Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 47 Notes

-Today we look at Survivor Series 1989 from the WWF.
-Whenever I think of this show, I think of my good friend Mary Kinney and her mother.
-One feels good, two feels so much better.
-Survivor Series 1989 took place Thanksgiving Night, November 23, 1989, from the Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, Illinois.
-The show begins with some wrestlers saying what they are thankful for:
-Hulk Hogan-He and the Hulkamaniacs are thankful that they are happy and healthy, thankful that they have time to spend with loved ones, that Hulkamania is still the strongest force in the universe, and that its Survivor Series time and he’s thankful for his team of Hulkamaniacs.
-Ted DiBiase-Thankful that he’s rich, and we’re not.
-Jake Roberts-for Damien and the DDT.
-Demolition- That they don’t have to fight each other.
-Randy Savage and Sherri- The only man worthy of being the Macho King.
-Jim Duggan- living in the USA.
-Dino Bravo-That he’s got the big Earthquake on his side.
-Dusty Rhodes- his polka dots.
-Big Boss Man- for the brand of justice he serves.
-Brutus Beefcake- for wrestling, cuttin’, and struttin’
-Rick Martel- his good looks.
-Rick Rude- having the most ravishing body in the WWF.
-Roddy Piper- that he’s not Ricky Rude.
-The Genius- for being the world’s smartest man.
-Mr. Perfect- for being absolutely perfect.
-The Bushwhackers- for having sardine stuffing in their turkey.
-Bobby Heenan- for spending Thanksgiving with all the members of the Heenan Family.
-The Ultimate Warrior- that the warriors give him the power to survive the Survivor Series.
-Opening Credits. Classic Vince McMahon voiceover of the teams facing each other.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura welcome us to the Rosemont Horizon. Jesse is wearing his usual Pilgrim Hat and a unique fur/fringed jacket. He makes fun of Gorilla being fat and eating a lot of Thanksgiving food before throwing it to The Fink.
-The Enforcers: The Big Boss Man, Bad News Brown, Rick Martel, and The Honky Tonk Man with Slick and Jimmy Hart VS. The Dream Team: Brutus Beefcake, Tito Santana, The Red Rooster, and Dusty Rhodes: They try to get things started. –Santana and HTM start. Martel tagged in. Some close calls. Heels get quick tags in. Santana and Martel tagged back in. Martel rolls through a rollup and pins Santana with a handful of tights. A shot of the future Sapphire at ringside cheering Dusty Rhodes on. Rhodes hits a dropkick on Martel. Faces now doing quick tags. Rooster bites Boss Man to get out of a bear hug. Bad News Brown tagged in. He punishes Rooster for a while before holding him for Boss Man to hit, but Rooster ducks it and Brown gets hit instead. He pushes Boss Man. The team separates them, but shades of ’88 Bad News Brown takes a hike and gets counted out. HTM pinned after a high knee from Beefcake. Martel pinned after a sunset flip by Beefcake. Rooster pinned after a Boss Man Slam. A young Shane McMahon is the outside ref making sure wrestlers leave after they are eliminated. Boss Man slammed by Rhodes Crossbody and pinned. Boss Man clobbers everyone with the night stick and handcuffs Rhodes to the ropes and chokes him until Beefcake brings the clippers out. Survivors: Dusty Rhodes and Brutus Beefcake.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Big Boss Man and Slick. They say that Dusty Rhodes is now their prisoner and Justice will be served.
-Mean Gene Okerlund interviews the 4X4’s. They all have 2X4’s and they say they will be victorious and ready for anything.
-The Kings Court Randy Savage, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, and The Canadian Earthquake with Queen Sherri and Jimmy Hart VS. The 4X4’s Jim Duggan, Bret Hart, Ronnie Garvin, and Hercules: The faces clear the ring with their 2X4’s. Jesse doesn’t like it. Hercules and Valentine start and Gorilla mentions that it takes Valentine 15 minutes to warm up if you’re drinking at home. The crowd loves it when Garvin comes in against Valentine, Garvin chops him hard. Bravo and Hercules now in, Earthquake then in and he pins Hercules. The faces finally get Earthquake down. Valentine rolled up and Garvin gets a two count. Quick tags by the heels. Garvin and Valentine open dueling chop houses. Valentine pinned. Savage just bounces around the ring. Garvin does the Garvin Stomp on Bravo. Bravo sidewalk slams Garvin to pin him. Hart gets a few two counts on Savage. Savage pins Hart after a flying elbow drop. Duggan clears the ring to a big pop. Duggan keeps escaping pins. He goes to the ropes and Sherri pulls it down and Duggan gets counted out. Survivors: Randy Savage, Dino Bravo, and The Canadian Earthquake. Duggan clobbers Bravo and Savage with the 2X4.
