goes down to one knee and the crowd starts chanting LOD. The referee checks the arm, but it doesn't fall three times. Hawk makes it back to his feet and backs IRS into the buckle to break the hold. Hawk with a corner whip and clothesline. Hawk goes up top and goes for the top rope clothesline, but IRS ducks and Hawk goes spilling to the outside. Animal in the ring going after IRS and the referee trying to get him out, meanwhile, DiBiase down on the outside with a scoop slam to Hawk on the mat. DiBiase was tagged and I missed it I assume. He brings Hawk back in and runs him into IRS' boot and IRS tagged in. IRS with a snap mare and an elbow drop on Hawk. He only gets a two count and Hawk kicks out so hard, IRS almost takes referee Joey Marella out. Money Inc doing quick tags and keeping Hawk in their corner. IRS gets Hawk down on the mat with a rear chin lock. Ellering and Animal get the crowd to chant LOD. Animal gets in the ring and while Marella is getting him back out, DiBiase and IRS switch places without tagging. Heenan says if you are close enough, you don't have to tag. Marella lets it go like he's Elsa in Frozen. Animal comes in and we've seen this part before and what you think happens is exactly what happens here. McMahon and Heenan argue over the lack of tags as DiBiase is legally tagged in to the ring. Hawk flat on the mat and DiBiase attacking him. He only gets a two count. Hawk is run into a corner post, but reverses another attempt and DiBiase run into the post instead. IRS tagged in and cuts off Hawk tagging Animal in. IRS with several shots to Hawk. IRS with an Irish whip, Hawk ducks a clothesline attempt, and comes back with one of his own. It wasn't pretty, but it was effective. Both men down. I told you that it wasn't pretty. DiBiase tagged in and IRS holding Hawk by the boot so that DiBiase can kick him. They goad Animal in, and Marella has to get him out of the ring as DiBiase laughs at Animal and kicks Hawk. Animal goaded into the ring again and isn't in the corner as Hawk breaks free and goes for a tag. DiBiase brings Hawk over to the heel's corner and IRS is choking Hawk with something while Marella is busy trying to get Animal out of the ring and the heels are being very effective in this match. You see when Marella finally gets IRS out that he has been choking Hawk with the tag rope. DiBiase with a front face lock as the Hawk chant goes out again. Hawk lifts DiBiase up a little while still in the front face lock and gets closer to his corner, but doesn't get all the way there to make the tag. Hawk picks up DiBiase again and this time gets close enough to tag Animal in. But IRS distracted Marella long enough for him not to see the tag and the heels bring Hawk back over to their corner as Marella is getting Animal out of the ring. IRS tagged in. He Irish whips Hawk. Double clothesline and both men are down. Both DiBiase and Animal tagged in. The crowd popped big time for the Animal tag and Hawk begging off as soon as Animal steps through the ropes. Animal with an Irish whip and a flying shoulder tackle to DiBiase. IRS Comes in and Animal hits him with a dropkick. Money Inc. double teaming Animal in a corner. Double Irish whip to Animal, who comes back with a double clothesline to Money Inc. Now all four men in the ring at the same time. Animal atomic drops IRS out of the ring. Hawk with a corner whip to DiBiase and then a corner whip to Animal, who hits DiBiase with a corner clothesline. They signal for the Doomsday Device and of course the crowd wants to see it. Jimmy Hart gets up on the apron to distract Marella and IRS gets back in and dropkicks Animal. Animal knocks IRS to the apron and Hawk Irish whips DiBiase into IRS. Animal then power slams DiBiase to get the pin. It wasn't the Doomsday Device, but the crowd loved it anyway. Heenan says the ending wasn't fair.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair. It is a crying shame that Flair isn't wrestling on this show. He used to be the World Champion, and he is not wrestling on the biggest card they are going to have that year? Mean Gene says that Flair felt disgruntled when the main event was announced because Flair felt like he was the #1 contender. I agree wholeheartedly. Flair says it wasn't just him who was disgruntled. You tell him Ric! He says when you are talking about big events, you've got to be talking about Ric Flair. Mean Gene says he's noticed that Flair is wearing his wrestling attire. He asks Flair what is going on and Flair says that anyone who knows Ric Flair knows he's ready for any kind of action. Mean Gene asks Flair whos corner Mr. Perfect will be in. Flair plays coy, but doesn't answer the question.
-Sean Mooney interviews Virgil, who is going to be facing Nailz. Virgil rambles on about being ready for Nailz.
-Nailz vs. Virgil: Nailz is already in the ring and Virgil gets a great reaction when he comes out. The bell rings and immediately Nailz grabs Virgil. He chokes Virgil in the corner, breaks on the three count, and goes back to choking Virgil. He breaks on the counts, but goes back to choking immediately. Virgil fighting back. Virgil with a flurry of offense, but can't get Nailz off his feet. Nailz back to choking Virgil in the corner. Nailz with some eye rakes to knock Virgil to the ground. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Virgil being choked on the mat now, but Nailz still breaking on the four count. Nailz throws Virgil outside and then comes out after Virgil. Nailz runs Virgil into the ring apron. Nailz breaks the count before going out after Virgil again and slamming his head down on the apron again. Nailz throws Virgil back into the ring and Virgil starts to come back with a series of moves to Nailz. Nailz cuts him off with a clothesline. Nailz with an Irish whip and gets Virgil in a sleeper that McMahon says looks more like a choke hold. The referee rings the bell because Virgil goes out while still on his feet. Nailz gets the night stick after the match and chokes Virgil with it. Nailz then kicks Virgil out of the ring where officials are out to check on Virgil.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is in the back knocking on the door of the Macho Man to see if Mr. Perfect is in Randy Savage's dressing room. Hayes says he can't confirm the rumors that Perfect is in there, but can confirm that the door is locked and nobody is answering.
