Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 166 Notes

-RIP Jay Briscoe
-Today, Project 45 goes back to 2004 as we look at the Raw from October 4, 2004.
-WWE Monday Night Raw was shown on Spike on October 4, 2004 from Madison Square Garden in New York City.
-WWE Intro.
-Flashback to Ric Flair calling out Randy Orton about being the legend killer. Orton tells Flair that he is the man and it's so tragic to see what he's become. This generation is going to remember Ric Flair for kissing HHH's ass. It then flashes to Flair in the back and Batista asking Flair if he is ready and Flair looking contemplative. Flair says he hears Batista, but he doesn't answer to HHH or Batista. They then show highlights of Randy Orton vs. Batista and HHH and Flair attacking Orton during the match.
-Raw Intro.
-Pyro goes off as JR welcomes us to NYC and Monday Night Raw live from MSG. He and Jerry Lawler are the announcers for the evening. They preview what's coming up on Raw. HHH and Ric Flair come out wearing suits and HHH has the World Championship with him. They get in the ring and Flair says let me clarify something. Last week, he came out here on Raw and he said that HHH was the greatest wrestler alive. He then says he was wrong because he wants everyone to understand that HHH is the greatest wrestler of all time and Flair says he is the only man in this great business that gets to say that because Randy Orton, wherever he is, the legends he thinks he has disposed of, and first off Randy, the reason you're not here tonight is because Eric Bischoff, for safety reasons, has barred Orton from the building. Safety and purposes of recuperation after last week's ass whipping. Flair then says let me go on to say this. Orton, let's get something straight. You can never be a legend. Let's go back to Shawn Michaels. Not a legend. Foley? Not even great, but sure not a legend. So, in his eyes, Randy Orton, look at him and say legend. He looks at Orton and says virgin. You are a virgin at killing legends. Flair then says he's got Orton at Taboo Tuesday. It's Orton and Flair. Flair then says one slight problem. Some genius has chimed in and said the fans should decide whether it's a falls count anywhere match, a submission match, or God forbid, the steel cage. 16 feet high. One way or another, Orton, It will be you and Ric Flair at Taboo Tuesday and you will be Flair's all night long. Okay then and now I feel awkward. He then Whoo's and hands the mic to HHH. HHH Whoo's and then he and Flair hug. HHH then says Taboo Tuesday, huh? What is deemed the most revolutionary concept in PPV history. The first interactive PPV ever is going to be a complete disaster because there is no way you can rely on people like you to make those kinds of decisions. The crowd boos. Just like any election, this whole thing could come down to one vote. HHH says and let me get this straight. He's supposed to rely on somebody like you as he points to someone in the crowd, to make that decision? He then points to someone else and says he's supposed to rely on them to make that decision? He says and you people like that? The crowd cheers and HHH then says you like the fact that you can decide what happens to the Nature Boy? You like the fact that you get to decide the fate of the Game? You like the fact that you have the power? Well, to quote an overrated Hollywood actor, it doesn't matter what you like. Okay, I will give him that one, it was pretty funny. HHH then says you people are in over your heads. Just like Randy Orton is against Ric Flair. And just like Ric Flair is qualified to tell everyone that HHH is the best, HHH is qualified to tell you that Taboo Tuesday is a joke. It is a sham. He gets interrupted by Christ Jericho's music.
