Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 45 Notes

-Today we are looking at the 2011 Royal Rumble from the WWE.
-Royal Rumble 2011 took place on January 30, 2011 from TD Garden in Boston, MA. There were 15,133 in attendance and the show did 476,000 PPV buys.
-Opening Credits highlighting past Rumbles and the fact that 40 men will compete.
-Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker are the commentators for the event.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Edge VS. Dolph Ziggler. Edge will lose the title if he uses the spear. Vickie Guererro comes out. She reminds everyone that the spear is banned. She starts chanting spear to set off Edge. Edge with the early advantage. Ziggler coming back. Edge gets a one count and then a two count. A knee to Ziggler’s stomach gets another two count. It goes to the outside. Edge throws Ziggler into the barricade. Edge continues to punish. Ziggler nails Edge coming back in. Neckbreaker gets a two count for Ziggler. Ziggler focusing on Edge’s neck. He goes for multiple pin attempts. A lets go Edge chant goes out. Edge rolls through a sunset flip and catapults Ziggler into the corner post. Ziggler gets another neckbreaker. Ziggler is relentless with a reverse snap mare and cover. Edge is then shot outside and hits the barricade. Another two count for Ziggler. Ziggler working a headlock. Double body press and both men are down. The referee’s count starts. Both up and Ziggler misses a corner charge. Edge hits a modified flapjack. Back and forth. Edge gets a two count. Ziggler hits a jawbreaker. Edge counters a fameasser for a two count. Edge goes up top but gets caught. Edge blocks a superplex and hits a crossbody. Ziggler rolls through it for a two count. A dropkick by Ziggler gets another two count. Edge with a modified sharpshooter. Ziggler gets to the ropes. Another fameasser gets a two count for Ziggler. Edge gets a high knee. He positions himself for the spear. He rethinks it and comes out as Ziggler gets the sleeper on. Edge fights out and hits a DDT. Vickie breaks up the count. She gets up on the apron and Edge comes over to her. She slaps him. Ziggler comes from behind to hit Edge, but he ducks and Ziggler stops himself before hitting Vickie but Edge rolls him up for a two count. Vickie starts slapping Edge again. Kelly Kelly comes down and attacks Vickie. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, but Edge kicks out at two and a half. Ziggler gets the sleeper on again. Edge trying to get out hits the referee. Edge hits a piggy back stunner to get out. With everyone still down, Edge goes for the spear. He hits it and Ziggler sells it like he’s been shot. Edge hits the unprettier to win. Vickie is irate that Edge won. Cole, Striker, and Lawler talk about the last match and the next match coming up.
-Flashback to what led to the WWE Championship Match.
-Josh Matthews talks to The Miz and Alex Riley. Miz says there’s a reason that he’s the champion and Randy Orton is not.
-WWE Championship Match: The Miz with Alex Riley VS. Randy Orton: Michael Cole really playing up his heel role as The Miz comes out. Miz gets some cheers as he is announced. Orton with uppercuts to start and then he throws Miz out. Orton throws Miz into several guard rails. Then a clothesline to Miz. Back in, Orton kicks Miz several times as Lawler and Cole bicker. He does a bottom rope guillotine for a two count. Miz starts to feebly fight back. Riley catches Orton with a hot shot while the referee was admonishing Miz. Miz on the attack. Orton blocks Miz running him into a turnbuckle and runs Miz instead. Riley pulls Miz away from an Orton corner charge. Miz beating Orton down into the corner. He gets a two count. Riley keeps cheating for Miz. Cole high fives Riley. Miz with a headlock. Orton comes back with a headbutt. Back and forth. Miz with a back elbow for a two count. A big knee to Orton’s head for a two count. Miz goes back to the headlock. Orton counters. Miz goes for a belly to back suplex. Orton hits an elbow. Orton gets a back suplex. Miz gets a big kick for a two and a half count. Miz goes up top and gets caught. Orton hits a superplex. Shades of his father. Miz kicks out at two. They trade blows. Orton hitting some big clotheslines. Then a backbreaker on Miz. Miz backdrops Orton outside where he is attacked by Riley. Miz runs Orton into the barricade and then the ring. He gets a two count. He hits a tope rope double ax handle on Orton and gets another two count. Miz tries for multiple pin attempts. He then tries for a chinlock. Modified camel clutch. Orton powers back up. It goes outside. Miz catapults Orton into the ring post. The referee starts a count on Orton. He gets back into the ring at 8 and attacks Miz. Orton hits a big clothesline on Miz, then another. Then a big powerslam. He then does the Garvin stomp to Miz. That gets a two count. Miz comes back with a backbreaker/neck breaker combo for a two count. Miz rolls out after another two count. He grabs his belt and goes to leave and Orton hits him with a clothesline outside. Miz gets rolled up for a two count after missing a big boot. Orton hits a suspension DDT. The New Nexus comes out. Riley goes to attack Orton, who throws him on The New Nexus. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Orton counters with an RKO. CM Punk then comes and hits Orton with the Go To Sleep and puts Miz on top of Orton and Miz gets the pin.