-Mean Gene interviews Sensational Sherri about the Rick Martel and Shawn Michaels match and I would not kick Sherri out of bed for eating crackers I will tell you that. Mean Gene runs down the events as we are shown in flashback what led up to the match between the two wrestlers. Sherri says that she asked for the stipulation and both men have agreed not to hit each other in the face.
-Rick Martel vs. Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri: Martel is already in the ring and Michaels gets a good reaction when he comes out despite being a heel. Heenan whistles Michaels' theme. Heenan and McMahon both say they don't think the wrestlers will comply with the no hitting in the face policy. Sherri helps Michales take off his ring gear. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Martel with a side headlock. Michaels goes to push off, but Martel will not let go. Michaels attacking Martel's midsection to try and get out of the move. He then pushes off and hits dropkicks and leapfrogs to avoid Martel. He goes to monkey flip Martel, who cartwheels out of the way to avoid the move. Sherri yells at Michaels to stay on Martel. Another lock up and Michaels with a side headlock. Martel pushes off, misses a clothesline attempt, and Michaels slips between Martel's legs and hits Martel with a dropkick. Michaels gloats, but gets hit from behind by Martel. Martel gets Michaels in the corner and hits Michaels with a knee to the midsection. Michaels reverses a corner whip, Martel comes back with a reverse crossbody, and Michaels drops down to avoid the move. He gets Martel down. Martel gets back to his feet. Michaels then snatches Martel by the hair to get him back down, but Martel kips up back to his feet again. They then take turns getting each other down, only to have their opponent get back up again. Back and forth. Michaels running the ropes after an Irish whip and Martel with dropdowns and leap frogs to avoid Michaels until he can time it right and throw Michaels to the outside of the ring. Martel taunts the fans while Sherri checks on Michaels. Martel goes outside and taps Sherri on her shoulder. He then hugs Sherri and she has a big smile on her face. Michaels trying to get back to his feet. Martel goes over and hits Michaels with a double ax handle before throwing Michaels back in the ring. Martel with another double ax handle to Michaels before getting an Irish whip and a backdrop. This has been a good match. Martel with another Irish whip. Michaels ducks a clothesline attempt and rolls Martel up. He pulls Martel's tights. but gets caught by the referee and Martel takes advantage of this and rolls Michaels up. He pulls the tights and gets caught, so Michaels takes advantage and rolls Martel up. Michaels gets caught again, but they are up in the ropes anyway. Michaels with a double ax handle as both men take the time to pull their trunks back up. There were two moons at Wembley. Michaels with some shots and a kick to Martel's chest. Michaels gets a two count. Martel with a shot to Michael's stomach. Michaels with a series of shots to Martel in the corner. Martel reverses a corner whip, but runs into Michaels' knee. Michaels rolls Martel up, but the referee sees Michaels have his feet on the ropes and stops the count. Michaels was struggling to get his feet on the ropes and nearly messed that spot up. Michaels up and arguing with referee Joey Marella. Martel with a roll up to Michaels to get a two count. Both get back to their feet and start to argue with each other and push each other. Michaels finally slaps Martel in the face. Martel slaps Michaels back as Sherri gets up on the apron. They shove each other and both men cock their fists as Sherri screams no at them. Sherri falls on the apron and Heenan says that she couldn't take the tension between the two men and she fainted. Martel goes over to the referee while Michaels goes over to Sherri to check on her. He prods her with his foot to see if she is okay and she falls off the apron to the floor. Michaels turns Sherri over and fans her to try and revive her. Martel comes over. He pushes Michaels out of the way and starts giving Sherri chest compressions. Michaels comes over and shoves Martel, asking Martel what his problem is before punching Martel in the face. They start fighting up the aisle and both men get counted out. Sherri starts to come to. She sees what they are doing and then pretends to be out again as officials come out to try and separate the two wrestlers. I see Dave Hebner, JJ Dillon, Rene Goulet, and Pat Patterson. Hey two SummerSlam's in a row for JJ as he was in the reception for Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage the year before. Poor Randy and Liz. I used to joke that the Match made in Hell lasted longer than their marriage. I admit now that it is a cruel joke, but in my defense, I was just a stupid teenager at the time. Officials keeping Martel away as Michaels goes back towards the ring to check on Sherri. Michaels picks Sherri up and puts her on his shoulders to take her back to the dressing room. Officials trying to get Martel back to the dressing room area, but he isn't going. Martel breaks free and runs and punches Michaels. Both Michaels and Sherri fall to the ground. The crowd cheers and they are a ruthless bunch here today. Martel picks Sherri up and starts taking her to the back and the crowd cheers and this is a fickle crowd. Michaels attacks Martel from behind and both Martel and Sherri fall. Sherri taking more bumps than most wrestlers in a match today. The officials finally get Martel and get him to the back as Michaels checks on Sherri. He grabs her and starts to carry her towards the back. Martel comes back out with a bucket of water and while I think this has now gone on too long, the crowd is really into it, so I guess they must be doing something right. Your mileage may vary. Michaels starts backing away from Martel as the crowd cheering for Martel to throw water on Michaels. Martel throws the bucket of water on Sherri and Michaels drops her and takes off after Martel and Heenan says Martel has revived Sherri. Sherri comes to and screams before taking off after Michaels and Martel.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart. They are laughing at what just happened to Sherri and make some jokes at her expense. They then turn serious and say they beat Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior and are the #1 contenders, so why don't they have a tag team title shot? They ask Jimmy Hart why they don't have a title shot. He looks worried for a second saying that there is Money Inc, but then says of course they will get a title shot. There is trouble in paradise and this is what they call foreshadowing, folks.
