Cup of Joe Wrestling Show

A Wrestling Podcast for your commute.

Episode 101 Notes

-I hope you all had a Happy Halloween. Scott Vaughan, 20 Halloweens at age 14.
-Losing weight while you have a wedding to attend is no fun. None of my old clothes fit anymore and I hate shopping for clothes.
-This will be my first time flying in 25 years.
-Today we look at Night of Champions 2011 from the WWE.
-Night of Champions 2011 took place September 18, 2011 from the First United Center in Buffalo, New York. There were 11,000 in attendance and the show did 161,000 PPV buys.
-Dark Match. Daniel Bryan defeated Heath Slater.
-Michael Cole welcomes us to Night of Champions. He, Jerry Lawler, and Booker T are our announcers for the evening. Booker says this is the one night every championship is going to be defended and it’s going to be awesome. Lawler says by the end of the night, they may have a new C.O.O. in the WWE.
-WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Air Boom Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston VS. Awesome Truth: The Miz and R-Truth: Bell rings. Kingston and Miz start. They lock up and battle for revenge. Miz drives Kingston in the corner and breaks on four. Kingston comes back with a big forearm. That gets a two count. Bourne tagged in. Kingston with a big forearm to Miz and holds Miz’ legs as Bourne stomps down on Miz’ chest from the top rope. Bourne gets a two count. Bourne with a big right hand and tags Kingston back in. Bourne with a corner whip and a back elbow. Then he gets down on all fours for Kingston to deliver a flying fist drop to Miz. Gets another two count. Miz with a knee to the stomach and tags R-Truth in. Kingston with a hip toss. Bourne tagged in. Kingston with a knee to the stomach and flips Bourne up to do a headscissors on R-Truth. Air Boom with a double dropkick to Miz. Awesome Truth roll to the outside. Air Boom with crossbodies onto them from opposite corners. Bourne rolls R-Truth back in and gets a one count. R-Truth with a series of punches to Bourne on the mat. Bourne grabs the rope. R-Truth attacks him. The referee pulls R-Truth away allowing Miz to kick Bourne in the head. R-Truth gets a two count. R-Truth slaps Bourne. Miz tagged in and delivers a running kick to the head of Bourne. Gets a two count. Miz with a rear chin lock. Bourne spins around and hits Miz with some punches to the stomach and kicks to the leg. Bourne goes for a big kick but Miz swipes him away for a two count. R-Truth tagged in. Double shoulder block by Awesome Truth. R-Truth gets a two count. Then another one. R-Truth with a front face lock. Bourne trying to come back with some elbows to the stomach. Bourne with a backdrop to get out of the hold. Double count going. Miz tagged in and cuts Bourne off from tagging Kingston in. Miz with punches to Bourne’s head. Breaks on the four count. Miz with big right hands to Bourne. Bourne comes back with kicks and slaps to both members of Awesome Truth. Big kicks to Miz, but again Miz cuts Bourne off from making the tag. Miz goes for the SCF. Bourne slips through his legs and pushes off to tag Kingston in. Kingston cleans house. He hits the Boom Drop on Miz. R-Truth tries to ambush Kingston, but gets cut off. Miz goes for a DDT, but Kingston counters it into the SOS. He gets a two count. Kingston goes for a suplex. Miz slips behind and goes to roll Kingston up. Kingston holds onto the ropes and hits Miz with an elbow. R-Truth sneaks up and guillotines Kingston on the top rope. Miz hits a reverse DDT. He gets a close two count. Kingston goes for the tag. Miz cuts him off. R-Truth comes in and the referee gets him out. This allows Bourne to hit a flying knee on Miz. They pretend that Bourne tagged in and Michael Cole is irate. Miz argues with the referee about the tag. Bourne comes from behind and rolls Miz up for a two count. Bourne with a high knee and a roundhouse kick to take out both Miz and R-Truth. Bourne goes up top and goes for Air Bourne. Miz moves and Bourne lands on his feet. Miz hits a DDT. Kingston breaks up the count. R-Truth tags in, but the referee didn’t see it and won’t allow it. R-Truth argues with the referee. Miz hits the SCF, but the referee is still arguing with R-Truth. When the referee finally starts to count, he only gets a one count. Miz is angry at the referee and pushes him down by the face hard. The bell rings and Miz is disqualified. Miz and R-Truth are irate. Miz confronts the referee and pushes him down again. R-Truth calms Miz down. He goes over to the ref, picks him up and says sorry about that. Then he slaps the ref. They both yell at the ref that he is the conspiracy and that they are sick of it.
