Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 86 Notes

-I said the wrong city last time! I meant Lynchburg and not Richmond.
-Tuesday I take a hot walk.
-I had to get the brakes fixed.
-A small personal life win as I ride the sky lift.
-A long drive back to Maine.
-Today, we look at Starrcade ’90: Collision Course from WCW.
-Starrcade 1990 took place on December 16, 1990 from the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis, Missouri. There were 7,200 in attendance.
-Opening Credits.
-Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously welcome us to the show and run down some of the matches coming up.
-Gary Michael Cappetta introduces Sam Muchnick. He says he’s happy to be back and thanks everyone for inviting him and for coming.
-They present the flag and play the National Anthem. They also say that the show is being broadcast to the troops all over the world.
-Bobby Eaton VS. The Z-Man: They have on screen that this is Eaton’s first solo PPV effort, forgetting the Nikita Koloff Bunkhouse Stampede ’88 match. They say that Ric Flair has removed himself from the tag match due to “injuries”. Zenk comes out hot. Paul E. putting Eaton over. Z-Man in control. Match becomes a little clunky. Eaton now in control. It goes out on the ramp way, where Z-Man hits a tope. Back in, it goes back and forth. Eaton hits the Alabama Jam, but misses a corner charge. Z-Man does a jumping split for no reason. Eaton hits a neckbreaker. Eaton goes off the top, but Z-Man hits a kick on him, then Z-Man goes off the top rope, but Eaton moves. Eaton wins with a cradle.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Dick the Bruiser. He’s going to be the ref for the main event and says he’s going to be fair.
-Gary Michael Cappetta brings out the flags and the trophy for the teams in the Pat O’Connor Memorial Tag Team Tournament. This takes way too long.
-South Africa: Col. DeKlerk and Sgt. Kruger VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Steiner Brothers are very over with the crowd. USA chant goes out. Crowd pops when Rick hits a Steinerline. Crowd loves all of the Steiners' moves. Scott pins Ted Petty after a Frankensteiner.
-Great Britain Chris Adams and Norman Smiley VS. Mexico Rey Mysterio Sr. and Konan: Starrcade Stats graphic misspells Misterio as Misteric. Smiley showing how athletic he is by flipping out of a double team move. Adams hits Misterio with a great superkick. JR keeps saying Misteric. Great Britain dominating. Adams gets thrown on the announce table. Konan reverse suplexes Smiley off the top rope for the pin. Misterio gets hurt after the match diving on Adams.
-Missy Hyatt interviews Alexandra York and Michael Wallstreet. They say Terry Taylor is history and will lose in less than 8:32.
-New Zealand The Royal Family Rip Morgan and Jacko Victory VS. Japan The Great Muta and Mr. Saito: Paul E. says he thought The Black Scorpion was Muta. Muta hits Victory from the top rope to the ramp way. The crowd likes it. New Zealand takes over on Saito. He does some great mat wrestling. JR working everyone’s athletic and amateur backgrounds into the call IYDAH. Morgan tries to pin Saito several times, but can’t get the pin. Muta tagged in and hits the handspring elbow to a big pop then after a four way brawl, Muta hits the belly to back suplex for the pin. Paul E. interviews Muta and Saito. Language barrier is there but Saito gets it out that Japan is the best and everyone else is going down.
-Canada Bull Johnson and Troy Montour VS. U.S.S.R. Victor Zangiev and Salmon Hasimikov: JR puts over the vast experience that the Soviet team has. Mat based match. Soviets win the match after a suplex and the ref hits the mat 4 times.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Sting about the main event. He says his head is clear and he knows what he needs to do.
-Flashback to the confrontation between Terry Taylor and Alexandra York and Michael Walstreet on the previous night’s edition of WCW. Taylor slapped York.