-Jericho comes out and he is the current Intercontinental Champion. He poses and he has a mic and HHH is not happy that Jericho has come out. Jericho stays at the top of the ramp and says attention viewers. Do not adjust your sets, this is not a repeat despite the fact that HHH is whining and complaining about Taboo Tuesday yet again. Listen Trips, this ain't Tuesday, this is Monday. This is live. This is New York City, baby and this is Raw is Jericho. Jericho says it seems to him that HHH is a little uncomfortable with the whole Taboo Tuesday concept. Jericho says he just wants to tell HHH that an interactive PPV is not a bad thing. Jericho says everybody has the right to make a choice. Everybody has the right to vote. As a matter of fact, he thinks they should have a little poll of their own. With all these Jericholics right here at MSG tonight. A Y2J chant goes out. Jericho says let's start the poll, who here thinks HHH is the greatest wrestler today? The crowd boos. Jericho says okay. Now, who thinks HHH is the greatest wrestler of all time? The crowd again boos. Jericho says all right, well, who here thinks that HHH is the biggest horses ass that ever walked the face of the earth and the crowd cheers wildly. Jericho says it looks like we have a winner. Jericho then says seriously Trips, if you want to keep complaining about Taboo Tuesday, well take your show on the road, Jack, because nobody here gives a damn about what you have to say. But if you want to know who it was that first came up with the idea of the people voting for a PPV, well, that was him, Y2J. And if you want to know who it was that inspired Vince McMahon to create an entire PPV based on that concept, well, that was also him, Y2J. But, most importantly of all, if you want to know who it is that's going to be laughing and smiling while watching HHH lose that championship at Taboo Tuesday, well that's also going to be him, Y2J, you sanctimonious son of a bitch. Flair takes off his jacket, grabs the mic, and says Jericho, you can't talk like that to him as HHH starts to take off his jacket. He then says get out here, come here. Right now, you're going to learn some manners and some respect. Come on, Jericho, right now. HHH has taken off his tie and loosened his shirt. Jericho shakes his head no and walks to the back. Flair tells him to go run and hide. The announcers say it's not like Jericho to walk away like this. Flair said you see, he's a coward as Jericho comes back holding a chair. HHH and Flair back to the far side of the ring as Batista attacks Jericho from behind. Batista throws Jericho in and HHH and Flair attack him. Chris Benoit comes in to save Jericho. Evolution then gangs up on Benoit. Edge then comes out to attack Evolution and he and HHH square off. Jericho and Benoit get Batista and Flair down and then set HHH up for Edge to Spear him. Flair and Batista get HHH out. HHH is holding his ribs and pointing at Edge, who is holding HHH's belt.
-Ad for THQ's Day of Reckoning for the Nintendo Game Cube.
-Coach talks with Christian, who has Tomko with him, about his match coming up with Shawn Michaels. Christian asks Coach why is everyone making a big deal about MSG? The Mecca. Shawn Michaels home away from home. See, all that tells him is how ignorant New Yorkers are. See, why does Shawn Michaels get so much credit for his match here at WrestleMania X. A ladder match that he lost than Christian does for his match at WrestleMania XX? A match that Christian won? You see, what it is, is people all over the world hold the torch for Shawn Michaels. Well, coming up next, after he beats Shawn Michaels. The Heart Break Kid again. He's taking that torch and there's nothing HBK can do about it. He then says to Tomko, lets get out of here. It's time to steal the show.
-Shawn Michaels vs. Christian with Tomko: Michaels out first. The bell rings and they are face to face. Christian pokes Michaels in the chest and Michaels responds with a slap to the face. Christian misses a clothesline. Michaels chops Christian to the mat. He gets a one count. Michaels with a side headlock. Christian pushes off. Michaels comes back with a shoulder block. Michaels runs the ropes. Christian with a leapfrog. He does another leapfrog, but Michaels stops short and chops Christian back down. Michaels with another one count. Michaels with a side headlock takeover. Michaels gets a couple of counts on Christian as an HBK chant goes out. Christian gets back to his feet and goes to back suplex Michaels, who keeps the side headlock on and takes Christian back to the mat. He gets another two count. Christian twists around to get a two count on Michaels. Both work their way back to their feet with Christian still in the side headlock. Christian finally throws Michaels to the ground. Christian with a forearm and a kick to the back of Michaels. Christian runs Michaels face first into a turnbuckle and then chops Michaels in the chest. More kicks and punches to Michaels, who gets out of the corner. Christian with an Irish whip and Michaels comes back with a modified Thesz Press. Michaels then chopping Christian. Michaels with another side headlock. Christian pushes off and hits Michaels with a back elbow. Christian gets Michaels down near the ropes and then steps on Michael's throat. He breaks on the four count. Christian then runs Michaels into a corner post. He punches Michaels down to the mat. Michaels up and Christian punching him again. Christian grabs Michaels and runs him into another corner. He punches, kicks, and then chokes Michaels in the corner for a four count. He screams I'm Captain Charisma and then slaps Michaels. He punches and then corner