-Miz and R-Truth then are shown backstage and R-Truth is yelling that they are going to pay for this and he is sick and tired of it. They get interrupted by Matt Striker. He asks them if they know putting their hands on a WWE official is tantamount to a fine or a suspension. Miz says who do you think you are telling us about rules? R-Truth says besides, that wasn’t a referee, that was a conspirator out there. They said they don’t give a damn what HHH thinks. After tonight, he may no longer be the C.O.O.
-Intercontinental Championship Match. Cody Rhodes VS. Ted DiBiase: This is of course, Ted Jr. Rhodes comes out with two men who pass out paper bags for people to put on their faces. Flashback to DiBiase coming out of the crowd to attack Rhodes on Smackdown. Bell rings and they lock up and go to a corner. DiBiase delivers a knee to the stomach. He corner whips Rhodes, but misses the charge in when Rhodes leaps out of the way. Rhodes with a drop toe hold. Rhodes goes for a headlock. DiBiase reverses. Rhodes pushes off. He goes for a hip toss. DiBiase rolls out of it and kicks Rhodes in the face. He gets a one count. Rhodes with a kick and a front face lock. DiBiase comes back with a short clothesline. He gets another one count. DiBiase with an arm bar. Rhodes comes back with some slaps to the face and a kick to the groin of DiBiase. DiBiase comes back with a dropkick. He gets a two count. They go back and forth. DiBiase with a takedown and punches to Rhodes. Rhodes with a knee to the stomach of DiBiase. Rhodes then hits a Beautiful Disaster to the skull. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a front face lock slam. Rhodes stomps down on DiBiase. Rhodes with a modified Indian Death lock. He gets DiBiase on the corner with punches. Rhodes with a wristlock and a kick to the stomach of DiBiase. DiBiase drives Rhodes into a corner and monkey flips him out. Both men’s shoulders down and they get a one count, but both bridge out of the count at the same time. Both up and Rhodes overpowers DiBiase and knocks him on the ropes. Rhodes starts slapping DiBiase in the head. The referee drags Rhodes off of DiBiase. Rhodes with a right hand to DiBiase. Rhodes with a corner whip. He misses the charge in when DiBiase moves. DiBiase with an arm drag. DiBiase with a series of right hands to Rhodes DiBiase avoids a Rhodes right hand and hits a backbreaker. DiBiase with an Irish whip and goes for a dropkick, but Rhodes holds onto the ropes. Rhodes with a kick to the head of DiBiase. Rhodes gets an abdominal stretch. DiBiase with a hip toss to get out of the move. Rhodes comes back with a dropkick. He gets a two count. Rhodes with a wristlock/headlock combo on DiBiase. DiBiase trying to come back. Elbows to Rhodes to break the hold and then DiBiase with an Irish whip. He drops down too early and Rhodes drops to the mat and punches DiBiase in the face. DiBiase catches Rhodes with a clothesline. DiBiase with an inverted atomic drop to Rhodes. He slaps Rhodes. Rhodes misses a clothesline. DiBiase with a running knee to the face of Rhodes. He gets a two count. Rhodes gets his boots up on a corner charge. DiBiase hits a spinebuster for a two count. DiBiase goes for Dream Street. Rhodes with a takeover to avoid the hold. Rhodes starts to go for a move from the second rope, but gets hit with a dropkick from DiBiase. He gets a two count, but Rhodes grabs the ropes. DiBiase stomping Rhodes in the corner. He puts Rhodes on the top rope. He goes up to do a move on Rhodes, who headbutts DiBiase several times with his mask. DiBiase comes back with a right hand and arm drags Rhodes off the top rope. DiBiase then trying to rip the facemask off of Rhodes. He rips it off and goes to hit Rhodes with it. Rhodes ducks and rolls DiBiase up for a pin with a handful of tights.
