Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 46 Notes

-Today, we are looking at the SNME from November 1985.
-SNME III was shown on NBC on November 2, 1985. It was recorded October 31, 1985, from the Hershey Park Arena in Hershey, PA. The show drew a 6.3 rating.
-Mean Gene Okerlund and Bobby Heenan talk about the matches and challenges coming up tonight.
-Hulk Hogan says he and Andre the Giant will take on Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy and demolish them.
-Jesse Ventura is with Roddy Piper dressed as Super Rod. They talk about Piper interrupting the wedding at the last SNME and the fact that the hillbillies are going to be on Piper’s Pit.
-Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and Terry Funk. Funk talks about taking on the Junk Yard Dog. Funk then spits tobacco juice on the camera.
-Opening Credits.
-Vince McMahon welcomes us and runs down that night’s card as they show shots of people dressed up for Halloween in the crowd. He then brings Jesse Ventura on decked out in his peacock garb. Jesse talks about the wedding that was on the last SNME.
-They flashback to Terry Funk beating up Mel Phillips but we didn’t know that was supposed to be a good thing then. Look it up.
-Mean Gene talks to Jimmy Hart and Terry Funk. They say that what happened to Phillips will be nothing compared to what they are going to do to JYD.
-Flashback to Funk attacking JYD with the branding iron.
-Mean Gene talks to JYD. He says every dog has its day and today is his day.
-The Junk Yard Dog VS. Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart: JYD attacks before the bell. He posts Funk on the top rope. Funk rolls out to regroup. Funk misses an elbow. JYD dumps him outside. Back in, JYD slams Funk and head butts him several times. Funk rolls out again. JYD chant goes out. Hart trips JYD, who then chases Hart. Funk comes out to help Hart and gets dropped by JYD. Funk jabbing JYD when they get back into the ring. Funk gets a sleeper on as the JYD chant goes out again. JYD reverses the sleeper. Hart gets up on the apron and JYD comes over and drags him in. The ref gets distracted by this and Funk comes from behind and nails JYD with Hart’s megaphone. He gets the pin and the crowd is upset. Funk and Hart attempt to brand JYD. He catches the brand though. JYD nails Funk with the iron and knocks out Hart. As Funk pulls Hart out of the ring, JYD pulls Hart’s pants off. JYD then “brands” Hart.
-Mean Gene emcee’s the Halloween pie eating contest between Lou Albano and King Kong Bundy: Bobby Heenan's team vs. Lou Albano's team. Heenan’s team: RANDY SAVAGE as Tarzan, ELIZABETH as Jane, NIKOLAI VOLKOFF as Robin, IRON SHEIK as Batman, BOBBY HEENAN as Davy Crockett and KING KONG BUNDY as Abe Lincoln.
Lou Albano’s team: HULK HOGAN as Hercules, the HILLBILLIES as The Three Musketeers, TITO SANTANA as Zorro, and CAPT LOU ALBANO as Julius Caesar. It’s very messy. Albano is eventually declared the winner.
-Flashback to Roddy Piper interrupting Uncle Elmer’s wedding.
-Piper’s Pit in the ring with the Hillbillies. Piper insults the Hillbillies to start. They start to get angry and warn Piper. They stand up to Piper but also call out Jesse Ventura, who then leaves the booth and confronts the Hillbillies. Piper and Bob Orton trip Cousin Junior and then they start to brawl. The heels bail, but the Hillbillies get Jesse’s hat and stomp on it.
-Game #2: The Pumpkin Dunk. Bobby Heenan vs. Cousin Junior. 200 pounds of chocolate syrup with pumpkins in there. JYD is dressed as a mummy, as Savage holds the bag for Heenan and JYD for Junior. Heenan gets seven, Junior gets four, so it's Albano 1, Heenan 1, and the rubber match comes later.
-Mean Gene interviews Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy, and Big John Studd. They say that they are unbeatable and unstoppable. They head to the ring.
-Mean Gene interviews Lou Albano, Hulk Hogan, and Andre the Giant. They say enough of the nonsense, they are the real deal. Andre says enough talk, it’s time for action.
-Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant with Lou Albano VS. King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd with Bobby Heenan: A weasel chant breaks out in the crows as the faces come out the music has been replaced with Real American. Hogan and Bundy start. Back and Forth. They shove each other, and a shoulder block has no effect on Bundy, so Hogan with a knee, then he tries a body slam, but can't do it and Hogan with a right hand. Bundy misses a clothesline, two Hogan right hands, and a clothesline in the corner tags Andre in. Andre chokes Bundy with his own strap for literally a minute, pissing Jesse off, then a tag to Hulk and a double axe handle off the middle ropes. Hogan then gets nailed by Studd as he goes after Bundy, and that gets the advantage to the heels. Studd tagged in, and he pounds away until Hogan hits an atomic back breaker, and a tag to Andre Two big chops, then forearms by Andre, but one of them catches the referee. The referee was long time "Timekeeper at the Bell" Mike Mittman. So Hogan and Bundy come in and we've got a brawl. Joey Marella in to check on the referee, and the faces drive the heels outside. Back in, and Andre locks a bear hug on Studd, with Marella now the official. Big forearm by Andre, then Hogan gets a kick in and the he gets tagged in and a double chop. Hogan off the ropes and hits an elbow on Studd, then tags Andre, who nails a big foot, knocking Studd outside. Andre goes to the apron after Studd, but Bundy from behind with a right hand gets Andre caught in the ropes. Hogan nails Bundy, then goes after Studd, but he trips him for Bundy's big splash. Then the heels double team Andre, and the bell rings for the DQ until Hogan from behind nails Bundy as Andre gets free, and Hogan with a big foot on Bundy and clothesline on Studd send the heels out. Hogan and Andre win by DQ.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant in the ring. Andre says he’s not done and wants some more. Hogan and Andre tell each other that they will never be beaten.
-Mean Gene interviews Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a little different her and not what we usually see. She’s a little more open. Savage says he is ready for Tito Santana.
-Intercontinental Championship Match: Tito Santana VS. Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth: Savage is intense. Jesse says Chico IYDAH. Savage with a big right hand. Savage comes out hot, but Santana evens things up. Savage with a double ax handle from the second rope. Savage with a sleeper on. Into a headlock. Santana is fighting out of it. Savage with a slam and he goes up. Santana catches him in the midsection coming off. Some jabs and a roundhouse knocks Savage down. Savage bails out and Santana follows. They do a cat and mouse game. They fight on the outside and both get counted out. The crowd boos.
-Mr. Fuji and Ricky Steamboat are both shown getting ready for their bout.
-A look at how Roddy Piper celebrates Halloween. Piper has posters of himself all over the place, and has huge candies for the kids. Huge candy apples, actually bowling balls, and chocolate bricks, or just bricks. McMahon calls Piper a native, so he does some dance for a minute. Then kids come and he drops the TRICKS in the bags of the kids' TREATS. Well, he did it last year, so the kids put chocolate hot peppers in the bags that drive Piper crazy.
-Vince McMahon interviews Hulk Hogan, who loved the look at Piper’s Halloween.
-Kung Fu Challenge: Mean Gene interviews Mr. Fuji who is breaking bricks. He is ready for Steamboat. Mr. Fuji with Magnificent Muraco VS. Ricky Steamboat: Mean Gene interviews Steamboat. They flashback to Fuji and Muraco attacking Steamboat. Steamboat says that tonight, Fuji will fear the Dragon. Slow to start. They chop back and forth. Steamboat with the advantage. Fuji coming back. Steamboat reverses a suplex. Steamboat hits a top rope dropkick to win. Muraco comes and sprays mist in Steamboat’s eyes. Then Muraco and Fuji double team Steamboat.
-Mean Gene and Elizabeth talk about and demonstrate the pumpkin pass. Vince and Jesse are back stage for:
HALLOWEEN CONTEST #3 - PUMPKIN PASS - Faces start. JYD to Tito, Tito to Junior, Junior to Jim,
Jim to Albano, but Albano drops it. Somehow that's five, at least that's how Vince calls it. Whatever. Then Jesse joins Gene, and we have a new entrant....SUPER ROD! God this is hilarious. Roddy in a Superman suit, with an R instead of an S, of course. The heels cheat by using their hands - Bundy to Volkoff, Volkoff to Sheik, Sheik to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth to Roddy fails, as Savage has a royal fit. Piper blames Liz for dropping the pumpkins.
-Vince, Jesse, and Mean Gene talk about everything that has happened that night and that on the next SNME, Jesse and Piper want the Hillbillies before signing off from Hershey.