Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 75 Notes

-New Jack- His best work was in SMW.
-Surgery prep: COVID-19 Test. I cried and wanted to punch something.
-Hospital stay.
-Today we look at Ultra Clash ’93 from ECW.
-Ultra Clash ’93 went down on September 18, 1993 from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. There were 1,131 in attendance.
-TV-MA intro. This video is presented in the most complete form possible.
-The Public Enemy Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock VS. Jason Knight and Ian Rotten: All Public Enemy to start. Double stuff piledriver on Rotten. Joey Styles is the announcer for the evening. Public Enemy throws Rotten out and Rock throws himself over the top rope and onto Rotten. Grunge drops a leg on Knight. Rock does a moonsault on Knight. Knight trying to fight back. Knight being choked on the outside by Grunge as Rock goes at it with Rotten on the inside. Grunge scoop slams Rotten and hits a headbutt on him. He then hits a reverse bulldog on Rotten and Rock does a front flip onto Rotten to get the pin. They continue to punish Rotten after the match.
-Pennsylvania Championship Match: Tony Stetson VS. Tommy Cairo: Stetson has manager Hunter Q. Robbins III with him. Stetson with the early advantage. Throws Cairo out. Cairo coming back with a hip toss and a spinning head kick to Stetson. Stetson rolls out to regroup and runs straight into the scaffold set up for the scaffold match later. I don’t think that was planned, I think he did it accidently. Stetson finally gets back in the ring. Cairo hits and under hook suplex and gets a two count. Stetson rolls out again. Back in, Stetson gets an eye rake in and regains the advantage. He gets a chinlock on. Cairo powering out. Cairo hits a belly to belly suplex. He gets a two count as Stetson gets his foot on the ropes. Another belly to belly gets another two count. Stetson goes outside again to confer with Robbins. Stetson gets the advantage coming back in. Cairo does a corner whip and follows it up with a back elbow. That gets a two count when Stetson gets his foot on the ropes. Cairo getting frustrated. He does a snap suplex on Stetson. Stetson hits a big flying clothesline. Robbins distracts the referee as Stetson hits Cairo with the title belt to get the pin.
-Super Destroyer I VS. Super Destroyer II with Hunter Q. Robbins III Mask VS. Mask match: Destroyer 1 keeps ducking Destroyer 2. Destroyer 1 gets a quick two count early. Destroyer 2 continues to punish the arm. Destroyer 1 gets Destroyer 2 down and delivers a headbutt to the hamstring area. Back and forth. Destroyer 1 grapevines the leg. Destroyer 2 hits a corner whip, but Destroyer 1 ducks as Destroyer 2 misses the charge. Destroyer 1 hits a flying back splash to get the pin. Destroyer 2 unmasks and it’s Doug Stahl. I had to look it up as Joey Styles says he looks familiar but doesn’t name him. Destroyer 1 then says he’s the only masked wrestler left and the Dark Patriot comes out and attacks Destroyer 1 with a chair. He and Destroyer 2 then pile drive Destroyer 1 onto the chair two times. JT Smith then clears the ring and Dark Patriot climbs the scaffold to get away so we go directly to the scaffold match.
-Scaffold Match: JT Smith VS. The Dark Patriot: Patriot hits Smith with some powder. They fight on the platform before Patriot drags Smith to the center of the scaffold then DDTs him and tries to roll him off. When he can’t, he runs Smith into a pipe. Patriot takes the drawstring out of his tights and chokes Smith with it as Smith holds on for dear life. Smith coming back and gets the drawstring and attacks Patriot with it. Patriot rakes Smith’s eyes and slams him into the scaffold. He throws the drawstring away and then does a pedigree like move on Smith on the scaffold. It’s a slug fest up top and Smith hits a dropkick on the scaffold. Patriot goes back into his tights and nails Smith with something and Smith starts teetering on the edge holding onto a pipe for dear life. He throws powder at Smith again and Smith falls into the ring. Smith gets up, but seems to be favoring one knee as the crowd yells for the Patriot to jump. He instead climbs down. He attacks Smith and they fight in the crowd. Patriot then attacks the referee. He then throws a table on Smith. He then attacks him with a chair.
-Texas Tornado Bunkhouse Match Abdullah the Butcher and Kevin Sullivan VS. Terry Funk and Stan Hansen: The crowd is really into Funk and Hansen as they come out. Funk attacks Sullivan with a chair as Hansen chokes Abdullah. Sullivan and Funk go outside. Abdullah comes over. Hansen attacking Abdullah’s forehead with punches. Heels then switch off opponents as Sullivan attacks Hansen with right hands. They then switch off again. All four inside the ring and Sullivan tries to climb the scaffold to get away from Funk. Funk follows. Abdullah shakes the scaffold trying to shake Funk off. Funk and Sullivan battling on top of the scaffold. Hansen and Abdullah fighting in the ring. Sullivan climbs back down. Hansen with a big back elbow on Sullivan. Funk back down and he takes turns hitting Sullivan and Abdullah with a chair. He then traps Abdullah’s head in the chair as Hansen and Sullivan exchange rights. Sullivan with his foot on Hansen’s throat. Abdullah finally frees himself. Hansen gets free and runs over to help Funk who’s having his head run into the chair by Abdullah. Hansen hitting Abdullah with the chair and Abdullah is bleeding. Sullivan hitting Funk with the ringside hammer. Funk attacks the referee thinking its Sullivan and Abdullah accidently hits Sullivan with his fork when Funk ducks. Funk does the spinning toe hold on Sullivan who hits him in the eye to get out of it. Out of nowhere, Eddie Gilbert and The Dark Patriot attack Funk and Hansen. They start brawling all over the building. Hansen and Funk awarded the match. Sullivan attacks Abdullah after the match. Abdullah attacking Sullivan with his fork as an Abby chant goes out. Wrestlers trying to tear them apart but get attacked. Sullivan still has the hammer. Everybody battling all over the building.