-The Spanish Announce Team is introduced. Carlos Cabrera and Marcelo Rodriguez are your Spanish Announcers for the evening.
-Christian comes out. He addresses the WWE Universe and says he talked to Teddy Long and HHH. He says they are too self-absorbed to do the right thing, so he will do the right thing. He says he’s been in this business for 17 years and over that time, he’s amassed a laundry list of amazing matches. The stuff of legend. The type of matches that people will be talking about for years to come and because of that he deserves one more match to become the World Heavyweight Champion. He says whoever wins the Randy Orton/Mark Henry match, he deserves to face them immediately when they finish competing. Right here, tonight. He says Buffalo, you’ve never won the Super Bowl. You’re probably never going to win the Super Bowl. But Christian has won the Super Bowl, twice. He is a champion and this is the Night of Champions. He says that those who can feel his cause should stand up and let their voices be heard. He gets them to chant one more match. He gets cut off by Sheamus’ music. Sheamus comes out. Sheamus tells Christian that this is the Night of Champions, not the night of the squinty eyed, crying, moaning, complaining little weasel. Christian says this doesn’t even concern Sheamus. Sheamus says actually it does concern him. He’s been a world champion too and he would give his Uncle Fergus’ lucky left green testicle to compete here tonight. Christian says you’re what? Sheamus repeats it. Christian says at least he has the testicles to stand up like a man and tell the entire world that he deserves one more match. Sheamus says he has a point, so he’ll tell Christian what he will do. If he helps Christian get one more match and he wins the championship, he has to promise Sheamus that his first title defense will be against him. Christian says he has a deal. Sheamus says all right everyone here in attendance who agrees should say in unison One More Match. The fans start to chant and then Sheamus hits Christian with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus then leaves Christian laying in the middle of the ring.
-Fatal Four Way match for the United States Championship. Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero VS. John Morrison VS. Alex Riley VS. Jack Swagger: Ziggler is the current US champion. They pair off as the bell rings. Morrison with Swagger and Riley with Ziggler. Morrison runs Swagger into the corner turnbuckle and punches him. Riley runs Ziggler into another turnbuckle and then Ziggler reverses a corner whip. Ziggler misses the corner clothesline and Riley comes back with a clothesline of his own. Riley throws Ziggler to the outside. Morrison also thrown outside by Swagger. Riley goes after Swagger who hits him with a back elbow. Swagger with a shoulder block to Riley. Swagger with forearms to Riley. Swagger with an Irish whip. He misses the clothesline. Riley with a takedown on Swagger for a two count. Riley then kicks Swagger. Riley then punches Ziggler off of the apron. Riley then goes to launch himself onto Ziggler on the outside, but Ziggler sidesteps it and Riley hits the steps with his face. Morrison tries to roll Swagger up inside the ring and gets a two count. Swagger goes for a back suplex and Morrison rolls through and kicks Swagger in the head. Ziggler breaks up the count. Morrison dropkicks Ziggler out of the ring. Morrison gets a two count on Swagger. Swagger pushes off. Morrison comes back with a kick to the face. Swagger hip tosses Morrison to the outside. Ziggler in the ring and screaming at Guerrero about Swagger, whom Guerrero had been trying to recruit, saying Guerrero didn’t need Swagger, she needed Ziggler. Swagger clotheslines Ziggler. Swagger with an Irish whip and a big kick to Ziggler. He then knocks Morrison off of the apron. Riley hits the Final Score on Swagger and goes to cover him. Guerrero puts Swagger’s leg on the rope to stop the