Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 77 Notes

-As I record this, I’m two days away from graduating to a soft high protein diet. This is big.
-My wife likes to move into Goodwill when she goes. I blew through a lot of podcasts waiting for her.
-Today we look at Extreme Rules 2011 from the WWE.
-Extreme Rules 2011 took place May 1, 2011 from the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, Florida. There were 10,000 in attendance and the show did 209,000 buys on PPV.
-Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T welcome us to Extreme Rules. We go right to our first contest.
-Last Man Standing Match. Randy Orton VS. CM Punk with The New Nexus: The Anonymous RAW GM chimes in. Josh Matthews reads the message. All other members of the New Nexus must leave ringside. Punk takes off a turnbuckle pad. Slow to start. Orton unloads on Punk. Punk reverses an Irish Whip. Punk ducks one Orton clothesline, but Orton comes back with another one. Orton kicks Punk’s upper arm. They roll outside. Punk run into the barricade. Forearm by Orton. Punk run into the ring steps. Orton with forearms to Punk’s chest. Another forearm knocks Punk down. Back inside, Punk begging off to lure Orton in and hits a low kick on Orton. Punk with a knee to Orton’s head. Kick to Orton’s head. Orton blocks being run into the exposed turnbuckle. Orton kicks Punk. Back and forth. Punk with a snap mare. Punk drops a knee. Punk rolls outside. He grabs a kendo stick and whacks Orton with it. He does it a few more times. He then throws the stick and Orton in. He then grabs another kendo stick. Whacks Orton with it. The referee starts counting Orton down. Punk poised with the kendo stick in case he starts to get up. Orton up at 5 and gets a kick in as Punk goes to hit him. Orton with a forearm to Punk then Orton grabs a stick. Punk hits a spinning back kick to Orton before he can use the stick. Orton gets up at 7, Punk then hits him with the stick again. Punk with a back suplex. As Orton gets up on 6, Punk dives off the top rope and Orton hits him with a kendo stick. Orton swinging the stick hard on Punk. Orton with two clotheslines. Orton with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Punk counters an Orton apron DDT attempt into a slingshot and Orton hits the exposed turnbuckle. A Randy chant goes out. Punk goes to the outside. Punk sets a chair up in the opposite corner. He hits Orton with a running knee. Orton blocks getting thrown into the chair. Punk goes for the GTS. Orton blocks. Orton goes for the RKO. Punk pushes off. Punk goes for the GTS again and Orton pushes off. Orton with a kick to Punk and runs him into the set up chair. Punk up at 8. Orton runs him into the barricade. Orton keeps running him into the ring and the barricade. Orton power slams Punk on the outside. Punk up at 8 again. Orton clears off the announce table. Punk with a kick to Orton’s head. Orton up at 8. Orton blocks getting run into the announce table and runs Punk in instead. Orton backdrops Punk on top of the barricade. Orton picks Punk up on the 6 count and throws him back in. Orton goes into his viper routine. He goes for the RKO, but Punk counters with an elbow. Punk hits the Go To Sleep. Orton struggles to his feet at 9. Punk with knees to the head. Punk brings a chair into the ring. Punk with a side Russian leg sweep to the chair. Orton up at 8. Punk sets the chair up. Punk goes for the leg sweep again. Orton counters with an RKO. Punk up at 9, but falls out of the ring. Orton clotheslines Punk over the barricade. Orton goes for the apron DDT on Punk but using the barricade. Punk pushes Orton into the ring post. Punk grabs a chair and tells Orton to stay down. Orton up at 8. Punk opens the chair, puts Orton in it, and runs him into the ring post. Orton gets up on 9. Punk puts Orton on the announce table. Punk goes for the GTS. Orton blocks and does the RKO on Punk on the table. He falls off so the referee restarts the count. Orton goes for the punt. Punk lifts Orton up and drops him on the ring steps Orton up at 9. Punk has another kendo stick. Punk rolls Orton inside. Punk climbs to the top. Orton nails Punk with another kendo stick. Punk hanging from the top rope while Orton just hits his back over and over. Orton does a top rope RKO. A double count going. Orton gets up right before 10 to win.
-Don’t try this at home ad.
-Jerry Lawler leaves ringside to prepare for his match.
-Booker T and Josh Matthews go over some of the recent draft picks.
-Recap of Sheamus jumping and beating up Kofi Kingston the previous Friday on Smackdown.
