Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 193 Notes

-Adrian Street.
-Pee Wee Herman.
-Shaw Library.
-Million Dollar Homes.
-Today we look at the episode of WWF Superstars from October 17, 1992.
-It was recorded October 12, 1992 in Saskatoon, Canada.
-They show Mean Gene Okerlund welcoming Bret Hart at the new WWF Champion for a podium interview. Hart comes out with the belt to a fantastic reception. He says this is the proudest moment of his life and it is dedicated to all the people who believe that the biggest dreams can still come true. Mean Gene says he could not agree more. He knows Bret's work ethic and has watched him throughout his career. He says Bret having the title is through determination, perseverance, and paying his dues. Hart says that his father taught him wrestling techniques and it all goes back to that. He says he's wrestled the greatest wrestlers in the world and he has learned. He says he wants to thank Ric Flair for stepping into that ring and giving Hart a chance. He then thanks his fans for supporting him all these years. He wants to thank his friends and his family who have been with him since the very beginning and finally he thanks God for the greatest moment. He says he's proud to be the WWF Champion. The crowd cheers.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us to Superstars and Mr. Perfect doesn't look happy at all. McMahon updates us that Bret Hart did become the new WWF Champion in Saskatoon and Mr. Perfect says who ever heard of Saskatoon? Perfect says that he told Ric Flair not to take the match, but he signed for it anyway. He then says Flair was sick that night, but went out anyway and the rest is history. He then threatens McMahon and says this is serious business. He says that any Superstar can defeat any other Superstar on any given night. He says the next time that happens, Ric Flair will once again become the WWF Champion. McMahon then runs down what we are going to see this week.
-Shawn Michaels with Sensational Sherri vs. Steve Gillespie: Sherri helps Michaels take his ring gear off as Perfect and McMahon continue to argue over Flair and Hart. Michaels takes Gillespie down with a drop toe hold and just slaps him around. They lock up again. Michaels with a side headlock. Gillespie pushes off. Gillespie misses a clothesline and a back elbow attempt. Michaels slides to the center of the ring from the apron through Gillespie's legs. He then hits Gillespie and does an Irish whip and a back elbow to him. Michaels then performs a standing dropkick to Gillespie. He then gets Gillespie in a side headlock and brings him over so that Gillespie can see himself in the mirror that Sherri is holding up. He then hits Gillespie again and gets a snap mare. He then gets a headlock on Gillespie. Gillespie back to his feet and hits some elbows to get out of the move. Michaels responds with a running elbow to Gillespie. He then hits a flurry of punches in the corner to knock Gillespie back to the ground. He chokes Gillespie for a four count. Gillespie blocks being run into the turnbuckle and runs Michaels in instead. Gillespie with a pair of corner whips, but misses the charge when Michaels moves out of the way. Michaels hits a flying clothesline. He hits the super kick on Gillespie, so he must be using it as a finisher. But not so fast my friend. The theme for this episode. He does the side suplex and gets the pin.
-Tatanka vs. Brian Jewel: They lock up and Tatanka with a side headlock. Jewel pushes off and Tatanka comes back with a shoulder block. Jewel with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline and Tatanka hits Jewel with a chop. Tatanka with an Irish whip and a pair of shoulder blocks. Tatanka with a power slam. Tatanka then with a scoop slam and drops an elbow on Jewel. He then hits a suplex. He follows that up with a pair of corner whips and a clothesline. Tatanka with a wrist lock. He gets Jewel down and drops a leg on him. He then gets the wrist lock back on Jewel. He hits an Irish whip and a chop to Jewel to knock Jewel down to the mat. Tatanka goes into his war dance and knocks Jewel down with another chop. Then another chop and a scoop slam. Tatanka goes up top and hits a flying chop to Jewel. He hits an Irish whip and the fall away slam to get the pin.
-Update: Lord Alfred Hayes repeats the news that Bret Hart was the new WWF Champion. He then throws it to the Ultimate Maniacs of the Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage. They congratulate Bret Hart before saying they are going after Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. Savage says don't call it a comeback and I didn't have him quoting LL Cool J on my bingo card for this week's show. Ric Flair and Razor Ramon are with Mr. Perfect. Perfect says Bret Hart being WWF Champion doesn't sit well with them because there is only one real World's Champion. Flair says once again, things are off kilter, but when things are off kilter, they stand by to offer up the cure and all that Bret Hart has done is fuel the fire that lies between the Ultimate Maniacs and Ric Flair and Razon Ramon. Ramon says some people thrive on intensity. They love to be in the spotlight. He says they are going to take out all the frustration, all the anger. They are going to bottle it up and bring it to Survivor Series. Flair says when something builds up inside of you that it just has to come out, he says you can just imagine what he is dealing with. And I think we now know why he has been married 5 times, but I digress. He says he's Ric Flair and he's used to being #1. He says they are coming after Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior.