-Mean Gene gives us an update on Dusty Rhodes’ medical condition.
-The Genius reads a Thanksgiving Poem.
-The Million Dollar Team Ted DiBiase, Zeus, The Powers of Pain The Warlord and The Barbarian with Virgil and Mr. Fuji VS. The Hulkamaniacs Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, and Demolition Ax and Smash: The heels don’t get entrances, but each member of the Hulkamaniacs gets their own entrance. Hogan’s team not allowed in until Roberts lets Damien out. Zeus wants to start with Hogan. The crowd cheers Hogan to get in. Hogan chant goes out. Zeus can’t seem to be hurt. Zeus pushes the ref away twice and gets disqualified. They have to pull him off of Hogan. DiBiase continues to punish Hogan. Demolition punish DiBiase when they get in. Quick tags by Demolition. DiBiase comes back. Fuji trips Ax who gets pinned by The Warlord. Smash pinned by The Barbarian. Warlord punishes Roberts. Heels quick tagging. They keep cutting Roberts off from tagging. He finally tags in Hogan. The Powers of Pain hit the spike piledriver on Hogan, but get disqualified for not getting out of the ring. Jesse is livid and accuses the referee of being in Hogan’s pocket. DiBiase has the Million Dollar Dream on Hogan, but Roberts saves him. Roberts is then tagged in. Virgil comes in and Roberts DDTs him. DiBiase uses the opportunity to pin Roberts. Hogan starts his comeback against DiBiase. Double clothesline. Hogan recovers and hits the big boot, leg drop, and gets the pin. Sole Survivor: Hulk Hogan. Hogan must pose.
-Sean Mooney interviews Randy Savage, Zeus, and Queen Sherri about No Holds Barred The Movie/
The Match coming up. They say that the cage environment is to their advantage.
-Mean Gene talks to Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan about the match. No Holds Barred. Hogan unwittingly puts down Beefcake about being short. Queen Sherri comes in and throws powder in their eyes and Savage and Zeus come in and attack them.
-Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura reset for the second half. Jesse has his Abraxas shirt on for the movie that he has made. They talk about the problems that the Heenan Family have had lately. This is to cover up for Tully Blanchard had been fired and is not at the event.
-Sean Mooney interviews Rude’s Brood. They are ready for Roddy’s Rowdies.
-Mean Gene interviews Roddy Piper and his team. They have a turkey and talk about bones.
-Rude’s Brood: Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Jacques and Raymond with Jimmy Hart and The Genius but no Bobby Heenan due to the problems in the family VS. Roddy’s Rowdies Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, and The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Perfect and Luke start. Butch comes in then Piper and Snuka, all biting Perfect. Snuka takes over on Jacques. He pins Jacques after the superfly. Piper takes over on Perfect. Perfect bumping for the whole team. Piper hits a piledriver and pins Raymond. Roddy chant goes out. Perfect continues to bump for the whole team Piper taunts Rude. Perfect pins Butch. Rude tagged in. Luke bites him. Rude pins Luke. Perfect batters Snuka. Rude taunts Piper. Heels cheat to perfection on Snuka (No pun intended) Perfect keeps kicking out of pin attempts. Piper and Rude finally in at the same time. They tumble out and fight down the aisle and are both counted out. Perfect attacks Snuka. Back and Forth. Perfect pins Snuka with the Perfectplex. Snuka attacks the Genius and Perfect. Sole Survivor: Mr. Perfect.
-Sean Mooney interviews Rude’s Brood. Rick Rude tells him it’s none of his business where Bobby Heenan is.
-Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warriors. They all need decaf. Don’t try to understand and make sense of The Ultimate Warrior.
-The Heenan Family Andre The Giant, Haku, Arn Anderson, and Bobby Heenan VS. The Ultimate Warriors: The Ultimate Warrior, Jim Neidhart, The Rockers Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty: Andre attacks the Rockers before the Warrior even comes out. Warrior comes in and knocks Andre out so he gets counted out. Weasel chant goes out. A Crescent kick from Haku eliminates Neidhart. Haku and Warrior go at it. Jannetty beaten down but Heenan tagged in and pins him. Anderson begging off from Warrior. Haku pinned by a big crossbody from Michaels. Anderson and Heenan argue. Heenan doesn’t want in there at all. Anderson hits a spinebuster on Michaels and pins him. Warrior thrown out by Anderson. Heenan tags in and out. Anderson gorilla pressed and slammed and pinned by Warrior. Heenan shocked. He’s thrown all around. Warrior won’t let him leave. Warrior hits the flying tackle and pins Heenan. Sole Survivor The Ultimate Warrior. They plug No Holds Barred again and sign off from the Rosemont.