Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 167 Notes

-Today Project 45 goes to the year 2019 as we look at the Evolve 10th Anniversary show from July 13, 2019.
-This was the day my wife was released from the hospital after surgery.
-From Wikipedia: Evolve Wrestling (stylized as EVOLVE) was an American professional wrestling promotion founded in 2010 by former Ring of Honor booker and Dragon Gate USA vice president, Gabe Sapolsky.[1]
The company featured a roster of wrestlers from all over America, as well as several competitors from Japan. The promotion had a close working relationship with sister promotion Dragon Gate USA until Dragon Gate USA's closure in August 2015.
In 2015, Evolve formed a relationship with WWE, allowing WWE to scout Evolve talent and potentially sign them.[2] On July 2, 2020, Evolve was officially purchased by WWE.[3]
-The Evolve 10th Anniversary Celebration took place on July 13, 2019 from the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA. and was shown live on the WWE Network.
-Then, now, forever intro.
-Footage of WWE Superstars competing in Evolve.
-Evolve Logo.
-Live shot of Lenny Leonard in the ring with some of the Evolve wrestlers to welcome us to the Evolve 10th Anniversary Special. Several of the wrestlers try to attack each other. Josh Briggs is left in the ring. The fans chant Josh Briggs. He says tonight is about opportunity. His name is Josh Briggs and tonight, he is taking his opportunity. He then points outside the ring and says his opponent, Anthony Greene, is standing right there. He then tells Greene to get in the ring so they can get the show started.
-Josh Briggs vs. Anthony Greene with Brandi Lauren: I have seen both men wrestle in person many times. The bell rings and Greene rushes Briggs. They lock up and Briggs just tosses Greene away. Greene up in the corner and Briggs then tosses him out of the corner. Greene rushes Briggs in the corner again and Briggs backdrops Greene to the apron. Briggs blocks a shot. He brings Greene back into the ring and into a backbreaker. Briggs, with an Irish whip, misses a clothesline attempt, and Greene comes back with a hurricanrana. Briggs grabs Greene, gives him a backbreaker/sidewalk slam combo, and splashes him. He gets a two count. Briggs goes for a choke slam. Greene gets away, but then runs into a boot from Briggs. Briggs on the apron and Lauren grabs his boot. He has to shake her off before he can get back into the ring. As he is coming through the ropes, Greene hits him with a knee lift. Greene with a leg sweep. He jumps out to the apron, where Briggs grabs him by the throat. Greene kicks Briggs repeatedly to knock him off the apron. Greene then with a tope on Briggs, who grabs Greene by the throat as he lands. Briggs then choke slams Greene on the apron. Lauren comes over to check on Greene and Briggs just stares at her. Lauren backs off as Josh Briggs/AG dueling chants go out. Briggs gets up on the apron. Greene swats his leg into the ropes and then kicks Briggs in the thigh. Greene with a superkick and a Diamond Cutter on Briggs on the apron. Outside the ring, Greene with a right hand to Briggs and does this promotion not have count outs? Greene runs Briggs head first into the apron and then rolls Briggs back in. Greene goes up top and hits Briggs with a reverse crossbody. He gets a two count. Greene chopping Briggs in the corner. Briggs block a corner whip attempt. Briggs gets Greene in the corner and Greene gets his elbow up on the charge. Greene with a snap mare to Briggs in the corner. Greene stomping Briggs in the corner. The referee gets Greene away, allowing Lauren to come off and slap Briggs. Greene pulls Briggs away from the ropes and gets another two count. Both back to their feet and Briggs shoves Greene down to the mat. Greene with a jaw breaker/neck breaker combo to Briggs. Greene gets another two count. Greene goes for a suplex, but Briggs counters, picks Greene up, and just throws him away. Greene rushes Briggs, who hits Greene with a back elbow. Greene rushes Briggs, who gets out of the way and Greene tumbles out to the floor. He gets right back in and Greene hits him with a clothesline that doesn't affect Briggs, who comes back with a flying clothesline to Greene. Briggs with a running back elbow to Greene in the corner. Briggs then charges Greene again and Greene hits him with a superkick. Briggs powers up and hits Greene with three running kicks. Briggs then grabs Greene and hits two backbreakers. He gets another two count. Lauren shouting encouragement to Greene as Briggs gets up looking pissed. Greene blocks a belly to back suplex attempt. Greene with elbows to the back of Brigg's head. Greene with a single leg pick up. Briggs turns over to sling Greene off him. Greene with a running forearm to Briggs. He runs the ropes and Briggs catches him with a big boot. A sort of modified powerbomb by Briggs gets another two count. Briggs can't believe Greene kicked out. Briggs with an Irish whip, drops his head and Greene hits him with a knee to the face. Greene with a step up enziguri, but Briggs still won't go down. Greene pushes off and hits yet another step up enziguri. Greene follows that up with a belly to back suplex. Greene with a side slam. He gets a two count, so Greene transitions to a single leg crab. Briggs able to get to the ropes. Greene stomps on the leg of Briggs. Greene goes to the top. He goes for the 450, but Briggs moves so Greene rolls through. Briggs gets Greene in the corner and grabs his let, but Greene with another enziguri to get out of the move. He rolls Briggs up to slam Briggs up against the ropes. Greene goes up top but gets caught and punched by Briggs. Briggs also climbs up top and puts Greene on his back. Lauren grabs Greene's boots to keep him down, but gets caught and yelled at by the referee and thrown out. Greene takes advantage of the distraction and does a victory roll from the top rope for another two count. Greene can't believe that Briggs kicked out. Greene with a superkick. Then another superkick, but Briggs won't go down. Briggs blocks a third attempt and hits the Go to Hell on Greene. Briggs goes for a choke slam, but Greene slips away and hits a single leg to knock Briggs to the mat. Greene looks for the single leg crab, but Briggs kicks him away. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Briggs finally hits the choke slam and pins Greene.
