Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 102 Notes

-I went away for the weekend to a wedding in Tennessee.
-First time flying in 25 years. My first flightI had no issues going through security. We get on the plane and the seats across the aisle from me are empty. About 90 seconds before we take off, this guy appears from the back of the plane and sits down and I don’t know where he came from.
-We finally get to Tennessee and rent a small SUV that my wife nicknamed Smoosh.
-We get to our rental and we can’t get in the door. The woman we rented it from thinks it’s user error and doesn’t want to come out. She finally does and discovers it’s not user error.
-My wife falls down on a step and hurts her knee.
-We go to the wedding venue to set up.
-Italian for lunch and my kingdom for a shirt!
-I burned my arm on a steamer.
-Rehearsal Dinner.
-Wedding day: The sign was just a suggestion.
-Father In Law’s birthday: Andrew Johnson Museum and Pioneer’s Daughter.
-Flight home: Poor Jospeh! Unpack everything, buddy!
-Today we are looking at the SNME from April 1991.
-SNME XXIX was shown on NBC on April 27, 1991. It was recorded April 15, 1991 from the Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, Nebraska. There were 9,400 in attendance and the show drew a 7.7 rating on NBC. Last episode of the original NBC run.
-Vince McMahon and Randy Savage welcome us to SNME and run down that night’s card. Savage is still a bit heelish.
-Opening Credits.
-Randy Savage interviews Sgt. Slaughter, Colonel Mustafa, and General Adnan. Slaughter talks about beating The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble and how Hulk Hogan may have won the battle at WrestleMania VII, but Slaughter plans to win the war as they show a clip of Slaughter throwing fire at Hogan after their match at WrestleMania.
-Mean Gene Okerlund talks to The Ultimate Warrior. They talk about The Undertaker attacking Warrior and locking him in a casket. Warrior says neither Sgt. Slaughter nor The Undertaker has sealed his fate. He says tonight he brings the Ultimate Battle.
-Sgt. Slaughter with Colonel Mustafa and General Adnan VS. The Ultimate Warrior: Warrior comes to the ring full throttle. Savage still doesn’t like Warrior. Warrior hits two clotheslines on Slaughter. A shot from the Warrior knocks Slaughter to the outside and Warrior follows him. Back in, Slaughter backs off before hitting Warrior with a cheap shot. Slaughter throws Warrior outside. Mustafa attacks Warrior while Slaughter distracts the referee. Slaughter comes outside and runs Warrior into the post. He then kicks Warrior several times before throwing him back in. Slaughter concentrating on Warrior’s lower back. He then hits a backbreaker on Warrior and then a bear hug. Warrior comes back and slams Slaughter. He then sells the pain to his back. Slaughter goes back to the bear hug. They focus on this as you can now see the aisle and something is being rolled down to ringside. They then show it as Paul Bearer pushing down a casket. Warrior concentrates on the casket and gets hit from behind. Back in, Slaughter concentrates on the back as Warrior tries to get back up. He does finally get back up and hits several clotheslines. He hits the shoulder block as Paul Bearer opens the casket and The Undertaker is in there. Warrior goes to slam Slaughter but sees Undertaker. Slaughter attacks Warrior from behind. Mustafa, Adnan, and Undertaker come into the ring to attack the Warrior and the bell rings. Slaughter is disqualified. Hulk Hogan comes out to make the save. He hits Undertaker with the WWF title, but it has no effect. You see the doubt in Hogan’s eyes when he does this. Slaughter then attacks Hogan, who chases Slaughter outside. Undertaker goes to drop an elbow on Warrior, but Warrior moves. Hogan chases the others to the back while Warrior and Undertaker square off. Warrior finally knocks Undertaker over the top rope, but he lands on his feet. Some officials come out and separate the two.
-Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys. They say that they are Nasty, but not disgusting like The Bushwhackers.
-Roddy Piper interviews The Bushwhackers. They say that they can get Nasty, then they proceed to lick Piper.
-WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Nasty Boys Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags with Jimmy Hart VS. The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch: Luke and Knobbs start. Back and forth. Knobbs with some hard shots. Luke reverses a clothesline and hits a shot. All four in. Bushwhackers hit a double clothesline. They clear the ring. Sags jumps Butch. Butch reverses a clothesline and hits a knee to Sags. Then a knee to the face and Luke is tagged in. He hits a clothesline and gets a two count. They hit the battering ram to both Nasty Boys, but knock them outside. Sags shoots Luke with a clothesline and Knobbs hits him with a boot to the back of the head. Some subtle cheating. Knobs drops several elbows to Luke. Gets a two count. Williams sells a hard corner clothesline. Sags drops an elbow on Luke. Butch saves Luke from being pinned. Knobbs and Butch both tagged in. Sags saves Knobbs from being pinned. Luke clips Knobbs and Butch pins him as there is some miscommunication as there should have been a three count, but Sags was late breaking it up. What are you going to do? Knobbs then pins Butch with an assist from Sags. Terrible match.
-Mean Gene interviews The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. They say the Warrior will be their biggest prize and that Undertaker will not rest until the Warrior Rests in Peace.