whips Michaels, who moves on the charge and Christian crotches himself on the second rope. Tomko gets up on the apron and Michaels punches him off. Michaels setting up for Sweet Chin Music. He goes for it and Tomko pulls Christian out of the ring to avoid the hit. Referee Mike Chioda yelling at Tomko and Michaels comes out to the floor and hits Christian with a neck breaker. He then gets up and hits Tomko with Sweet Chin Music to knock him out. When they come back from commercial break, both wrestlers are back in the ring and Christian has a rear chin lock on Michaels. They show Tomko being assisted to the back during the break. They show Michaels missing a high risk move during the break allowing Christian to gain the advantage. Michaels gets to his feet again. Michaels with a series of right and left hands. He gets Christian into a corner and Christian with a thumb to the eye of Michaels and then hits a reverse DDT off the ropes to Michaels. He gets a two count. Christian frustrated and attacking Michaels with kicks and then drapes him on the second rope. He then steps on Michaels back and chokes him on the rope for a three count. Michaels comes back with a chop. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Michaels reverses an Irish whip, but drops his head too early and Christian kicks him in the face. Christian with a backbreaker to Michaels. He gets a two count. Christian is frustrated, but goes to a side headlock. They exchange blows. Christian with another backbreaker. Another two count. Christian frustrated as he goes for another backbreaker, but Michaels flips out of it. Double shoulder block and both men knocked down. Double count going. Both men up at the 9 count. Back and forth in the middle of the ring. Christian with an Irish whip and Michaels comes back with a flying forearm. Michaels nips up, hits Christian with an inverted atomic drop, then another one. He gets Christian into a corner and hits some corner mounted punches. He then corner whips and backdrops Christian and gets another close two count. Michaels with an Irish whip. Christian slips behind and goes for the Unprettier. Michaels slips out and rolls Christian up for a two count. Michaels with an Irish whip and goes for a hip lock, but Christian blocks it and again goes for the Unprettier. Michaels blocks that and misses a clothesline attempt. Christian then hits the Unprettier. It takes Christian a minute to cover so he only gets a two count. Christian crawls to a corner. Michaels grabs Christian, who hits him with a back elbow to knock Michaels off. Christian goes up top, but gets caught with punches from Michaels. Michaels then backdrops Christian off the top rope. Michaels then hits an elbow drop off the top rope, but he also gets hurt doing the move. He finally gets up and hits Sweet Chin Music and pins Christian.
-Earlier in the day, Todd Grisham talked with Lita. She says the last 6 months, she has gotten herself into a predicament with both Matt Hardy and Kane and she regrets that, but she doesn't regret her pregnancy. When she found out Kane was the father, she was devastated. But then, she started to feel her baby move inside of her and she wanted nothing more than to give birth to her baby. Her baby was the only thing innocent in all of this and now she will never know what her baby looks like. Why are they doing this? This has never worked and isn't going to sell tickets or increase ratings. It's just dumb. Lita says she will never hold her baby boy. Her baby boy was taken away from her. Snitsky took him away from her. Grisham says, speaking of Snitsky, they talked to him and he says Lita losing her baby isn't really his fault. Lita gets angry and stands up and yells it isn't his fault? Whose fault is it then? Do you know why she went into the ring? She was tired of seeing people hurt. Kane was going to crush Snitsky's throat and what does he do? Snitsky hits Kane in the back with a chair, causing her to lose her baby. She has no love for Kane, but for once, she hopes Kane does exactly what he says he's going to do. Make no mistake, Snitsky's a dead man.
-Eric Bischoff is shown and he says wow, you do bring up some very good points, but you can trust me, my word is my bond. So I need to know, do we have a deal? A woman's hand comes out and they shake. Bischoff says very good and think of it this way, we both get something we want. You get the match you want at Taboo Tuesday and I get what I need. So, I'll see you in the ring later and they get interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Bischoff stands up and it's Coach. He points and says boss, why is she here? You honestly don't believe that you can trust her do you? Bischoff says Coach, trust me. What I need you to do is go out in the arena and find my nephew Eugene because I've got a major announcement regarding my match with Eugene at Taboo Tuesday. Coach says okay, so Bischoff goes back to his guest and says all right, now where were we? I did want to talk to you about...Coach is still there and Bischoff asks him why? Coach says, you know, boss, here's the thing. You know, I'm scheduled to interview Gene Snitsky in the ring next. Coach says with Gene Snitsky here and Kane here tonight, things are sure to get a little volatile and you know that isn't the Coach's scene. Bischoff says let me get this straight, you're telling me you're afraid to go out there? Because things may get a little volatile, you're afraid to go out and do your job? Bischoff says I can understand that. Bischoff then says I've got it, let's have JR do it. Boy am I happy that I missed this show. Coach says now you're talking. Bischoff says now where were we.