-Sheamus and Teddy Long are shown backstage. Long tells Sheamus he’s defending the US title against Kingston in a tables match. Sheamus says he demands to see Kingston’s birth certificate playing off the Donald Trump/Barack Obama drama of the moment.
-John Morrison shown stretching.
-United States Championship Tables Match. Sheamus VS. Kofi Kingston: Back and forth starting out. Kingston with a flurry of punches and kicks. Sheamus with a kick and a forearm. Sheamus misses a clothesline and Kingston with a takedown and punches to Sheamus’ head. Kingston rolls outside to get a table. Sheamus jumps him from behind with a forearm and runs Kingston into the barricade. Sheamus pulls another table out, but gets jumped by Kingston. Kingston sets the table up. He runs Sheamus’ head into it. He sets Sheamus up on the table. Kingston goes to jump on the table from the apron, but Sheamus moves. Sheamus runs away and Kingston follows. Sheamus throws Kingston into the barricade. Sheamus pulls a table out. He picks Kingston up to power bomb him through the table, but Kingston slips away. Kingston in the ring with shots to Sheamus trying to run him into the table. Sheamus teetering. Kingston runs to hit him off, but Sheamus with a shoulder tackle over the ropes. Sheamus goes outside to get another table as a Kofi chant goes out. Sheamus throws the table on Kingston. He slams the table on Kingston a couple of times, then stands on the table while Kingston is underneath it. Sheamus sets the table up in the corner and runs Kingston’s head into it. Sheamus picks Kingston up to drive him through the table, but Kingston rolls him up in a sunset flip then stomps on Sheamus. Kingston sets Sheamus up against the table. He runs at the table, but Sheamus moves and Kingston straddle jumps to the turnbuckle to avoid going through the table. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Kingston ducks and Sheamus gets tied up in the ropes. Kingston attacks his legs with kicks. Sheamus gets loose and hits the Brogue Kick to Kingston who flies over the table and lands on the floor. Sheamus brings the table outside. He then throws Kingston in. Sheamus sets a table up in the ring. He puts Kingston on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up to do a power slam from the top but Kingston is fighting back. Sheamus knocked off the ropes. He knocks Kingston off with a shot. Sheamus tries to suplex Kingston to the outside through a table, Kingston blocks it and hits some shots to Sheamus. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise to knock Sheamus off the apron to the floor. Kingston climbs up to the top rope and drives Sheamus through the table with a splash to win. New United States Champion!
-Todd Grisham interviews R-Truth. Todd asks him how he feels since he was once a part of the main event. R-Truth asks him how he would feel. He then tells him to shut up. He says he’s now not even on the show and the he smells a conspiracy. He knows The Miz, John Cena, and someone else doesn’t want him to be in the match. John Morrison stole his spot and the one thing he can’t stand is a thief. This was a well done promo.
-Tag Team Country Whipping Match. Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross VS. Michael Cole and Jack Swagger: Cole comes out in his singlet and headgear and wrapped in bubble wrap. That’s actually pretty clever. They flashback to Cole whipping JR on RAW. Cole gets on the mic. He says Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross are like everyone in Florida: Old, useless, incontinent retirees. JR gets a great reaction coming out. Lawler does as well. Swagger and Lawler start. They take swipes at each other with the straps. Swagger backs up too far and gets strapped by JR. He turns around and Lawler straps him. Swagger being strapped over and over by Lawler. Cole tagged in. He laughs as they strap him saying he’s smart because of the bubble wrap. Lawler punches him down and rips the bubble wrap off. He gets strapped and tags Swagger in. Swagger drives Lawler into the corner with a shoulder and straps him. Swagger ties Lawler to the ropes with the strap and beats him down. Cole tags in and straps Lawler some. Swagger tagged back in. Lawler untied and corner whipped by Swagger. Swagger misses a Swagger Bomb when Lawler moves. Lawler with some shots to Swagger in the corner. Cole comes in to strap Lawler’s back. Lawler turns around and Cole starts begging off. Lawler hits a shot to Cole, but Swagger clips him. Swagger gets the ankle lock on. Lawler fighting it. Swagger pulling him away from the ropes but closer to JR who straps Swagger. JR distracts Swagger for Lawler to hit a punch and a DDT. JR tagged in. He straps Swagger several times then applies an ankle locks to Swagger and the crowd and announcers love it. Swagger powers up and over to tag Cole who tries to beg off getting into the ring. JR drags Cole in. JR straps Cole and runs him into the turnbuckle. JR with a running knockdown to Cole. JR straps Cole some more and puts the ankle lock on him. Swagger comes to break it up and grabs JR who gives him a low blow. JR starts whipping Swagger, so Cole rolls JR up from behind to get the pin.