count. Ziggler dropkicks Riley from behind. Ziggler asks Guerrero if she just cost him his match. Morrison with an enziguri to Ziggler. He gets a two count. Ziggler blocks a suplex attempt and knocks Morrison down with a kick to the leg. Ziggler with a famouser for a two count. Ziggler with an Irish whip, but misses a clothesline. Morrison with a forearm shot. Morrison puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle. Morrison goes for a superplex. Ziggler fighting to get out of it. He hits Morrison into the tree of woe. Riley leaps over Morrison to go after Ziggler. Morrison reaches up and suplexes Riley off the corner turnbuckle. Swagger leaps up and hip tosses Ziggler off the top turnbuckle. Morrison had fallen to the outside and may have hyperextended his knee. Swagger stomping Riley. Morrison back in the ring attacking Swagger. Morrison ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a clothesline on Swagger. Morrison attacking both Swagger and Riley. Swagger reverses a corner whip and Morrison reverses a slam attempt into a DDT on Swagger. Morrison with a Moonlight Drive on Riley. He gets a close two count. Morrison goes for Starship Pain and Riley gets his legs up. Ziggler gets a sleeper on Morrison. Swagger with an ankle lock on Riley. Morrison gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Riley pushes off. Swagger runs into Ziggler and knocks him to the outside. Riley with a jumping DDT for a two count. Swagger pushes Riley into the turnbuckle and then goes back to the ankle lock. Morrison goes for a crossbody to Swagger off the ropes, but Swagger ducks. Swagger with a gut wrench powerbomb to Morrison. Ziggler pushes Swagger off and pins Morrison to win the match.
-Josh Matthews interviews Mark Henry. Josh says that people are saying that Mark Henry has had opportunities in the past, maybe he can’t win the big one. Henry grabs the microphone. He says he has 15 years of frustration built up and he’s going to take it out on Randy Orton. He says as for all the doubters and the haters, he wants Josh Matthews to come out there and interview him. The New World Heavyweight Champion.
Vickie Guerrero is shown walking backstage saying yes, we won. Matt Striker approaches her for an interview. She said it was exhilarating. Tonight, she saw her future. The US champion works for her. Jack Swagger wants to work for her. Every Superstar in the locker room is buzzing because they all want to work with her. Finally, her talents have been recognized. Things are about to happen. In fact, if HHH loses tonight and has to step down. She knows she will make a great C.O.O. She then kisses Striker and walks away.
-The announcers plug Hell in a Cell coming up in two weeks.
-Flashback to Mark Henry’s path of destruction the past few months and previewing his match with Randy Orton.
-World Heavyweight Championship Match. Randy Orton VS. Mark Henry: Orton gets a huge ovation when he comes out. The bell rings. Slow to start. A Randy Orton chant goes out. They lock up and Henry just throws Orton into a corner. Henry charges in and Orton hits him with some right hands. Orton then ducks a Henry right hand. He kicks Henry in the knee. That drives Henry to his knees. Then a kick to the head to knock Henry down. Then the dumbest move in the business: The Orton Stomp. Then a knee to the temple of Henry. Henry rushes Orton who throws Henry to the outside. Henry starts tearing the Spanish Announce Table apart. He gets back in and lifts Orton up in a military press. Orton slides behind and goes for the RKO. Henry pushes off. A big kick to Orton’s face by Henry. Henry with a corner whip and charges in and hits Orton with a splash. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam. Orton slips behind and puts a sleeper on Henry. Henry runs Orton into the corner turnbuckle to break the hold. Orton hits several forearms to Henry. Henry with a big right hand that knocks Orton off of the turnbuckle to the floor. Henry goes out after Orton. He slams Orton into the ring apron. He gets Orton back inside the ring and headbutts him. Henry wraps Orton back first into the corner post and pulls back on him. He breaks on the four count. Henry gets back in the ring and scoop slams Orton. He then hits Orton with a big splash. He gets a two count. Orton comes back with a series of right hands. Henry comes back by driving a shoulder into Orton’s midsection. He delivers a forearm to Orton’s back. Henry then drops an elbow on Orton. He gets another two count. Henry with a kick to Orton’s leg. He follows that up with a clothesline. Henry grabs Orton by the throat as he is laying on the ground and tells him that he told him it was going to be like this. Orton coming back with a right hand. Then punches and kicks to Henry. Then a series of forearms to Henry. Henry comes back with a headbutt to knock Orton back down. Henry goes for the big splash, but Orton moves. Orton with punches to Henry in the corner. The then clotheslines Henry. Then another. Henry attempts a clothesline of his own which Orton ducks. Orton with a dropkick to knock Henry down. Henry rolls out to the apron. Orton goes for a ropes DDT, but Henry headbutts him. Henry then with a clothesline. Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam. Orton kicks out on two. Henry pulls Orton over to the corner and starts to climb up. He goes to splash, but Orton gets his boots up. Orton goes to take out Henry’s leg. He then DDT’s Henry. Orton goes into his Viper routine. Henry rolls to the apron. Orton goes for the apron DDT and hits it. He gets a two count, but Henry gets his hand on the ropes. Orton comes over to Henry, who pulls Orton’s shoulder into a rope. Henry then kicks Orton down. Orton uses Henry to pull himself to his feet. Then Henry pulls him down again. Orton pulls himself back up again. Orton goes for the RKO and Henry pushes off. Henry hits another World’s Strongest Slam. He then pins Orton to become the new World’s Heavyweight Champion. Henry grabs the title.
-Josh Matthews interviews Mark Henry. Henry grabs the mic and says you didn’t believe, did you? You didn’t believe that he would be holding the biggest prize in professional wrestling. Did you? He tells the crowd not to start cheering because none of them believed it either. They are all doubters and haters. He would like to welcome us all to the Hall of Pain. This is his moment and he is not sharing it with anyone. They don’t deserve this. He’s going to be the most dominant champion of all time. He’s taking on all comers. He isn’t running from anybody and he’s never ever losing this title. He then throws the mic down. He walks back up the aisle with the title on his shoulder.
-Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are shown talking backstage with John Laurinaitis about what happened on RAW this past Monday. Having to team up with Ricardo, a ring announcer. Laurinaitis says do you want my opinion? He says he agrees with Del Rio, but last week’s main event was HHH’s call, not his. Del Rio says Laurinaitis was just doing his job. He says he was just doing his job, but doesn’t Del Rio have a more important job to do tonight? Del Rio says listen Johnny, you don’t tell me what to do. He says tonight after he beats Cena, this company better start treating him with the respect that he deserves. Laurinaitis wishes him good luck tonight. He then turns and says good luck to you too and the camera pans and we see he is talking to CM Punk. Punk stands there and smirks at Laurinaitis. Punk says you know that almost sounded pretty sincere coming from you. Considering I’m the guy that’s always challenging your authority and questioning your integrity and of course there’s the one time I kicked you in the head, on accident of course. Laurinaitis says he’s the Executive VP of Talent Relations and when he says good luck, he means it. Punk says yeah good luck like best of luck in your future endeavors? He then walks away.