-When they come back from commercial break, JR is in the ring to interview Gene Snitsky. Snitsky comes out pushing a stroller. He gets in the ring with the stroller. JR says to Snitsky, there are a lot of questions and Snitsky shushes JR. He mimes that the "baby" is asleep as the fans chant baby killer at him. JR says I know you have denied and Snitsky grabs the mic and says look, it wasn't my fault. JR says well, I think there are a lot of people here in Madison Square Garden that would disagree. Way to go for the cheap pop there, JR. Just then, Kane's music and pyro hit and he comes out. He stands on the ramp for a minute and then marches down the ring towards Snitsky. Snitsky throws the stroller at Kane, who dodges it and rushes Snitsky. Snitsky attacks Kane with a steel pipe. Snitsky then stares at the pipe and then chokes Kane with the pipe and Kane is bleeding from the forehead. Snitsky chokes Kane down to the mat. Snitsky then leaves Kane in the ring.
-When they come back from commercial, they replay what just happened.
-Chris Benoit vs. Batista with Ric Flair: Over an hour into the program and they are finally getting to their second match. The bell rings and they lock up. Drive back to a corner. They break and Batista screams come on and Benoit pushes him. Batista rushes Benoit, who grabs his arm and goes for the crossface, so Batista quickly rolls to the outside. The referee makes sure that Benoit stays back while Batista gets back in the ring. Batista with a kick to the midsection and runs Benoit into a turnbuckle. Batista hitting Benoit with head and body shots in the corner. Batista with an Irish whip. Benoit comes back and slides between Batista's legs to avoid Batista and grabs Batista's leg to do a takedown. Benoit grabs Batista's leg and repeatedly comes down on it, trying to injure the leg. Batista rolls back outside and Benoit follows and clips Batista's leg. Benoit rolls Batista back into the ring and attacks him with punches until Batista pushes Benoit off. Benoit back to attacking Batista and again Batista pushes him off. Benoit rushes Batista again and Batista hits a brutal looking spinebuster. Batista attacking Benoit with kicks and a knee to the back. Batista with a backbreaker and gets a two count on Benoit. Batista picks Benoit up and runs his knee into Benoit's midsection several times. Batista then gets Benoit up on his shoulders and Benoit slips behind Batista and gets Batista down and goes for the Sharpshooter. Batista kicks off and rushes Benoit, who moves out of the way and Batista hits the corner post with his shoulder. Benoit follows up with three German suplexes. Benoit starts to go up top, but he sees that Batista is starting to get up and goes over and hits Batista with another couple of German suplexes. Flair gets up on the apron, so Benoit comes over and knocks Flair off the apron. Benoit with an arm bar on Batista. Batista pushes Benoit away so hard that he lands outside the ring. The referee is checking on Batista, so Flair low blows Benoit and runs him into a ring post. Batista gets Benoit back into the ring and goes for the Batista Bomb, but Randy Orton comes out of nowhere to attack Batista and cause the DQ. Flair comes in and Orton takes him out as well. Flair falls to the outside and Orton gets on him and punches him. Bischoff comes out with a bunch of security guards yelling Orton, I gave you the night off! He then tells security to get Orton out of here. Security grabs Orton and take him up the ramp as a Randy Chant goes out. Batista knocks security down and he and Flair attack Orton again. Security tells Flair and Batista to get out as they are restraining Orton to keep him away from Flair and Batista. When they come back from commercial break, Bischoff is in the ring and says I just wanted you all to know that Randy Orton has been successfully thrown out of my building. The crowd boos.