-Don’t try this at home ad.
-Todd Grisham reads Cody Rhodes statement about why he isn’t there and about his injury at the hands of Rey Misterio.
-The WWE Universe gives their prediction on who will win the Rumble.
-Two on One Handicapped Match for the Divas Championship: LayCool VS. Natalya: The Anonymous RAW GM changes the match to a Fatal Four Way: Eve comes out. Layla and Michelle McCool go on offence. Face buster on Eve. Natalya slingshots Layla on McCool. McCool and Layla stare each other down. Multiple pin attempts. Natalya does a double sharpshooter on Layla and Eve before McCool breaks it up. Layla hits a neckbreaker on Eve. More pin attempts. Lawler is just sandbagging Striker at every turn when Striker is honestly just trying to make the commentary and the match better. I’m tired of all the Striker hate. Eve hits a moonsault at the same time McCool covers Natalya. They announce Eve as the winner.
-Josh Matthews interviews Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim. Bryan talks about the Royal Rumble before being interrupted by The Bellas. They start brawling.
-A preview of the Royal Rumble Match by the numbers.
-Justin Roberts announces the rules.
-2011 Royal Rumble Match: 1. C.M. Punk. The Corre come and surround the ring. They attack Punk. The New Nexus come down and both teams brawl. The Anonymous Raw GM sends a message for everyone to stop. He says everyone but Punk has to leave. A C.M. Punk chant goes out. 2. Daniel Bryan. They brawl. Back and forth. Bryan it’s a big dropkick as dueling chants go out. 3. Justin Gabriel. He attacks Punk. Bryan and Punk are both down. Gabriel misses a 450 splash. Bryan dumps him out. 4. Zack Ryder. He goes after both wrestlers in the ring, but gets hip tossed out by Bryan. 5. William Regal. He attacks both men hard. A Regal chant goes out. Regal slugs it out with Bryan. Punk then hits Regal. Bryan kicks both Punk and Regal. 6 Ted DiBiase comes out. This is Ted Jr. He knocks everyone in the ring down. He then tries to eliminate Punk. Bryan starts attacking Regal. 7. John Morrison. He attacks everyone in the ring. Morrison is then knocked to the outside, but he grabs the barricade and climbs on it as Regal is eliminated. Morrison jumps to the ring steps and comes back into the ring. 8. Yoshi Tatsu. 9. Husky Harris. He protects Punk and is attacked by Bryan and Morrison. 10. Chavo Guerrero. Guerrero does the three amigos to DiBiase, but gets cut off by Punk so he starts doing them to Punk. He is then cut off by Morrison, so he starts doing them to Morrison. He is then cut off by Bryan, so he starts doing them to Bryan. He is then attacked by Husky Harris. 11. Mark Henry. Guerrero attacks him. Henry catches him and dumps him over. Henry then eliminates Tatsu. Harris and Punk attack Henry. 12. JTG. 13 Michael McGillicutty. JTG eliminated by Bryan. DiBiase eliminated 14. Chris Masters. He goes after Punk but is attacked by McGillicutty. 15. David Otunga. Bryan is eliminated. Masters is eliminated. The New Nexus eliminates Morrison. They go after and eliminate Henry. 16. Tyler Reks. The New Nexus immediately attack and eliminate him. 17. Vladimir Kozlov. They attack and eliminate him. 18. R-Truth. Again, attack and eliminate. 19. The Great Khali. He eliminates Harris. 