-Todd Grisham talks to John Cena. He says it’s been 10 months since he was WWE Champion. He says he’s been through a lot in those 10 months, but that the champ is here.
-Flashback to what’s led to the Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio match.
-Falls count anywhere match. Cody Rhodes VS. Rey Mysterio: Rhodes has men with him to hand out paper bags to the crowd. He tells the crowd to put the bags on because they are extremely ugly. Mysterio comes out to a big pop and gives a mask away to a fan. Rhodes starts out with a corner whip. Mysterio gets his legs up on the charge. Mysterio with some stiff shots and kicks. Mysterio with a clothesline. Rhodes ducks down and delivers a shot to Mysterio’s face. Mysterio head scissors Rhodes to the outside. Then Mysterio with a baseball slide and another head scissors to Rhodes on the outside. Rhodes with a dropkick in the aisle. That gets a two count. Rhodes with some kicks and shots to Mysterio. Rhodes goes to run Mysterio into the video wall, but Mysterio reverses it. Rhodes goes down by the barricade, so Mysterio does a Senton onto Rhodes for a two count. Rhodes atomic drops Mysterio onto the barricade. Rhodes follows up with a clothesline. Another two count. Rhodes pushes Mysterio into the barricade. Mysterio with a drop toe hold to Rhodes into the barricade. Mysterio with a shot to the head. They go up the steps into the crowd. They are battling up the steps. Rhodes headbutts Mysterio with his protective mask and puts him through one of the guardrails and puts him in a walls of Jericho like move. Mysterio won’t give up. They continue to fight up the stairs. Rhodes slams Mysterio hard down on a railing. Back and forth. They get to the top of the stairs and onto the concourse. Mysterio runs Rhodes into some trash cans. He slams a trash can lid on Rhodes. He gets a two count. He goes to run Rhodes into a mirror but Rhodes blocks it. Rhodes with a knee lift. He gets a close two count. Rhodes run into a drink station. He backdrops Mysterio who lands on his feet and does a crossbody to Rhodes. That gets another two count. This is awesome chant goes out. They head back towards the arena. Mysterio jumps Rhodes from behind. Rhodes running down the steps. Mysterio in pursuit. They trade blows. Mysterio climbs the barricade, but Rhodes too far away to jump on. Rhodes hip tosses Mysterio back into the ringside area. Rhodes goes to run Mysterio into the ring steps, but Mysterio gets some strikes in to stop it. He goes to do a high flying move on Rhodes, who catches him and runs him face first into the ring steps. He gets a two count. Rhodes puts Mysterio up on the ring apron. Back in, Mysterio gets a foot up on a Rhodes charge and hits a crossbody off the ropes to get a two count. Mysterio with a corner whip and a charge. Rhodes with a backdrop. Mysterio lands on the apron. He climbs up top and hits a shoulder tackle to Rhodes. He gets a two count. Rhodes set up for the 619. Mysterio exposes his knee brace, but Rhodes gets up and gives Mysterio a shot. Mysterio with a shot that drapes Rhodes over the second rope. Mysterio goes for a top rope leg drop, but Rhodes moves. Rhodes grabs Mysterio by the legs and delivers a big slam. He gets a two count. A 619 chant goes out as Rhodes stomps Mysterio into the corner. Rhodes puts Mysterio on the top turnbuckle. They trade shots up top. Mysterio sprays some sort of mist on Rhodes and hits the 619 on him. He does a springboard splash on Rhodes to get the pin.
-Layla approaches the other Divas in the locker room saying it may be her last night in the company so no hard feelings. She apologizes to them. Kelly Kelly says that she’s right, they don’t like her, but they like Michelle McCool a whole lot less.
-Michael Cole is back at ringside in his Cole Mine to announce and naturally he gloats about winning.