-A feature on the Unwanted.
-Four way Freestyle Match. Sean Mulata vs. Curt Stallion vs. Stephen Wolf vs. Harlem Bravado: Wolf wins after a shooting star press.
-Feature on Anthony Henry.
-Arturo Ruas vs. Anthony Henry: The bell rings, but they both avoid strikes. Ruas with a double leg pickup. He goes for an arm bar, but Henry scrambles for and gets to the ropes. They circle each other. Henry with several strikes. Ruas covers up in the corner. Henry with a pick up and slam to Ruas. Henry gets an arm bar on Ruas and Henry's nose is bleeding. Ruas rolls out of the move and is trying to get Henry down on the mat. Henry swings around and hooks Ruas with his leg to reapply the arm bar. Ruas lifts Henry up and slams him down. Ruas then attacks Henry with left and right hands and gets a two count. Ruas then attacked Henry with a leg strike to drive Henry into the corner. He then hits Henry with a series of left and right hands until the referee gets Ruas away. Ruas comes back to choke Henry for a three count. Ruas follows that up with a knee to the chest. Back and forth in the middle of the ring until Henry rolls through and hits a double stomp to Ruas. Henry with a spinning heel kick to Ruas. Henry with knees to Ruas' face and Ruas reverses a corner whip and sends Henry into the turnbuckle. Henry gets his boots up on the charge, but Ruas grabs them and flips Henry over the top rope. Henry then jumps to the top rope and Hits Ruas with a missile dropkick. Both up and the crowd is applauding Henry. Henry with a running forearm to Ruas in the corner. Henry with a belly to back suplex to Ruas, hangs on to the arm, and then hits a northern lights suplex and floats over into an arm bar looking for the submission. Ruas trying to block the submission and hold on. Ruas lifts up and counters into a roll up for a near fall. Ruas rolls to the outside to regroup. Henry goes to the apron and hits Ruas with a running knee to the outside. Henry rolls Ruas into the ring and then Henry goes up top. He goes for the double stomp, but Ruas moves out of the way. Henry goes for a running kick, but Ruas moves out of the way. Ruas with a series of strikes to Henry in the middle of the ring. He gets Henry into a seated position and hits a running kick to Henry. He gets another two count. Ruas attacking Henry with right hands on the mat while Henry covers up. Ruas gets Henry up on his shoulder, but Henry slips behind and gets a sleeper on Ruas while still on his back. Ruas backs into a corner and runs Henry into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Henry jumps back on Ruas' back to reapply the hold. Ruas again drives Henry into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Henry again jumps on Ruas' back and reapplies the sleeper. Third verse same as the first and second I guess. Ruas goes down. Henry goes for a running kick, but Ruas rolls out of the way. Ruas up and hits an enziguri on Henry and hits a German suplex on Henry for a two count. Henry up and Ruaz attacking him with body shots. Henry trying to kick Ruas away. They shove each other. Ruas with a kick to knock Henry to his knees. Ruas goes for a knee strike to Henry, who grabs Ruas by the leg. A series of leg strikes by Henry knocks Ruas to the ground. Henry goes to the top rope, but gets caught and hit with a right hand from Ruas. Ruas climbs up and looks to be going for a superplex, but Henry tries to prevent it with a series of body shots to Ruas. Henry knocks Ruas to the mat and then hits a double stomp to Ruas. Henry goes for the tornado DDT, but after repositioning, Henry hits it. Henry goes up top and hits the double stomp, but Ruas kicks out at two. Henry gets the ankle lock on. Ruas fighting the pain and trying to make it to the ropes. Ruas twists around and counters into the knee bar on Henry. They then trade slaps on the mat. I hate contrived spots like this. If I were in that hold, yeah you might reach up and slap me so I would slap you back, but then I'm not going to just sit there so we can do it over and over. This isn't a slap fight. They both release the holds and struggle back to their feet. Back and forth in the center of the ring. They are hitting each other with absolute bombs and Lenny Leonard puts it and the crowd is getting into it. Henry gets the better of the exchange and drives Ruas to his knees where Ruas covers up. Henry rushes Ruas, who gets a spinning heel kick to Henry out of nowhere to get the pin.