-WWF World Tag Team Championship Match. The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon vs. The Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake with the Genius: The Genius reads a poem before the match. The Natural Disasters get a great reaction when they come out. Beverly Brothers attack the Natural Disasters as soon as they get in the ring. They go to corner whip the Natural Disasters into each other, but the Natural Disasters turn it around on the Beverly Brothers and get them down instead with clotheslines. Then then squash both Beverly Brothers between them. Typhoon then starts the match against Blake and scoop slams Blake. Something tells me this isn't going to go well for the Beverly Brothers. He gets Blake down, but Blake moves on a leg drop attempt. Blake comes back with an eye rake, but tries for a scoop slam and that's a bad idea. He tries again and gets Typhoon up, but Typhoon then falls on Blake. Beau breaks up the pin attempt and now all four men in the ring. Referee Mike Chioda gets the two extra men out as Typhoon hits a corner whip and splash. Typhoon then holds Blake in the corner for Earthquake to splash, but Beau distracts and Blake moves out of the way and Typhoon gets splashed instead. The Beverly Brothers take over double teaming Typhoon as Chioda is trying to get Earthquake out of the ring. Beau tagged in and splashes Typhoon for a cover. He only gets a two count and Typhoon kicks out so hard, Beau lands on the outside of the ring. Beau back in the ring and stomping down Typhoon as Bobby Heenan announces that Shawn Michaels has left Wembley Stadium. Blake tagged in and hits a headbutt from the second rope to Typhoon. Blake hits a leg drop and brags to the crowd that he and his partner are going to win the tag team titles. Big blond guy with a mustache hits a leg drop in the WWF, yeah that tracks. Can't argue with the logic there. He only gets a two count though. Beau tagged in and comes down on Typhoon's lower back after leapfrogging Blake. Beverly Brothers have done a good job cutting the ring in half here. Beau kicking Typhoon in the midsection and choking him on the second rope. This brings Earthquake in for the Beverly Brother do double team Typhoon some more while the referee is getting Earthquake out. Blake tagged in and hits Typhoon with a double ax handle from the second rope. Beverly Brothers need to string some moves together and get a pin as Beau back in to deliver some more punishment. They double team Typhoon in their corner. This brings Earthquake back in and the third verse is the same as the first two verses. Blake back in with another double ax handle from the second turnbuckle. He then hits a headbutt off the ropes to get another two count. Blake with a front face lock. Typhoon struggling to get back to his feet. He does get back to his feet and struggling to get to his corner to make the tag to Earthquake. He does make the tag, but Beau had distracted Chioda so he didn't see it and won't allow it. All four men in the ring. Beau with a double ax handle to Typhoon's back. The Beverly Brothers have concentrated on that part of Typhoon's body. Beau choking Typhoon on the ropes, but breaks on the four count. Blake tagged in and he and Beau slamming Typhoon back into the corner and Typhoon comes out with a double clothesline to both Beverly Brothers. Blake cuts Typhoon off from making the tag with a headbutt. Typhoon with an Irish whip and Blake comes back with a crossbody attempt and Typhoon catches him. Beau climbs up on the top rope while Chioda is caught up with Earthquake who had come in. Beau dropkicks Blake on top of Typhoon, but he only gets a two count. Typhoon gets back to his feet and slams Blake head first down to the mat. Beau comes out and grabs Earthquake's leg and the Genius hands Blake his scroll. Chioda gets both wrestlers back to their respective corners as Blake has blasted Typhoon with the scroll. Earthquake gets in the ring and drops an elbow on Blake to prevent the pin before getting back out of the ring. A double count going. Both wrestlers struggling to get to their corners to make the tag. Both Beau and Earthquake tagged in and the crowd pops big time when Earthquake comes in. He hits some forearms to Beau and hip tosses him out of the corner. Beau begging off, but Earthquake hits him with a nice belly to belly suplex. The Beverly Brothers both in and attacking Earthquake. Typhoon tries to come in and gets cut off by Chioda. Double Irish whip to Earthquake, and he comes back with a double shoulder block to both Beverly Brothers to knock them to the mat. Typhoon in and he throws Blake out of the ring. Earthquake splashes Beau in the corner and then slams him down. Earthquake then does the sit down splash to get the pin and the crowd absolutely loves it. The Genius gets up on the apron to complain and the Natural Disasters grab him and throw him out of the ring to the roar of the crowd.
-Mean Gene interviews the Bushwhackers. They say they are having fun at SummerSlam and that we still don't know whose corner Mr. Perfect is going to be in. I'll tell you, they are going to run this Mr. Perfect thing into the ground aren't they? Mean Gene says there is a dentist in London trying to sell Luke a London Bridge. Luke says he don't need no London Bridge. They fly all those thousands of miles to do stand up comedy. Mean Gene says that the Bushwhackers have been invited to dine at Buckingham Palace and Butch says for Mean Gene to keep that to himself.
-Lord Alfred Hayes is now in front of The Ultimate Warrior's door. I find it odd that when they were in front of Randy Savage's door, that it said Macho Man, but the Warrior's door only has the Warrior face symbol on it. Two SummerSlam's in a row where they have someone in front of a door after Bobby Heenan challenged Hulk Hogan on behalf of Ric Flair the year before. Alfred says that he has reason to believe that Mr. Perfect is inside the Warrior's dressing room. He tries to open the door, but it slams closed again.
