Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 189 Notes

-WCW Monday Nitro July 6, 1998 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia.
-We start out with a clip from WCW Thunder as WCW Commissioner JJ Dillon announces that Hollywood Hulk Hogan must defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Goldberg on Nitro.
-The Nitro Girls dance in the ring, while Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Larry Zbyszko run down what is going to happen. Larry is over here.
-NWO Hollywood comes out. Hulk Hogan says the NWOites need not worry, he won’t let them down. He talks about him and Rodman VS. DDP and Karl Malone at Bash at the Beach. He says the Goldberg match ain’t going to happen. He says he has someone for Goldberg to fight and if Goldberg wins, then he gets Hogan.
-They show a fan who says Hogan is next for Goldberg.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Brian Murphy, last year’s winner of Mark Martin’s car, which is a promotion that they are doing again.
-WCW World’s Television Championship Match: Dean Malenko VS. Booker T: Solid mat wrestling here. Both men are so good. Booker hits the sidewalk slam and the crowd pops. Both men go outside and you hear a voice on a mic and Chris Jericho comes out. He wants Malenko tonight. That distracts Malenko and Booker hits the Axe kick for the win.
-Karl Malone says he is ready for Rodzilla.
-Kanyon VS. Raven with Lodi: Kanyon attacks early. Raven takes a beating. Lodi interferes. Raven takes over. Saturn comes in and attacks Raven. The bell rings. Saturn puts Raven on a table and it takes a long time. He hits a splash onto the table and the table doesn’t break.
-A limo arrives; Buff Bagwell gets out in a wheelchair. First time he’s been seen since his injury.
-The Nitro Girls dance. The Nitro Party Winner talked about. Tony, Mike, and Larry talk about Bash at the Beach coming up. They flashback to last week’s Nitro and Karl Malone slamming Hogan.
-Mean Gene is in the ring to interview DDP and Karl Malone. DDP talks Hogan/Goldberg before talking about Bash at the Beach and him and Malone VS. Hogan and Rodman.
-Malone says he’s gonna whip Rodman like Madonna should have whipped him. Then he says I’m gonna whip the paint out of your head, boy. Yikes! He’s the Rodzilla Killah.
-Steve McMichael talks about being a horseman and what he wants. Mike Ditka talks about Steve.
-Scott Putski comes to the ring looking like a Pirates of the Caribbean reject. He takes on Riggs who has an eyepatch to complete the pirate ensemble.
-Both men going through the motions. Announcers talk about Goldberg's streak and who Hogan’s man is. That is typical for this era. This is a clunky match at times. Scott Putski hits the Polish Hammer but waits too long, but he hits the Putski bomb to win.
-Goldberg preps. They show his first victory. As hour #2 starts, another limo pulls up. NWO Hollywood is out to meet Scott Hall, who is Hogan’s man.
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chris Jericho is out. He says that the #1 contender to his title is Rey Mysterio Jr. JJ Dillon comes out. They say that Jericho brought out a mini wrestler dressed as Mysterio and that he is not the #1 contender. Dean Malenko comes out. JJ says they are to have no contact between them till Bash at the Beach. Jericho tries to bait Malenko. Then he says he just wants to talk to him but ends up goading him again. Malenko attacks him and they have to be pulled apart.
-WCW Cruiserweight Championship match: Chris Jericho VS. Ultimo Dragon: It takes them a couple of minutes but they finally find their rhythm. Malenko runs in for the disqualification. He rips some of Jericho’s hair out. They have to be pulled apart again. Malenko gets handcuffed and escorted out.
-Bobby Heenan joins commentary since we are halfway through the show. They plug Nitro parties.
-Johnny Swinger VS. Chavo Guerrero Jr. is next.
-They announce the attendance: 39,919.
-Chavo takes charge and wins with the tornado DDT. Chavo cuts some of Swinger’s hair to continue an angle he has with Eddie. He wants a hair VS. hair match at Bash at the Beach.
-They show Goldberg’s 25th win against Glacier. Then they show Goldberg training again.
-Disco Inferno and Alex Wright VS. The Public Enemy Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock: Tokyo Magnum comes out with Disco and Wright. Public Enemy come out with the tables. Public Enemy double teams. Alex and Disco come back. Alex and Disco sacrifice Tokyo Magnum. They then attack Public Enemy with trash cans for the disqualification.
-Mean Gene interviews Buff Bagwell whose mother Judy wheels him out. Because of the injury, he comes out to a big pop. He says he’s had a second look at life. He has to move on with his life.
-They show Goldberg’s 50th win over Rick Fuller.
-Scott Hall VS. Goldberg: The reaction Goldberg gets as he comes out is unreal. He is focused. Hall doesn’t look quite all there. Some stiff shots between the two. Becomes a shoving match. Hall takes over. Goldberg chants again. He is a Phenom. Hall waves someone down. NWO Hollywood comes down but are laid out by DDP and Karl Malone. Hall attacks again. Goes for the Outsiders Edge, but Goldberg powers out and spears him. Jackhammer and pin and that is win number 107 for Goldberg.
-The Nitro girls dance around the announcers as they talk about the Hogan match coming up.
-Psychosis VS. Juventud Guererra: They start quick. The announcers of course hype the upcoming title match. Psychosis hits a senton on Juvi. Back and forth. Juvi hits the Juvi Driver. The Flock comes out. Juvi hits the 450 splash for the win. The Flock hits the ring and attacks Juvi.
-They show Goldberg’s 75th win over Raven to win the US title. They talk about the LA Melee internet show coming up. They talk about Bash at the Beach and the Main Event between Hogan/Rodman VS. DDP/Malone.
-Hacksaw Jim Duggan VS. The Giant: Duggan strikes right away. Giant hits the big boot. Duggan tries to lift The Giant but fails. Back and forth. Duggan knocks Giant down. Giant hits the chokeslam and pins Duggan. The Giant then calls out Kevin Greene, who comes out. He spits on The Giant then clotheslines him out.
-Jim Neidhart VS. DDP with Karl Malone: Neidhart strikes first, DDP fights back. Goes for the Diamond Cutter, But Neidhart pushes off. Neidhart gets the full nelson on but DDP kicks back and gets the Diamond Cutter for the win.
-They show Goldberg’s 100th win against Konnan.
-The NWO Wolfpac comes out. Sting and Lex Luger VS. Kidman and Sick Boy: This is a total squash. Sting and Luger dominate.
-They replay Goldberg’s win over Scott Hall.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Goldberg VS. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: They show Goldberg’s long walk to the ring. The man is simply over! The entrance is awesome. Hogan comes out alone. They lock up. Goldberg grabs a side headlock. Hogan sells, then takes over. Back and forth working methodically. Test of strength. They brawl. Hogan uses his belt on Goldberg, who grabs it and throws it away. He puts a full nelson on. Hogan low blows to gain advantage. Goldberg hits a clothesline. Hogan rolls out of the ring and puts the belt back on. A Hogan sucks chant goes out. Goldberg gets thrown out. Hits the guardrail and Hogan hits him with a chair. Back in, Hogan hits the leg drop two times. Curt Hennig comes out, but so do DDP and Karl Malone. Malone gives Hennig the Diamond Cutter. Hogan is distracted, Goldberg hits the spear. He then hits the Jackhammer for the pin. New Champion! Bobby Heenan is ecstatic on commentary. Fireworks go off. Goldberg chants go out. He lifts both belts. Tony Schiavone caps it all off perfectly. Goodnight America, Goldberg’s the champ.