-Terry Taylor VS. Michael Wallstreet with Alexandra York: Mickey Garigiola is the special ring announcer. Taylor strips Wallstreet to his wrestling singlet. Clock is shown due to Wallstreet’s “prediction”. Taylor with an advantage to begin. Wallstreet slows it down and gets a backbreaker on Taylor as JR brings his athletic background in as you all breathe a sigh of relief and IYDAH. JR and Paul E. bicker over Wallstreet cheating. Taylor comes back. Taylor hits the five arm, but Wallstreet gets his foot on the ropes. Wallstreet hits a stun gun on Taylor and then hits the Stock Market Crash to pin Taylor.
-WrestleWar ’91 ad.
The Motor City Madman and The Big Cat VS. The Skyscrapers Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey: Skyscrapers reunite for this event. Skyscrapers just take over on their opponents. JR mentions that Sid is still a member of the Horsemen. Skyscrapers win after a spike powerbomb.
-Paul E. interviews the Skyscrapers. They said they decide when and where they get together and if they do get back together in 1991, everyone better watch out.
-Tommy Rich and Ricky Morton with Robert Gibson VS. The Fabulous Freebirds with Little Richard Marley: Freebirds suck chant goes out. Morton and Rich clear the ring to begin. It goes outside and Gibson hits Hayes. Back in, stereo figure four’s on both Freebirds by Morton and Rich. All faces up to this point. The Freebirds gain control. Hayes hits a bulldog on Morton when the referee isn’t looking. Marley tries to go off the top to try to break Morton’s leg, but gets hit by Gibson with one of his crutches. Garvin gets mad at Marley and starts choking him and Morton rolls Garvin up for the pin. Freebirds beat up Marley and double DDT him. Morton and Rich check on Marley and the Freebirds attack Gibson on the stage.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Stan Hansen. He’s excited that he got what he wanted for his match against Lex Luger, a Texas Lariat match.
-JR updates the Tag Team Tournament Bracket.
-Mexico Rey Misterio and Konnan VS. The Steiner Brothers Rick and Scott: Konan is limping before the match starts. Konan and Rick doing some mat wrestling to start. Rick and Scott hit a top rope bulldog on Konan. Misterio in. Scott hits a fall away slam on him. Rick hits a modified power bomb on Misterio to win.
-Tony Schiavone talks to Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. They show a video of Ric Flair being pulled out of his limo. Anderson said that this didn’t start out personal, but Doom made it that way.
-Victor Zangiev and Salmon Hasimikov VS. The Great Muta and Mr. Saito: Russians strike early. Muta does a stiff kick to Hasimikov. Back and forth. Saito gets a suplex on Zangiev to win.
-Tony Schiavone interviews Teddy Long and Doom. They talk about the street fight and Teddy Long says Homie don’t play that is a definite sign of the times. Reed says he specializes in street fight matches. Long also says I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Oh, boy.
-United States Championship Match: Stan Hansen VS. Lex Luger: Texas Lariat Match. It’s a version of a bull rope match. Hansen attacks as soon as the rope is attached. Luger comes back and as JR goes on and on about Luger’s football career, I realize that Hansen looks like a guy I know named Bob. It goes outside and Luger is choking Hansen with the rope. Hansen slams Luger on chairs and throws Luger back in. Luger goes for a pin after a clothesline but has to be reminded that pins don’t count. It goes outside and Hansen is punishing Luger. Hansen gets three corners touched, but Luger comes back. They go outside and batter each other. Luger runs Hansen into the corner post outside. Back in, Luger hits two leg drops on Hansen and Luger gets three posts. Hansen pulling to stop him from hitting the 4th. Hansen trips, Luger falls forward and takes out the referee as he hits the post. Hansen takes off his boot and hits Luger. Hansen goes for all four posts as another referee comes down. The crowd is irate. Hansen gets all four posts. Bell rings. Original referee waves Hansen off and Luger is declared the winner and the new champion.
-JR interviews Luger. He says it feels great to be the US champ again.