-The Repo Man vs. Crush: Demolition explodes, but I bet you a dollar to a doughnut that will not be mentioned. Repo Man already in the ring. Crush introduced and gets a respectable ovation as he comes out. Repo Man attacks Crush as soon as he gets in the ring with double ax handles to the back. Crush grabs Repo Man and military presses him several times. That is impressive to get someone of that size up there. He slams Repo down and Repo rolls to the outside to regroup and he is holding his back as he does. Crush comes out after Repo and clotheslines him on the outside. Crush then throws Repo back in the ring and hits him with several forearms and shots. Crush with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Repo comes back with a crossbody attempt and Crush catches Repo. Crush lays Repo on the top rope horizontally and attacks Repo's back with forearms. He then kicks Repo. Repo Man falls back in the ring and Crush kicks him again and then hits an Irish whip and a backbreaker to Repo Man. Crush goes in for another move, only to get met with an eye rake from Repo. Repo Man with a shot and a belly to back suplex to Crush. Crush comes back with a belly to belly suplex to Repo Man. Crush follows that up with a backbreaker and goes up top to come off with a knee drop, but Repo moves out of the way. Repo tries several forearms to the back of Crush to no avail, but then gets Crush with another poke to the eyes and that works every time. It is always effective. Crush reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Repo slams Crush face first into the mat. Repo Man gets a two count and Crush kicks out so forcefully, Repo Man goes flying to the outside and this has been the day for that. Repo Man goes up top to come off as Crush turns around, but Crush catches Repo as he comes off and power slams Repo Man. He gets a one count, but gets up and signals that he wants to do the Cranium Crush instead. He applies the hold and slams Repo Man down and Repo Man gives up right away. Smart move by Repo. The crowd cheers the win by Crush.
-Mean Gene narrates the flashbacks that led up to the world title match and in whose corner Mr. Perfect would be in.
-Vince and Bobby talk about the main event.
-WWF World Championship match. Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior: Warrior out first to a great ovation as he runs down the aisle at his usual pace. The announcers speculate that since Perfect isn't with the Warrior, he must be with Savage. Savage comes out by himself as well and the crowd goes wild for him. Heenan says something doesn't seem right or this could be a decoy. The referee gets the belt and holds it up high. The bell rings and they are face to face in the middle of the ring. They both still have all of their ring stuff on as Savage extends a hand out to the Warrior. Warrior indicates that Savage has sold out and gotten Mr. Perfect for his corner. Savage extends his hand out again and Warrior shakes it. Savage goes to pull away and Warrior brings him closer. They start shoving each other in the face. They then start tearing off their gear to the roar of the crowd. Their stuff is off and they start to circle each other. Both men pulling on the ring ropes to loosen up. The crowd does chant, but they aren't dueling, so you can't tell what they are saying. They lock up. They get to the ropes and break clean. Another lock up and Warrior shoves Savage off. Savage comes back with a knee to the midsection and a clothesline to Warrior. Then another clothesline from behind to Warrior. He gets a one count and Warrior with a powerful kick-out. Savage goes up top for a double ax handle, but Warrior hits Savage in the midsection as he comes off. Warrior follows up with an atomic drop to Savage. Warrior then picks Savage up and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Warrior with a clothesline as Savage was getting back to his feet to knock Savage down again. Warrior with a series of shoulder blocks to knock Savage down. He goes for an elbow drop, but Savage moves out of the way. Savage with a series of punches and a knee drop to Warrior. He gets a two count. Savage puts a sleeper on a seated Warrior. Warrior gets to his feet and then comes down with a jaw breaker to Savage to break the hold. Warrior grabs Savage by the hair and slams him face first into the mat. The crowd is more for the Warrior here. Warrior gets a two count. Warrior with a corner whip. He follows that up with a right hand that knocks Savage down to the mat. Savage gets back to his feet, only to get knocked down again. Warrior with a right hand to Savage, who lands up against the ropes this time. Warrior with a corner whip. Warrior with a series of kicks to Savages' chest. He kicks Savage down and the crowd cheers. Maybe they were more fans of Miss Elizabeth than they were of Savage? What a time to find out that the fans liked your ex-wife more than they liked you. Warrior with a short arm clothesline that he learned from Jake Roberts no doubt, to get a two count on Savage. Savage gets up, grabs Warrior by his outfit, and runs Warrior into a turnbuckle and gets booed. This is a fickle crowd. Warrior gets back to his feet and Savage clotheslines him out of the ring. Savage comes out after Warrior and throws him back in the ring. He gets a two count. Savage goes up top and hits a double ax handle to Warrior, but he doesn't go down. He starts to go into his the power of the Warrior routine I believe you would call it. I don't know what else to call it and I think you know what I mean. Savage goes back up top. Another double ax handle and this time Warrior does go down. He gets a close two count. Savage goes back to the top rope as Warrior gets to his feet and Savage goes for a crossbody, but Warrior catches him. Warrior raises one hand to the crowd and it looks impressive that he is holding Savage up like that until you realize that Savage is holding onto Warrior for dear life. Warrior slams Savage down with a backbreaker. He gets a close two count. Warrior gets Savage back to his feet and hits him with a right hand. Warrior then whips Savage into a buckle and then into the opposite buckle. Warrior does his air humping routine before knocking Savage down to the mat with another right hand. Warrior with another corner whip and if he keeps them up, we may have to start taking shots for each one he does. Another corner whip by Warrior. I say we ease into this since we still have a lot of show to go so take a half shot IYDAH. Another right hand and corner whip. Take a half shot. So we are one shot in at this point. Warrior follows that up with a bear hug. At least it isn't a corner whip as this match could endanger your liver. Warrior throws Savage to the ground and gets another two count. The crowd starts to chant Warrior. Warrior struggles, but does get Savage up for a side slam. He gets another two count. Warrior goes to lift Savage up again, only to get a small package from Savage for a two count. Warrior with an Irish whip, so no shot for you. He lowers his head too early and Savage with a swinging neck breaker that the Honky Tonk Man made famous as the Shake, Rattle, and Roll and there's a guy who would have tremendous insight on this match having been in the ring with the other two many times. Savage gets a two count. Savage does his patented over the top rope guillotine move to the Warrior. Savage only gets another two count. Savage goes to suplex the Warrior, but