-Feature on the rivalry between Shotzi Blackheart and Brandi Lauren.
-No Disqualification match. Brandi Lauren vs. Shotzi Blackheart: The bell rings as they go to lock up. Natalya Markova comes out of nowhere to attack Blackhears from behind. She holds on to Blackheart while Lauren gets on the mic and says you wanted no DQ, well you've got it. Markova hits Blackheart with a running kick to the face. Markova then hits Blackheart with a spinning X Factor. Markova then hits Blackheart with a spinning heel kick in the corner. Blackheart blocks a shot and comes back with a series of chops to Markova. Blackheart then kicks Markova in the face and follows that up with an enziguri over the top rope. Blackheart hits a 619 to Markova. Blackheart goes up top and hits Markova with a missile dropkick. Markova goes out to the floor to confer with Lauren and Blackheart hits them both with a tope. You see that Blackheart's nose is bleeding as she gets up and a Shotzi chant goes out. She runs Lauren head first into the apron. Blackheart reaches under the ring and pulls out some chairs. Blackheart setting up the chairs at ringside as the fans chant we want tables. You can't make people happy. Lauren grabs a chair and goes to hit Blackheart with it only to get kicked in the midsection by Blackheart. Blackheart throws Lauren back in the ring and grabs a chair, but Lauren does a running baseball slide into Blackheart, driving the chair into Blackheart's face. Lauren runs Blackheart into the apron head first as an ECW chant goes out. Lauren then whips Blackheart into the apron. Lauren then sets four chairs up and faces them towards each other. She then goes to suplex Blackheart onto the chairs, but Blackheart blocks it and goes to run Lauren into the corner post. Lauren reverses it at the last second and runs Blackheart in instead. Lauren with a forearm shot and then she grabs another chair. She sets it up and says you Blackheart I'm giving you exactly what you wanted and Blackheart hits Lauren with a palm strike to the face. She then kicks Lauren into a seated position in the chair and then does a running splash into the chair and Lauren. Blackheart gets Lauren up on the apron and looks to bulldog Lauren into the post, but Lauren pushes Blackheart into the post instead and then powerbombs Blackheart into the apron. Lauren throws Blackheart back into the ring and gets a two count. Lauren runs Blackheart head first into a turnbuckle and then corner whips Blackheart. Blackheart gets herself up to avoid a charge. She spins out of the corner and hits a running knee to Lauren's midsection. Lauren pushes Blackheart off, but misses a clothesline attempt and Blackheart hits a rolling elbow to Lauren. A step up enziguri by Blackheart finally knocks Lauren off her feet and into the corner buckle. Blackheart then nails Lauren with a cannonball to the corner. Lauren rolls under the bottom rope to the apron sliced bread, but doesn't set it up right so has to stop and Lauren kicks off. Lauren grabs Blackheart, but Blackheart reverses and runs Lauren into the apron. Blackheart then runs Lauren into the set up chairs. Blackheart goes under the ring, pulls out another chair and sets it up as the fans chant we want tables again. There is no pleasing this crowd at all. Blackheart stacks the set up chair on the other chairs. Blackheart sits Lauren on the top chair and hits Lauren with a flurry of forearms. Blackheart goes back into the ring and runs as if she is going to do a suicide dive onto Lauren and the chair, but Anthony Greene comes out and Blackheart hits him with a baseball slide instead. Blackheart then goes for the dive again, but Greene pulls Lauren out of the way and Blackheart goes crashing into the stack of chairs. The crowd chants Holy Shit. Greene then throws Blackheart back into the ring and tells Lauren to pin her. Lauren gets a two count and Greene can't believe that Blackheart kicked out. A Shotzi chant goes out. Greene pulls out a kendo stick and hands it to Lauren. Curt Stallion comes out and he and Green brawl to the back. Lauren hits Blackheart with the kendo stick several times and then pins her. Referees come out to help Blackheart to the back and the crowd gives her a standing ovation and chants Shotzi. Lauren is mad at the crowd telling them to shut up and that she won.
-Upcoming Evolve event information.
