Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 87 Notes

-I celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary yesterday as I record this. We went to see Black Widow. First time in a theater in over a year and a half. It was not crowded at all and we had a good time.
-I have also entered into my busy season at work and have to start stockpiling episodes for August.
-Today we look at Over the Limit from 2011.
-Over the Limit 2011 took place on May 22, 2011 from Key Arena in Seattle, Washington. There were 7,500 in attendance and the show did 140,000 buys on PPV.
-Dedicated to the memory of Macho Man Randy Savage, who had died earlier in the week.
-Josh Matthews, Jerry Lawler and Booker T welcome us to the broadcast. Michael Cole chimes in from his Cole Mine to say he is looking forward to his match with Lawler.
-Rey Mysterio VS. R-Truth: R-Truth says he didn’t have a parking spot when he arrived. He had to walk in the rain. This part goes on way too long. R-Truth says he’s taking Mysterio’s spot. Mysterio with a big entrance. He gives away one of his masks to a fan. They lock up in the corner. R-Truth with some shots to Mysterio. You suck chant goes out. Mysterio ducks a shot and hits a kick. R-Truth goes outside and Mysterio hits a hurricanrana to him from the apron. R-Truth pushes Mysterio against the ropes and he winds up in the tree of woe. R-Truth misses a corner charge. Mysterio run into the corner post to the outside. Back in, R-Truth gets a two count. Mysterio with some shots to R-Truth. A big kick to R-Truth who responds with a kick of his own and a face buster for a two count. R-Truth wraps Mysterio against the ring post. He gets another two count. He slams Mysterio against the top rope. Mysterio with some shots and bulldogs R-Truth off the second rope. That gets a close two count. Mysterio getting a crossbody off the ropes for another two count. R-Truth pushes off and Mysterio hits a huge kick. Another two count. Back and forth. Mysterio with a flying senton. R-Truth counters with a flying twisting elbow for a two count. Mysterio goes for a bicycle kick. R-Truth ducks, catches Mysterio for a slam, but Mysterio sets up R-Truth for a 619. R-Truth rolls out and Mysterio catches him with a kick to the face. R-Truth grabs Mysterio, crotches him on the apron skirt and clotheslines him. A you suck chant goes out. R-Truth hits the Shut Up and pins Mysterio. R-Truth gets a bottle of water, takes a sip, nails Mysterio with it and poses.
-Todd Grisham interviews The Miz with Alex Riley. Miz says that John Cena has never faced him in an I Quit Match. People overlook him all the time. He’s never quit anything in his life.
-Flashback to The Corre attacking Ezekiel Jackson for turning his back on them.
-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match. Wade Barrett VS. Ezekiel Jackson: Slow to start. Barrett with some hard shots. Jackson throws him off and hits some stiff kicks. He throws Barrett over the top rope. Barrett tries to hit a kick, but Jackson catches his leg. Jackson with a clothesline. Beats down Barrett in the corner. Then a corner whip to Barrett. Jackson drops an elbow for a two count. Jackson goes back to kicking Barrett in the corner. Then a back elbow to Barrett. Barrett runs Jackson into the corner post. He does it again. Barrett with a shot to Jackson’s head. Barrett drops an elbow from the second rope. Barrett with a headlock. Barrett sets Jackson up for Wasteland, but Jackson hammers Barrett’s back to get out of it. Barrett ducks a clothesline and hits a kick. Barrett with a pump handle slam for a two count. Jackson with a shot and a shoulder block. Then a corner whip and a slam by Jackson. Jackson slams Barrett several times. He sets Barrett up in the Torture Rack but Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel come in for the disqualification. Jackson clears the ring. The Corre jump Jackson. Slater and Gabriel hold Jackson for a Barrett head kick.
-CM Punk and Mason Ryan are shown backstage and come across Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga on the ground. They say they were attacked by Big Show and Kane. Ryan wants to go after them, but Punk says calm down. This means the New Nexus is in their heads and that they will win the tag titles. He tells the others to walk it off.