his back is hurting him too much. Savage grabs his back and falls to the mat. McMahon says that Warrior's neck is in bad shape and Savage's back is in bad shape as Warrior gets Savage up and starts hitting the injured back with blows. Savage falls to the mat in pain. Warrior picks Savage up and hits another forearm to the back. Warrior gets Savage up and into a front face lock. Warrior indicating by his movements that his neck is still bothering him. Warrior with a suplex and cover, but he only gets a two count. Savage scrambles to the ropes to try and get back to his feet. Savage up on his feet but just hanging against the top rope. Warrior runs to clothesline Savage out of the ring, but Savage ducks and Warrior spills to the outside. Savage climbs up top and hits the double ax handle to the outside on Warrior. Warrior spills off of the podium that the ring is on to the floor of Wembley. McMahon says that the Warrior will be counted out and Heenan says that Savage is going out after Warrior and that is what he is doing. Savage knocks Warrior down with a right hand shot. Savage runs Warrior into the ring steps. Savage breaks the count and goes out after Warrior again as the crowd starts their Warrior chant again. Savage runs Warrior into a ring post. Savage breaks the count again and goes after Warrior. He kicks Warrior down as McMahon says that Savage guaranteed that he would beat the Warrior 1,2,3 with a pin in the center of the ring. Savage throws Warrior back in the ring. He gets a close two count. You see Mr. Perfect and Ric Flair start to walk to the ring and Perfect has the worst looking tuxedo or suit on that I have ever seen. The jacket is open and it looks all loose. I don't know what the story is with that. Savage going for a piledriver as the crowd gets to it's feet to look at the two coming down the aisle. Warrior reverses the piledriver into a backdrop, but Savage hooks the legs and gets a two count. Warrior back to his feet and hits Savage with a clothesline of his own for a two count. Perfect and Flair still walking to the ring because it's a long way from the back. Warrior with a scoop slam and Warrior holds his neck and moves it back and forth trying to loosen it up as the announcers say that now we will find out exactly whose corner Perfect is supposed to be in. Perfect and Flair get to ringside just as Warrior goes for a splash and Savage gets his knees-up. Savage gets a two count, although they were very close to the ropes. Warrior reverses an Irish whip and both men are down with a double clothesline. A double count going as the announcers say that Mr. Perfect has to make a move to a corner soon as he and Flair are standing in the middle of ringside. Warrior struggles up and falls on Savage to get a two count. Savage then gets a two count. Savage backs to the ropes and Perfect trips him and McMahon says now we know whose side Perfect is on. Savage up and pointing to Perfect and indicating that Perfect took money from Warrior in order to help Warrior get Savage's title. Warrior back to his feet and knocks Savage down with a shot. Warrior lifts Savage up by the throat and then throws him down in a corner. Heenan says Savage hit his head on the bottom rope. Warrior with a corner whip back to the same corner Savage was in and Savage hits referee Earl Hebner. Warrior with a scoop slam and then goes up top and hits Savage with a double ax handle. He covers, but the referee isn't there to count. By the time that he gets there, Warrior only gets a two count. Warrior arguing with the official about the count. Savage hits Warrior with a high knee from behind, knocking Warrior into Hebner again and knocking Hebner to the outside. Savage hits a piledriver on Warrior. Savage then goes outside to revive Hebner and Perfect comes in and gets Warrior back to his feet and then holds Warrior for Flair to hit Warrior with some foreign object, although since they are in England, it may just be called an object. The announcers then say it must have been Savage that paid off Perfect. McMahon says he doesn't think Savage saw what happened as he was trying to revive Hebner. McMahon says he is confused as Savage scoop slams the Warrior. Savage goes up top and hits the flying elbow drop. He gets an extremely close two count. Perfect over and conferring with Flair on the outside. The crowd is cheering as Warrior is making his way back to his feet even though Savage is hitting him with shots. Flair has grabbed a chair from ringside. The Warrior is doing his ropes shaking move and the crowd is absolutely loving every minute of it. He hits Savage with a series of clotheslines. He then hits Savage with the flying shoulder block. Warrior lifts Savage up for the press slam. He hits it and then goes for the splash. Perfect trips him up a little bit, but he keeps going only to get hit by Flair with the chair. Both wrestlers down. Savage up and turns Warrior over. Savage looks around and then asks Hebner what happened to the Warrior since Savage knows he didn't cause the Warrior to go down like that. When Hebner isn't looking, Perfect grabs at Savage's foot trying to trip him and Savage kicks Perfect away. Hebner goes outside to get on Perfect for trying to interfere as Savage goes out to the apron and climbs up to the top. The crowd encouraging him. Savage up top looking at the Warrior before pivoting to jump on Flair, who hits Savage with the chair as he is coming down. Savage goes down and he is holding his knee and Heenan says he bet he tore his knee as he came down. Hebner counting Savage, who is crawling trying to make his way back towards the ring. Savage is counted out and as the referee calls for the bell, Perfect and Flair attack Savage and Perfect drops a knee on Savage's leg and McMahon says that they are trying to break the leg of Savage. Flair then puts the figure four on Savage on the floor. Hebner goes out to break it up as Warrior comes to in the ring. Perfect throws Hebner out of the way and continues to pound on Savage as Flair keeps the figure four on. Warrior up, but unsteady on his feet and he falls out of the other side of the ring. Flair lets go of the figure four, but he and Perfect keep up the assault on Savage. Flair gets the chair and goes to hit Savage with it, but Warrior comes around the ring and grabs the chair before Flair can use it. Warrior grabs the chair and chases Flair to the back with it and that's how Warrior also left SummerSlam '91. Well, we know he won't get fired by McMahon when he gets to the back this time at least. Flair and Perfect are running a 100 yard dash as Warrior throws the chair at them about halfway down, no doubt remembering what happened to him at the previous years SummerSlam. This is the last SummerSlam for both Savage and Warrior as competitors. Savage's record is 2-2 and Warrior is a perfect 5-0. Warrior gets back in the ring to check on Savage as Howard Finkel announces Warrior as the winner, but Savage as still being the champion as Warrior goes outside and grabs the WWF title and gets in the ring. He looks down at the belt before helping Savage up and presenting the belt to Savage. Savage falls back to the ground holding his knee. Warrior's last WWF PPV appearance for almost four years and Savage's last appearance as WWF Champion. Warrior helps Savage out of the ring and to the back as the crowd cheers both men. Savage's knee is either really hurt or he is selling it like he's been shot.
