Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 220 Notes

-Today we look at Slamboree '93: A Legends Reunion from WCW.
-Slamboree '93 was shown on PPV on May 23, 1993 from the Omni in Atlanta, GA. There were 7,008 in attendance.
-Tony Schiavone welcomes us to Slamboree as you see a bunch of wrestling legends in the ring at the beginning. Tony and Larry Zbyszko will be your commentators for the event as Jesse Ventura was in the hospital.
-Maxx Payne plays on his guitar. Two PPV's in a row for Payne to play on his guitar. I thought he was playing the National Anthem, but he wasn't.
-Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt welcome us to Slamboree and say that Sting will wrestle the Prisoner. They then talk about the match between Vader and Davey Boy Smith as well as the tag team championship match and legends matches.
-Bobby Eaton and Chris Benoit vs. Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell: Two PPV's in a row for Scorpio and Benoit to face each other. They start and lock up. Scorpio with a side headlock. Benoit pushes off and Scorpio comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. They each dodge moves. Scorpio hits a dropkick. All four men in and the action is fast and furious. Heels rollout to regroup. Eaton tagged in. Bagwell also tagged in. Bagwell with an arm bar. Faces keep making the heels look foolish. Eaton back in and throws Bagwell outside while Benoit distracts referee Nick Patrick. Bagwell back in, but Eaton scoop slams him and drops the knee on Bagwell from the top rope. Benoit tagged in. Benoit with a clothesline. They trade shots. Benoit gets a two count. Eaton tagged in. He chokes Bagwell on the second rope. Benoit tagged back in. Benoit hits a belly to back suplex. He follows it up with a snap mare and a headscissors to Bagwell's head. It's a literal headscissors. Benoit with a neck breaker. He goes to splash Bagwell, who gets a knee into Benoit. Scorpio tagged in. He cleans house. All four in. Scorpio with a float over splash for a two count. Scorpio then hits the top rope leg drop to get the pin.
-Tony and Larry talk about Rob Parker and his trouble with Van Hammer.
-Van Hammer vs. Sid Vicious with Col. Rob Parker: Hammer out first. Parker comes out to introduce his man. He brings out a stretcher for Hammer and then brings out the returning Vicious. Vicious gets a great reaction. Hammer destroys the stretcher as Vicious is coming out. They go back and forth. Vicious with a clothesline. He powerbombs Hammer and pins him. The crowd loves it.
-Eric Bischoff interviews Red Bastien and Bugsy McGraw. Bastien says seeing guys like Sid Vicious makes him happy he's not wrestling anymore as McGraw wanders around looking goofy. He then talks goofy.
-Legends match. Dick Murdoch, Don Muraco, and Jimmy Snuka vs. Wahoo McDaniel, Blackjack Mulligan, and Jim Brunzell: Snuka and Brunzell start. They lock up and Brunzell with a hammerlock. Snuka reverses it. Brunzell with a drop toe hold. He gets an arm bar on. Mulligan tagged in. Murdoch grabs him from the apron and elbows Mulligan. He does it several more times and tags himself in. They trade moves. Murdoch with a hip toss. Murdoch goes to the wrong corner to tag and gets menaced by McDaniel. Mulligan gets the crowd into it. Murdoch comes back with elbows for a two count. Murdoch goes to leave and McDaniel makes him get back in the ring. Muraco tagged in. McDaniel with a side headlock. Muraco pushes off and McDaniel chops him down. He slams Muraco down a couple of times. Heels get McDaniel in their corner and triple team him. Murdoch tagged in and McDaniel chops his way out of the corner. Brunzell tagged in and dropkicks Murdoch. Back and forth and Murdoch hits a flying headscissors. That was impressive. Brunzell with an arm bar. He follows it up with a sleeper. Murdoch backs into his own corner to break the hold. Muraco tagged in and hits a power slam. Muraco with a front face lock. McDaniel tagged in, but referee Randy Anderson didn't see it and won't allow it. Snuka holds Brunzell. Muraco goes to clothesline Brunzell, but hits Snuka when Brunzell moves. Murdoch tagged in and gets a swinging neck breaker for a two count. He gets a driving knee drop and an elbow on Brunzell. He gets a two count. Muraco tagged in and Brunzell hits a body press for a two count. Snuka tagged in. He misses a falling headbutt. Muraco holds Brunzell for Snuka to hit and this time, it's Muraco who gets hit when Brunzell moves. They push each other. All 6 men going at it. Anderson calls for the bell. The match is thrown out and the crowd boos. Snuka lands on the announce table after a big splash attempt.