20. Mason Ryan. He attacks Khali and eliminates him. 21. Booker T. He comes out to a big pop. He attacks The New Nexus. He hits the Book End and does a spinnerooni, but then gets eliminated. 22. John Cena. He comes out determined. He eliminates all but Punk quickly. He and Punk then start to go at it. Back and forth. Double clothesline. 23. Hornswoggle. Punk hits him with a stiff kick. Punk goes to eliminate Cena, who switches it and eliminates Punk. 24. Tyson Kidd. He gets double teamed and both Cena and Hornswoggle hit the Attitude Adjustment on Kidd. He then gets eliminated. 25. Heath Slater. He gets the 10 knuckle shuffle and the tadpole splash and gets eliminated. 26. Kofi Kingston. He takes his time going down. He and Cena finally lock up. 27. Jack Swagger. He attacks everyone. Kingston attacks him while Hornswoggle has him distracted. 28. Sheamus. He takes down everyone. Hornswoggle attacks him. He goes after Hornswoggle, but gets attacked by Cena. Swagger attacks Cena and Sheamus eliminates Hornswoggle. 29. Rey Misterio. He goes after everyone, but gets grounded by Sheamus. Misterio eliminates Swagger. 30. Wade Barrett. He and Cena go at it. Kingston gets Barrett down. 31. Dolph Ziggler. He goes after Cena and Kingston. Ziggler and Barrett try to eliminate Cena. 32. Diesel. He gets a huge pop coming out as he puts on his black glove. A Diesel chant goes out. He goes after everyone. 33. Drew McIntire. He and Sheamus go after Diesel. A let’s go, Diesel chant goes out. Misterio hits the 619 on Diesel. Payback for the lawn dart incident in WCW, perhaps? 34. Alex Riley. Barrett eliminates Diesel. The Miz joins commentary. 35. The Big Show. Big Show and Diesel have a stare down moment as they pass each other on the ramp. Big Show hits the ring and just goes through the competition. He eliminates Ziggler. Kingston and Cena eliminate Riley. 36. Ezekiel Jackson. Big Show eliminates McIntire. Jackson eliminates Big Show. Jackson clotheslines everyone. 37. Santino Marella. He goes after Jackson, who knocks him down and he slides out under the bottom rope. 38. Alberto Del Rio. He comes down being announced and comes out in a Bentley. He takes his time. 39. Randy Orton. He attacks Del Rio from behind on the way to the ring. He throws him into the stairs. He RKO’s several people. He eliminates Kingston and Sheamus. Orton and Cena circle each other. 40. Kane. He goes after Orton. Jackson clotheslines Kane who ducks as Jackson goes for another but gets eliminated. Misterio hurricanrana’s Kane out, but gets bumped out by Barrett. Barrett and Cena and Del Rio and Orton squaring off. Cena hits a gut wrench suplex to Barrett. Orton beats down Del Rio. Orton and Cena again circle each other and slug it out. Barrett breaks it up. Attitude Adjustment for Del Rio. Alex Riley comes back down and distracts Cena causing The Miz to jump in the ring and eliminate Cena. The Final three left to circle each other. Barrett and Del Rio double team Orton. Orton fighting back. Orton eliminates Barrett then gets eliminated by Del Rio. It looks like Del Rio has won. Marella climbs back in the ring. He crosses himself and then hits The Cobra on Del Rio. He goes to throws Del Rio out, but Del Rio reverses it and throws Marella out and is announced the winner. They review the ending before signing off from Boston.