-The Big Boss Man vs. Barry Horowitz: The bell rings and they circle each other. Boss Man goes to lock up, but Horowitz moves out of the way. It's an interesting strategy. He does it again when the Boss Man tries to lock up and I think he's just making Boss Man mad. Horowitz does the move a third time and then gets Boss Man in a side headlock. At least he gets a little offense in. Boss Man loose and going after Horowitz, who runs to the outside to get away, but Boss Man follows. Horowitz runs back into the ring and ducks some clothesline attempts before running into a big boot from Boss Man. Back and forth and Boss Man with a right hand to Horowitz to knock Horowitz down. Boss Man does the leapfrog body guillotine on Horowitz as an inset promo from Boss Man says he is coming after Nailz and that he is glad Sgt. Slaughter is now handling the officiating and that Boss Man is not the only man enforcing the rules and regulations in the WWF. Boss Man gets Horowitz down and slaps him again. He gets an Irish whip and the Boss Man Slam to pin Horowitz.
-Vince McMahon goads Mr. Perfect with the fact that Bret Hart is the WWF Champion. He goes on and on until Perfect knocks McMahon's headset off and says Ric Flair will get back what's rightfully his.
-Event Center: The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart say they have been through every team and there is only one team left, the Natural Disasters. They say they are the #1 contenders because of Jimmy Hart. This is called foreshadowing, folks. Harvey Wippleman is with Kamala and Kim Chee. Wippleman says he is so happy because it looks like their master plan is working like clockwork. He says that Paul Bearer and the Undertaker really believe that Kamala is afraid of the coffin, the urn, the body bag, and all the other effects of the Undertaker and he says that's what they wanted them to think. He says Kamala does not know the meaning of the word fear and I can buy that, but you can have emotions and not know what they are, Harvey. Get with the program, buddy. Wippleman says Kamala is not afraid of the Undertaker.
-The British Bulldog vs. Jim Peterson: Bulldog is the current IC champion. He locks up and then pushes Peterson off. Another lock up and push off. Peterson gets a side headlock. Bulldog pushes off and a double shoulder block, but neither man moves. Another shoulder block with the same result. Bulldog with a hip toss to Peterson. He follows it up with an arm drag into an arm bar. He follows that up with a delayed vertical suplex on Peterson. Into a snap mare and a headlock on Peterson. Bulldog then goes back to the arm bar. Peterson gets back to his feet and attacks Bulldog with a series of forearms to the back. Bulldog reverses a corner whip and gets a corner clothesline. He then gets the running power slam and the pin.
-Feature on Bob Backlund, who is returning to the WWF.
-Survivor Series report with Mean Gene. Gene runs down the card, although some things will change before we get there. Mean Gene announces a coffin match between the Undertaker and Kamala and the 8-man tag. This will also change. Change is in the air instead of love I believe.
-Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS with Jimmy Hart vs. Jim Powers and Bobby St. Laurent: As Money Inc make their way to the ring, the video screen in the aisle flashes a picture of the Natural Disasters with the tag titles to piss Money Inc off but make the crowd happy. IRS does a bit about voting for the candidate who is going to raise taxes the most. IRS and Powers start. IRS pummels Powers in a corner. Powers comes back with a series of moves and hits IRS in the face with a knee to the crowd's delight. IRS reverses a monkey flip and Powers comes back with a monkey flip. He only gets a two count. IRS back to his feet, gets a wrist lock on, and tags DiBiase in. DiBiase picks the wrist lock up and turns it into a hammerlock. Then DiBiase with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline, and Powers comes back with a crossbody for a two count. DiBiase goes back to the wrist lock. Powers counters and St. Laurent tagged in. DiBiase grabs St. Laurent and runs him into IRS's boot. IRS tagged in. He gets St. Laurent down and works on the leg before DiBiase tagged back in. DiBiase works over the leg. Money Inc doing quick tags and attacking St. Laurent to keep him down. DiBiase with an Irish whip and a power slam. IRS follows that up with an Irish whip and a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Event Center: High Energy talks about working to get to the top and it's the first look at the team for me since I started to do the podcast. I always enjoyed them. Shawn Michaels and Sensational Sherri say it's almost a curse to be as good as he is, but it's something he's learned to live with. He says he wants the IC title.
-They run down what we are going to see next week before signing off.
-Final Thoughts: A good show. There were a lot of changes in the air and the WWF would look very different before the year ends.