-Sin Cara VS. Chavo Guerrero: Cara has a great entrance. They start off tense. Guerrero with a headlock. Back and forth. Guerrero with a wrist lock. Cara with a snap mare. Then Cara with an arm drag. Cara with a tilt a whirl backbreaker. Guerrero to the outside. Back on the apron, Guerrero gives Cara a shoulder block, but Cara comes back with a body block that knocks Guerrero off the apron to the floor. Cara then hits a tope onto Guerrero. Cara with a super kick and another head scissors. Back in, Guerrero with some shots to Cara in the corner. Cara coming back. Cara with a moonsault off for a two count. Cara misses a corner splash and Guerrero follows up with a flying knee. Cara with a springboard arm drag. Guerrero gets his boot up on a Cara corner charge. Cara ducks a Guerrero corner charge and hits Guerrero with a big kick. Guerrero falls out to ringside. Cara with a crossbody to Guerrero on the outside. Cara puts Guerrero in and Guerrero tries to shoulder block Cara off the apron, but Cara delivers a kick to Guerrero. Another springboard head scissors from Cara to Guerrero. Cara with rapid kicks to Guerrero. Then a springboard back elbow. Misses a corner charge but hits a boot to the head of Guerrero. A crossbody gets a two from Cara. Guerrero with a backbreaker. Cara reverses it into an arm drag. Back and forth and a quick head scissors rollup gets the pin for Sin Cara.
-Be a Star Campaign ad against bullying.
-Todd Grisham interviews Christian and Randy Orton about their rematch. Christian says he’s not mad at anybody because he knows he would have done the same thing Orton did and he’s going to win his title tonight. Orton says that Christian is a great competitor and he beat him once before and when he fights a feel good story, there is no happily ever after.
-Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio talks about his destiny and the immigration problem with Canadians crossing the border to the USA. He says he’s not upset he’s not in the main event because he knows he can easily make John Cena or The Miz say I quit. He says it’s his destiny to be the next WWE champion but gets interrupted by The Big Show and Kane’s music. Del Rio is screaming at them. Kane says he’s upset that the rapture didn’t come the previous day, but if Del Rio doesn’t get out of the ring, he’s going to end up like Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga and The Big Show adds that’s a punch in the face. Del Rio gets out of the ring.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. The Big Show and Kane VS. Mason Ryan and C.M. Punk: C.M. Punk chant goes out. Ryan and Kane start. Back and forth. Ryan with a shoulder block to Kane. Punk tagged in. Kane sends him head first into the turnbuckle. Big Show tagged in. He smacks Punk’s chest and steps on his back. Big Show sets Punk in the corner and Punk covers up as Big Show slaps his back. Punk corner whipped to the opposite corner, but gets his legs up to kick Big Show’s shin. Ryan tagged in. Drops an elbow on Big Show. He kicks Big Show's chest and Punk tagged back in. Gets a two count, but Big Show throws him off. Punk with a front face lock and Big Show lifts him up. He has a bear hug on Punk and Kane comes in with a big boot to the face. Kane corner whips Punk and follows it up with a clothesline. Then another. Then Kane gets a side slam on Punk for a two count. Kane goes up top and clotheslines Punk. He sets up for the chokeslam. Ryan distracts the referee allowing Punk to kick Kane in the head to get out of his chokehold. Ryan tagged in and attacks Kane. Kane rolls out and Punk attacks him on the outside. Ryan goes outside and drives Kane into the side of the ring. Back in, Ryan gets Kane in a front face lock and tags Punk in. Punk attacking Kane’s back with shots. Punk hits a running knee to Kane’s face in the corner. Punk goes for a bulldog, but Kane pushes him off almost into the fist of Big Show, but Punk stops himself and kicks Kane’s shin with a low dropkick. That gets a two count. Ryan tagged in, picks Kane up, runs him back first into the turnbuckle and then does a running power slam to Kane for a two count. Ryan with a body vice to Kane’s midsection. Kane raining down blows to Ryan’s back to break the hold. Ryan again picks Kane up to run him into the corner, but Kane pushes off running Ryan into the corner. He follows it up with a kick to the gut and a suplex. Both down and a double count going on. Punk tagged in and stops Kane from tagging in Big Show. Punk goes up top, tries for an elbow drop, but Kane moves. Both Ryan and Big Show tagged in. Big Show with a couple of big clotheslines. Ryan corner whips Big Show, then follows up with a back elbow and a shoulder block. Punk comes in and he grabs both in a grip for a double chokeslam. But they kick his shins. They Irish whip him and he comes back with a double clothesline and Kane clotheslines Punk out of the ring. They double chokeslam Ryan and Big Show pins him.
-Divas Championship Match. Brie Bella with Nikki Bella VS. Kelly Kelly: Brie with some shots to Kelly. Corner whips Kelly, but Kelly gets the foot up. Kelly with a crossbody for a two count. Kelly thrown outside and Nikki attacks her. Brie stomps on Kelly’s hand. Brie gets a two count. Brie with an arm lock. Kelly screaming in pain. Kelly comes back with some elbows and kicks. Kelly with a heavily modified Thesz Press and punches. She drives Brie’s head into the canvas. Kelly with a bulldog for a two count. Brie and Nikki switch places. Nikki hits a face buster to get the pin.