-Colby Corino with Sean Mulata vs. Babatunde: The bell rings and there is a clash of styles here and a remarkable height difference. Corino screams I don't care who you are and slaps Babatunde in the chest. He does it again and Babatunde grabs his hand as the crowd chants you fucked up to Corino. Babatunde twists the hand of Corino, driving him down to the mat. Corino gets back to his feet and hits Babatunde with a right hand. He goes for another right, but Babatunde grabs his throat and drives Corina into the corner. Babatunde then throws Corino across the ring. Corino rolls to the outside to regroup and Mulata comes over to check on him. Babatunde comes out after Corino and gets into Mulata's face. He then gets distracted by Mulata and Corino tries to take advantage, but Babatunde grabs Corino by the throat and places him on the apron. Babatunde then slaps Corino across the chest. Babatunde then grabs Corino, lifts Corino up, and press slams Corino over the top rope into the ring. Babatunde goes to get back in the ring, only to get hit with a running knee by Corino. Mulata then attacks Babatunde as he is trying to get back in the ring. Corino attacking Babatunde with forearm shots to the back as Babatunde tries to get back in the ring. Babatunde shoves Corino away and Corino hits a top rope cannonball onto Babatunde and a minor Colby chant goes out. Corino gets a two count. Corino goes up top. He comes off and Babatunde catches him by the throat. Babatunde lifts Corino up and throws him into a corner. Babatunde then hits a corner splash onto Corino and then open hand slaps Corino down to the mat. Babatunde then drops an elbow on Corino. Babatunde then hits a big splash and pins Corino. Babatunde's music plays and as he is getting his hand raised, Eddie Kingston comes out with a mic and says cut that music. This ain't happening.
-Kingston and the rest of The Unwanted check on Corino. Kingston then introduces the Unwanted to the crowd. They send Corino to the back and then Kingston says they have a beef with Babatunde. He says people like Babatunde make him sick because he gets handed everything because he played football and he is 7 feet tall while Kingston traveled the road. Joe Gacy travels the road. Sean Mulata has traveled the road. They did it the right way. Kingston then tells the cameraman to get out of his face. Kingston tells Babatunde that the Unwanted did things the right way, while Babatunde had everything handed to him at a Performance Center. Kingston says his Performance Center is East 237 Street. He says to Babatunde, I'll tell you right now, just like we did with the Street Profits, you're welcome. They are going to take Babatunde out and take his spot. He then calls Babatunde a goofy Bastard. The Unwanted surround the ring when the music hits and AR Fox and Leon Ruff with Ayla Fox and The Skulk come out. They are scheduled to take on the Unwanted for the tag team titles. Fox and Ruff run to the ring and then hit twin suicide dives onto the Unwanted on the other side of the ring. The crowd loves it and Ruff and Fox get back in the ring.
-Tag Team Championship Match. Eddie Kingston and Joe Gacy vs. AR Fox and Leon Ruff: Fox and Ruff go for another suicide dive, but the Unwanted move out of the way, so Fox and Ruff put on the brakes. The Unwanted move to opposite sides of the ring, so Fox and Ruff hit suicide dives to Kingston and Gacy then. Fox and Ruff then get back in the ring, but Kingston and Gacy drag them back to the outside again. Gacy then gets in and goes to hit a suicide dive on Fox, who moves and Gacy hits Kingston instead. Ruff then goes up top and hits a cannonball on Kingston and Gacy and looks like he injured himself more than them. He gets up as the fans start to chant AR Fox. Ruff and Gacy start. Ruff grabs Gacy by the hand and goes up top. He does some sort of convoluted moves into a hurricanrana on Gacy. Fox then hits Gacy with a superkick. Fox and Ruff then hit a series of moves on Gacy. They need to remember that less is more sometimes. Ruff with a norther lights suplex, but Kingston breaks up the pin attempt. Kingston goes for a double clothesline, but Ruff and Fox duck it as Leonard says this match is being held under relaxed rules. Double dropkick to Kingston from Fox and Ruff. Ruff grabs Kingston and holds him for Fox to go up top and hit a fall away cutter on Kingston, but Kingston pushes Ruff into the cutter instead. Gacy then hits a handspring Ace Crusher on Fox. The Unwanted with a back elbow side suplex combo on Fox. The Unwanted then with running corner clotheslines to Ruff. Double forearm shot to Ruff and Kingston gets a two count. A let's go Ruff chant goes out. Kingston with a scoop slam. Kingston then goes up top while Gacy hits Ruff with another scoop slam. Gacy then lifts Ruff up on Kingston's shoulder and Kingson hits a second rope powerbomb on Ruff. He gets a two count. Kingston and Gacy then hit an STO on Fox. Ruff comes back and hits both Kingston and Gacy with forearms. The Unwanted then get Ruff in the corner. They take turns chopping him. Kingston then headbutts Ruff down and then puts Ruff on the top rope and he and Gacy do a superplex into a powerbomb combo and still just get a two count. Gacy goes up top and motions for Kingston to give him Ruff and Kingston picks Ruff up, but Fox grabs Ruff and saves him. Ruff and Fox then hit a pair of Enziguris on the Unwanted. Ruff goes up top with Gacy. He and Fox have a double team move for Gacy in mind, but Kingston takes out Fox. Ruff then punching Gacy on the top rope. Kingston comes over to Ruff, who hits Kingston with a tornado DDT off the top rope. Fox hits the Lo Mein Pain on Gacy, but only gets a two count. The crowd chants AR Fox. Fox and Kingston get into a tug of war with each other over who will get an Irish whip on the other person. Kingston spins out and chops Fox down. Ruff goes for a crucifix on Gacy, but gets caught and held by Kingston and Gacy and Kingston hit a lariat belly to back suplex combo on Ruff. They only get a two count and Gacy can't believe it. Gacy goes outside and pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside. Kingston gets Ruff up on the top rope. Fox hits a Coast-to-Coast on Gacy. Ruff pivots around and hits the Ruff Ride on Kingston. Ruff then runs across the ring and launches himself onto Gacy and they both go crashing through the set up table. Fox then hits a 450 splash on Kingston to pin him and we have new Evolve tag team champions. They all celebrate in the ring. The Skulk are leading the celebration with the crowd as the Unwanted are shown going back to the locker room.
