Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 221 Notes

-Today we look at King of the Ring '93 from the WWF.
-King of the Ring 93 was shown on PPV on June 13, 1993 from the Nutter Center in Fairborn, OH, a suburb of Dayton. There were 6,500 in attendance.
-Jim Ross welcomes us to the King of the Ring. He, Randy Savage, and Bobby Heenan run down what we are going to see tonight.
-First round match up. Razor Ramon vs. Bret Hart: Fans chant 1-2-3 at Ramon to antagonize him. Hart gets a fantastic reaction when he comes out. Hart does his sunglasses routine. The bell rings and they circle each other. They lock up and Ramon pushes off. Another lock up and push off. Hart with a side headlock. Ramon pushes off. Hart comes back with a clothesline, but Ramon doesn't go down. Ramon misses a couple of clotheslines. Hart with some right hand shots. Hart with an arm bar. Ramon comes back and hits a clothesline, but misses an elbow drop. Hart goes back to the arm bar. Ramon with a thumb to the eyes. He gets Hart down for a two count. Hart comes back with a hammerlock. Hart reverses a corner whip, but runs into Ramon's knee and Ramon throws Hart shoulder first into the corner post. Ramon attacks the injured Hart. The crowd chants 1-2-3 again. Ramon stomping on Hart's hands. He then hits a fall away slam for a two count. He power slams Hart for another two count. Ramon drops an elbow on Hart. Ramon with a side slam. Hart rolling out of the way. Hart hitting Ramon in the corner. An inverted atomic drop and a clothesline gets a two count for Hart. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom for a series of two counts. Hart goes for a bulldog, but Ramon pushes off and Hart hits the corner sternum first. Ramon signals for the Razor's Edge. Hart slides out and gets an inside cradle for a two count. Ramon puts Hart on the top rope. He goes to suplex Hart, who counters in mid-air to cover Ramon and get the pin.
-Flashback to Mr. Hughes stealing the Undertaker's urn and attacking Undertaker on Superstars.
-Mr. Hughes with Harvey Wippleman vs. Mr. Perfect: Crowd solidly behind Perfect. Perfect throws his towel behind his back and it lands on Hughes' shoulder in an awesome looking move. JR works in that Hughes played college football, so TASIYDAH. Hughes shoves Perfect. He does it again. Perfect with an arm drag and a dropkick to Hughes. Hughes attacks Perfect in a corner and knocks Perfect over the top rope. Back and forth. Hughes with a big boot to Perfect. He follows it up with an Irish whip and a clothesline to Perfect. He gets Perfect down in a head vice. Hughes with a corner whip and I know you're going to be shocked to hear this, but Perfect over sells. Hughes with another corner whip. Perfect gets Hughes down. Hughes goes for a leapfrog body guillotine, but Perfect moves. Perfect with a hip lock and a backdrop. He gets a neck snap and attacks Hughes in the corner. Hughes hits Perfect with the Undertaker's urn and gets disqualified.
-Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji and Yokozuna. They say that Yokozuna is ready and Hulk Hogan is going down.
-Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jim Duggan: Duggan is the crowd favorite. Duggan gets a USA chant going. They circle each other. Bigelow with a side headlock. Duggan pushes off and they collide, but neither moves. JR works in Duggan's football career, so take one shot now to avoid the rush. They can't knock each other down. Duggan finally got Bigelow down with a clothesline. Bigelow rakes Duggan's eyes. Back and forth. Bigelow with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Duggan moves. Duggan's ribs are hurt from being thrown into the corner. Bigelow with some forearms and a bear hug to Duggan. Duggan tries to come back, but Bigelow gets a thumb to the eyes. Bigelow misses a headbutt. Duggan tries for a slam, but can't get Bigelow up. Bigelow with a bear hug, and Duggan bites Bigelow to get out. Duggan slams Bigelow down. Duggan goes for the running clothesline, but Bigelow moves out of the way and Duggan hits the corner. Bigelow hits the flying headbutt to win.
-Terry Tayler interviews The Smokin' Gunns and The Steiner Brothers about the 8-man tag coming up and they say they are ready for their opponents.
