Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 192 Notes

-Rick Scaia.
-Williamsburg trip and being treated like we run the ferris wheel at the fair.
-Cheap Gas.
-AG, Lily Bay, and Good Pizza.
-The land of good coffee.
-Today, we look at the episode of WWF Superstars from September 12, 1992.
-We open with highlights of Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair for the WWF Title. Joined in progress. Savage outside the ring. Razor Ramon comes from behind and clips Savage's leg before stomping on Savage. They cut to Savage back in the ring and in Flair's figure four leg lock. Savage passes out as a result of the pain and Flair is once again the WWF Champion. Flair and Mr. Perfect celebrate in the ring as Flair is presented with the belt and raises it up high.
-Vince McMahon and Mr. Perfect then welcome us to Superstars where Mr. Perfect is happy and dancing. Perfect says he has been celebrating all week and told McMahon before SummerSlam that he would be in the corner of the WWF Champion and he was right. He says he hardly has a whoo left in him after the partying that they have been doing. Razor Ramon comes to the ring for a match and McMahon says he is also responsible for Ric Flair becoming champion as part of Plan B.
-Razor Ramon vs. Gary Jackson: Ramon hands his gold to the ring attendant and threatens him not to have something happen to the gold before turning to Jackson and absolutely pounding him down. Ramon stomps on Jackson on the mat. He picks Jackson up like he was going to perform a tombstone piledriver, but instead runs Jackson into the corner. He then kicks Jackson down and then chokeslams Jackson. He then stomps Jackson some more. Ramon with an Irish whip and a back elbow and he can end this match at any time. He puts Jackson on the top rope and does a fall away slam. He then performs the Razor's edge and pins Jackson. The crowd gives Ramon the thumbs down and boos him.
-Mean Gene Okerlund with a special report on the Ric Flair/Randy Savage title match. He talks about Razor Ramon interrupting a Randy Savage interview earlier in the night and Razor Ramon throwing his toothpick at Savage and Savage punching Ramon. Mean Gene then shows highlights of the title match. He then shows Ramon attacking Savage again after the match before officials come in to stop it before the Ultimate Warrior comes out and carries Savage to the back.
-Razor Ramon interview. He says Savage isn't so Macho now. He calls Savage the dirt underneath Ramon's fingernails.
-The Natural Disasters Earthquake and Typhoon vs. Joe Turner and Doug Sommers: The Natural Disasters are the tag team champions. They come to the ring and hold the belts up high. Earthquake and Turner start. They tie up and drive to a corner. Clean break. Earthquake with a hip toss out of the corner and a dropkick to Turner. He then scoop slams both of his opponents. He snap mares Turner and then drops an elbow on Turner. Typhoon tagged in. Typhoon with a corner whip and splash to Turner and a clothesline to Sommers when he comes in. Earthquake tagged back in. Double splash in the corner to Turner while the referee gets Sommers out of the ring. Natural Disasters with a double Irish whip and shoulder block to Sommers. Earthquake and Typhoon both splash Turner to get the pin.
-Event Center. Money Inc and Jimmy Hart say they are going to get their titles back. Tito Santana says the race is on to the top and he is on his way up and doesn't care who he is going to face.
-Papa Shango vs. Justin Taylor: The crowd looks freaked out as Shango comes to the ring with a smoking skull. Shango takes over on Turner. He just pummels him to the ground and overpowers Turner every time he tries to get up. He covers and pulls Turner up after two as he wants to punish Turner some more. Shango hits the shoulder breaker to get the pin.
-Event Center with Crush, where he tells everyone that he is from Hawaii and works in just about every Hawaiian phrase you have ever heard of in the process. The Beverly Brothers and The Genius say they belong at the top of the WWF.
-The Big Boss Man vs. Iron Mike Sharpe: Boss Man extremely popular with the crowd. Sharpe yells at the referee to make Boss Man get the night stick and handcuffs out of the ring. He takes his time, but finally does put them away. They circle each other, but Sharpe gets to the ropes before they lock up and makes referee Joey Marella get Boss Man away. Sharpe then screams at the crowd. They finally lock up and drive to the ropes. Break clean and Sharpe with a right hand to Boss Man. Sharpe with a series of right hands and an Irish whip. He goes to hit a big boot to Boss Man, who catches the leg and gets Sharpe down and drops a leg on Sharpe. Sharpe rolls to the outside to regroup. He yells at the fans some more and Boss Man comes out after him and hits Sharpe with a right hand to knock Sharpe down. Boss Man throws Sharpe back in the ring and Sharpe backing up and begging off. Boss Man with a series of body shots in the corner. Sharpe reverses a corner whip. Boss Man gets his foot up on the charge and scoop slams Sharpe. Sharpe rolls back outside. Boss Man slingshots Sharpe back in from the apron, but Sharpe responds with an eye rake. Sharpe with body shots. Boss Man reverses an Irish whip and hits a backdrop. He then hits the Boss Man Slam to get the pin and then handcuffs Sharpe to the bottom rope.
-Flashback to the celebration in the dressing room after Ric Flair's second WWF Title win. He has the belt and says they told you Plan B was going to work. He then dumps a glass of champagne that Mr. Perfect had poured for him on his head and calls himself Mr. WWF. Bobby Heenan comes in and they all celebrate. They gloat some more and Razor Ramon comes in. He says the gold looks good on Flair.
-The Nasty Boys Knobbs and Sags with Jimmy Hart vs. Greg Brown and Red Tyler: McMahon says Jimmy Hart is a little confused as to who is the #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles. Knobbs and Tyler start. Knobbs gets Tyler in the corner and just pounds on him. He hits a corner whip and a back elbow on Tyler. He gets an abdominal stretch on Tyler and Sags tagged in. Sags kicks Tyler down and Sags hits a pump handle slam and then goes outside to yell at the crowd as McMahon says he believes that the Ultimate Warrior will beat Ric Flair for the WWF Title soon and that Randy Savage will get revenge on Razor Ramon, but as they say, plans change. Knobbs also climbs down to yell at the crowd as they go to break and when they come back, Sags back in the ring and grabs Tyler and runs him into Knobb's arm pit. Sags then throws Tyler back to his own corner where he tags Brown in. Sags immediately throws Brown out. Knobbs goes down and slaps Brown around before throwing him back in. Knobbs tagged in. Double Irish whip and backdrop to Brown. Knobbs drops several elbows on Brown. Sags tagged back in and he also drops some elbows Knobbs tagged in and he and Sags double DDT Brown and Knobbs gets the pin.
-WWF Spotlight magazine ad.
-Event Center: Skinner says he has a problem with Jack Tunney banning his chew. That's a weird flex to have someone feud with the WWF President. An LOD Commercial. I believe that Hawk had been fired by this time, but I'm sure this had been recorded beforehand, so no harm, no foul.
-Preview of next week's episode of Superstars.
-The Undertaker with Paul Bearer vs. Pat Rose: Rose looks like he would rather be anywhere else at the moment. Undertaker takes his time taking his gear off. Rose was immediately attacked by Undertaker. He runs Rose into the corner and gets Rose up for an ugly looking choke slam. Undertaker then grabs the arm and goes up top for Old School. Undertaker then hits the Tombstone for the pin. Undertaker and Bearer then put Rose in a body bag as they sign off from Superstars.
-Final Thoughts: This show flowed really well. The Flair win was a surprise that they played off what happened at SummerSlam. There are big changes coming.