-Biscoff then says as long as he is out there, he will update the crowd on Taboo Tuesday. You know, the PPV where the people have all the power. He says for the record, He still hates the idea, but if they are going to do it, then dammit, he's going to make sure that it's done right, He says now you all know for the World Heavyweight Championship, HHH is going to face one of three men. And you all know you people are going to decide just what match Randy Orton and Ric Flair are going to have. But what you don't know is that Gene Snitsky is going to face Kane and after seeing Snitsky in action tonight, Bischoff has decided it's going to be a weapon of choice match. You people will decide if it's going to be a lead pipe, a steel chair, or a steel chain. Either way, one of those weapons will be legal in that match. No questions asked. And that brings him to Chris Jericho. Now, if you think HHH has it tough preparing for three different individuals, wait until you hear this. Bischoff has decided that every Raw superstar on the roster who is not involved in a match at Taboo Tuesday will be on the ballot and eligible to face Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship. He says by the way, that's almost 20 people. He says as a matter of fact, he would like to see those people in his office in about 15 minutes because he's got one hell of a big surprise for everyone tonight. Bischoff then says last, but not least, is his match with his nephew Eugene. He says you know, the match where you great fans get to decide the punishment for the loser. He means is the loser going to have to be a servant for the winner. Is the loser going to have to wear a dress or is the loser going to get his head shaved. He says well, I'll tell you something, I've got something very important to say to Eugene. Eugene get down here right now. Eugene comes out and I don't care how popular the character was with the crowd, it was in poor taste and Nick Dinsmore deserved better. He gets in the ring and waves at the crowd. Eugene tries to touch Bischoff's head and Bischoff keeps swatting his hand away and says Eugene, I've got something very important to say to you. I know this is going to sound impossible. But somebody backstage has a crush on you. What's even more amazing is she's absolutely determined to come out here and meet you tonight. But I'm sure you don't want to meet her, do you Eugene? Eugene nods his head. Bischoff says oh you do want to meet her? Well, okay Eugene, please meet the runner up in the Quarter Million Dollar Diva Search, Carmella! Carmella then comes out and nobody can believe it. She blows a kiss at Eugene as she comes down. She gets in the ring and Bischoff says, see Eugene, who I think should have won the Diva's Search. Carmella has a match with Christy at Taboo Tuesday. You know Christy, the one that all of these people voted for. But the difference between Carmella and Christy is Carmella used to be in Playboy. You know Playboy, that's the magazine where he then whispers into Eugene's ear and Eugene looks shocked and points at Carmella. Bischoff says that's right, you get to see everything. Carmella is here tonight because she just wants to tell you how much she likes you. Go ahead, Carmella and Bischoff hands her the mic. Carmella says Eugene, I'm just a little embarrassed right now, but I just need to tell you something. I think that you are so hot. Your face, your body, I think everything is so hot. Everything, except for one teensy thing. You see, Eugene, I love bald men and if you were bald, You'd be perfect. Eugene looking confused as Bischoff asks him if he heard that Carmella said if he was bald, he would be perfect. And hey, all these fans, if they vote for us to have the head shave stipulation and think about it, if you lose on purpose to Uncle Eric and you get your head shaved? Carmella would think you're perfect. So what do you say, Eugene? Do you want to lose on purpose so Carmella can be your girlfriend? Eugene says yeah. He then says but one condition, I want my girlfriend to kiss me now. Eugene then puckers up and gets ready to be kissed. Carmella looks pissed. Bischoff tells her to do it. She starts to then stops and says I just cannot do this. Eric, I cannot do this. No I'm not doing it. Eugene then says I want to see her boobies and Carmella looks shocked and covers herself with her arms. Carmella screams Eric, this was not part of the deal. Newsflash, Eugene, you and all these people are not in the same league as me. The crowd boos. Carmella says I am the Playboy Playmate of the year. Bischoff says, you know Carmella, this hasn't turned out the way that I like, but I've got to admit I admire your style, so I'll tell you what. Your match at Taboo Tuesday is still on. Eugene, he then says, I'm sorry I had to lie to you, if it makes you feel any better, Carmella's not the only one that doesn't like you. Nobody likes you. He gets interrupted by Christy Hemme's music as she comes out. She gets in the ring and she and Carmella go face to face. Christy pushes Carmella down. Carmella gets up and Bischoff has to keep her away from Christy. Bischoff tells her to stay away as Christy goes over and kisses Eugene as the crowd cheers. She then jumps up into Eugene's arms and starts making out with him. They then leave to the cheers of the crowd while Bischoff holds Carmella back in the ring.
-When they come back from commercial break, La Resistance is in the ring and Sylvan Grenier is singing the Canadian National Anthem badly.
