Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 78 Notes

-I have finally graduated to a soft, high protein diet. I had to go to the doctor for my two week follow up and due to COVID-19 regulations, I’m having to walk through entire buildings to get where I’m going. The good part about that is I’m hitting my step goal every day much easier now.
-I also had a nutritionist appointment and I have lost 10% of my excess fat, so that’s good.
-Green Eggs, no ham.
-Today we look at Halloween Havoc 1990 from WCW.
-Halloween Havoc 1990 was shown on PPV on October 27, 1990 from the UIC pavilion in Chicago, Illinois. There were 8,000 in attendance.
-The version of the show that appears on the network is the edited version, missing many matches.
-We have two dark matches. Tim Horner defeated Barry Horowitz and Rip Rogers defeated Reno Riggins.
-Ghostly Intro, very good for 1990’s technology.
-Jim Ross as a gangster and Paul E. Dangerously as Dracula welcome us to the show. They throw it to Tony Schiavone as the Phantom of the Opera interviewing Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich. They talk about Robert Gibson being hurt and then about the MX.
-Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich VS. The Midnight Express Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton with Jim Cornette: The last hurrah for the MX in WCW. They start slow. Morton and Eaton go at it hard to begin. They bring up all of the “Bad Blood” between the teams. MX come back. Team experience comes into play. While the referee is distracted, Cornette hits Morton with the racket to the throat. MX double team Morton and Eaton hits the Rocket Launcher on him on the entrance way. Lane throws Morton over the top rope while Nick Patrick isn’t looking. Morton moves when Eaton tries to run him into the post, then Morton takes Eaton down with some head scissors. The MX continue to batter Morton. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam on Morton. Morton puts his knees up and blocks the impact of a second Rocket Launcher. Rich tagged in, goes for a top rope and Cornette whacks him with the racket. The Southern Boys come out dressed like Cornette and distract the MX. In the confusion, Rich gets the tennis racket and hits Lane with it and pins him.
-Then, Terry Taylor beat Bill Irwin.
-Brad Armstrong pulled off an upset of J.W. Storm.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Sting. He flubs a line about Sid’s mouth and his butt. He recovers well and talks about Sid and the Black Scorpion. He says he is ready. The Black Scorpion comes out saying he is going to show Sting some of his magic. He grabs a “production girl”, throws her in an apparatus and brings a curtain down, and she disappears with him and they appear behind Sting. JR and Paul E. are bewildered trying to get this over.
-In another match cut, The Master Blasters Blade and Steel defeated The Southern Boys Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong. Jim Cornette comes down to try and interfere in the match, Armstrong tries to attack him, and Steel hits a clothesline on Armstrong and pins him.
-The Renegade Warriors Mark and Chris Youngblood VS. The Fabulous Freebirds Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes with Little Richard Marley: Rocky King is all dressed as Robert Gibson playing up that feud. JR and Paul E. having a classic exchange. They sound genuinely mad at each other. Slow paced match. It gets hectic at one point with all four men in. Freebirds in control. DDT chant goes out. Chris Youngblood avoids the DDT. Freebirds still in control though. Hayes caught coming off of the top rope. Renegade Warriors coming back. Hayes comes in and DDT’s Mark Youngblood after he rolls up Jimmy Garvin. Garvin gets the pin.
-Tony Schiavone talks to the Horsemen about the match against Doom. Sid Vicious then talks about taking the world title from Sting.
-United States Tag Team Championship Match: The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott VS. The Nasty Boys Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs: Steiners are insanely over with the crowd. They start brawling before JR can get the college credentials out. They brawl outside of the ring. Scott hits a belly to belly from the top post turnbuckle. Steiners dominating early. JR says you got me once, but he’s going to be damned if he isn’t going to get their college credentials in. Knobbs hits Scott with a chair as The Nasty Boys take over. Back and forth with some hard shots. Nasty Boys hit a spike piledriver on Scott. Rick hits Sags with a chair. They are just stiffing each other. Sags is busted open. The Crowd pops for every Steiner move. Rick hits a double Steinerline from the top rope. The Steiners hit the double team bulldog off the rope for the first time in this match. The crowd comes unglued when Scott hits The Frankensteiner on Knobbs for the pin. The Nasty Boys attack the Steiners with the belts after the match.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Scott Steiner. He says The Nasty Boys bit off more than they could chew. The Nasty Boys then attack him.
-Junkyard Dog VS. Moondog Rex: Rex attempted to use his bone as a weapon. The referee grabbed the bone and JYD hit a head-butt to pin Rex.
-World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom with Teddy Long VS. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson: Slow, methodical match. Horsemen cheat but are the baby faces. Flair chases Long, who slaps him in the face. Back and forth match, very physical, going in and out of the ring. Textbook spinebuster at one point by Anderson. Flair gets the figure four on Ron Simmons. Simmons reverses it and Flair tags in Anderson. Simmons comes back, but the Horsemen cut the ring in half and do quick tags. It goes outside and then back in the ring again. Simmons won’t give up. Reed finally tagged in and he cleans house. Reed hits a flying shoulder block on Anderson. Flair breaks up the count and Anderson hits a DDT on Reed. Simmons breaks up that count. All four men go outside and get counted out.
-Stan Hansen says Lex Luger has to deal with him coming up.
-United States Championship Match: Lex Luger VS. Stan Hansen: JR has to bring up Hansen’s college career. Hansen attacks early. Contrast in body styles. Hansen is bumping his ass off big time for a big man. Hansen is in control, but can’t get the pin. Luger fights back. Crowd signals for the torture rack. The referee gets knocked down. Dan Spivey comes down and throws Hansen’s cowbell to Hansen but Luger blocks it. Hansen then catches Luger with the Lariat and pins him to become the new United States Champion.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Teddy Long. He says he has proved that Doom is the best team and The Horsemen won’t receive another shot at the titles.
-NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. Sid Vicious: Crowd comes alive for Sting. Vicious attacks when Sting turns his back. He won’t stay down though. They brawl outside the ring. Back in, Sting takes over but can’t get Vicious down. Vicious comes back. Even paced match. Vicious hits a big powerslam. Sting comes back and goes for the splash but Vicious moves. Vicious with multiple pin attempts. They battle down the ramp way. The ref gets Vicious back inside, and Sting runs and hits a splash from the ramp way. The Horsemen come down. Sting and Vicious battle away from the ring towards the dressing room. They then come back. Sting slams Vicious who falls on him and pins him. They announce Vicious as the new champion. Big celebration starts with balloons falling and the works. Sting then appears with a rope around him as they release the balloons. Sting hits the splash and pins Vicious. They say that obviously it wasn’t the real Sting earlier. It turns out it was Barry Windham.
-JR interviews Sting in the ring. He tells JR it never ends but he’s a fighting champion. They then sign off from Chicago.