-Lex Luger vs. Tatanka: They make an announcement that Luger has to put on an elbow pad or be disqualified. He does and then attacks Tatanka as soon as Tatanka comes to the ring. Luger throws Tatanka out of the ring. Tatanka turns Luger's mirror over on Luger. Tatanka chops Luger out of the ring. Tatanka with a scoop slam on the floor. They get back in the ring and Luger begging off. Tatanka reverses a corner whip and gets a backdrop and a clothesline to Luger. He gets a two count. Tatanka gets an arm bar on. Luger gets a scoop slam on, but Tatanka keeps the arm bar on. Luger comes back with an elbow. Tatanka goes back to the arm bar. Luger gets out and kicks Tatanka in the corner. He hits a knee lift. He gets a two count. Luger hits a backbreaker and then drops an elbow for a two count. He drops another elbow. Tatanka with a quick roll up for a two count. Back and forth. Luger with a snap mare. He follows it up with a chin lock. Tatanka tries to come back, but Luger puts him down with a clothesline. Tatanka with an inside cradle for a two count. A sunset flip by Tatanka gets another two count. Luger with a kick to Tatanka. He runs Tatanka into a turnbuckle. Tatanka comes back with a chop. Another chop gets a two count. He gets a series of two counts. Another chop from the top rope gets another two count. Tatanka misses a second one. Two minutes left. Luger kicking Tatanka. He gets a two count. 90 seconds left. Luger with a power slam for a two count. One minute left. Luger with a suplex for a two count. 30 seconds. Luger with a backbreaker for a two count. The bell rings. The match is a draw. The crowd boos. Luger gets on the mic and asks for 5 more minutes. The crowd cheers, but he won't get it. Luger takes the arm pad off and knocks Tatanka out. Officials help Tatanka out of the ring.
-Mean Gene interviews Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect. They bicker with each other as Mean Gene eggs them on. Perfect says he remembers SummerSlam and he owes Hart.
-Semi-Finals. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect: The bell rings and they lock up and then break. Perfect with a go behind, but Hart gets to the ropes. Hart with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off. Hart comes back with a shoulder block. Hart counters a hip lock with one of his own and Perfect is bumping like crazy here. They counter each other. They get up in the ropes and break. More moves and counters. This is a fast paced match. Hart with a side headlock. Perfect pushes off and Hart comes back with a crucifix for a two count. Hart with a crossbody and Perfect kicks out and it tosses Hart to the outside. He comes back in with a sunset flip for a two count. He follows it up with a side headlock. Perfect up to his feet and hits Hart with a knee. He follows it up with a standing dropkick. Hart falls to the outside and Perfect holds the ropes for Hart to get back in. As soon as Hart steps through the ropes, Perfect kicks him. He beats Hart down in the corner. He hits a knee lift to Hart. Hart kicked to the outside again. Perfect follows Hart out and chops Hart. Hart gets up on the apron and Perfect hits the ropes to catapult Hart into the barricade. Hart holding his knee on the floor. Perfect attacks Hart as soon as he gets in and gets a two count. A couple of right hands by Perfect knocks Hart to the mat and Perfect goes up top. He hits a top rope dropkick and gets a series of two counts, but Hart kicks out. Perfect knocks Hart down and goes back to the top rope, but gets caught and Hart hits a superplex for a two count. Hart kicks Perfect's leg and puts the figure four on. Perfect fighting to get out. He gets to the ropes. Hart with a leg grapevine. Perfect with a finger to the eye to get out. Perfect flings Hart across the ring by his hair. Perfect with a sleeper. Hart goes down. The referee is checking on Hart. He gets to the ropes. Perfect breaks on the four count. Perfect with a chop and goes back to the sleeper. Hart gets to his feet and runs Perfect into a turnbuckle. Hart with a forearm. Hart then throws Perfect across the ring by his hair. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom. He gets a series of two counts. Perfect blocks a Sharpshooter attempt. He stomps on Hart's fingers. Perfect goes for the Perfectplex, but Hart blocks it and goes for a suplex and both men tumble to the outside. Perfect rolls back into the ring. Hart also back in. Perfect with an inside cradle, but Hart shifts his weight to get the pin. That was a great match. Perfect visibly upset. He gets up in Hart's face and then shakes his hand.