-Feature on Catch Point and its history and the match coming up between Drew Gulak and Matt Riddle.
-Non-title Catch Point Reunion Match. Matt Riddle with Curt Stallion vs. Drew Gulak: Riddle has never been my cup of tea, but he is talented and popular with many. He gets a great reaction. A group of men in Catch Point hoodies circle the ring and then line the aisle as Gulak comes out. He is the current WWE Cruiserweight champion. The hoodie guys go to the back as soon as Gulak gets to the ring. He also gets a good reaction and a Gulak chant as he is introduced. The bell rings and both men are being cautious and circling each other. They try to lock up and each try takedowns as the crowd starts a profane pro Gulak chant that I will spare you. Back and forth in the center of the ring with holds and counters. Riddle with a takedown, but Gulak kicks off. Both up and Gulak tries some kicks and Riddle deflects. Riddle with a waist lock takedown and Gulak trying to get a front face lock on. Riddle twists around and tries to get a submission move on. Gulak gets free and gets an ankle lock on. Riddle kicks off and quickly gets back to his feet. Both up and lock up again. Gulak gets to the ropes. Clean break. Riddle goes for another waist lock takedown. He gets it and slams Gulak down. Riddle with a hammerlock. Gulak gets back to his feet. Riddle cranks the hold on to drive Gulak to one knee. Gulak twists around and looking for the Gulock, but Riddle counters and goes for an arm bar. He is too close to the ropes though. Clean break and Riddle backs away to allow Gulak the opportunity to get up. Another lock up and drive to the corner. Riddle with some body shots. He finishes his barrage off with a forearm to Gulak's head. Riddle with a kick to the head and a push to Gulak in the corner. More kicks to Gulak, who holds on to the ropes and comes back with a double kick of his own to Riddle. Gulak goes up to the second rope to come off with a move, but gets hit with a knee life from Riddle as he comes off. Riddle hits the Riptide splash on Gulak. He gets a one count and immediately transitions to an arm bar on Gulak. Riddle gets the Bromission on, but Gulak quickly counters into a cover for a one count. They back to opposite corners and the crowd gives them a round of applause. Both get back to their feet. Dueling Gulak/Bro chants go out as they trade shots and strikes. They battle and Gulak gets a front face lock on. He hits a brutal looking snap suplex and gets a one count. Headlock into a snap mare by Gulak. Gulak with a hard slap to Riddle's body that made people at ringside wince. Gulak with a headscissors. Riddle works himself up to his feet and out of the move. He goes for a brutal looking kick to the head of the seated Gulak, who ducks out of the way at the last second. They circle each other and both go for shots against the other. Back and forth and Gulak with a waist lock takedown. Riddle gets back to his feet and Gulak transitions to a headlock. Gulak with a side headlock takeover. Pretty good traditional wrestling match taking place here. Riddle again gets back to his feet and hits Gulak with some right hands. Riddle trying to break the waist lock. Gulak rolls Riddle up, but he rolls through to avoid the pin. Riddle shows a tremendous amount of power with a powerbomb to Gulak, but only gets a one count. Riddle goes for another knee strike, but Gulak blocks it and hits a powerbomb of his own. He gets a two count and counters immediately into a half crab on Riddle. Riddle makes it to the ropes. The crowd gives them another round of applause. Gulak with a series of European uppercuts to knock Riddle down and into the ropes. Riddle comes back with a series of open hand chops to Gulak's chest. Gulak misses a clothesline attempt and Riddle gets a waist lock into a knee strike to knock Gulak to the mat. He gets a close two count. A Broton across the back and Riddle goes up top and Gulak up and hits a belly to back superplex on Riddle. He gets a two count. A double count going as the dueling chants start again. They go back and forth on their knees in the middle of the ring. Gulak tries to grab a single leg and Riddle gets him in a front face lock and hits a series of forearms to Gulak's back. Then a series of kicks to Gulak's back. Riddle with a Celtic kick to the chest for another two count. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring as a this is awesome chant goes out. Gulak with a couple of headbutts to knock Riddle to the mat. Gulak goes for a full nelson and Riddle counters into a Bromission. Gulak slips out. Riddle transitions into a triangle choke, but Gulak quickly gets to the ropes. Riddle breaks on the three count. Riddle gets a front face lock on the seated Gulak, who gets a quick small package on Riddle to get a two count. Riddle with a running forearm and a fisherman buster and gets a two count. Another round of applause and I must say this is a hard fought match. Gulak out to the apron and crawls to the turnbuckle to pull himself up by the ropes. Riddle grabs him and gets a sleeper on over the ropes. The referee starts counting Riddle. Gulak drops down to guillotine Riddle on the top rope to get out of the sleeper. Riddle up and hits Gulak with a release German suplex over the top rope. That was an impressive move. Riddle goes up top and comes off with a twisting splash straight into the Gulock by Gulak. Riddle counters into the Bro Derek to get the pin. The crowd chants Bro at Riddle. Gulak gets the mic. Gulak says Catch Point was founded on three things. Competition, Opportunity, and Respect. He then says Matthew Riddle, I stand here as the WWE Cruiserweight Champion in the middle of an Evolve ring and bro, you are a hell of a competitor. I respect you and it is always an honor. They shake hands and then hug. They do the Catch Point sign and then Gulak calls out Curt Stallion. He introduces himself and says I've got news for you, Matthew Riddle hand-picked you to be his opponent tomorrow at Evolve and I hope you are equally up to the task.
