Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 188 Notes

-Today we look at the episode of WCW Power Hour from August 8, 1992.
-The show was hosted by Jim Ross. Ross announces that Ron Simmons is the new World's Champion, Jake Roberts has assaulted Sting, and the war between Rick Rude and Nikita Koloff continues on the Power Hour.
-Van Hammer vs. Joe Cruz: Dear Lord, why would anyone want to start their Saturday with Van Hammer? Cruz with an early advantage. Hammer comes back with a wrist lock. Cruz gets to the ropes. Back and forth. Hammer just awkward and bad. He gets the pin after a Hammerlock suplex which is Tully Blanchard's old slingshot move.
-Missy does the mail. She says she is going to have the first interview with Ron Simmons later.
-Jushin Liger vs. Chris Sullivan: Sullivan gets a side headlock. Liger pushes off and gets Sullivan down. He hits a cannonball and gets Sullivan down again. Sullivan trying to come back. Liger hits a powerbomb and another cannonball off the top rope. Cartwheel to Sullivan gets a two count. Liger hits a piledriver on Sullivan. Liger with a corner whip and a dropkick to Sullivan. Liger knocks Sullivan out of the ring with a spinning heel kick and then a suicide dive on Sullivan. He pins Sullivan after a second rope moonsault.
-JR flashbacks to the previous Sunday in Baltimore. -Rick Rude vs. Nikita Koloff: Sting is on commentary with JR. Koloff dominating on Rude and keeps getting two counts. The referee is knocked out. Cactus Jack comes in and attacks Koloff with a chair. Sting comes in to save Koloff. He picks Rude up and throws him on Cactus Jack. Jake Roberts comes out of the crowd and attacks Sting. He attacks Sting with a chair and hits him with a short clothesline. He then DDT's Sting on the chair a couple of times. He goes to open his bag, but the other faces come out to drive him off.
-Because Sting was injured, he was unable to compete against Vader later in the evening. Bill Watts comes out with some of the top contenders. They go to pull the name out of the sack. Rick Rude demands that he get added to the list. Ron Simmons' name is pulled and he wants his match now. Harley Race comes to the ring to complain that it's not right that Vader has to wrestle an opponent he wasn't ready for, but Watts says it's going to happen.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Big Van Vader with Harley Race vs. Ron Simmons: Joined in progress. Vader bashing Simmons in the corner. Simmons reverses it and starts hitting Vader. He beats Vader down in the corner and the fans absolutely love that he did that. They are solidly on Team Simmons here. Simmons hits a clothesline and a belly to back suplex to Vader. They then cut to Vader beating Simmons down in the corner again. Back and forth in the corner. Vader with a corner whip and a splash. Vader follows it up with a big clothesline to Simmons. He then Vader bombs Simmons, but only gets a two count. They cut to Vader setting Simmons up for the powerbomb, but Simmons slips behind Vader and catches Vader in a power slam to pin Vader to become the new WCW Champion. This kid down front jumps to his feet and is so happy that Simmons won. The crowd goes insane when Simmons is announced as the winner. The kid in the crowd is crying. The other faces come out and celebrate with Simmons and strap the belt around his waist.
-Missy talks more about the win. They throw it to Tony Schiavone interviewing Ron Simmons. He says this is a dream come true for him. He said it was an opportunity that came up and he took advantage. He said that he is going to represent the championship. He was on top of his game. Anyone who wants it, can come and get it. Missy then recaps the end of the TV title match between Steve Austin and Ricky Steamboat. Paul E throws something to Austin, but Steamboat gets it and hits Austin with it and pins Austin. They cut to referee Nick Patrick disqualifying Steamboat and Austin wins.
-Brian Pillman and the Z-Man vs. Greg Valentine and Dick Slater: Pillman and Slater start. Back and forth. Pillman with a hip lock. Slater comes back with a side headlock takeover. Pillman responds with an enziguri. Zenk tagged in. He goes back and forth with Slater. They lock up and Zenk forces the break on the ropes. Valentine tagged in. He works on Zenk's arm. Zenk with a hammerlock. Valentine responds with a back elbow and gets Zenk in the corner. He chops Zenk. Valentine with a corner whip. Zenk avoids the charge and comes back with a crossbody for a two count. Zenk with some dropkicks for another two count and Pillman tagged in. He gets an arm bar on Valentine. Into a hammerlock. Valentine comes back with chops and forearms. Pillman knocked to the outside. Pillman up on the apron and Valentine gets him back in with a belly to back suplex. Slater tagged in. Slater with an Irish whip and a back elbow and gets a two count. Pillman trying to get away. Back and forth. Zenk tagged in and a double dropkick to Slater. Zenk covers, but the referee was getting Pillman out and Valentine pulls Zenk off of Slater. Slater with a belly to back suplex. Valentine tagged in and hits Zenk with an elbow to the second rope. He drops another elbow and a backbreaker for another two count. The crowd encouraging Zenk with a let's go Z-Man, let's go chant. Slater tagged in. Slater gets a Boston Crab, but lets go and Pillman tagged in and takes on both heels. Slater out on the apron. Pillman goes to suplex Slater back in, but the Barbarian comes out and trips Pillman. The referee sees it and the heels are disqualified. Dustin Rhodes comes out and attacks the Barbarian. Now all 6 going at it and Barbarian hits a top rope headbutt to Pillman as Slater was holding Pillman.
-JR previews what's coming up on WCW Saturday Night before signing off from the Power Hour.
-End credits.
-Final Thoughts: A quick-paced show. The Simmons win was epic and the show never dragged.