-20 man battle royal: Mr. Perfect, Greg Valentine, Paul Roma, Marty Jannetty, The British Bulldog, Tanaka, Jimmy Snuka, Jake Roberts, The Warlord, The Texas Tornado, Jim Duggan, Earthquake, Kato, Hulk Hogan, Tugboat, Hercules, The Big Boss Man, Haku, Shawn Michaels, and The Barbarian are your participants.
-Mean Gene interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. They flashback to Earthquake squashing Damien. Earthquake says he hates snakes and will squash Jake Roberts and finish Hulk Hogan.
-Randy Savage interviews Jake Roberts four months before their big feud. Roberts says no one knows what he has lost. He is so intense. He says he has Damien’s brother Lucifer, the Devil himself. Roberts gets a good reception coming out.
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. He says the Hulkamaniacs know that they are in battle mode. He says he has no friends in the battle royal, but he is focused on getting through it and onto Sgt. Slaughter. He knows he is going to be gunned for.
-Savage picks Earthquake to win. Hogan gets a huge ovation as he comes out. He goes right after Earthquake. Forearms flying as Perfect hangs out on the apron. Roberts and Hogan double team Earthquake. Jannetty and Roma eliminate each other. Hogan chokes Earthquake with some tape. Perfect fighting being eliminated by Hogan and Bulldog. Perfect bouncing around and selling for Valentine and Hogan. Warlord eliminates Bulldog. Tanaka thrown out. Snuka eliminated. Roberts eliminated by Earthquake. Roberts then brings out Lucifer. Everyone backs up. Roberts then leaves. Tugboat hits Hogan from behind. They get into a shoving match. Then they start going at it. Warlord attacks Hogan, who throws him over. Barbarian eliminates Texas Tornado. Earthquake eliminates Duggan. Hogan then tosses out Earthquake. Hogan tosses out Kato and Tugboat comes from behind and eliminates Hogan. Shawn Michaels then eliminates Tugboat and it looks like Hercules eliminates himself. Perfect dropkicks Boss Man for Barbarian to toss out. Perfect holds Michaels for Haku to hit but Michaels ducks and Haku hits Perfect and Michaels dropkicks Haku out. Michaels trying to eliminate Perfect who hangs on. Michaels gets propelled out and a Perfect elbow knocks him off the apron. Valentine hitting both Barbarian and Perfect. Double team on Valentine. Valentine ducks a Perfect dropkick and Perfect hits Barbarian who was holding Valentine and Barbarian is gone. Perfect chops Valentine. Valentine chops back. Perfect selling hard. Valentine atomic drop and elbow on Perfect. Perfect goes over the top but rolls back in. Then they both tumble over but Perfect holds on. Mr. Perfect is the winner.
-Bret Hart VS. Ted DiBiase with Sensational Sherri: Roddy Piper joins commentary. Mean Gene interviews DiBiase and Sherri. DiBiase says Bret has a lot of Heart, but money will get you there quicker. DiBiase and Hart lock up. Hart with the early advantage. He clotheslines DiBiase to the outside. He then launches himself out after DiBiase. Back in, Hart gets a side headlock. Sherri then trips Hart. Hart goes after her, allowing DiBiase to go for a high knee, but Hart ducks and DiBiase hits Sherri. Hart gets a two count. DiBiase then hits a stun gun. A DiBiase piledriver gets a two count. It goes outside. Sherri hits Hart. She then chokes him with her jacket. She then punches Hart in the throat. Hart then does his patented body charge into the corner. DiBiase then goes for the sleeper, but Hart runs him into the corner. Hart lands a punch on DiBiase’s stomach. Hart then knocks DiBiase down and DiBiase begs off. A Hart back elbow gets a two count. Side Russian leg sweep gets another two count. Hart then hits a back breaker and a second rope elbow for another two count. Sherri trips Bret again, who goes after her. DiBiase jumps him from behind. Roddy Piper leaves the booth to help. The crowd erupts when Piper comes out. Piper surprises Sherri. He gets a broom and chases Sherri with it. She runs to the back. DiBiase goes after them and Hart follows. They fight down the aisle and both get counted out.
-Tito Santana VS. The Mountie with Jimmy Hart: Santana starts out hot with a hard right and an atomic drop and two dropkicks. Mountie rolls out to regroup. Santana goes after him and they slug it out. Santana brings Mountie in. Santana tries a monkey flip, but gets pushed off. Mountie runs Santana into a turnbuckle. Santana gets his knees up on a Mountie splash. Santana hits the flying forearm. Hart climbs in the ring and Santana hits him with a flying forearm too. Mountie then gets the cattle prod and nails Santana in the neck with it including that fake zapping overdub that they do. Mountie then gets the pin.
-Mean Gene interviews, Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa, and General Adnan. Slaughter says that Hulk Hogan interfered and that Hogan will get another fireball and when he does, Slaughter is going to dig his fingers into Hogan’s burned flesh. He says Hogan may have won the battle, but he is going to win the war.
-Roddy Piper interviews Hulk Hogan. Hogan says while Slaughter started the war, Hogan will take it to the end. He says all Slaughter has done is add fuel to the fire.
-Vince and Randy then recap the night before signing off from Omaha.