-Feature on the rivalry between Austin Theory and JD Drake.
-Title Unification Match. Evolve Champion Austin Theory vs. WWN Champion JD Drake: Bryan Idol comes out as the special guest ring announcer. He tries to make the announcement but keeps coughing and I don't know where this is going. The lights go out and when they come back on, Paul Heyman is in the ring. The crowd erupts into an ECW chant. Heyman bows to all four sides of the ring as a holy shit chant goes out. Then a welcome back chant as Heyman grabs a mic. He says ladies and gentlemen, in case you haven't heard, my name is Paul Heyman and to be blunt, I'm honored and I'm privileged. A thank you Heyman chant goes out. He says no, thank you, because I'm honored and I'm privileged to be back home. Another ECW chant goes out. He says I have for many years been offered different guest spots on different shows. He says I don't do conventions, I don't do guest appearances on things and to be very honest with you if you would indulge me to be personal for a moment, I wasn't invited to come to this show. The crowd boos and Heyman says NO NO NO. Because they know I always turn these things down. So they didn't bother to invite me to be very blunt with you. I asked to be here. The crowd cheers. Heyman says the reason I asked to be here tonight and someone yells something out and Heyman says I'm sorry, in case you didn't understand. You're the schmuck yelling things out and me, I'm just the extreme due with the microphone. He continues and says the reason I asked to be here tonight is because this right here, you, everyone in that locker room. This promotion is the future. He says I do not want to be one of those old time boxers sitting watching the black and white film of Jack Dempsey going that used to be me. I like to go into that locker room, take all of that youth, rub it all up against me and when I get out of here tonight, I'm going to know more about the future of the industry than when I walked in the doors earlier. So, for that reason because I'm fat and I'm sweating my ass off right now. If you don't mind, I'd like to hang around just a little bit, indulge, and ring announce the next match. Because 5 years from now on YouTube or whatever the hot platform will be then, when you watch the video you're going to watch this match and you're going to say to yourselves that was the moment we all knew this industry was going to Evolve.
-Theory out first. He is the Evolve Champion. Drake out next and he is the WWN Champion. Heyman makes the introductions and he is spectacular. The bell rings and they stare at each other. Dueling lets go chants. Drake shoves Theory. Theory responds by slapping Drake. Theory ducks a shot and kicks Drake in the stomach and goes for Ataxia, but Drake counters and goes for the Drill Bit. They then exchange blows. Drake with a corner whip, but Theory jumps up to avoid the charge. Drake misses a clothesline attempt and Theory hits him with a dropkick. Drake misses another clothesline attempt, but then hits Theory with a dropkick of his own. They go outside. Theory throws a forearm at Drake, who ducks and Theory hits the corner post instead and Drake with a slap to Theory's chest and Theory goes to the floor. Theory up and Drake keeps chopping Theory in the chest. Theory starts crawling up the aisle trying to get away from Drake. Drake goes for a move, but Theory reverses it into a backdrop. Theory screams at Drake as the referee says to Theory that he has to get Drake into the ring as there are no count outs in Evolve. Theory stomps on Drake. Theory yells at Drake that it took 15 years to get here and it took Theory three years. Theory then throws Drake back in the ring. He only gets a one count. Theory screams that it was 5 channeling his inner King Kong Bundy I guess. Drake hits Theory, who comes back with forearms to the head of Drake. Drake comes back with a chop that knocks Theory down. Theory gets up with a kick and a forearm to knock Drake down. Theory with more kicks and stomps to Drake and a kick to the ribs while Drake is hanging on the second rope. Theory with a snap suplex. He gets a two count. Theory takes Drake's own hand and puts it around Drake's throat and puts an arm bar on Drake. Drake slapping at Theory