-Michael Cole leaves saying he has to go prepare for his match.
-Flashback to what led to the World Heavyweight Championship Match.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Christian: It seems like Orton gets a better reaction coming out. Crowd into it as they lock up. Christian with a quick roll up for a one count. Orton with a side headlock. Christian pushes off with an Irish Whip. Orton with a shoulder block for a two count. Back and forth. Christian with a back elbow. Christian with a second rope dropkick for a two count. He slaps Orton. Orton leap frogs Christian and hits a back elbow of his own. Christian backdrops Orton outside. He follows Orton out. He slaps him again and pushes him back in. Christian with a big slam and a headlock. Orton hits a blow to get out and Christian with a dropkick for a two count. Christian with a rear chin lock and Orton with a shot and a dropkick. Christian goes up top, but gets caught. Orton with a top rope superplex. He gets a close two count. A Randy chant goes out. Orton with some forearm shots. Christian blocks the next one and turns it into a backslide for a two count. Orton with a shoulder block and two clotheslines. Orton ducks a Christian clothesline. Christian hits a spinebuster and gets a two count. Back and forth with shots. Christian with a flying forearm and death drop for a two count. Christian comes off the top and Orton catches him in a roll up for a two count. Christian reverses it for a two count. Orton with forearm shots to Christian. Orton lifts Christian up for a move that Christian counters into an arm drag and Orton is draped on the ropes. Christian goes outside for a strike, but Orton grabs his arm and tries to pull him in, but Christian fights it and hits Orton in the face. Christian with a flying headbutt for a two count. Christian chant goes out. Orton with a forearm shot and an inverted headlock backbreaker. He gets another two count. Orton stomps to Christian which is still the dumbest move in wrestling no matter who does it. The kids in Bristol take notice though as Orton gets a two count. Christian goes for the Killswitch. Orton goes for the RKO. Christian blocks. Orton hits a back elbow. Orton with a reverse Boston Crab like maneuver. Christian fights it hard and finally gets to the ropes. Dueling chants go out. Christian corner whipped but gets the boot up on an Orton charge. Christian goes up top and fakes going off the top rope as Orton goes for the RKO and Christian gets a sunset flip. He gets a close two count. Orton with a shot. Christian corner whipped and trying to come out of the corner he swings on the ropes to kick Orton in the head. Orton catches him and hits an apron DDT. He gets a two and a half count. Orton angry. Orton doing his Viper coiled gimmick. He goes for the RKO, but Christian pushes him off. Christian starts chanting spear and sets up in the corner for it. Orton catches Christian in a power slam. He gets a very close two count. Orton goes for a punt but stops himself. He tries again and Christian catches him in a spear for a two count. Christian goes for the Killswitch again, but Orton pushes him off. Orton goes for the RKO, but Christian pushes off. Christian again goes for the Killswitch, but Orton counters with a backdrop and hits the RKO. He then gets the pin. Orton poses on a turnbuckle as Christian is on the mat dazed. Orton goes to leave before going over to help Christian up. Christian pushes him off. He goes to leave and the crowd boos. He comes back and is face to face with Orton. They shake hands and hug. Christian walks back up the aisle visibly frustrated.
-Flashback to what has happened between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.
-Kiss my foot match. Jerry Lawler VS. Michael Cole: Lawler gets a Jerry chant coming out. Cole comes out limping and still in his suit. A Cole sucks chant goes out. Cole announces that he is medically prohibited from competing. He says that his athlete’s foot has become infected. He hands his doctor’s note to the referee. The referee tears up Cole’s note and Lawler slugs him. Cole tries to get away and Lawler tears his pants off. Lawler hits a right hand and a dropkick and Cole rolls out. Lawler follows him and Cole pushes him into the barricade. Cole takes off his shoe and sock and his foot looks nasty. Lawler grabs his foot, punches him and runs him into the Cole Mine. It collapses and a Jerry chant goes out. Lawler throws Cole back in the ring. Lawler climbs the second rope, drops the strap, and hits the fist drop. He pins Cole. Lawler waves someone down and Eve comes out. She hits a moonsault on Cole. Lawler takes his boot off. He waves somebody else down and JR comes out. JR pours BBQ sauce all over Cole. Lawler pulls his sock off as Cole gets out of the ring and starts to go up the aisle. Cole yelling no and not like this. He gets a mic and says he’s not a loser. Everyone else is a loser. He says he will never kiss Lawler’s foot. Bret Hart’s music hits. Cole turns around, sees Bret and backs away. Bret throws him in the ring. He gets Cole in the sharpshooter. Lawler makes Cole kiss his feet.