-WWE Divas Championship Match. Kelly Kelly with Eve Torres VS. Beth Phoenix with Natalya: Phoenix gets a great reaction when she comes out as she is from Buffalo. The bell rings and they lock up. Kelly with a side headlock. Phoenix pushes off and hits Kelly to knock her down. Phoenix goes to drop an elbow, but Kelly moves. Kelly tries for an Irish whip, but Phoenix overpowers and goes for an Irish whip of her own. Phoenix tries a hip toss. Kelly lands on her feet. Kelly with a wrist lock as a Kelly Sucks chant goes out. Kelly with a modified hurricanrana roll up for a two count. Kelly with a headscissors vice on Phoenix. Then Kelly climbs up top and goes for a crossbody, but Phoenix catches her. Inverted backbreaker on Kelly and Phoenix spanks her. Then a kick to Kelly’s stomach. She then chokes Kelly with her boot for a three count. Phoenix then gets a two count. Phoenix choking Kelly against the ropes. Phoenix with a guillotine slingshot to Kelly on the bottom rope. Gets another two count. Kelly gets back up and hits Phoenix with some forearms. Phoenix comes back with a knee to the stomach of Kelly. Phoenix with an Irish whip. She then goes for a tilt a whirl, but Kelly hits her with a knee to the midsection. Kelly with a bulldog. Natalya pulls Phoenix out to safety and then Eve attacks Natalya. Phoenix then slams Eve down at ringside. Phoenix then rolls back in. She goes to grab Kelly, who gets a small package on Phoenix for a two count. Kelly with a crucifix roll up for another two count. Phoenix pushes Kelly into a corner. Kelly moves at the Phoenix charge. Kelly with a kick to Phoenix. Phoenix with a clothesline. The crowd cheers. Phoenix puts Kelly on one of the turnbuckles. She hits her with a big right hand. Phoenix hits a top rope superplex on Kelly. Both women down. A let’s go Beth chant goes out. Phoenix gets a two count. The crowd boos. Phoenix goes for the Glam Slam, but Kelly rolls through and rolls Phoenix up for the pin. She grabs the title and she and Eve hug and they leave.
-Michael Cole is berating Beth Phoenix on commentary, saying she choked.
-Be A Star Campaign ad.
-Preview of the WWE Championship Match and the history of the WWE Title.
-WWE Championship Match. Alberto Del Rio VS. John Cena: Justin Roberts introduces Ricardo Rodriguez. Del Rio walks to the arena instead of driving out like he normally does. He gets in the ring and asks Rodriguez where his keys are. Rodriguez says he doesn’t know. Cena’s music hits and he comes out driving the car. He runs to the ring to a big ovation. Del Rio clears the ring. Cena is pumped up. Roberts starts to introduce the participants. Del Rio grabs the mic and says he doesn’t want to hear Roberts and his horrible English accent. He then brings Rodriguez back in to introduce him in Spanish. He does. Roberts then starts to introduce Cena, who grabs the mic. Cena asks Del Rio do you know what I hate the worst about you? A small Cena sucks chant goes out. He says Del Rio thinks he's in a class by himself. Not because he’s more talented. Just because he has money and nice stuff. He honestly thinks he’s better than all these people. He says Del Rio thinks he’s the only one who can drive fancy cars down to the ring. Cena then says I stole your Ferrari and drove that to the ring. How does that make you feel? He said you think you’re special because you have your own ring announcer. Well, I’ll give it a try. Cena then introduces himself. The bell rings. Cena with a headlock takeover into a side headlock. Back up and Del Rio pushes off. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. Del Rio goes to the ring apron. Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks dueling chants go out. Del Rio with a side headlock. Cena pushes Del Rio off. He follows it up with a shoulder block to knock Del Rio down. Del Rio rolls back to the ring apron. Del Rio with a kick to the stomach. He then hits Cena with kicks and forearms. Del Rio with an Irish whip. Cena comes back with a shoulder block. Cena runs Del Rio into the turnbuckle. Cena with a corner whip and a bulldog. Cena with a charge and Rodriguez trips him. Referee Charles Robinson catches him and throws Rodriguez out. Del Rio arguing with the referee about the call. Cena comes back with right hands. Cena with a corner whip and a charge, but Del Rio moves out of the way. Del Rio with a running kick to Cena’s back. Then another kick to the kidneys to knock Cena to the outside. Del Rio rolls out after Cena. Del Rio pushes Cena back first into the Spanish Announce Table as the Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks chants go out again. Del Rio rolls Cena back into the ring. Del Rio goes up top. He hits a double shot to Cena. That gets a two count. Del Rio with a rear chin lock to Cena. Cena fights back to his feet. He breaks the hold. Cena with a knee to the stomach and a gut wrench suplex. He gets a two count. Cena runs Del Rio into a turnbuckle. Then a corner whip and a suplex to Del Rio Gets another two count. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio with an arm crunch on Cena’s arm looking to soften it up for the Cross-Arm Breaker. He gets a two count. Del Rio with a running kick to Cena’s head. Dueling Cena chants start again. Another kick to Cena’s head. Del Rio gets a two count. Another kick to Cena’s head. Del Rio working on Cena’s arm. Another two count. Del Rio with a headlock. Cena gets back to his feet. Cena picks Del Rio up for a big slam. A double count going. A You Can’t Wrestle chant goes out. Both men up at an 8 count. Double clothesline and both men down again. Double count going again. Both men up at 8 again. Cena misses a clothesline. Del Rio goes after Cena’s legs with big kicks. Cena goes down. Del Rio kicks Cena to the apron. Cena holding on. Cena blocks a shot and guillotines Del Rio on the top rope. Cena gets back in the ring and Del Rio hits him with a clothesline. Del Rio gets another two count. Del Rio with a charge. Cena moves and Del Rio goes through the ropes to the outside. Referee counting Del Rio. Cena suplexes Del Rio back in from the apron. Both men back down and a double count going. Both men up at 5. Two shoulder blocks by Cena. Cena with a big slam. U Can’t See Me. 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio slips out. Del Rio counters with a modified Code Breaker. He gets a two count. Del Rio with a kick to the kidneys. He goes for the Cross Arm Breaker. Cena ducks and corner whips Del Rio. Cena with a corner clothesline. Cena with a dropkick. Gets a two count. Cena goes up top. Del Rio with an enziguri off the ropes to Cena. Gets a two count. Del Rio misses another running kick. Cena goes for the STF. Del Rio kicks off. Del Rio with a backbreaker. Gets another two count. Del Rio stomping Cena. Del Rio puts Cena on the top turnbuckle. Then forearms to Cena’s back. Cena in the tree of woe. Del Rio goes for a shoulder tackle. Cena lifts up and Del Rio audibly hits the corner post. Cena with a top rope leg drop. Gets a two count. Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio slips out and goes for a German Suplex. Gets another two count. Del Rio dragging Cena to a corner. Del Rio goes up top and hits a back splash on Cena. Gets a two count. Del Rio gets the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena. Cena starts to block it. Del Rio tears his hands away. Cena gets to his feet still in the move and gets a two count. Cena lifts Del Rio up while still in the move. He slams Del Rio down to get out of the hold. Cena hits the AA. Rodriguez runs back down to ringside. Cena runs him into the turnbuckle. Cena gets the STF on Del Rio. Del Rio fighting it hard. Del Rio finally taps. New WWE Champion! Cena celebrates. He comes over to the commentary table and tells the announcers he never gave up and the champ is here!
-The announcers preview the upcoming HHH/CM Punk match.
-Flashback to what led up to the match.
-Main Event. No disqualifications. HHH’s job as C.O.O. is on the line. HHH VS. CM Punk: Punk out first to a great reaction. He gets in the ring and sits down facing the entrance. HHH comes out. He looks determined. Punk attacks HHH right after he does his water spit move on the apron. Jerry Lawler and Booker T call the match pretty much from this point on as Michael Cole has lost his voice. Punk runs HHH over the barricade. Punk starts to tear the announce table apart. HHH hits him with a forearm from behind. He throws Punk through the ropes to the other side of ringside. He then throws Punk over the announce desk. He stomps Punk down behind the announce desk. HHH delivering punches to Punk. HHH goes for the Pedigree. Punk slips out and goes for the GTS. HHH slips out and pushes Punk off. Punk gets into the ring and does a bring it signal to HHH. A CM Punk chant goes out. Back and forth in the ring. Punk with stomps to HHH in the corner. HHH comes back with a knee to the stomach