with his other hand to try to get out of the move. Drake gets up and goes to kick Theory, who blocks the kick and hits Drake with a belly to back suplex. Theory with a standing moonsault to get another two count. Theory with a forearm to Drake's ribs. Drake gets to his feet in the corner and hits a chop to Theory. Theory responds with a running charge to Drake. Another forearm by Theory knocks Drake to one knee. Theory with more forearms, but Drake starting to come back. He gets back to his feet. He screams to Theory You can't hit me harder than life has. Drake then comes back with a chop that knocks Theory to one knee. Theory up and hitting Drake with a series of short clotheslines, but Drake won't go down. He gets Drake down to one knee, but Drake gets up quickly and hits Theory with a clothesline to knock Theory to the ground. The referee checking on both me. Drake rushes Theory, who hits Drake with a back elbow. Theory rushes Drake, who catches Theory with a scoop slam. Both down and a double count going. Both up and Drake rushes Theory, who drop toe holds Drake into a turnbuckle. Theory with a Rolling Thunder dropkick to Drake. Theory with a crossbody to Drake and Theory floats over the top rope to the apron. He goes for a double stomp on Drake, who rolls to the outside and grabs Theory by the leg. He pulls Theory out and then throws Theory up against the ropes and as Theory bounces off and comes back, Drake hits him with a big right hand. Theory slowly collapses. Drake throws Theory back into the ring. Theory keeps rolling and goes back out to the floor on the other side, so Drake hits him with an impressive tope, and rolls Theory back in. Drake chops and scoop slams Theory. Drake goes up to the second rope and does a Beer Bomb Splash to get a two count. Drake goes up to the second rope again, but Theory up and comes after Drake. Drake with some back elbows to knock Theory off and hits a leg lariat from the second rope. He follows it up with a running splash in the corner, but Theory moves at the last moment. Theory hits a Blockbuster and gets a close two count. Theory bleeding from his nose. Theory goes for Ataxia, but Drake picks Theory up and drives him into a turnbuckle. Drake with a chop and both men are spent. Drake picks Theory up and puts him on the top rope and then chops Theory on the chest. Drake goes up top and looks to be going for a superplex, but Theory with some right hands to Drake to try to stop it. Theory slips through Drake's legs. He goes for a powerbomb, but Drake with a right hand to stop it. Theory gets Drake up on his shoulders and does a three seconds around the world bomb for another close two count. Theory goes for a move that Drake counters with a back body drop. Drake with a charge, but gets a boot to the face by Theory. Drake gets a Stunner out of nowhere that Theory oversells to the point that even the Rock would say it's too much. Drake then hits a cannonball and the Drill Bit, but only gets another two count. Drake hits a moonsault and gets yet another two counts. Both up on their knees and Drake with a right hand. Theory responds with a forearm. Back and forth in the center of the ring. Theory again goes for Ataxia, but Drake rolls through and hits a brutal looking lariat. Drake goes up top but misses the moonsault when Theory moves. Theory with a series of superkicks and hits Ataxia to get the pin and unify the two championships. Theory gets both belts and grabs a mic. He says everyone knows that Evolve wrestling is where it's at and everybody's going to try their hardest to get here. They're going to chase their dreams. He then throws the WWN Championship down and steps on it. He says they're going to chase their dreams and realize the Evolve Championship symbolizes that your dream must go through me if you want to get where you want to go. Because Austin Theory is the measuring stick of Evolve. Austin Theory is the Standard of Evolve. Austin Theory is the real superstar. As soon as he says that, the lights go out. When they come back on, Josh Briggs is standing behind Theory. Briggs grabs Theory and choke slams him. Briggs then grabs the Evolve Championship and holds it up high. He then throws the championship down and leaves the ring.
-A feature on Josh Briggs.