-Mean Gene interviews Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. Gene screams at them asking them what the hell was going on out there. There was no deal and Perfect says there was a deal. It was a done deal between Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect. A lot of people will be talking about the previous deal and how that didn't go down. That was Plan A and now Plan B is in full effect. Flair says he should have had the shot to begin with, not the Ultimate Warrior. Now you ask the Ultimate Warrior what he wants in life and its got to be Ric Flair and Flair says he is waiting on the Ultimate Warrior. He says maybe Plan A slid by, but now we are looking at Plan B. He says the two most perfect men alive today are himself and Mr. Perfect. Flair ends by telling Savage that the title is coming back to him.
-Vince McMahon announces the attendance as 80,355.
-Howard Finkel introduces Harvey Wippleman, who brings out Kamala and Kim Chee.
-Kamala with Harvey Wippleman and Kim Chee vs. The Undertaker with Paul Bearer: When the Undertaker comes out, he is standing at the back of a hearse as Bearer leads Undertaker and the hearse to ringside. This is the beginning of the Undertaker's big entrances at PPV's I believe. The crowd is in awe. Undertaker takes his time getting into the ring and taking his stuff off. The bell rings and Kamala rushes Undertaker, who responds with throat thrusts to Kamala. He chokes Kamala in the corner to the roar of the crowd. He breaks on the four count. Kamala reverses a corner whip, but misses the charge when Undertaker moves out of the way. Undertaker with more throat thrusts and a wrist lock to Kamala. Undertaker then goes up top and hits Old School on Kamala. If you are going to do that move and Undertaker is one of those wrestlers who can do that, that's the way you are supposed to do it. Not grab the wrist, go up and go a little dance, make a little love, no you just get down tonight! This isn't the hokey pokey where you turn yourself around, this is wrestling. Okay, back off my soap box. I don't know who brought it all the way over here to London, but I'm not carrying it back with me when I leave. Kim Chee tries to get up on the apron to distract Undertaker, but it doesn't work as Undertaker continues with the throat thrusts. Undertaker grabs the wrist again to go for old school. Wippleman gets up on the apron to distract Undertaker and Kamala pulls Undertaker off the top rope. Wippleman gets off the apron as Bearer chases Wippleman away and Kamala chops Undertaker. Kamala clotheslines Undertaker to the outside, but Undertaker lands on his feet and grabs Wippleman and Kim Chee by their throats and chokes them before getting attacked from behind by Kamala, who hits Undertaker with shots and chops and a back kick. Kamala then runs Undertaker into the ring steps. Kamala keeps up the assault with more chops and a headbutt. Kamala then rolls Undertaker back in the ring and chops him. Kamala, with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Undertaker grabs Kamala by the throat. He then chokeslams Kamala to the roar of the crowd. Undertaker with an Irish whip and his patented flying chokeslam. Bearer signals to Undertaker to finish Kamala off as Kamala gets back to his feet. Undertaker goes to hit Kamala with the Tombstone as Kim Chee gets in and attacks Undertaker with his helmet, causing a disqualification. Undertaker grabs Kim Chee by the throat and throws him out of the ring. Kamala attacks Undertaker from behind and then gets Undertaker in the corner with a chop. He splashes Undertaker several times in the corner. Kamala scoop slams Undertaker and then splashes him as Howard Finkel announces Undertaker the winner by disqualification. Kamala then splashes Undertaker from the second rope. He then goes back and splashes Undertaker from the top rope. Kim Chee and Harvey Wippleman get Kamala and bring him to the corner on the outside, perhaps to climb up to the top rope again, but Undertaker sits up and looks at Kamala and Kamala looks scared to death. Undertaker gets up and goes out of the ring after Kamala, who starts going up the aisle towards the back looking over his shoulder with a frightened look on his face. Kamala falls down briefly, but gets back to his feet and keeps going as the announcers say that the Undertaker is stalking Kamala back to the dressing room.
-Sean Mooney interviews the British Bulldog about his upcoming match with his brother-in-law Bret Hart and how the match has torn the family apart. Bulldog says it has, but he didn't make the match, Jack Tunney did. The British Bulldog has fought hard two long years to be the #1 contender for the IC belt. I understand what he is saying, but he did fight the Warlord at all 5 WWF PPV's in 1991, and I love the Warlord as much as the next guy, but he isn't going to help you climb the rankings. He says Bret is the IC champion and his brother-in-law, but when they meet in the ring, he has never met Bret Hart and doesn't even know him. According to Bret, as high and as messed up as Bulldog was for this match, I can believe that he probably didn't know much of anything going into it. He says he hopes by the end of the match, the families reunite. Mooney says that brings him to his second point, that when the Bulldog steps out there, he will be among 80,000 of his fellow countrymen. Bulldog says that isn't pressure, that's a dream for the British Bulldog, and his next dream is at the end of the match that he will be the next WWF Intercontinental Champion.