-Missy Hyatt interviews the Assassin and Mad Dog Vachon. Vachon goes on and on. Assassin challenges Dusty Rhodes.
-Ivan Koloff and Baron Von Raschke vs. Thunderbolt Patterson: Patterson is supposed to have Bob Armstrong as his partner, but he's out with a knee surgery. Brad Armstrong comes out and they are acting like this is all unplanned when Eric Bischoff told us at the top of the show that Brad would take Bob's place. They attack Koloff and Von Raschke. Armstrong unloads on Koloff. He then knocks Von Raschke out of the ring. Heels out to regroup. Patterson in with Von Raschke. Von Raschke complaining about Patterson to referee Nick Patrick. Armstrong tagged in. Koloff also tagged in. He gets Armstrong down. Von Raschke back in and double Irish whip and back elbow. Von Raschke gets Armstrong down in the corner. He gets the claw on Armstrong. Patterson comes in to break. Patterson and Koloff both tagged in. All four in and Patterson hits Von Raschke with a throat thrust to get the pin.
-A Flair for the Gold. They keep saying the original Four Horsemen will be reunited. Yeah, about that. Not quite the Four Horsemen you remember. Flair brings out Fifi. Someone says hi John on the mic. Flair brings out Arn Anderson. They talk about Anderson's match with Barry Windham before bringing out Ole Anderson. Flair then brings out the newest Horsemen, Paul Roma. They talk about Tully Blanchard backing out and cover that Windham got to him or something. The fans just don't care. Roma tries to do his best, but the air has been let out of the room. Flair challenges the Hollywood Blondes.
-Tony and Larry are joined by Johnny Valentine. That's the John from before.
-A Beach Blast ad is shown.
-Nick Bockwinkel with Verne Gagne vs. Dory Funk jr with Gene Kiniski: WCW misspells Bockwinkel's name. They had one job. Valentine on guest commentary. They lock up and push off a couple of times. Slow going, but that's understandable. Valentine says he thinks Funk is going to take it. Bockwinkel reverses a hammerlock. Funk gets Bockwinkel in the corner and hits him with some forearm shots and gets a neck vice on. They trade holds. Bockwinkel with a leg vice. Funk gets back to his feet. Funk confers with Kiniski. Bockwinkel with an arm bar. He gets a scoop slam and Funk rolls out to regroup. They lock up again. Funk with a back elbow and an uppercut for a one count, but Bockwinkel gets his foot on the ropes. They trade shots in the corner. Bockwinkel knocks Funk down into the ropes. Funk with a front face lock. Good chain wrestling here. Bockwinkel with a side headlock. Funk with a belly to back suplex. Funk with an arm bar. They lock up and each try for the advantage. Bockwinkel reverses an arm bar. Funk breaks the hold. Bockwinkel with a side headlock. They trade shots in the corner again. Bockwinkel with a headlock. Three minutes left. They trade shots again. Funk knocks Bockwinkel through the ropes to the ramp. Funk suplexes Bockwinkel back in the ring and gets a two count. Funk with a piledriver, but Bockwinkel gets his foot on the ropes. Bockwinkel with a backslide for a two count. Funk gets the spinning toe hold on with one minute left. Bockwinkel with a roll up for a two count. Bockwinkel with a figure four, but Kiniski puts Funk's hands on the ropes. They battle it out, but fight to a draw. They get a standing ovation after the match.
-Eric Bischoff talks to Lou Thesz. Thesz says he's happy to be here. Bischoff then talks to Bob Giegle. He thought the last match was great.