-Battle Royal for $5,000: Sensational Sherri, Tygra, Don E. Allen, Jay Sulli, Angel, and Hunter Q. Robbins III: Sulli eliminated almost immediately. Angel eliminates Don E. Allen. Sherri and Angel attack Robbins. Sherri rips his pants off. He is then thrown out. Angel jumped by Sherri. Sherri slams Angel and rips her wig off. Referee Freddie Gilbert comes into the ring. Sherri screams at him. He says something to her and she eliminates herself to take off after him. Angel goes over to the ropes to yell at Sherri and gets eliminated by Tygra who wins.
-Sal Bellomo VS. Sir Richard Michaels with Hunter Q. Robbins III: Loser gets 10 lashes. Bellomo incredibly over with the crowd. Bellomo calls out Sherri to be in his corner and she comes out to a Sherri chant. Bellomo throws stuffed animals to the crowd. Bellomo attacks Michaels. Hits a dropkick. Attacks Michaels face. Michaels comes back with a leg drop and a chin lock. Bellomo with a big headbutt. Michaels with a full nelson. Bellomo with a backwards head butt and double mule kick. Back and forth. Robbins takes a cheap shot on Bellomo and Michaels hits a standing dropkick. He gets a two count. Bellomo kicking out sends Michaels out of the ring. Back in, Bellomo hits a standing dropkick. Sherri slaps Michaels with a right hand. Michaels hits Bellomo with Robbins cane and takes over. Tries a pin, but Bellomo has his foot on the ropes. Robbins smacks Bellomo with the cane while the referee is distracted. Michaels hits a back elbow. He climbs up to for a splash, but Bellomo moves out of the way. Bellomo hits a splash to get the pin. Bellomo gets the strap and starts lashing Michaels. Robbins jumps on Bellomo’s back. Sherri comes in and attacks Robbins. The Rockin Rebel comes out and attacks Bellomo with the strap.
-ECW Heavyweight Championship Match: Shane Douglas with Paul E. Dangerously VS. The Sandman: A Pittsburgh sucks chant goes out so Paul E and Douglas go to leave. They go to the back. The referee announces that they have 10 seconds to get into the ring or The Sandman will be awarded the title. Douglas gets back into the ring at 7 and Sandman immediately attacks. He hits a corner whip and a back elbow. Sandman with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Douglas pulls Sandman outside. They slug it out back and forth. Sandman with some knees to Douglas stomach and follows it up with a corner whip. He gets a two count from a small package. Douglas with a snap mare. Douglas gets a chinlock on Sandman. Paul E sucks chant goes out. Douglas gets his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. Sandman coming back. Douglas with a snap suplex. Gets a two count. Back to the chin lock. Sandman coming back again. They collide and both down. Douglas whipped across and out of the ring. Sandman hits a scoop slam. He then hits a top rope shoulder block that also takes out the referee. He covers Douglas but there’s no referee. Paul E. comes in with the phone, but Sandman stops him and Douglas nails Sandman with the phone. The referee recovers, but Sandman kicks out at two. Sandman low blows Douglas. He goes up top and hits a cross body, but Douglas rolls through to get the pin with a handful of tights.
-Baseball Bat Match The Headhunters VS. Miguel Perez and Crash the Terminator: The teams start out at opposite ends of the building and as they count down to zero, they race for the bat in the ring. Joey Styles says he doesn’t see Victor Quinones at ringside with The Headhunters. The count begins. Perez gets the bat and hands it off to Crash. All four outside. Crash swinging hard at Headhunter A but misses and hurts his hand. Headhunter A gets the bat and hits Crash hard. They are in the crowd and that bat is really getting a workout. Perez comes to help Crash and The Headhunters attack him with the bat. Perez run into a wall while Crash gets worked over. Perez led back towards the ring. The camera misses it, but Crash runs Headhunter A through a wall. Perez gets the bat just buried into his midsection as he tries to fight back. He gets thrown into the ring. He gets Irish whipped and then gets the bat to the ribs again. Meanwhile, Crash and the other Headhunter crash completely through the wall into the dressing room. Crash heads to the ring, gets the bat, and uses it on the other Headhunter. Everyone in the match appears to be bleeding. The other Headhunter comes back to the ring with a chair and whacks Crash with it. Perez climbs to the top rope and hits Headhunter A with the bat. Perez and Crash take turns hitting Headhunter A with chairs. They brawl into the crowd. Perez ducks a bat swing and hits a heel kick on Headhunter B. Headhunter B and Perez both climb the scaffold. Headhunter B dangling from the scaffold as Headhunter A hits a powerbomb on Crash. Headhunter A then misses an elbow from the top rope. Crash hits a big slam but misses the moonsault on Headhunter A. Perez hits Headhunter B with a chair. Headhunter A with a big moonsault on Crash to get the pin. They continue to brawl after the match. They brawl to the announce position so Joey Styles bails. Crowd cheering for the faces as they thank everyone for coming and fade to black.