and he throws Punk into the corner. HHH with a corner whip. He goes for the Pedigree again. Punk fighting it and drives HHH into the corner. He then drives his shoulder several times into HHH’s abdomen. Punk with a corner whip. He misses a running knee when HHH moves. Punk falls to the outside. HHH rolls to the outside as well. He runs Punk head first into the barricade. He then runs him into the apron and rolls him back into the ring. He drives Punk’s leg into the ring post. He then does it again. He then runs Punk into the barricade again. HHH with a right hand. Punk comes back with a kick. Then several right hands to HHH. He runs HHH into the barricade. Then a running knee to HHH on the outside. Punk goes for a bulldog, but HHH pushes off and Punk goes over the barricade. HHH with a double ax handle on Punk from the barricade. HHH with a forearm to Punk. HHH with stomps and punches to Punk. Fighting into the crowd. They fight through the crowd. Punk throws a trash can at HHH. He then throws HHH into a barricade. He kicks HHH in the ribs. Then elbows to HHH’s head. HHH then gets Punk down and slingshots him into the video board. Punk then runs HHH into the video board. HHH goes for the Pedigree, but Punk reverses into a backdrop. Punk with a double ax handle to HHH from the front video board. He then throws an equipment bag on HHH. Then another equipment bag. He runs HHH head first into another video board. They fight back down the aisle toward the ring. Punk with punches and kicks. A big roundhouse kick to HHH. Punk puts HHH back in the ring. Punk gets a chair from under the ring. He hits HHH in the back with it. He gets a two count. He sets the chair up in the ropes in the corner. HHH trying to fight back with punches. Punk with several knees to HHH’s face. HHH with a spinebuster out of nowhere. He gets a two count. HHH runs Punk into the set-up chair. Punk falls to the outside. HHH goes outside and clips Punk’s knee. HHH puts Punk back in the ring and slams his leg against the ring post again. He then takes a chair and hits the knee of Punk with it. HHH goes to put the figure four on Punk at ringside, but Punk kicks HHH off into the ring steps. HHH grabs a TV monitor. Punk with a kick to the head of HHH. HHH laid on the Spanish Announce Table. Punk climbs to the top rope and hits an elbow drop onto HHH on the table and the table collapses. They both finally make it back into the ring and R-Truth and the Miz run to ringside. They attack Punk and HHH. Miz hits the SCF on HHH. R-Truth hits the What’s UP on Punk. They put Punk on HHH and tell referee Scott Armstrong to count the pin. It gets a two count. R-Truth and Miz can’t believe it. They go after Scott Armstrong. Miz pushes Armstrong. Armstrong blocks a Miz shot and punches him. R-Truth attacks Armstrong from behind and they beat Armstrong down. Armstrong falls out of the ring. John Laurinaitis comes to ringside. Punk and HHH both up and attacking R-Truth and Miz. HHH with a spinebuster to Miz and Punk throws R-Truth over the top rope. HHH then hits Punk with the Pedigree. He goes to pin Punk, but there is no referee. A replacement referee comes down, but Laurinaitis stops him and tells him to check on Armstrong. HHH crawls over to find out what’s going on. He screams for the referee to get in the ring. Punk hits the GTS. He goes to pin HHH and Laurinaitis has the referee count the pin but R-Truth breaks it up. Punk hits R-Truth with the GTS. Punk goes up top, but HHH catches him with a shot as he is coming off and hits another Pedigree. He only gets a two count. Laurinaitis takes out his phone and starts texting someone. The crowd comes to life with a CM Punk chant. Kevin Nash is shown coming through the crowd. He gets in the ring and attacks Punk and then HHH. He hits big knees to HHH in the corner. Nash goes to powerbomb HHH, but gets attacked by Punk. Punk with shots to Nash in the corner. Nash responds with knees to Punk. Nash then powerbombs Punk. Nash then goes outside and attacks HHH again. Nash then starts taking apart the announce table. HHH hits Nash with a sledgehammer. Triple H chant goes out. It turns into a CM Punk chant. HHH hits another Pedigree on Punk. He gets the pin on Punk. Booker T and Jerry Lawler try to recap everything that happens in the match as they sign off from Buffalo.
-Final Thoughts: Worth checking out at least once. The HHH/CM Punk storyline progressed as well as what is happening with R-Truth and Miz.