-World Tag Team Championship Match. La Resistance Sylvan Grenier and Rob Conway vs. The Hurricane and Rosey: Hurricane and Conway start. The bell rings and they lock up and drive back to a corner. Conway charges Hurricane, who ducks out of the way. They lock up again. Conway with a wrist lock into a side headlock. Hurricane with some forearms to try to break the hold. Hurricane pushes off. Conway comes back with a shoulder block. Hurricane with leapfrogs and drop downs to avoid Conway. Hurricane hits a neck breaker. Both Grenier and Rosey come in and Rosey clotheslines Grenier out of the ring and the referee tries to get Rosey out as Hurricane gets Conway down with a double leg. Hurricane and Rosey with a leg drop on Conway and Hurricane goes up top as the referee gets Rosey out. Grenier grabs Hurricane and he crotches himself on the top rope and falls to the outside. Grenier then throws Hurricane back in. Conway gets a two count. Conway with a front face lock and tries to tag Grenier in. Hurricane pushing towards Rosey though. Grenier comes in and knocks Rosey off the apron. Rosey goes after Grenier and is not there to tag as Hurricane has made it to the corner. Conway gets Hurricane back to the center of the ring as the referee is trying to get Rosey back to his corner. Grenier sneaks into the ring and La Resistance hits Au Revior and Conway gets the pin. Rosey attacks La Resistance after the match. He splashes Grenier in a corner and then Conway jumps on Rosey's back. Hurricane gets Grenier out of the ring. Conway turns Rosey's mask around before Rosey shakes Conway off and Hurricane checks on Rosey, who thinks Hurricane is a member of La Resistance and sidewalk slams Hurricane. The referee helps Rosey with his mask and Rosey checks on Hurricane.
-Feature on the make a wish foundation's leadership conference and WWE receiving the Celebrity Wish Giver award.
-The Simon System with Simon Dean promo in the style of an infomercial.
-Recap of Edge spearing HHH earlier in the night.
-Coach brings Edge in and asks him why should the fans vote for him as opposed to Shawn Michaels or Chris Benoit for the right to face HHH at Taboo Tuesday for the WHC? Edge says unlike Michaels and Benoit, who've face HHH about a million times apiece. He has face HHH 0 times. Never. And unlike Michaels and Benoit, who have had about a million world title matches each. He has had Zero. Nada, nilch. It's not that he is undeserving. He's been here for a long time. Paid a lot of dues and he is about due. He's a 10 time tag team champion, US Champion, King of the Ring, 5 time Intercontinental Champion. Wrongfully stripped of the title he might add. He has been through hell and back. Rehabbed through countless injuries just to make it on this ballot. So you ask the question, why should the fans vote him in to face HHH for the WHC at Taboo Tuesday. Well, he would say to the fans whether they are Edge fans or not that deep down inside, they know out of the three contenders, he's the only one that actually deserves it.
-Everybody not booked are shown in Eric Bischoff's office. Bischoff says all right, listen up, make way please. He says all of you were called here for a very specific reason. He then says as you know, you are all on the ballot to face Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship at Taboo Tuesday. Bischoff says he has decided to give each and every one of them an opportunity to see Mr. Jericho up close and personal and to observe the audience because he is asking each of them to serve as lumberjacks for tonight's match between HHH and Chris Jericho. He says Jericho likes to take credit for kicking off the first ever WWE Interactive PPV where the consumer gets to get their choice of matches and stipulations. Well, he has decided that each and everyone of those gathered will get an opportunity to interact with Chris Jericho. He says now go out there and impress this audience.
-Stacy Keibler is shown stretching in the back.
-Trish Stratus joins JR and the King for commentary. They show Stratus, Gail Kim, and Molly Holly triple teaming Christy Hemme the week before and stripping her down to her underwear in a 3 on 1 bra and panties match. They then show Hemme showing off her bra and panties and Stratus calls her a slut.