-No count out, No DQ Loser Leaves WWE Divas Match. Michelle McCool VS. Layla: McCool jumps Layla before the bell. McCool with a big kick to Layla’s head. That gets a two count. Layla with a take down and punches to McCool. McCool throws Layla to the outside. Layla runs McCool into the announce table. Then McCool runs Layla into the table. McCool with a running knee to Layla. Back in, McCool gets a two count. McCool with a forearm shot. She goes for a running kick. Layla ducks. Layla with a spinning kick and a dropkick. Gets a two count. McCool with a kick and a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Layla thrown to the outside. McCool goes for a running kick, but Layla moves and McCool hits the barricade. They battle on top of the barricade and McCool throws Layla off. Back in, Layla hits a diving somersault inverted face lock jawbreaker. That gets a two count. McCool with a big kick. Gets a one count. McCool lifts Layla up for a move but Layla escapes. Layla with a neck breaker. Gets a two count, but McCool gets her foot on the ropes. McCool with a kick to Layla’s head. That gets a two count. Layla with a counter to roll through. McCool counters that into a Faith Breaker. She gets a two count, but Layla turns and counters it into a three count. Michelle McCool gone from WWE. Both Layla and McCool crying. Layla rolls out of the ring. McCool in the ring as the crowd does the Goodbye song. Then Kharma debuts. She walks down to the ring. She gets in and does the Implant Buster on McCool. All the Divas are shown looking at the scene on a monitor in the Divas locker room.
-Ricardo Rodriguez is shown backstage with Alberto Del Rio practicing announcing Del Rio as the next World Heavyweight Champion.
-Flashback to Edge retiring and giving up the World Heavyweight Championship and highlights of the battle royal to determine who will face Del Rio at Extreme Rules.
-Ladder Match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez VS. Christian: Del Rio introduced by Rodriguez. He comes out in a Maserati GranTurismo. They go back and forth to start. Del Rio with a front face lock as a lets go Christian chant goes out. Irish whip by Del Rio. Shoulder block by Christian. Del Rio with a scoop slam. Christian with some shots to Del Rio’s face and back. Christian with a back drop. Christian with a top rope back elbow. Christian goes outside and grabs a ladder. Del Rio comes out and runs Christian into a corner post. Del Rio pushes Christian under the ring and grabs a ladder. Christian comes out on the other side and runs and baseball slides the ladder into Del Rio. Christian sets the ladder up. Del Rio pulls him off. Del Rio starts to climb the ladder, but Christian pushes it over. Del Rio with a stiff kick to Christian’s head and then a low dropkick while Christian is seated. Del Rio picks up the ladder, but Christian kicks him before he can use it. Christian backdrops Del Rio to the outside. Christian picks up the ladder, but Del Rio grabs his leg from the outside and Christian falls down and the ladder falls on him. Del Rio then drags Christian outside. Del Rio runs Christian into the ring steps. Del Rio sets a ladder horizontally between the announce table and the ring. Christian blocks being thrown into the ladder. He slaps Del Rio and tries to run him into the ladder, but Del Rio blocks it. Del Rio goes to suplex Christian onto the ladder, but Christian blocks it. He grabs Del Rio’s legs, but Del Rio kicks him off. Del Rio goes to run Christian into the ladder again, but Christian slides under and they trade shots. Del Rio run face first into the ladder. Christian pus him on the ladder and climbs to the top rope. Del Rio gets up and pushes Christian off the top rope but he lands on another ladder set up. He hits a crossbody to Del Rio form the ladder. Christian brings another ladder into the ring. He sets a ladder up and starts to climb it. Del Rio hits Christian and pulls him off the ladder. Del Rio sets a ladder in the corner. Back and forth. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker. Christian pushes off. Christian goes for the Kill Switch. Del Rio pushes off. Del Rio with a back suplex to Christian who lands on his feet and does a flapjack to Del Rio onto the set up ladder. Both men down and struggling to get to their feet. Del Rio gets up on the Apron and Christian takes a ladder and runs it into Del Rio to knock him off the apron. Christian struggling to get up and set up a ladder. He starts to slowly climb the ladder. Del Rio gets back in the ring and just throws another ladder at Christian. Del Rio sets up a smaller ladder, climbs to the top of it, grabs Christian, and drags him off with double knees to Christian’s shoulder. Del Rio punching a prone Christian. Del Rio takes