-JR joins commentary. Hart and Lawler clap hands with some fans.
-Flashback to what led up to the main event.
-I Quit Match for the WWE Championship. John Cena VS. The Miz with Alex Riley: Booker puts over The Miz for all he has overcome as he comes out. Cena gets an insane ovation as he comes out. Miz gets on the mic and says that I Quit means no disqualifications which means Alex Riley is also in the match so Cena can say I Quit now and spare himself. Cena says Hell No and attacks both men. Cena backdrops Riley and corner whips Miz and bulldogs him. Cena goes for the STF on Miz and Riley breaks it up. Riley with a corner whip to Cena who hits the post sternum first. Riley with a suplex. Cena backdrops Riley to the outside as a let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks dueling chant goes out. Cena with a couple of shoulder blocks on Miz then a big slam. U Can’t See Me followed by the 5 knuckle shuffle. Goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Miz counters into a backbreaker/neck breaker combo. Cena counters the Skull Crushing Finale into an Attitude Adjustment. Riley comes in and batters Cena with the briefcase. Riley screams at Cena to get up then he and Miz put Cena on a turnbuckle and double powerbomb him. The referee asks him if he wants to quit. He says no. They then throw him outside. They run Cena into the barricade. He again doesn’t want to quit. Miz takes the protective cover off of the barricade. They run Cena into it. He still won’t quit. Miz and Riley then clear the announce table. They hit Cena with monitors. He still won’t quit. He fights back against Riley and Miz, but Miz runs him into the ring steps. Miz DDT’s Cena on the steps. Miz asks him. He says no. Riley picks up the steps and Miz says he will slam them into Cena’s ribs if he doesn’t quit. Cena tells Miz to go to hell so Riley slams the stairs down on Cena. Cena again says no. They pull Cena up. Riley holds him and Miz grabs a kendo stick. Miz says Cena has one opportunity to quit and Cena says you hit like a girl. Miz unloads some heavy shots on Cena. Miz screams who hits like a girl and Cena is asked again. He again says no and Miz just unloads on him. He again says no. Miz hits a big shot to Cena’s head. He again says no so they drive him back to the barricade. They slam him on the metal aisle. They suplex Cena on the stage. He again won’t quit. Miz does a running kick to Cena’s face and he falls down off the stage. He again says no but gets up like he doesn’t know where he is. Riley holds Cena over a lighting rig and Miz gets a production assistant's belt and asks Cena to quit or he will be whipped. Cena says you’ve got a leather strap, but you got no nuts. Miz whips his back hard but he won’t quit. He unloads on Cena’s back. Cena kicking at him wildly. He still says no. Riley goes to get a chair and Cena fights back against Miz and Riley. He runs Riley into the ring post, but Miz hits Cena in the stomach with the chair. He hits Cena several times on the back. Back in the ring, he goes to hit him again, but Cena is up hitting Miz. Riley comes in and Cena shoves him out of the way, but he hits the referee. He goes to hit the Attitude Adjustment on Riley, but Miz counters with a death drop. Miz sets the chair up in the ropes. Miz does the Skull Crushing Finale to Cena through the chair. Cena again says no. Miz goes and asks a Cena fan to tell Cena to quit and the fan says never. Miz then says he will not stop until Cena says he quits. The fan still says no. Miz nails Cena on the head with the mic and is pulling his arm through a hole in the barricade. Cena stuck in the barricade. He says he’s going to beat Cena repeatedly with the chair till he says he quits. Cena says these kids are smarter than Miz. Miz with one chair shot. Riley puts the mic in front of him and you hear I Quit but it sounds like it came from somewhere else. The bell rings. Miz is announced as champion and his music plays. Referee Mike Chioda goes to get the belt and notices something on the ground. He picks it up. He puts it to his ear then waves off the bell ringing. Miz and Riley arguing with Chioda who says they cheated and I heard it. Chioda plays the I Quit soundbite from Riley’s cell phone. The match is restarted and the bell rings. Miz holds Cena for Riley to hit him with the belt, but Cena ducks and Miz gets hit. Attitude Adjustment to Riley through the announce table. Cena takes his belt off and whips Miz’s back. Miz runs to the back with Cena chasing him and whipping him. They come back to the stage and Cena applies the STF to Miz. Miz says I Quit. Cena collapses as the crowd celebrates. They show highlights of the match. Cena salutes the ring as they sign off from Seattle.