-Rick Rude and Paul Orndorff vs. Dustin Rhodes and Kensuke Sasake: Sasake and Rude start. Rude pushes Sasake and then poses. Sasake pushes Rude back. Rude sttacks Sasake. They go back and forth. Sasake with a wrist lock. Orndorff tagged in. Rhodes also tagged in. Rhodes with a hammerlock. Sasake tagged in and picks the hammerlock up. Orndorff coming back. Rhodes tagged in. Rude also tagged in. they trade blows in the ring. Rude gets his knee up on a corner charge. Rhodes then hits Rude with a knee, but rushes Rude, who ducks and Rhodes goes flying outside. Rude goes out after Rhodes. Orndorff comes out and attacks Rhodes. He throws Rhodes back in and Rude hits a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Orndorff tagged in. He hits a back elbow on Rhodes. Rude tagged back in. Rhodes reverses a piledriver and gets a two count. Orndorff tagged back in. He gets Rhodes down. Rude and Sasake both tagged in. Sasake with a flurry of offense. Rude begging off. Sasake power slams Rude and now all four men in. Rhodes and Orndorff fight out to the ramp as Sasake goes up top. Orndorff pushes Sasake off and Rude hits the Rude Awakening and gets the pin.
-Gordon Solie is in the ring to introduce the Hall of Fame Class. Solie reads off the names of some of the legends who have died and observes a moment of silence. The first inductee is Lou Thesz and Solie runs down all of Thesz's accolades. The second inductee is Verne Gagne and Solie reads off his accomplishments. Mr. Wrestling II is the third inductee and Solie reads his accomplishments. The final inductee is Eddie Graham and his son Mike accepts on his behalf. Solie then presents the first class.
-Missy Hyatt talks to John Tolos and Lord James Blears. Tolos says he is having a great time here and Blears presents a monocle to Missy.
-Sting vs. The Prisoner in a bounty match: The Prisoner is Nailz, who comes out in full Nailz regalia, including night stick and the crowd chants Boss Man to him. The bell rings and the Prisoner attacks Sting right away. He chokes Sting down in the corner. He breaks on the four count, but then goes back to choking. He hits an Irish whip and a back elbow before going back to choking. Prisoner with some corner whips and a backbreaker and he gets a two count. Prisoner misses a corner charge when Sting moves. They trade blows. Prisoner throws Sting outside following him out and starts choking Sting with cables. He breaks and then goes back to it. He runs Sting into the apron. They get back in the ring and Sting corner whipped. Prisoner with an Irish whip, Sting comes back with a clothesline and gets a one count. Sting with a backdrop. He hits a Stinger Splash for a two count. Sting misses an elbow. Sting hits a flying clothesline to get the pin.
-Beach Blast ad.
-Eric Bischoff talks to the Crusher and Ox Baker. Crusher shouts out to his grandchildren. Baker says he still likes to hurt people and says hello to everyone out there.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. The Hollywood Blondes Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs. The Dos Hombres Ricky Steamboat and Tom Zenk although they want you to believe it's Shane Douglas and call him Douglas: Douglas had left the promotion by this time. If you're confused, you're not the only one. Cage Match. You can't tell the Hombres apart, so Austin and Hombre 1 start. Austin with the advantage. Hombre 1 comes back with chops. Pillman tagged in. Hombre 1 with a drop toe hold. They trade chops in the corner. Pillman with a side headlock. Austin tagged back in. Hombre 2 tagged in and gets a hammerlock. He gets Austin down. Austin comes back and tries to push Hombre 2 into the cage but gets run into the cage instead. Hombre 1 tagged in and gets an arm bar. They go back and forth and Hombre 1 hits a backdrop on Austin. He follows it up with an atomic drop and then throws Austin into the cage. Hombre 2 tagged in. Pillman tagged in. Back and forth. Hombre 1 tagged in and gets an arm bar and then throws Pillman into the cage. Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 hangs Austin upside down on the cage and then splashes Austin. Pillman tagged in and hits a jaw breaker. Hollywood Blondes coming back. Austin with a back elbow. He then drops an elbow from the second rope for a two count. Pillman tagged in. They double team Hombre 1 in their corner. Hombre 1 gets a foot up on a Pillman splash attempt. Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 hits a dropkick. Austin bounces for both Hombres as Hombre 2 in now. Pillman tagged in and goes for the splash, but Hombre 2 gets his knee up. Both Hombre 1 and Austin tagged in. Hombre 1 throws both Hollywood Blondes into the cage. All four men in now. Hollywood Blondes run into each other. Steamboat takes his mask off and climbs to the top of the cage. He hits a crossbody on both Blondes, but only gets a two count although the bell accidently rings. Hombre 2 comes in and they get double dropkicks for two count. Austin gets the Stun Gun on Hombre 2 and gets the pin.