-World Tag Team Championship Match: Doom with Teddy Long VS. The Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. Street Fight: They start fighting right away. They fight in the ring and on the ramp way. They beat each other with belts. Some guy just wanders out and they say he is a medical attendant. Chair shots galore. Windham bleeding. Headshots with chairs don’t age well. Reed also bleeds and says SOB. Simmons hits Windham with a spinebuster and Windham hits Simmons with a superplex. Nobody can get a pin. Reed hits a shoulder block on Anderson. Windham hits a DDT on Reed. Anderson gets a chair but Reed gets it and hits Anderson with it. He gets a two count. Reed hits a piledriver on Windham. Anderson goes to hit Simmons from the second rope while Windham holds him, but Reed knocks Windham out of the way and Simmons clotheslines Anderson. Windham pins Reed while Simmons pins Anderson and the referee counts both pins. They continue to fight as the bell rings. They battle down the ramp way. They battle to the back. The match was ruled a no contest.
-JR and Paul E. start to argue about the finish of the previous match.
-Another WrestleWar ’91 ad.
-Tag Tournament Final: The Great Muta and Mr. Saito VS. The Steiner Brothers: It’s the #1 seed against the #2 seed. Muta with some stiff kicks on Scott. Fans start barking when Rick comes in. Saito in and Rick just keeps pounding him. Muta gets posted on the top rope. Scott hits the belly to belly on Muta. JR uses a McDonalds joke on Saito and I love it! Rick and Saito both down after a double clothesline. Saito runs Rick into the corner ring post outside and knocks his headgear off. Muta hits Rick with the ring bell. The Japanese wrestlers are cheating to perfection. Rick hits a Steiner line on Muta and tags in Scott. Modified power bomb to Muta, but Saito breaks up the count. Muta and Saito get a spike piledriver on Scott. A USA chant goes out. Rick sneaks onto the second rope and catches Saito with a sunset flip to win and the crowd goes crazy.
-Tony Schiavone introduces the Pat O’Connor Family, but they don’t show them in the crowd. Typical WCW. Tony then brings out Jim Herd to present the trophy and to kill the crowd. I would rather listen to paint dry. Man, the Steiner Brothers are rough on the mic. They shout out the soldiers serving overseas. JR and Paul E. talk about the Black Scorpion.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting VS. The Black Scorpion: Dick the Bruiser is the special guest referee. Paul E. says Dick the Bruiser looks like Popeye the sailor man and starts whistling the Popeye theme. Four men come down dressed as TBS. Some sort of apparatus comes down and closes and TBS voice comes out that the other four are just messengers and he emerges from the pod. Announcers say they don’t know who it is. Sting gets a good ovation as he comes out. They start out slow. TBS tries to hide his wrestling style as Paul E. says that all of the clues may have been tricks as they are trying to come up with a plausible explanation for this. They say this is the first time that TBS and not one of his messengers has wrestled. Slow paced match. TBS puts his feet on the ropes as he has Sting in a move and gets caught by Dick the Bruiser. Sting being punished. TBS firmly in control. Sting comes back and gets multiple two counts. TBS comes back and rakes the eyes. He punishes Sting and pushes him repeatedly into the cage. TBS hits a piledriver. Sting hits the splash, he then goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but TBS breaks it. Sting runs TBS into the cage and rips the mask off, but TBS has another one on. TBS tries to get away, Sting falls on the ropes and TBS crotches himself. TBS rammed into the cage several times. Sting launches TBS into the cage. Sting hits a clothesline. He hits TBS with a clothesline from the top rope and gets the three count. The crowd loses it. The other scorpions enter the cage and Dick the Bruiser and Sting attack them as TBS tries to escape. The Horsemen come in with a chair and clean house. Luger chant goes out. They DDT Sting on a chair. Faces start to climb the cage trying to get in. The Steiners come down with bolt cutters. They milk pulling the mask off before revealing that Ric Flair is TBS. They put up how to get a Starrcade ’90 T-shirt as JR rapidly plugs WrestleWar as they sign off from St. Louis.