the small ladder and runs it into Christian’s head. Del Rio sets a ladder up in the corner and runs Christian into it back first. Del Rio grabs the little ladder to run it into Christian, but Christian ducks and Del Rio gets taken out. Christian sets the ladder up and starts to climb, but the ladder is out of place. Del Rio climbs up behind Christian. Christian hitting Del Rio with some shots. Del Rio falls off, but grabs Christian. He goes for a Power Bomb, but Christian head scissors out of it. Christian grabs a ladder to run it into Del Rio, but Del Rio counters with a shoulder block. Del Rio goes to suplex Christian to the outside onto the set up ladder, but Christian fighting it. Christian backdrops Del Rio into the ring onto a ladder. Christian takes a ladder to the corner, climbs to the top rope. Del Rio jumps up and runs and delivers a kick to Christian’s head. The ladder falls and Christian falls on top of the ladder. Del Rio setting up a ladder. He starts to climb. Christian holds onto him. Del Rio jumps off as Christian pushes the ladder over and Del Rio Delivers a kick to Christian’s head. It goes outside. Ricardo Rodriguez has a chair. Del Rio puts Christian’s arm in it to slam but Christian reverses it and slams Del Rio into the corner post. Back in, Christian sets up and starts chanting spear. He hits the spear on Del Rio. Christian sets the ladder up. Del Rio pulls him down through the rungs of the ladder. Christian stuck in the ladder as Del Rio starts to climb. Christian sets himself free and pushes the ladder over. Christian goes after Del Rio with the little ladder, but Del Rio kicks it into Christian. Del Rio kicks Christian onto the ladder set up on the outside. Del Rio goes to drop the elbow on Christian, who moves and Del Rio goes crashing through the ladder. Ricardo checking on Del Rio. Christian gets into the ring and the crowd comes to life as he sets the ladder up. Christian grabs the belt as Brodus Clay comes in and grabs the ladder. Christian hanging on. Clay pulls Christian down. He goes to run Christian into the ladder, but Christian pushes off and runs Clay into the ladder. Christian grabs the little ladder. He runs it into Clay and knocks him to the outside. Del Rio delivers a running dropkick knocking Christian down. Del Rio delivers the Cross Arm Breaker to Christian through the little ladder. Del Rio climbs the ladder. As he gets to the top, you hear a horn. He looks over and Edge has driven a Jeep into the arena. Christian pushes the ladder over and Del Rio falls onto Rodriguez and Clay on the outside. Edge comes down to cheer as Christian climbs the ladder and grabs the World Title to win. Christian holds the championship up high. If you are only going to watch one match from this show, this is the match.
-The Miz and Alex Riley are shown. Riley says it isn’t fair that Miz has to defend his title in a triple threat steel cage match. He talks about the chances that Miz has to win and about rematches until Miz cuts him off and tells him to never do that again.
-Lumberjack match for the World Tag Team Championship. The Big Show and Kane VS. Ezekiel Jackson and Wade Barrett: Big Show and Barrett start and Big Show with a big slap to Barrett’s chest. He then does it again at the opposite corner. Kane tagged in. Big kick to Barrett’s face. That gets a two count. Barrett rolls outside. Lumberjacks roll him back in. The lumberjacks are just a mix of people who weren’t booked in any other matches for the night. Kane hits a right hand to Barrett. Kane with a corner whip and a clothesline. Kane with a side slam. Jackson distracts Kane so that Barrett can throw him outside. Some of the lumberjacks jump him and then throw him back in. Big Show comes over and starts throwing lumberjacks into Kane who starts taking them out. Jackson hits Kane with a big clothesline. Jackson with some big shots to Kane in the corner. Jackson then hits a corner clothesline to Kane. Barrett tagged in but only gets a one count. He delivers some shots to Kane. Jackson tagged back in. Irish whip and both men down from a double clothesline. Both Big Show and Barrett tagged in. Big Show with a clothesline. Then Big Show with a corner whip and an elbow. He goes to hit the ropes for a clothesline, but Jackson pulls the rope down and Big Show spills to the outside. The lumberjacks struggle to throw Big Show back in. Jackson with an impressive scoop slam on Big Show. Barrett with a no look tag in. Barrett goes to hit Wasteland, but Big Show is too big. He choke slams and pins Barrett. The lumberjacks all start fighting amongst themselves as Big Show and Kane choke slam Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel.
-The True Story of WrestleMania DVD set commercial.
-The cage is shown being lowered.
-Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship: The Miz VS. John Morrison VS. John Cena: Morrison out first. He inspects the cage. Cena out next. He gets a great pop coming out. Miz comes out without Alex Riley. The bell rings and Miz quickly turns around and starts to climb to get out. Morrison and Cena pull him off and beat him down. They Irish Whip Miz and hit a flapjack on him. Morrison with a rollup to Cena for a one count. Cena misses a clothesline on Morrison. Morrison with a flip to Cena. Then Morrison with a dropkick to Cena. Miz with a clothesline to Morrison. Miz runs Cena into the cage. Miz then runs Morrison into the cage. He then runs Cena into the cage again. Then Morrison run into the cage again. Cena blocks being run into the cage a third time. Cena corner whips Miz, kicks him, and delivers a suplex to Miz. Morrison with a side Russian leg sweep to Cena. That gets a two count. Miz trying to climb out and Morrison catches his leg. Morrison climbs up and elbows and kicks Miz off. Miz pulls Morrison down. Miz picked up by Cena who goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Miz grabs the cage and starts to climb again. Cena follows Miz up and they trade blows on the top rope while holding onto the cage. Miz punches Cena until they are on the top turnbuckle. Cena hits a top rope bulldog like maneuver to Miz. All three guys down. Morrison misses a clothesline to Cena, who shoulder tackles Morrison. Another shoulder tackle by Cena then a big slam to Morrison. U Can’t See Me to Morrison. 5 knuckle shuffle. Miz does the Skull Crushing Finale to Cena. Morrison climbing the cage. Miz has to rush and climb to catch Morrison at the top of the cage. Miz and Morrison fighting on top of the cage structure. Cena also climbing up. Cena and Morrison do a double suplex to Miz that almost looks like a brain buster. Morrison up and starting to climb. Cena following and grabs Morrison’s leg. Morrison elbows Cena off. Morrison then jumps to the turnbuckle and does a leaping kick to Cena who ducks so Morrison hits Miz instead. Morrison then hits the Moonlight Drive on Cena for a two count. Miz starts to climb the cage, but Morrison stops him and runs Miz into the cage. Morrison starts to climb the cage. Miz grabs Morrison and runs him into the cage but Morrison falls between the cage and the ring ropes. Miz with a running boot to Morrison. He turns around and is taken down by Cena who puts on the STF. Miz crawls towards the door. They open it and Miz starts to climb out. Cena pulls him back. Cena starts to climb out and Miz pulls him back. Cena with a gut wrench suplex to Miz. Cena goes to run Morrison into the cage. Morrison grabs it and starts to climb. Cena follows. They trade blows on top of the cage. While they do, Miz starts to go out the door. Morrison climbs over to the outside and slams the cage door on the head of Miz with his foot. Cena hits Morrison and he crotches himself on the door. Miz pulls Morrison back in through the door. Morrison kicks Miz away. Cena monkey flips Morrison out of the corner. He gets a two count. Miz with a DDT to Cena. That gets a two count. Miz with a running kick to Cena. Then another running kick to Cena. Then another one. Miz stalking Cena. Miz runs Cena’s face into the cage and holding it there with his knee. Morrison starts to climb the cage on the other side. Miz rushes to grab him and hangs at the top holding Morrison. Miz punching Morrison and then starts to climb down. Morrison grabs Miz’s head and brings him back. Morrison runs Miz into the cage and he falls back inside the ring. Morrison starts to climb again and Cena climbing up to stop him. Morrison kicks Cena off. Morrison with Starship Pain off the top of the cage onto Cena and Miz. Morrison goes for the door. The referee opens it. R-Truth appears and attacks Morrison. R-Truth goes into the ring and attacks Morrison. R-Truth beating Morrison down in the corner. R-Truth then delivers a scissor kick to Cena. He hits an STO on Morrison. R-Truth then climbs over the top of the cage and leaves. All three down back in the ring. Miz up first and starts to climb. He gets to the top and starts to climb over. Cena runs to stop him. He grabs Miz. Miz’s legs are dangling. Cena drags Miz back over the cage. They trade shots on top of the cage. Miz falls down to the inside, but holding onto Cena’s leg so he can’t escape the cage. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale on the top rope, but Cena blocks it and delivers the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope to Miz. Cena then pins Miz to be the new WWE Champion. Cena celebrates as they replay the R-Truth attack and then the Attitude Adjustment and the pin. They then sign off from Tampa.