-Mean Gene interviews Bret Hart. Gene says that he agrees with Sean Mooney that there is a lot of pressure in this match, but that it is different for Bret than it is for the British Bulldog. He either must pin Bret or make him submit and then there is the family pressure. Bret says that he has proven that he works well under pressure. He says what irks him is that Bulldog has the gall to say that when he steps in the ring with Bret that he's never met Bret. He tells the Bulldog to look him in the eye and tell him that he doesn't know Bret. Bret says he was the one to introduce Bulldog to his sister Diana in the first place. He says that as far as the British Bulldog's career in the WWF, Bret is the one who helped him the most and that the Bulldog wouldn't be where he was in the WWF if it weren't for Bret Hart. He says talk about gratitude. The Bulldog forgets that he's the one who wanted to challenge Bret. He's the one responsible for all the family tension. He's the one that wanted the shot at the gold. He wanted the big fight, he's got the big fight and as far as his dream, Hart says his big dream of winning the WWF IC title in front of 80,000 of his compatriots. Hart thinks this big dream of his is going to turn into a nightmare and tomorrow morning, when he wakes up, he's going to think he woke up in the dungeon at Windsor castle. I'm glad that he added that last part so that the Bulldog wouldn't be wondering how he got to Calgary.
-Howard Finkel introduces the Balmoral Highlanders. They play the bagpipes and Scotland the Brave. Finkel then introduces Roddy Piper to play with them and he comes out to a huge ovation. Piper's last appearance until WrestleMania 10. Piper gets his bagpipes and plays Scotland the Brave with the group. He gets a big ovation from the crowd.
-Sean Mooney out in the crowd to interview Diana Hart Smith and buckle up, folks, because here we go. The camera that is shooting them is out of focus. She says this is going to be difficult for her to watch. Bret and Davey have always been fiercely competitive with each other and she is sure that it has enhanced their wrestling ability to drive them to become two of the greatest wrestlers in the world. I don't like to speculate on what anyone is doing, so I will chalk her performance up to nerves, but I will state that this is becoming somewhat of a SummerSlam tradition to interview a member of Bret Hart's family on air during the show after Lord Alfred Hayes did that hilariously memorable interview with Stu Hart at SummerSlam 1991. Diana says that this is the biggest match in both of their careers and she is worried that she has become an obstacle in their path. She is worried about what they are going to do to each other. She's afraid that they are going to destroy each other. Mooney, bless his heart, tries to help her and asks her who she thinks will win and Diana says that she isn't concerned with who wins. She says she loves both and that their bond as a family is what's important to her and nothing can replace that. Not even the IC title. Mooney says it will certainly be a war. Diana agrees and says she has been given a great honor tonight. To be able to go to the front line with her husband in battle. She is rambling and this has gone on way too long. The bell rings for Howard Finkel to introduce the match and I am thankful.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog: Bulldog out first led to the ring by boxer Lennox Lewis holding the Union Jack high. Bulldog is simply high. Okay, that was harsh of me, I know, but I think I got it out of my system. He does get a fantastic ovation. Hart out next and he also gets a respectful reaction when he comes out. He has a determined look on his face as he comes to the ring. McMahon thinks Hart is just as popular as Davey Boy and I don't know about that. That might be stretching things just a bit here. Hart takes the championship off and kisses it. He then presents it to referee Joey Marella. Bret presents his glasses to a fan at ringside. The kid would be in his mid thirties now. Boy, time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? The crowd gets to its feet as the match starts and they circle each other. They are then face to face staring at each other. Bulldog pushes Hart. They then circle each other again. They lock up and Bulldog pushes Hart away again. They circle each other again. Another lock up and Bulldog with a side headlock. Hart pushes off. He drops down and leapfrogs Bulldog to avoid him before Bulldog crashes into Hart and Hart falls to the outside from the bump. Hart back to his feet and takes a moment to regroup before getting back in the ring. Heenan says he doesn't know why the Bulldog let Whoopi Goldberg do his hair. Hart with a side headlock takedown. Bulldog with a headscissors and Hart immediately kicks out. Hart goes back to the side headlock takeover, but Bulldog misses with the headscissors reversal this time. Bulldog gets back to his feet and pushes off. Hart comes back and Bulldog tries to slam Hart, but Hart slips behind Bulldog and rolls him up for a two count. Hart follows that up with a small package for another two count. Hart then goes back to the side headlock takeover. Bulldog struggling to get back to his feet. He gets to his knees and reverses Hart into a hammerlock. He takes the opportunity to drive some knees into Hart's back. Hart gets back to his feet and hits Bulldog with a back elbow to break the hold. Hart gets a wrist lock. Bulldog twists out of the move and reverses it. He turns it into an arm bar. The crowd cheers as Diana is seen looking worried. Probably wondering if her husband is going to tag her in since she is in the war with him and on the front lines, you know. Insert eye roll here. Hart gets to his feet and pushes off. Hart drops down and as he goes for a leapfrog, Bulldog catches him in midair and slingshots Hart into the corner. Bulldog picks the arm bar back on Hart, which is a smart strategy on his part. Hart gets back to his feet, still in the arm bar. Bulldog picks Hart up by the arm and slams him back down to the mat. Hart gets back to his feet and pushes Bulldog back by his chin and pushes off. Bulldog comes back with a crucifix and gets a two count. Bulldog goes back to the arm bar to get Hart down and Heenan says that is sound strategy to go back to basics and get your opponent down with the same hold you had him in earlier. They do a brief picture in picture of Diana and it looks like she is cos playing Gwyneth Paltrow from the end of Seven if you're up on your movies from 29 years ago. Hart gets back to his feet and gets a scoop slam, but Bulldog doesn't let go of the hold, so Hart ends back in the same position on the mat. Bulldog bends Hart's wrist backwards to increase the pain and Hart takes that opportunity to grab a chin lock on Bulldog with his free hand. Hart twists over to get to his knees, which brings Bulldog to his knees to keep the hold on. Hart makes it to his feet while still in the hold and pushes off. He drops down again, but this time he hits Bulldog with a knee to the stomach as Bulldog comes back. Hart goes and kicks the inside of Bulldog's leg and then delivers a leg drop to Bulldog. Hart with a headlock to the seated Bulldog. Bulldog gets to his feet and hits Hart with some elbows to break the hold. He rushes Hart with a shoulder block, only to get met with a back elbow by Hart that knocks Bulldog back to the mat. Hart drops an elbow on Bulldog. Hart follows it up with an inverted atomic drop on Bulldog. He follows that up with an Irish whip to Bulldog, who comes back with a crucifix attempt again, but Hart goes straight down with a sort of modified Samoan drop. He gets a two count and then Hart immediately transitions to a headlock. Bulldog with his arm up fighting the pain of the hold. Bulldog trying to get back to his feet, so Hart switches to a side headlock to keep the hold on. Bulldog gets to his feet and pushes off. Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Bulldog with a dropdown, a leapfrog, and a monkey flip to Hart. The crowd loved that series of moves and cheered Bulldog wildly. Bulldog with the momentum as he hits Hart with a headbutt. Bulldog with a series of corner whips, but Hart gets his foot up on the charge. Hart also gets his share of cheers from that move as he grabs Bulldog by his hair and hits a bulldog on Smith and Heenan says that the Bulldog just got bulldogged. Hart goes up top, but gets caught and slammed off. Bulldog then goes up top to splash Hart, but Hart moves out of the way. Hart slams Bulldog's head down on the mat. Hart goes to scoop slam Bulldog, but Bulldog slips behind Hart and goes to roll him up, but Hart drops down and Bulldog goes flying to the outside of the ring. The crowd boos, but it was a good move. You can hate the player, but you can't hate the game. Insert your own HHH joke here folks. I can't do everything for you. Bulldog back to his feet and Hart hits what I can only describe as a combination suicide dive/side headlock takeover on Bulldog. That was an awesome move. Diana looking worried. Hart picks Bulldog up and runs him into the ring post. Hart then throws Bulldog back in the ring. Hart hits a brutal corner whip to Bulldog, who comes out of the corner holding his back. Hart attacks the legs to get Bulldog down. Hart with a side Russian leg sweep. He gets a two count. Bulldog back to his feet and Hart hitting him with a series of forearms. Bulldog will not go down. A dropkick does make Bulldog go down. Hart follows that up with an Irish whip and a backdrop to Bulldog. He gets a two count. Hart gets a headlock on. The crowd trying to get behind Bulldog or get on camera. Either one. Dealers choice. Bulldog gets to his feet. Hart with a suplex. He gets a two count and immediately goes to the side headlock again. Hart with a headbutt. He follows it up with another forearm, but Bulldog grabs the arm and gets a backslide. He gets a two count. Hart comes back with an elbow drop to Bulldog. Hart follows that up with a backbreaker. Then a second rope elbow drop and we seem to be entering the 5 moves of doom area. He gets a two count. Hart hits Bulldog in the head with a shot. He then picks Bulldog up and slams him back down. He then headbutts Bulldog and Hart seems determined. He hits a snap mare and goes back to the headlock. Bulldog gets back to his feet, takes a shot from Hart, goes to hit Hart with a shot that Hart ducks and Hart gets the sleeper on Bulldog. Bulldog crawls and gets to the ropes. Hart holds on to the sleeper for a long time, but finally breaks. Hart up and kicking Bulldog. Hart with an Irish whip and goes back to the sleeper again. Bulldog goes down to his knees. Bulldog with his arm up fighting the move as Diana is shown again. Bulldog starting to fade. His arm doesn't go down three times though. He gets back to his feet with Hart on his back. He runs Hart into the corner to break the hold. Hart immediately comes out of the corner to apply the hold again. Bulldog goes down to his knees and Marella there to ask Bulldog if he wants to give up. Bulldog gets to his feet again and runs Hart into the turnbuckle to break the hold. They go back and forth in the center of the ring. Bulldog with an Irish whip and goes to press slam Hart as Hart tries to slip out of the move and Hart lands in the ropes and that looked painful to me. Hart collapses to the mat in pain as Bulldog shown leaning on the ropes and this match has taken its toll on both men. Bulldog with a corner whip and a clothesline. Then another clothesline as the crowd is sensing the momentum shift and gets louder. Another clothesline by Bulldog gets a two count. Bulldog with a press slam. He gets another two count. Bulldog with a delayed vertical suplex to Hart. He only gets another two count. Hart with a patented sternum first hit into the corner after a corner whip so TASIYDAH. Bulldog gets another two count. Bulldog signals to the crowd and Heenan says that he is wasting too much time. Bulldog gets Hart up for a power slam. He hits it, but only gets another two count. Hart out by the ropes and Bulldog pushes him out to the apron. Bulldog goes to suplex Hart back in, but Hart slips behind Bulldog and hits a belly to back suplex with a bridge to get a two count. Both men struggle to get back to their feet. Hart goes for a suplex, but Bulldog blocks it and puts Hart on the top rope. Bulldog then hits a top rope superplex on Hart to a big pop from the crowd. He gets another close two count. Hart reverses an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and then a double clothesline knocks both men down. Hart picks his leg up and starts to get Bulldog in the Sharpshooter while both men are down on the ground. He gets Bulldog over and goes to put the move on. He gets the move on Bulldog. Bulldog fighting to get to the ropes as Marella asks him if he wants to give up. He gets to the ropes to break the hold. Bulldog reverses an Irish whip, Hart comes back with a sunset flip, Bulldog hooks the legs and gets the pin to become the new IC champion as the crowd goes wild. Finkel announces Bulldog as the winner as Diana makes her way from her seat to the ring. Bulldog gets to his feet and is presented the belt. Hart still sitting down and looking stunned as Bulldog is crying. Bulldog comes over and extends his hand. Hart starts to get out of the ring twice as the crowd boos. He finally walks over and shakes Bulldog's hand in the ring and hugs Bulldog. He then raises Bulldog's hand as the Bulldog's music plays and the crowd cheers. Diana hugs her husband and her brother. Bret then raises all of their hands as the family is reunited again. Fireworks go off behind them as they sign off from London.
-Final Thoughts: This was an epic show. The crowd was hot and the company was headed towards an autumn of change.