-Stacy Keibler vs. Molly Holly: The bell rings and Holly starts out pushing Keibler. Holly then yelling and pointing her finger at Keibler and Keibler bites Holly's finger. Keibler then kicks Holly and grabs her by her hair. She runs Holly into a corner turnbuckle. Keibler then kicks Holly in the corner and holds her boot against Holly's throat for a four count. She breaks and then immediately goes back to choking Holly for a three count. Keibler then grabs Holly by the hair and throws her across the ring. Holly comes back with a shot to knock Keibler down and then hits a nice snap suplex and gets a two count. She then chokes Keibler on the second rope for a four count. She then gets Keibler down and chokes her with a boot to the throat for a four count. Holly then slams Keibler face first into the mat. Keibler tries to get up, so Holly slams her down again. Back and forth with slaps in the middle of the ring as Keibler tries to get back to her feet. Holly with a double ax handle to Keibler's back. She follows that up with a slap to the face. Then another slap to the face. Holly with a corner whip and a knee lift to Keibler. Holly goes for a second knee lift and Keibler moves out of the way. Keibler with a stiff kick to Holly. Holly rushes Keibler, who ducks and Holly goes flying out of the ring to the floor. Keibler goes out after Holly and Stratus leaves the announce desk and runs down to ringside. Keibler throws Holly in. Stratus grabs Keibler's leg, but Keibler kicks Stratus off. Keibler asks Stratus what she is doing there. Holly tries to roll Keibler up, but Keibler twists around and catches Holly by the legs, drops down, and pins Holly. Stratus gets in the ring and she and Holly go after Keibler, who gets out of the ring laughing and celebrating as she goes up the aisle. Holly and Stratus start to argue over Holly losing.
-Lumberjack Match. HHH vs. Chris Jericho: The lumberjacks are the wrestlers on the ballot to face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday. After the entrances and everything, there are less than 7 minutes left in the show. Jericho attacks HHH from behind before he can take the WHC belt off as the bell rings. Jericho gets HHH in the corner and kicks him over and over. Jericho then hits a corner whip and a backdrop and HHH still has his title belt on. Jericho then clotheslines HHH out of the ring. As HHH gets up, William Regal and Shelton Benjamin take turns punching him. They then throw HHH back in. Jericho attacking HHH with shots and chops. He chops HHH and Irish whips him. Jericho drops his head too early and HHH kicks him in the face. HHH throws Jericho to the outside. Jericho starts punching the lumberjacks, who then all jump Jericho. Jericho fights back to the apron, drives his shoulder into HHH when he comes over, and does a roll up on HHH over the top rope and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. HHH won't go over, so Jericho catapults him face first into the top turnbuckle. He gets a two count. Jericho with a chop, HHH reverses an Irish whip and throws Jericho back to the outside. Steven Richards and Sylvian Grenier both kick Jericho. Christian and Richards throw Jericho back into the ring. HHH runs Jericho into the top turnbuckle. Back and forth by the turnbuckle. HHH with a corner whip. Jericho gets his boot up on the charge. Jericho with an enziguri to HHH. Both men down and a double count going. A Y2J chant going out. Tajiri not familiar with the concept of wanting to face Jericho at Taboo Tuesday as he is also clapping and chanting Y2J. Jericho ducks a clothesline attempt and gets a double leg pickup and goes for the Walls of Jericho. HHH kicks Jericho off and he lands outside where he is attacked again. Rhyno fights the others off and throws Jericho back in the ring. Jericho runs and baseball slides Rhyno, thinking that Rhyno was the one that attacked him. Jericho with a bulldog to HHH. Jericho goes for a lionsault, but HHH moves out of the way so Jericho lands on his feet. Batista gets up on the apron and Jericho knocks him off. He turns around and HHH sets him up for the Pedigree. Jericho counters and goes for the Walls of Jericho. He gets it on and HHH fighting it, trying to get out. Ric Flair arrives and gets up on the apron. Jericho lets go and hits Flair with a springboard dropkick. Jericho goes up top and crossbodys a group of wrestlers just huddled up on the outside to catch him. A Y2J chant goes out. Jericho goes up top again and hits HHH with a back elbow as he is getting up. Christian gets up on the apron and referee Earl Hebner tries to get him down, allowing Rhyno to come in and Gore Jericho. HHH crawls over and pins Jericho. Evolution gets in the ring and attacks Jericho. The other lumberjacks get in the ring and start brawling. Randy Orton comes in and attacks Evolution. Evolution slides out of the ring and Orton attacks the lumberjacks with RKO's. He then RKO's Coach when Coach comes into the ring. Orton clears the ring as they sign off from MSG.
-Final Thoughts: This was a dense show as they were throwing everything trying to get people to buy Taboo Tuesday. It was too much so you can skip this one.