-Main Event. NXT Championship Match. Adam Cole vs. Akira Tozowa: The bell rings. They lock up. Battle for position and drive to the corner. They break clean. Cole taunts Tozowa. They circle each other again and Cole with a go behind waist lock. Tozowa counters into a wrist lock. A series of counters until Tozowa gets a side headlock on Cole. Cole trying to get out, so Tozowa cranks it on harder. Cole manages to apply a headscissors. Tozowa rolls through to escape and goes back to the side headlock. Cole gets back to his feet and gets a side headlock on. Tozowa pushes off. Cole comes back with a shoulder block. Back and forth. Tozowa gets the Octopus Submission on. Cole gets to the ropes. Tozowa with a corner whip. He charges Cole, who backdrops Tozowa to the apron. Tozowa with an enziguri and goes up top. Cole grabs Tozowa's leg and yanks him off the top rope. Tozowa looks like he hit his head on the top turnbuckle. Tozowa waves the referee off as he gets up and Cole hits him with a running kick. Cole then hits a neck breaker. Tozowa up and Cole hits him with a forearm shot. Cole follows that up with a corner whip and Tozowa hits the corner buckle hard. Cole with a snap mare. He follows that up with some driving knees into Tozowa's back. Cole goes back to the side headlock. Tozowa reaching for the ropes, but Cole pulls him back. Tozowa gets back to his feet and breaks free with a series of elbows. Cole hits Tozowa with a back elbow as Tozowa charges Cole. Cole screams I'm going to be NXT champion forever and you suck to Tozowa, who responds with a slap to the face. They trade forearm shots. Tozowa with a series of forearms and Cole responds with a knee to the face and runs at Tozowa, who catches Cole up on his shoulders and Cole with a series of elbows to try to get out of the move. Tozowa throws Cole to the mat and hits a big boot to Cole's face and Cole rolls to the outside to regroup. Tozowa responds with a tope suicida on Cole on the outside. Tozowa goes for another one, but Cole wisely moves out of the way. Tozowa goes to the apron. He then runs along the apron and hits Cole with a senton on the floor. Tozowa's leg gets caught in the guard rail. Tozowa frees himself and throws Cole back into the ring. Tozowa goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Cole. He gets a two count. Tozowa with a waist lock. Cole with a standing switch. A series of reversals. Cole gets an enziguri and double knees to the back of Tozowa. He gets a two count. Cole gets Tozowa up in a fireman's carry, but Tozowa with a series of forearms to get out of the move. Tozowa runs the ropes and Cole hits him with a big kick and hits a backbreaker. He gets another two count. Cole with a forearm shot. Tozowa responds with an elbow to Cole. Back and forth. Tozowa beating Cole down with a series of forearms. Tozowa runs and Cole hits him with a bicycle kick, but Tozowa shakes it off and charges Cole again only to get hit with another kick and Cole charges Tozowa, who gets a bicycle kick of his own in. Cole responds with an enziguri. Cole rushes Tozowa, who has his hands up to block a strike. Cole stops and Tozowa psych's him out and hits Cole with a big right hand. Cole hits a big superkick at the charging Tozowa. Both men down. Tozowa's mouthpiece went flying on the kick. Tozowa goes up top. Cole up and hits Tozowa with a forearm while he is on the top rope. Cole goes for a superplex, but Tozowa blocking the attempt. They trade chops. A forearm by Tozowa knocks Cole off the top rope. Tozowa comes off the top rope and Cole hits him with a superkick. Cole hits a brain buster on Tozowa by driving Tozawa's head into Cole's knee. Another two count. Cole rolls out to the floor, grabs the NXT Championship, and goes back into the ring. Tozowa struggling to get back up as the referee warns Cole to put the belt down as he tells Cole that he will disqualify him. Cole heads towards Tozowa, but Johnny Gargano comes out, distracting Cole, allowing Tozowa to get the roll up and a two count on Cole. Tozowa comes back with a snap German suplex on Cole. Tozowa grabs Cole from behind and Cole responds with a series of back elbows to break the hold. Tozowa hits a snap German suplex. Tozowa gets a waist lock on. Cole with a series of back elbows to break the hold. Cole ducks an enziguri attempt. Tozowa connects with a second attempt. Tozowa goes up top and comes off for a back splash, but Cole gets his knees up. Cole goes up top and hits the Panama Sunrise. He then hits the Last Shot on Tozowa and gets the pin. Cole grabs his title. Gargano comes into the ring and Cole slides out. Cole lifts the championship up and tells Gargano that it's his title, he's the champion. Gargano checks on Tozowa. A Johnny Wrestling chant goes out.
-Gargano gets the microphone and says let's hear it for Akira Tozowa. The crowd cheers. Gargano says every time he steps into this building, he's reminded of what they do and this is awesome. Gargano says he was at the very first Evolve event back in 2009 in this building and now 10 years later, he's back in this ring, in this building. Live on the WWE Network and that tells him two things. 1. He's getting old. 2. Professional Wrestling in 2019 is pretty freaking cool. And it is because of the fans. They are making it what it is and he thanks them so much for that. He then says back in the day, they used to close these things by asking a very particular question to the audience. He brings the mic over to Tozowa, who asks did you enjoy the show? The crowd cheers. They then do the Daniel Bryan point and Yes chant. He says there would be no Akira Tozowa, no Adam Cole, no Johnny Gargano, if it wasn't for the fans. Seriously, they all started here and the fans let them live their dreams and they can't thank the fans enough for that. He says he's going to ask them for one more think because tonight, it isn't about those guys in the locker room. It's about the future of professional wrestling. It's about JD Drakes, the Austin Theory's. It's about the Shotzi Blackhearts, it's about Josh Briggs. It's about every single one of them and he wants the fans to support them as much as they supported him and the others who came before. The crowd cheers and does an Evolve Wrestling chant. Gargano thanks the crowd and tells them he loves them and he loves Evolve Wrestling as they sign off.
-Final Thoughts: This was an enjoyable show. You saw rising stars mixed with current stars. Recommended.