-Bischoff talks to Dusty Rhodes, Stu Hart, and Mr. Wrestling II. Rhodes talks about the Assassin calling him out and tells him to bring it. Wrestling II says Rhodes is ready and thanks WCW for the honor. Hart talks about Davey Boy Smith taking on Vader for the title later tonight.
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Barry Windham vs. Arn Anderson: The bell rings. Anderson with a shoulder block and a one count. Anderson with a side headlock. He takes Windham over for a two count. They circle each other. Anderson with a backdrop. Windham comes back with a right hand. Anderson with a DDT for a two count. Windham goes out to the ramp to regroup. Anderson follows him out and Windham chops Anderson down. Windham trying to keep Anderson from getting in. Anderson goes up top, but Windham hits him as Anderson comes off. Windham with a DDT. He gets a two count and throws Anderson out. They battle on the outside. Anderson runs Windham into the barricade and Windham is busted open. Anderson runs Windham along the top rope. Anderson hitting Windham in the corner and gets a two count. He keeps up the attack and gets another two count. Anderson goes up top, but Windham hits a dropkick to knock Anderson to the floor. Windham goes out and suplexes Anderson on the floor. They get back in the ring. Windham hits a clothesline from the top rope and drops a knee on Anderson to get a two count. Anderson with a shot to Windham. Windham with a float over suplex for a two count. Anderson reverses an Irish whip and hits a spinebuster. Windham rolls out, grabs the NWA title, and goes to leave. Anderson follows and throws Windham back in. Anderson attacking Windham in the corner and shoves referee Randy Anderson down. Windham grabs the NWA title and hits Anderson with it to get the pin.
-Tony and Larry recap what just happened and what led up to the next match.
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match. Vader with Harley Race vs. Davey Boy Smith: It takes some time for them to get going. They circle each other. They lock up and break a couple of times. They try to move each other. Vader crashes into Smith, but doesn't knock him down. Vader pounding on Smith in the corner. Smith goes to the outside, where he is attacked by Race. Vader comes to attack Smith, who moves and Vader spills out to the crowd. Smith picks Vader up and slams him on the ground to the thrill of the crowd. Back in, Smith with a delayed suplex to Vader and the crowd comes to life for that one. Vader gets his boot up on a Smith charge. Vader comes off the second rope, but gets caught and slammed off by Smith. He then clotheslines Vader to the outside. Vader regroups with Race. Back in, Smith gets a crucifix on, but Vader falls back to slam Smith to the ground. Vader drives an elbow into the midsection. He does his version of the Swagger bomb for a two count. Vader hits Smith with some shots. Vader with a scoop slam and a splash from the second rope. Vader beating Smith down in the corner. Vader puts Smith on the top rope and Smith fighting Vader off and finally headbutts him off. Both men on the mat and a double count going. Smith slams Vader and gets a two count. Vader with a clothesline. Back and forth and Smith with a two count. Vader knocks Smith down. He gets a snap mare on. He splashes Smith from the top rope. Both men down again. Vader throws Smith out again and Smith is attacked again by Race. Back in, Vader beating Smith down in the corner. Vader with a slam and a splash on Smith. Smith picks Vader up while Vader is on his shoulders and slams Vader back. Smith gets a clothesline and a two count. He hits the running power slam, but Race pulls Smith out. Race attacks Smith and Vader hits Smith with a chair and gets disqualified. Other wrestlers come in to help Smith and get attacked. Sting comes out and attacks Vader.
-Eric Bischoff and Magnum TA talk about the last match and the night.
-Tony and Larry are joined by Verne Gagne. Gagne says WCW has the best wrestling talent in the world. They sign off from Atlanta. End Credits.
-Final Thoughts: This was a pretty good show and worth at least one watch.