-Mean Gene talks to Hulk Hogan with Jimmy Hart. Hogan says right here in the heart of America, he is ready for Yokozuna.
-WWF World Championship Match. Hulk Hogan with Jimmy Hart vs. Yokozuna with Mr. Fuji: Yoko and Fuji out first. They show photographers all around the ring. Yokozuna is presented with flowers. A Hogan chant goes out. Final televised appearance of Hulk Hogan on WWF television for 9 years. He gets a great reaction when he comes out. Yokozuna does his salt ceremony. It takes a while for them to get going. They circle each other. They lock up and Hogan pushes Yoko off. Another lock up and Yoko throws Hogan down. Yoko chops Hogan. He then headbutts Hogan. He chops Hogan's throat. Yokozuna slams Hogan down. Yoko attacking Hogan in the corner. Hogan trying to get back to his feet. Yokozuna with a corner whip, but misses the charge when Hogan moves. Hogan with shots and a corner whip and clothesline. He tries to slam Yokozuna, but can't get him up. Back and forth. Yokozuna knocks Hogan down. Hart yelling at referee Earl Hebner. Hogan with a series of clotheslines. Yokozuna knocks Hogan down, but misses a splash when Hogan moves. Both men down. Hogan tries a tackle, but gets knocked down by Yokozuna. Yokozuna with a bear hug. Hogan fighting it. The crowd chants USA. Hebner checks the arm, but it doesn't fall the third time. He fights out, but a back elbow by Yokozuna knocks Hogan down again. Yokozuna with a belly to belly suplex. Hogan kicks out at two. Hogan Hulking up. Hogan hits a pair of big boots and Yoko is still up. Another big boot and Yoko falls. Leg drop, but Yokozuna kicks out at two. The announcers and the crowd can't believe it. A photographer gets up on the apron and his camera shoots a fireball into Hogan's face. I didn't learn until years later that Bruno Lauer, Harvey Wippleman himself, played the part of the photographer. Yoko drops a leg on Hogan and pins him to become the new WWF Champion. Yokozuna grabs Hogan and knocks him down. He then does the Banzai Drop on Hogan. Officials get Hogan down and to the back. The crowd is stunned. Photographers in the ring taking pictures of Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. The announcers putting over Yokozuna.
-Terry Taylor interviews Mr. Perfect. He calls Bret Hart a great wrestler, but doesn't want to talk about what just happened.
-Mean Gene talks to Shawn Michaels, who has Diesel with him. Michaels says Hulk Hogan is not the caliber of athlete that he is. Michaels then officially tells Mean Gene that his bodyguard's name is Diesel.
-8-man tag team match. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott and The Smokin' Gunns Billy and Bart vs. Money Inc. Ted DiBiase and IRS and The Headshrinkers Samu and Fatu with Afa: Scott and DiBiase start. They lock up and DiBiase with an arm drag. He does it again. Scott with a single leg and a waist lock. Back and forth. Scott with a dropkick and a Steinerline knocks DiBiase out. DiBiase bumping for both Steiners. Fatu tagged in. Bart also tagged in. Fatu slammed down. Samu tagged in. They get Bart down. IRS tagged in. He gets Bart down. DiBiase tagged in. He suplexes Bart. Heels quick tagging. Fatu gets a two count. He hits Bart with a backbreaker for a two count. IRS with a leg drop for a two count. IRS with a clothesline. DiBiase and Billy both tagged in. Billy with a corner whip and a backdrop. He hits DiBiase with some clotheslines. DiBiase with the Million Dollar Dream. Billy fading. DiBiase throws Billy down. He goes to pick Billy up and Billy gets an inside cradle to get the pin. DiBiase is livid.
-The announcers recap what we have seen so far.
-Mean Gene interviews Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. Jack Tunney is also there. He congratulates Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji. Fuji says he told us what was going to happen. Fuji says all of Japan is celebrating.
-WWF Intercontinental Championship Match. Shawn Michaels with Diesel vs. Crush: The bell rings. Crush with a side headlock. Michaels pushes off. Crush comes back with a shoulder block that knocks Michaels out of the ring. Crush goes back to the side headlock. Michaels hits a jab to Crush. They circle each other. Michaels with an arm bar. Back and forth and Crush hits a pair of dropkicks to drive Michaels out of the ring. They trade moves. Crush military presses Michaels. Crush with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Diesel pulls Michaels out of the ring. Crush comes out and stares down Diesel. Michaels hits Crush from behind and knocks him into the ring post and Diesel keeps up the assault. Diesel distracts referee Mike Chioda while Michaels slams Crush's head repeatedly into the corner post. Michaels stops the count to put Crush back in the ring. Crush kicks out at two. Michaels with a top rope double ax handle. He gets another two count. Michaels with a front face lock. Crush gets up and throws Michaels off. Crush then guillotines Michaels on the top rope. MIchaels goes up top, but gets caught as he comes off an Crush sidesteps and slams Michaels down. Crush follows it up with a backdrop. Crush with a corner whip and a backbreaker. He follows it up with a leg drop for a two count. Crush clotheslines Michaels to the outside. Two Doinks are shown coming down the aisle. They distract Crush for MIchaels to superkick and pin Crush. Crush then takes off after the Doinks.
-Mean Gene interviews Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow says he has some business to take care of.
-Finals of the King of the Ring. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Bret Hart: Hart comes out determined, but limping. They attack each other as soon as the bell rings. Bigelow goes to slam Hart, who falls on Bigelow for a one count. Bigelow with an Irish whip and a clothesline. Bigelow picks Hart up and throws him out of the ring. Bigelow comes out after Hart. He puts Hart back in the ring and hits a falling headbutt. He hits a second headbutt and gets a couple of two counts. Bigelow attacks the lower back of Hart. Bigelow with a suplex for another two count. They trade blows and Bigelow hits a corner whip. Bigelow with a headbutt. A second headbutt gets a two count for Bigelow. Bigelow with a bear hug. Hart with a side headlock to get out. Bigelow with a slam for a two count. Bigelow throws Hart out of the ring. Hart reverses an Irish whip and drives Bigelow into the barricade. Hart follows it up with a forearm. Bigelow catches Hart and runs hmi into a ring post. He then slams Hart down on the floor. Bigelow distracts the referee as Luna Vachon comes from the back and hits Hart with a chair. Bigelow comes out and grabs Hart and throws him back into the ring. He slams him down and goes up top. He hits a top rope headbutt and gets the pin. Referee Earl Hebner comes out and stops Howard Finkel from announcing the win. Bigelow arguing as the referee tells Finkel to announce that the match will continue. Bigelow attacks Hart and works on the back. Bigelow stomping Hart down. Bigelow goes back to the bear hug. Hart fighting it and trying to get out. Bigelow with an over the shoulder backbreaker. Hart gets out and hits a belly to back suplex. Bigelow goes for a back splash, but Hart moves. Back and forth. Bigelow with a corner whip. He then goes back to the backbreaker. Hart counters into the sleeper. Bigelow slams Hart down. Hart with a dropkick and Bigelow thrown to the outside. Hart jumps on Bigelow and attacks him. Hart goes into the 5 moves of doom. He goes for the Sharpshooter, but Bigelow pushes off. Bigelow lands on Hart for a two count. Hart gets a victory roll to pin Bigelow. Randy Savage comes in to congratulate Hart. Officials take Hart over to the coronation area. Mean Gene puts the crown on Hart. Gene then proclaims Hart to be the King of the Ring. Jerry Lawler comes out to confront Hart and calls Hart an imposter. He tells Hart to bow down to the real king and kiss his feet. Hart calls Lawler a coward and the Burger King. He starts a Burger King chant. Lawler attacks Hart and destroys the crown and wrecks the stage. He chokes Hart. Lawler says he gave Hart a chance and then kicks Hart in the face. He throws Hart off the stage as they sign off from Dayton.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show. The Hart matches were all good and all very different matches.